• Published 26th Jan 2019
  • 1,570 Views, 13 Comments

Another Day For Filli-Second - FourShadow

When there's villains about, who you gonna call?

  • ...

Another Day, Another Day Saved

Author's Note:

This was just some random floof I whipped up :derpytongue2: I'm just lookin' for stuff to write about and this was randomness that came into my head. Enjoy!

The fastest typing in the world echoed all throughout the kitchen. Pink hands ecstatically typing on the keyboard of a computer, searching for every recipe under the sun, trying to find the perfect one.

"No, that's not it... no that's not it either! Oh wait, there it is!"

A single click of a button and on the screen came up a baking website with the video she needed. Her finger traced over the video, skipping ahead to the stilled image of all the instructions she needed.

"Okay, lets see... flour!"

In a single flash she was out of the room with a bag of flour. And then one look at the screen was all she needed for her to come running out and grabbing sugar. And then salt. Baking soda. Baking powder. Butter. Vanilla. Everything she needed until the entire room was nothing but smoke.

"Pink--agh, Pinkie!"

Once the room cleared from the smoke, the person calling was made visible. It was Twilight Sparkle, all dressed up. But not in usual work clothes or suits, no, she wore a super suit! A super suit with shoulder armor, dark purple spandex, and a mask that concealed her identity perfectly.

"Oh, hey Twilight, what's up?"

Twilight giggled and shook her head. "Look, I just got a call, there's some trouble down at the docks, some of Termite's men was reported going there."

"Oh. Okay!"

"So... you sure you're okay?"

"Yep!" Pinkie Pie chirped.

"And if there's trouble--"

"--Fili-Second's on the case, don't worry! Come on, go and kick some villainy butt!"

"Okay, right. Time to go!"

And with that, she dashed out of the kitchen, presumably to pursue her hero work. Pinkie Pie giggled and went straight back to baking.

In a few minutes, she managed to throw all of the ingredients into the bowl and had everything mixed up, ready to be baked. Only one more thing to add; the chips!

One step and back, and the chocolate chips were added, mixed, until the cookie dough was finally ready. She took a spoon out of a drawer, quickly taking a spoonful of batter and gulping it down. And zipping through the scooping, she got all the cookie dough set on a tray for a first batch.

Once they were slapped into the oven, the timer was set. Now all she had to do was... wait. The worst part imaginable, the waiting. The impatience. The eagerness for the cookies to finally get done! The one thing that drove Pinkie Pie insane when it came to baking!

She scrunched at her face, just thinking about it. Maybe there was something she could do in the meantime? Bored out of her mind, she turned her head to the TV in a corner of the kitchen and flipped it on. A cartoon network was on, playing one of the daily cartoons on the station. She changed the channel with the remote, looking through the stations.

"Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Does whatever a spider can!"


"The Screenslaver interrupts this program for an important annoucement..."

Another switch.

"Titans, go!"

And a switch again.

"--And in other news, today marks the 20th anniversary of Town Hall, since it's construction almost 20 years ago. This peaceful icon, representing all that stood of Maretropolis now stands today, being honored by it's ancestors."

Pinkie Pie used her hands to hold her face up as she watched the news feed.

"And, wait, what's that Stark? Oh... oh dear. Take it Potts."

The video changed, this time to a different news reporter standing outside a street with several police officers and trucks surrounding the perimeter of the area. Guns were unloaded and all were standing behind some barricades, ready to take cover.

"We are here live at the Maretropolis National Bank, t would appears as it's under attack!"

Pinkie Pie jolted right up the moment she heard that word. "Attack!?"

"That's right, under attack. Currently some civilians are severe danger, as soem armed gunmen are in the bank with loaded weapons and a whole lot of anger. Will these soldiers be able to stop them, or will our faithful Power Ponies step in to stop them?"

That was all Pinkie Pie needed. A smirk started to grow on her face as those words were said. "Filli-Second is on her way!"

In a second, she was out of the room and back in with her super suit on. But wait, she almost forgot about the cookies! She looked at the timer, 8 minutes on the clock. If she left now, then it would leave the cookies unguarded. But maybe she could stop them just in time...

"It'll be in and out!"

And like lightning, she was there, and then in a cloud of smoke, she was gone.

Police sirens pierced the city's skies as crew arrived on the scene.

"Clear the building, right now!" The main police chief shouted. "It doesn't have to be like this!"

"Let me explain something to you! You come in here, we leave this bank with the money... and some bodies on the floor. You wouldn't want to be responsible for a few lives gone, now would you?" The leader of the thug group called to the outside.

The chief's angry expression didn't change. There was no winning this situation, and no way to get in without harming anyone. But just then, a soft roaring sound ringed in his ears. He turned his head, and so did the rest of the officers. A smile was on his face when he saw that familiar pink flash coming straight at them.

"Excuse me!" Pinkie Pie flashed by, halting straight at the front entrance of the bank. She cracked her knuckles, and stretched her arms, preparing herself for whoever was on the other side. And with one swift kick, she alerted the criminals of her presence.

"Hey!" Pinkie Pie kicked one of the doors down. "Why don't you leave these people alone?"

The thugs turned and gasped. They recognized that high-pitched voice anywhere. And that white and purple outfit stood out even more, with the balloon graphics and arrows on her body.

"Filli-Second!" The ringleader of the group called. "Get her!"

The first lackey attacked first, loading a machine gun and shooting at her. Pinkie Pie zipped away from the trajectory, allowing the bullets to shatter the glass in the windows. The man looked to the right, seeing Pinkie Pie wave at him while some of the hostages still ducked for cover.

"I'm over here!"

He pointed the weapon there, but then Pinkie Pie disappeared from that very spot.

"No, no, no, right here!" Pinkie Pie said, standing on one of the tables. "Over here!"

The machine gun was then pointed over at that direction, but then Pinkie Pie disappeared from there as well. He growled and took out a few bulbs in the ceiling.

"Why don't you fight!?"

"Wanna fight? Okay!"

His face was smacked by an unexpected fist, hard. And then another until he was getting smacked every mili-second. Pinkie Pie spun around like a top, smacking his face with everything she got until finally, he came down with a crash.

"I'll take that!" She said, taking the machine gun away from him. And it didn't take long for the second crook to come to her with a machine gun now void of any ammunition.

"Why did you remove your bullets?"

"Because I don't use weapons!"

She threw the machine gun at the crook, hitting him in the face like an anvil. And before he had lost control of his own weapon, Pinkie Pie swooped in and grabbed it before it cloud shoot a bullet by accident. And just like the machine gun, she chucked the ammo out, and put the gun on the ground.

"Uh, Mr. Bad Guy! Both your lackeys are down! Are you just going to keep robbing the vault, or do you want to fight me now?" Pinkie Pie shouted.

The boss rolled his eyes and growled. “Fine. I’ll do this myself. Should have just done it myself anyway..."

The ringleader threw the first punch, but Pinkie Pie leaned her head to the right. He punched the air again, and she moved her head to the left. He threw his fist at her dead center, but she performed a backflip like a gymnast.

"Come on, you just gotta hit me and you win!"

He howled like a gorilla and charged at her like an incoming rhino. Pinkie Pie zipped from side to side and back to back, avoiding him at every moment. He had no chance to take her, she was too fast for him.

The boss looked at her with an unamused expression and finally managed to strike a punch across her face, smacking her in the jaw and knocking her to the ground. He looked down, admiring his work. Checking for sure, he lightly tapped her leg with his toes. Not a movement. But now both of his partners were out cold. This wasn’t going to look good at all. Well, it didn't matter now. He was almost done with the heist. Just had to collect the last bit, and make his escape.

Reaching to his ear, he hit a little button that was on the earpiece.

"Boys. Open up the hatch. It's time we made our--OW!"

He felt a swift kick to his back, making him drop his phone in the process. He looked back, noticing a bubbly Filli-Second standing before her.

"Okay, how!? I knocked you out cold!"

Pinkie shrugged. "Eh, I've been punched by criminals too many times to count, you get used to it after awhile. But if you don't mind, I got cookies in the oven I need to take care of sooo..."

Not even holding back, Pinkie Pie went straight up at his face, jack hammering his chest and face with her gloved fists. And while he was still trying to recover from the pain, he felt his hands lock in place, like he couldn't move them. A pair of handcuffs had been slapped on, thanks to Pinkie Pie speeding off for a moment.


"Needed a second! Oh and there's also this," Pinkie Pie said, jabbing a taser into his neck. The electric shocks made the man shiver and jolt from the sudden electricity, and he came down faster than you could say 'goodnight Gracie'.

"My good sir, you have been arrested! Hope you have a lovely day," Pinkie Pie said, pretending to sound like she was a royal queen. She giggled at her joke, before turning to see a round of applause coming from the hostages. She bowed before them like she was at a stage performance, and soon, police officers came running in.

"Nice work, Filli-Second," The police chief nodded.

"Aww, no problem, Chief! Although, wait, hold on," Pinkie Pie said before walking to the open vault. Her heel tapped the floor of the vault before kicking down a circle that had been cut into the floor. Some robbers were seen beneath, waiting to move, all of which looked eager for the boss to arrive.

"Hey, wait! You're not--"

"Hands in the air!"

Armed policemen gathered around, pointing their weapons at the robbers in the hole.

"I think you've got this under control sir?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"We do. Thank you."

"No problem! The Power Ponies are always here to help!" She chirped. She looked down at her watch and gasped. "Omigosh, my cookies!"

And she was gone again, a trail of fire following her out of the bank.

In the nick of time, she managed to throw her supersuit off and stopped the timer before it dinged, pulling the cookies out of the oven.

"Oooh!" Pinkie Pie smiled with glee. She took one sniff of the cookies and she was in heaven. The fresh sweets created an aroma that hit her nose, tingling all of her senses that made her happy. "One batch of cookies down, three to go!"

One slap of them to the tray, and they were put into the oven. And at that moment, the front door of the main house was heard opening.

"Hey, we're back!" Twilight called.

Entering the kitchen, Pinkie Pie smiled to see her friends return; Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack. All of which were dressed in their superhero personas; The Masked Matterhorn, Radiance, and Mistress Marvelous.

"Hey Twilight! Rarity, Applejack," Pinkie nodded, acknowledging their presence in the room. "How did the dock heist go?"

"Not well, I'm afraid," Rarity said, removing her mask. "We apprehended Termite's hooligans and recovered the stolen vessel, but she got away before we could catch her."

"Yet, again," Applejack rolled her eyes.

"Awww, don't worry guys! We'll get her one day! The best part is, you girls saved the day again, and we'll be there to catch her for good!"

They couldn't resist smiling at Pinkie Pie's optimism.

"Thanks Pinkie," Twilight smiled, taking off her mask as well. "Any word from Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash?"

"Nope! Still not yet. Buuttt based on the time, I think Rainbow Dash might be on her way to pick up the groceries, and Fluttershy's still on her shift at the Veterinary clinic!"

The girls just shrugged it off. Still busy, but nothing was wrong with that.

"Soooo... did anything happen while we were gone?"

"Not really," Pinkie Pie shrugged. "Watched an anniversary video, beat up some crooks--Oh wait!"

One second out of the room, and back in a flash again with a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. The steam coming off the cookies made everyone's mouth water in hunger.

"Cookies anyone?"

Comments ( 13 )

The channel surfing was the most meta part of this story. I loved how you captured Pinkie here. She even managed to kick some booty pretty well! I love this story. Like, a lot!

You have a knack for capturing personas in writing, Four. Plus humor and cuteness. That makes you talented. You deserve a favorite from me.

When there is a villian about, who you gonna call?

The ghostbusters?

This was cute and fun superhero fluff. :pinkiesmile: I enjoyed it. Nice references with Pinkie channel-surfing, btw. ^^

Make a Power Ponies series now!

P.S. It's been awhile Four, how ya doing?

This was nice. Definently not enough superhero fics on this site. I'd like to see more stories like this, perhaps staring the other power ponies, and maybe even introdiving a few supervillains.

Super speed. My favorite power

Good fun slice-of-superheroine-life. Thank you for this :) Of course I want to know more about this AU where the girls are friends and Power Ponies and know more about how they got here, or see a more serious (but still comic) adventure with them all!

I forgot about the Power Ponies. I’m happy it’s Equestria Girls Style. Filli-Second’s human likeness looks cool. Anymore stories about these super ladies coming up?


Well I did put up that new one with Twilight, so yes.

I do want to try and make one-shots for the other supers :raritywink:

Silly but enjoyable and fun to read

Once they were slapped into the oven, the timer was set. Now all she had to do was... wait . The worst part imaginable, the waiting. The impatience. The eagerness for the cookies to finally get done! The one thing that drove Pinkie Pie insane when it came to baking!

Most relatable moment, ever. XD

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