• Published 4th Feb 2019
  • 919 Views, 14 Comments

All That Glitters - FoolAmongTheStars

When the youngest brother is put in unspeakable danger, could a witch with no name save him in his direst hour?

  • ...

Chapter 5

Sunset didn't so much sleep and wake up as she actually passed out and eventually resurfaced to the living world.

The pain had never stopped, and instead grew worse with every waking minute. It had now become such horrendous agony that it reached her entire body─her stomach threatened to empty everything she'd ever eaten, tears never stopped flowing out of her eyes, and there were times she questioned her very sanity. The only way she knew any time had passed at all was when the sun had begun to prod her through the window. If it was day, then that must mean the Queen was going to return, and while Sunburst believed wholly in the witch, Sunset couldn't be sure everything was okay until she saw it for herself.

Though her body objected to moving, Sunset clawed off the bed and flopped onto the floor. She managed to find her feet, and though she needed to stop and breathe every couple of minutes, she dragged herself out of her room. This was already a good sign, because she couldn't see any of the straw. She needed to lean against the wall in order to steady herself, but when she tried to open her mouth and call for Sunburst, she had to fight her stomach's urge to heave. She leaned on the wall, counting her breaths, the silence around her calming her down.

… Until she realized that silence meant something had gone horribly wrong.

Sunset's eyes popped open. She knew her little brother well, he wouldn't have left the house while Sunset was convulsing in tremors. The fact that he wasn't scrambling to ask her how she felt was alarming. “Su...Sunburst?” She fought to say his name, and looked around the bare house. There was no straw, no gold, and no brother. “Sunburst?” she asked again, this time making her way toward his bedroom.

He wasn't there either. He was gone.

Maybe Sunburst went to get the doctor. Maybe he went to get some bread and milk. Maybe – but no matter what excuse Sunset desperately tried to conjure, each and every time her heart objected. Sunburst wouldn't have left her in this state, not unless something much more awful had come up. Had Chrysalis's greed gotten so great she decided to take him along with the gold? It wasn't impossible. Sunset fell to her hunches, breathing hard. Her brother was in danger, and she was here, and what could be done?

A part of her, the part of her suffering the most, said nothing could be done and she should just give up and let the pain take control. It would have been the easiest option. Giving up meant maybe her sickness would lessen, and she wouldn't have to think about anyone again. Right now, more than anything, Sunset wanted to be that selfish. She wanted to abandon him and let go.

But love – true, deep, familial love that is made and not born – wouldn't allow her. Sunburst had always done everything for others, even at the cost of his own happiness and health. If he had gone willingly and not seized by Chrysalis's slimy grasp, then he must have done it for Sunset, or for someone else in the kingdom. He'd be made to suffer just because he had a good heart, and if Sunset simply let that slide, she'd never forgive herself. She loved his little brother, and not just because he was her little brother. Sunburst was good, and kind, and did all in his power to make the world a better place.

“I'm coming,” she breathed out, pushing herself up. “I'm coming, Sunburst.” What could she do against Sonata and her forces, especially when trembling like a leaf with daggers in her brain? Maybe nothing. Yet Sunset was on her feet, willing to crawl if that's what it took to see Sunburst again. He wasn't going to face this alone.

Even the most kind-hearted of pony would have doubted she would've made it very far on her own. So, it was her unusual fortune – or the play of someone's watchful eye – that one of Sunburst’s spell books was open and lying on the floor, specifically on a page of healing magic with the potion next to it. Another time, Sunset would have been deeply confused about this coincidence. But there was no time to think of her good luck or if anyone was aiding her in her most dire hour. She quickly read the spell and after a few failed attempts managed to cast it, she drank the potion and her headache became something more manageable, then the unicorn began to gallop towards the village.

“Hang on, Sunburst! I'm coming!”

But she wouldn't be alone.

“Caterers, singers, dancers, jugglers, how about a puppet show? Who doesn't love a good puppet show? Am I forgetting anything?”

Chrysalis had been shocked from Sunburst's abrupt proposal, but was quick to whisk him away to her castle to make it happen. She had finally won against – who? No, she won, period, that's what counted. She was going to get the golden goose for a husband, and this required the most lavishly expensive wedding in all of history. If it was going to be Chrysalis's wedding, then it had to be the best. As she strolled through the castle with Sonata and Sunburst, she was going through a list of essentials. She wanted the ceremony to be as soon as possible – why not tonight, a moonlit romantic wedding?

Sonata jabbed a hoof behind her. “I think you're forgetting the groom, Your Highness.”

Chrysalis stopped in place and turned around. Sunburst had fallen behind, slowly going from wall to wall, room to room, trying to find the item that would save the kingdom. His only clue was that it had the witch's name on it, so he was flipping through the curtains, scooting under furniture, even checking the seams on the uniforms of the guards he passed, much to their befuddlement. Of course, he didn't find it, although he worried that even if he had he wouldn't know it was her name to begin with. But he'd search every inch of this castle if that's what it took – and let Chrysalis search every inch of him too, if that's what it took.

Chrysalis laughed obnoxiously, a hoof on her forehead. “Isn't that cute? The castle is too overwhelming for him! The poor guy probably never seen anything fancier than a barn. Hey, maybe we should let him see your place, he might think your pigsty is a palace!” She howled at her own joke, and Sonata chewed on her bottom lip. “Come along, baby! There will be plenty to see after the wedding!”

Sunburst made a mumbling sound of agreement, slowly coming up to resume their walk. He let out a deep sigh, trying to think of how to worm an answer out of a Queen who didn't even know the question. “Your Highness, now that we're engaged, I'll be allowed to go anywhere in the castle, won't I?”

“Of course!” Chrysalis pressed herself against Sunburst's shoulder and he had to swallow down the disgust her touch gave him. “As a good husband and a good King, you'll be checking on the servants to make sure they're doing the cooking and cleaning perfectly! I can't have my husband actually work, then ponies might expect something out of me.” She pushed him forward and they all walked together, with Sunburst eyeing every room they passed. “Although you'll be making the rest of the preparations, like the fireworks and magic shows, you’re the best wizard of the kingdom, right? So, anyone else would be beneath me and I'm not having anything shoddy at my wedding! Except little Sonata here.”

Sonata groaned. “I didn't even do anything!”

It was then Sunburst saw that while all the other rooms were open, like a public display of showing off, they were passing one room that was closed. He dove for the knob, twisting it, but the click of a lock prevented him from getting any further. His heart beat quickened, and he whipped around.

“What's in this room?”

Chrysalis stopped to look, and her eyes widened. The throbbing started in her mind, and she rubbed her temple. Sonata grimaced – that was the room everyone avoided, the creepiest one of all for unfathomable reasons.

“That room?” Chrysalis repeated, straightening herself out. “It's nothing important, just forget it. We still have a lot to cover – like pet names!”

If that wasn't the biggest clue Chrysalis could give, Sunburst would eat his cape! “I want to see this room!” He demanded, working the knob in his hoof over and over as if that would somehow pop it open. “If I'm going to be the King, then I should be allowed to go anywhere, and I want to go in this room!” It had to be here, the item with the witch's name! Inside that room was everyone's salvation! There was nothing stopping him now!

Chrysalis suddenly slammed her hoof on the door right above Sunburst's head. It dawned on him only then how much trouble his plan could cost him. “You may be King,” Chrysalis replied darkly, her patience being tested, “But I am the Queen. And the Queen makes the rules, so if I say you don't go somewhere, you stay put! If you're going to be this much trouble, maybe we're both better off with you wearing chains instead of a crown!” Even Chrysalis didn't know why this single room was filling her with such anger, but it wasn't going to be opened, it would never be opened.

“I... I didn't mean...” Sunburst began to back away from the door, his heart pounding in fear. Had he ruined everything by being too eager? Were things over before they could begin? His eyes lowered to Chrysalis's neck and his ears perked when he heard a tiny clink—keys! Keys! Keys!!!—If the door was locked, then by that logic a key was necessary.

“I... I'm just so excited to be your husband!” He exclaimed with all the merriment he could muster, suddenly turning around to throw his arms around Chrysalis in a tight embrace. He glanced down─yes, right at her neck and hanging from a golden chain was a circle of steel keys. There were many hanging there, but surely one of them had to be it! It would be madness to try and yank them now, but at least he could start properly planning. For now, it was time to up his game, dashing smiles and all. He was a looker and he knew it. “Please forgive me, my little butterfly.”

Chrysalis was thrown for a good three seconds before her ego took over. “Aw, of course I do! Any guy would be so overcome with joy, it's totally understandable they'd be a little crazy! And good try on the pet name, but that doesn't sound nearly adorable enough for me. Luckily we have plenty of time to get it right.” She grabbed him by the hoof, and they linked arms, walking forth once more, tugging him closer around every corner. Everything was going perfectly! Who could ask for anything more? Why, she could! She wanted everything! She wanted more money, more attention, more love, more of everything without doing a single thing to deserve it.

Only Sonata was suspicious about this turn of events, and she looked at the mystery door once more before a headache implored her to move on. This time she didn't walk side-by-side, and instead lagged behind, watching Sunburst and he, in turn, noticed her eyes. She said nothing, but her expression was clear – was this something he really wanted to do?

Sunburst smiled at her. Yes, this was something he wanted to do, and this was something he had to do. Yet Sonata remained uncomfortable. Somewhere within the deepest part of her heart, a piece of her that had been forgotten was getting stronger and bolder. It wasn't enough to make her speak out, no, but it was there, and it could grow.

It would grow, if things continued this way.

By the time Sunset made it to the village, those that weren't suffering from immense headaches were scrambling and gossiping as fast as they could. They suddenly had a wedding to prepare for, despite needing to work and earn coin for their living, because each villager knew that if they didn't arrive Chrysalis would make them pay far worse than their lost wages. She slowed down, the effects of the spell waning and she knew that she couldn’t continue at the same speed as before. Only three villagers had enough time to spare to notice the dizzy mare.

“Sunset!” Flash Sentry went to her side first, trying to stop her as she walked. “What in the world are you doing?”

Sunset grunted, pushing him away. “Gotta...Gotta save Sunburst...gotta...” she mumbled, needing to close her eyes as now the sunlight was an enemy to her head.

“Can you really save him if he done asked the queen herself for all this?” Big Mac questioned, one hoof on his back, and the other on his head. He too was having a throbbing mental ache, but he was being too stubborn to lay down. “That's what the guardsmen said, he went and proposed to her!”

Sunset balked, but didn't have the strength to object or do a classic temper tantrum. Sugar Belle sighed deeply, and the chicken under her arm clucked just as hard. “Oh, I don't like this, no I don't, not one bit! Our Sunburst would never want to get married to that royal ruin. Are you two so low on coin that he had no other choice?”

“Gotta save Sunburst,” Sunset said again, and she walked on, though she only took two steps at a time.

“Sunset Shimmer, be reasonable!” Flash shouted as he followed the mare. “I know this is awful, but if you interrupt the wedding like this, the Queen will throw you into the dungeon! You'll never see the light of day again!”

“Gotta save Sunburst,” Sunset continued to repeat, refusing to look at anyone.

“She's a darn, stubborn fool, is what she is!” Big Mac huffed, wincing as any gesturing made his back all the worse. “Sunburst said it himself, ain't nothin' we can do. If you knocked Chrysalis down, there'd be no one to take her place! I ain't no King, no one here is!”

But there is, the last of Sunset's burning mind insisted. There is, there is, there is, there is - “I GOTTA SAVE SUNBURST!” she suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs, stopping everyone within earshot. “I don't care, I don't care, I DON'T CARE!” Maybe she was yelling at her friends, maybe she was yelling at her own body that insisted on lying down and giving up, or maybe she was yelling at the spell itself. “He is MY BROTHER! I don't care if I don't stand a chance, I don't care if nobody can rule if Chrysalis can't, AND I DON'T CARE ABOUT THESE STUPID HEADACHES!” She dug her hoofs into her scalp, yanking out several hairs – Flash gasped, and Sugar Belle covered her chicken's eyes. “NOTHING IS GETTING IN MY WAY! What is the POINT of giving up? If you're all so gosh-darned miserable, why don't you guys just jump off a cliff?! Leave the village?! Why do you stay here and just let Chrysalis do whatever she wants? Why are we all still here? What are we waiting for?!”

Now there was a serious question to consider, one so simple and yet so stunning that a few villagers dropped what they were holding in awe. Why did they stay? At some point, pride and heritage couldn't have been worth all this sadness. Yet not a single person had taken the step and walked away from it all. They couldn't have honestly thought things were going to improve. So why was everyone still here? Were they actually waiting for something?

No, a gentle whisper echoed in everyone's mind. We're waiting for someone.

Then the headaches came, striking each individual in their own personal torment. Ponies cried, some went into sobs, holding their heads and begging for help. Sugar Belle collapsed into Big Mac's arms and he held her as best he could, in spite of his back. Flash reeled, grabbing onto a post from the market stalls, and he stared up at Sunset in sudden understanding. Something dreadful had happened. Something dreadful would continue to happen.

Sunset gazed upon the castle in the distance, and in her mind's eye she could see an enemy trying to prevent her from going any further. A force greater than mortal understanding was keeping them trapped, keeping her in pain, and it scared Sunset down to her bones. She could punch people, she could yell at guardsmen and captains, but this was inherently superior to her in every way and she didn't know how to fight it. It was telling her to forget everything, and if she dared to continue on this path, her pain would get worse, and she would forget everything – her lover, her friends, her brother, her life. Could she really survive without those memories?

“I'm going to save Sunburst,” she snarled at the unknown entity. “Whatever Chrysalis is doing, whatever she's throwing at us, I am not stopping! I know I'm forgetting things... but I'll make new memories! I'll never lose the love I have for my brother! The love I have for everyone! Nothing can make me lose what's most important! I'm going, and that's final!” To heck with magic and spells and gold and straw, there was no power on earth greater than the will of one who truly loved another.

But her glorious speech at nothing ended when she felt Flash's hoof tugging her again. She glared at him. “I said I'm not stopping!”

“Oh, shut up, I'm not stopping you.” Flash tugged again, this time so he could steady himself as he got to his feet. “If you have to go into the dungeon for a million years, then I'm going with you. It's better than being alone out here.” He placed his hoof over her shoulders in a hug.

Sugar Belle lifted her head, it being the only thing she was strong enough to lift. “Sure, you go on ahead, make us look like the bad guys! Big Mac, take me with them! I wanna go to the dungeon too, if it means I can be with my friends! Can't be much worse out here!”

Big Mac groaned, but he walked with his wife in his arms. “But that means I'll have go to the dungeon too, I don't wanna be without you! Hope they got nice beds in there.”

“STOP SAYING YOU WANNA GO IN THE DUNGEON!” Sunset snapped at those she cared for, wondering if the memory loss was including the loss of any intelligent thought. “For goodness sake, you're getting too depressing!” No wonder no one wanted to rule, getting people to collectively work together was a lot harder than speeches and cheering. “Let's just save Sunburst, and we'll take it from there!” She started walking with Flash’s aid, and as the slightly-brave ragtag group of misfits trudged on, one by one they were joined by another villager, and another, and another.

It wasn't a loud cry of energized revolutionaries, given how they needed to stop and go, stop and go, stop and go for their constant pains, but even a slow turtle can be a dangerous force if its jaws are strong enough. With every step the spell warped their brains further, bringing a fresh stinging pain, and soon even memories unrelated to the witch began to drift away. Names were lost, time was an illusion, and soon Sunset even forgot the voice of her beloved sibling. Yet none of this truly stopped them, for no matter how powerful the spell was, it could only erase memories, not feeling.

It wasn't hatred towards the Queen that spurred them on toward the castle, nor hope for change. It was love, love for someone in the castle, love for someone they had lost, love for one another, love for those who had earned this miracle of feelings.

Not a single one them knew that the pony who loved them all in turn was right beside them, hoping that it wasn't too late.

Those who hadn't been in the village for the odd gathering were already at the castle getting things ready for the wedding. Flowers, streamers, those little carrot sticks that are somehow at every classy party, everything was being rushed as fast as possible. Chrysalis decided to hold it in the throne room, and Sunburst was sitting in the King's seat, silently casting sparkles and other flashy spells. If this was a different situation, he would've told Chrysalis that preparing a breath-taking light show within hours was next to impossible, even with his skills. But for now, he didn't need to plan that far ahead, and he found himself casting harmless spells over and over again just so he could keep himself busy.

Chrysalis was directing orders to a very irritated priest, an old stallion who mentally appeared to asking several deities what he'd done to deserve this. “Why should I be making the vows?” Chrysalis was demanding, flipping through her checklist. “You should be vowing to me, and making the entire village vow to love me forever!”

“Your Majesty, have you ever been to a wedding before?”

“No, why should that matter?”

Sonata was off in a corner, eating the little carrots that are somehow at every classy party, glad that someone else was the subject of Chrysalis's abuse for the moment. Sunburst cast a series of useless sparkles, his eyes on the keys hanging off Chrysalis necklace. She never appeared to take it off, and so it appeared the only way he was going to get them was if she took off her necklace, and to be there when that happened meant...

Sunburst didn't need the spell in order for that thought to make him nauseous. Of course, he wanted to find a way to get the keys without going that far, but his options were limited and getting fewer by the hour. He would sacrifice everything in order to see the village freed and the witch in her rightful place. His sparkles disappeared and he didn’t bother to make more. But would he ever be the same, after the wedding night? He wanted to believe he would be, that he'd still be good and kind and embrace the world with open arms, but there was a dark reality that came with the wedding ring. Even if the spell was broken, he would never forget what Chrysalis would do to him, and what he'd have allowed her to do. His breath became shaky with panic. He wished the witch was there, or Sunset, or Sugar Belle or Flash or someone, he was starting to panic, and he was so very scared—

That was when Sonata shoved one of those little carrots that are somehow at every classy party into his face. She wasn't looking at him, perhaps embarrassed to be showing sympathy. “I don't want this one, smells kinda rank, you might as well have it.”

Sunburst blinked twice before smiling and taking one. “Thank you.” As he looked at Sonata, he saw that flash of memory again, of the mare he used to be – no, the mare she could still be. No matter what Chrysalis had done, she couldn't erase pony's potential.

“Yeah, well, I probably shouldn't be eating them anyway.” Sonata kept diffusing his decent deed. “Me being so dumb and all.”

Sunburst looked at her with curiosity. “What makes you think your stupid?”

Sonata stopped, and stared at Sunburst incredulously. “What are you, blind? I'm must be dumbest pony in the whole kingdom!”

“I don't think your intelligence makes you a bad pony,” he replied, keeping on his smile of pure kindness. “Smart, dumb, I think you're very good at what you do. Maybe you’re not book smart, but you’re not as oblivious as you think you are. Do you really think you aren’t smart enough?”

The Captain slowly moved her eyes toward Chrysalis, who was now making rules about how everyone should toast her, and only her, after the ceremony. Sunburst touched Sonata's shoulder gently. “Not her, you. Do you think you’re as oblivious as you think you are? Because I remember someone...” The headache throbbed and he fought it, squeezing Sonata's shoulder. “I remember someone who believed in you, who knew you could do great things. And you believed what she said.”

Sonata wanted to pull herself away but she didn't. “Why are you trying to be so nice to me? You know what I do your sister, there's no way you don't know!”

“I know you pick on her so you feel better about yourself.” Sunburst looked Sonata in her eyes and she couldn't move. “But is bullying Sunset ever going to make you like yourself? Is it ever going to stop Chrysalis from saying all those mean things? If you had just one pony who liked you, the real you...would it make up for everything?”

“How am I supposed to think with everyone yammering?!” Chrysalis then yelled, startling the stallion and the mare, but she wasn't talking about them. She flew to an open window, poking her head out. “KEEP IT DOWN!” She then paused as she realized what she was looking at. “Huh. Everyone must be really eager to come to my wedding, they're all here early!”

Confused, Sonata jogged up to Chrysalis's side and looked outside. It seemed as if the entire village was at the castle doors, pounding the walls and demanding to be let in, moaning in pain and slumping their bodies against one another. Sonata was perhaps a little slower than the next pony, but even she could see what this was. “Your Highness, they're not here to attend the party, they're here to crash it!”

“Don't be stupid...well, it's you, of course you're going to be stupid.” Chrysalis clicked her tongue. “They wouldn't dare try to ruin my big day! They all love me! And if they don't love me, you know exactly what to do. Or do I have to spell it out for you, dimwit?”

Had Sunburst not spoken to Sonata minutes before, the shard in her heart would've stayed the same size. But he had, so it grew, and Sonata frowned, her teeth grinding. “...Take that back.”

Chrysalis ignored her, waving down at the peasants. “You all better have decent gifts! I'm not accepting anything less than the best!”

“I'm talking to you,” Sonata thundered, drawing himself up as straight as she could. “And I told you to take that back.”

“That reminds me, where's your gift?” Chrysalis pointed at Sonata, ignoring the clear danger right in front of her. “Or you don’t know what it is? Ha! Where do I come up with-”

“YOU INSULT ME ONE MORE TIME AND I'LL RIP OUT YOUR MOLARS!” Sonata grabbed Chrysalis by the collar of her robes and yanked her in close. “I'm sick of it! Day in, day out, it's dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb! WELL GUESS WHAT I’M NOT DUMB?!”

Chrysalis dropped her check-list, and Sunburst took the opportunity, waving the old stallion into the next room for safety. “Hey, easy, easy!” Chrysalis held up her hoofs. “They're just jokes! Why are you taking them so seriously?”

“BECAUSE YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WHO FINDS THEM FUNNY!” Sonata roared, spittle flying all over Chrysalis's face. “I don't like hating myself! I don't like being used as punching bag! I don't like how you treat me! And if working for you means I don't like myself, then I QUIT!”

“You can't quit, YOU'RE FIRED!” Chrysalis yelled right back, slamming her forehead into Sonata's – and with that shove, she didn't feel her groom snatching something away. “Anyone in this kingdom would be more than happy to take your place! I hope you enjoy prison food, because that's what you're going to have for the rest of your life! GUARDS!”

But the guards didn't come right away to take Sonata. They were too busy with the invasion – as exhausted and agonized as the villagers were, there was enough of their numbers to force the door open and pour inside. The weight of the spell came with them, striking each guardsman with a headache and crippling everyone inside the castle. Sonata fell to her haunches, and Chrysalis staggered to a wall, breathing haphazardly. She wiped spit from her mouth, reaching to her neck. “Fine! I'll lock you up myself! It'll be your wedding gift to me!” But when she reached to grab her keys, they weren't there.

Chrysalis looked up, and saw Sunburst fleeing into the next room, and horror struck her like a punch to the face. “NO! You get back here, you little brat!” She shoved Sonata aside and chased after the wizard, ignoring all the servants and guards who were collapsing from the weight of the spell. All around them, the kingdom was dying, yet nothing would stop the mad-mare and the stallion.

Sunburst managed to find the room first, and it took three keys to find the right one that clicked it open. He could hear Chrysalis screaming down in the hallway, describing what she would do to him in great detail, and once inside he slammed the door knowing he had only seconds to spare. The miracle was in here, and all he had to do was find it, and surely—he turned around—surely it would be—

The room was empty.

No paintings, no furniture, no books, nothing that would contain a hint to the witch's name. Chrysalis had thrown everything away, keeping her hold on the kingdom secure without knowing it. Sunburst slowly sank down, hopeless tears dripping down his pale cheeks. All he had done, all he was sacrificing, it was for nothing. He would lose himself, his family, his friends, his cherished love, despite trying his best. He would forget everything, and the witch would be lost forever. Even now, the last of what he remembered was fleeing.

Sunset's happy announcement of her new job at the castle.

Flash giving teasing tips on how to win a mare over.

Big Mac and Sugar Belle inviting everyone over for a celebratory dinner.

The witch, when she was a princess, telling Sunburst and only Sunburst about that mysterious book in her father's floor...

… In her father's floor. In her father's floor. In her father's

Like father, like daughter.

Sunburst looked down at the floor, where he'd fallen on his back legs—his front hoofs prodded on the floorboard directly beneath him, and there was a hollow sound—like something was hidden—

Chrysalis slammed open the door. “You're going to pay for this! Being my husband was too good for you!”

Sunburst grabbed the edges of the secret door—the witch had never thought to lock it, Chrysalis had not thought to look for a secret she didn't know existed—Chrysalis reached out to grab him— and there inside was a single golden ring—she was pulling him by the tail and he grabbed the ring, able to see an inscription on the inside, and he read it out as loudly as he could

“To Sunburst, my husband, my one and only, with all my love – Starlight Glimmer!”

And in that last, desperate instant, everyone remembered.

“Big Mac, I don't want you to worry about a thing,” Starlight said as she helped Big Mac lay down in bed. “For all your service towards the kingdom, the kingdom will now pay its service to you.” She smiled, and put a hoof to her chest, turning towards Sugar Belle. “Health shouldn't be a question of rich or poor... I will see to that.” She hugged her, and Starlight laughed, hugging her back.

“Are you kidding?” Starlight mused, lightly nudging Flash with her elbow. “Sunset's head over heels for you, you should absolutely ask her out! And I, uh, know a thing or two about being head over heels for someone.” This she said rather quickly, blush on her cheeks. “She’s not going to care about the differences between your families. Just ask her, I know she'll say yes, if she doesn't shout it from the rooftops first!”

“You're great at what you do, and that's why you're here!” Starlight shook Sonata's hoof, waving around enthusiastically at the safe kingdom around them. “And we should tell you that much more often! I don't ever want you looking down at yourself again, okay?” She lightly punched Sonata's arm, knowing she'd barely feel it. “If you ask me, it’s never too late to better yourself!”

“I guess I am kinda jealous of what you and Sunburst have,” Starlight admitted in-between chews, knowing that when she was around Sunset Shimmer, she was allowed to ignore table manners. “I don't think Chrysalis and I will ever have that. You're a great sister. Makes me wish you were my sister.” Then, with a little chuckle, she wiped her muzzle with her arm. “Maybe you should be everyone's sister! The official kingdom big sister! Ha, ha, ha!”

“I'm not going to let you ruin everyone's life because of your selfishness, Chrysalis!” Starlight jabbed her hoof into Chrysalis's chest, refusing to back down. “The kingdom deserves better! So you can either support us, or you can move aside! Either way, this kingdom is not going to have you for a ruler! And if you ever come near Sunburst again, I swear everyone in the village will be after your head!”

“I love you,” Starlight held Sunburst's hoof together in her own, sitting on his work table, the sunlight bathing them both in his quaint house. “I love you so much, I...I don't know what to do, or what to say, or even how to think! And if you'll let me, I want to be with you forever! I want to make a million wonderful memories with you! I love you, I love you, I love you!”

When Sunburst opened his eyes, a golden flurry of straw swept the room, and he and Chrysalis watched in stupefied wonder as a shadow walked out of the dying hurricane. There stood the witch—there stood Princess Starlight Glimmer, the proper heir to the throne, in all her regal wonder. She was probably going to say something clever and dramatic, maybe involving puns, and once again Sunburst threw off her script, jumping into her arms and kissing her with the weight of a thousand missed opportunities. This time Starlight didn't fight off the urge to return his affection, and she held him tightly and meet his lips with everything she'd held back.

Chrysalis, who remembered who this was and knew exactly how much trouble she was in, hoped she could escape before the lovers remembered a third party was in the room. But when she backed up, her body hit several roadblocks. She ever so slowly turned around to see Sonata Dusk, Sunset Shimmer, Flash Sentry, Big Mac, Sugar Belle, and several highly miffed villagers. Their headaches were gone, so now they could be as angry as they pleased. And boy were they angry.

“Uh,” was all Chrysalis could get out, waving her thin hoof meekly. “So...I guess saying 'forgive and forget' would be in bad taste?”

Chrysalis possibly would have been tarred and feathered that very second if Starlight hadn't finally chosen to pry her mouth away from Sunburst's and clear her throat. “Hi, everybody!”

All eyes flew to the better princess, and there came a joyous cry of “STARLIGHT!” Chrysalis was then trampled by eager villagers running in to hug and embrace their friend and true leader, tears of joy streaming down their faces. Many began recalling their memories out loud, dancing in glee as the best of times were properly returned. Sunburst kept pulling Starlight back to him, flooding her with kisses, none of which Starlight objected to. Again, Chrysalis tried to make an escape, and again, she was prevented, this time by the combined forced of Sonata and Sunset, who gave each other wistful smiles as they propped up the tyrant toddler.

Starlight frowned as she faced her nefarious elder sister, who in turn gulped. “Oookay. So, I didn't exactly handle things well. But!” She sighed sadly, putting an arm on her forehead. “You don't understand! All I ever wanted was to be loved! Is that so wrong?”

“Yes. Yes, it is.” Starlight flipped her magical staff and poked it into Chrysalis's chest. “You can't flick your horn and make everybody love you! Love is earned! You never did anything to earn pony's love, and you made the entire kingdom suffer for it! But no matter what you did, you could never make these amazing ponies give up! Give me one!” A hard poke. “Single!” And another. “Solitary! Reason! I shouldn't lock you up for every day you hurt them!”

To be fair, Chrysalis did try to think it over, her eyes darting about before resting on Sunburst, who was standing protectively by Starlight's side, glaring at his almost-wife. “Because...we're family! You wouldn't really throw your big sister away in the dungeon, would you? Come on!” She broke free of Sonata and Sunset's grasp, getting on her hunches and begging. “Just tell me what I can do to stay free! Come on, there's got to be something!”

Starlight paused for a moment, glancing at Sunburst, and then held her chin. “Hmmm... I guess there's one thing you could do. And if you did it, I'd let you stay out of the dungeon.”

Chrysalis tried not to grin. What a sucker, she'd be free and back in control in no time! “You just name it!”

Starlight leaned in, smiling. “All you have to do... is turn all that gold back into straw.”


“Well, all that gold would completely throw off our economy!” Starlight quipped, waving in the guards to hoist Chrysalis up. “But we sure could use that straw to keep everybody fed. So, when you can turn it all back, that's when I'll let you out. Where's the book, so you can learn how to do it?” But judging by Starlight's winning grin, she knew precisely what had already happened to the enchanted tome.

Chrysalis's jaw dropped, and once she was dragged out of the room, she let out a long, agonizing moan of true and utter defeat. She kicked her feet and wailed like a child, unable to blame anyone but herself for getting in to this disaster.

With the eyesore gone, the villagers resumed celebrating, and Sunset slapped Starlight and Sunburst on the back. “It's good to have you back, Starlight! This place just wasn't the same without you – we weren't the same without you! And you saved my brother just in time!”

“I didn't save anyone,” Starlight calmly objected, a hoof on her heart. “Sunburst saved himself! You all did! This kingdom would be nothing without the great ponies in it... and I'm sorry I kept you waiting for so long.” She was about to ask Sunburst's forgiveness for her initial cowardice, but when she saw her wedding ring now on his horn, she could see he'd already forgiven her.

She wasn't the only one who saw it. Sugar Belle let out a giant “OOOH!” Before she and her chicken clapped. “If that's what I think it is, then Chrysalis did one thing right! She helped set up a wedding, and now we can have one right here and right now! Let's toast the new couple, and-”

“Are you nuts?” Sunset interrupted, back to her usual temper. “Starlight just returned! She's got a million and one things to fix before she can get married! This isn't some fairy tale where there's a wedding and happily ever after, we've got real work to do!”

Starlight couldn't help but laugh, glad to see that the same wisdom Sunset used to bestow upon Starlight hadn't changed at all. “She's right! I think, for now, we're just engaged... if Sunburst doesn't mind, that is.”

Sunburst looked up at his ring. For the first time in ages, his head was free of pain and doubt. All of his memories had returned, and he treasured all of them. But as much as he wanted to officially become Starlight's husband, there were still plenty of new memories to make – restoring the kingdom, easing the taxes, and the castle could use a good clean up. Starlight was here now, and she wasn't going anywhere.

He rolled his shoulders. “My fiancée knows very well that it wouldn't be a happy wedding if I knew all of you were still stuck in such sorry conditions.” He smirked to see Starlight turn that familiar shade of red. “It's time we made more memories, ones we will never ever forget! It's time we welcomed Starlight back home!” He stood by Starlight's left side, and Sunset stood on her right. Without waiting for Starlight to catch up, they ran ahead, their merry laughter echoing in the hall. Sonata offered to help Big Mac as they exited the castle, and even though night was settling and the moon was rising, no one could even dream of sleeping.

Everyone in the village continued to say Starlight's name over and over, afraid that if it went unspoken for a moment it would be forgotten again. It would take time for Chrysalis's damage to be entirely healed, but with a familiar voice cheering them on, the villagers knew it could be done. There would be a wedding—there would be many weddings—but there was no rush to see a bride or a bouquet now that time was theirs again, now that their lives were safe.

Some wrote down this cautionary tale so it would be remembered, others performed it in plays and puppetry. But Starlight decided to remember it in her own way, and when her day of great happiness arrived, she had commissioned an elaborate golden cloak with hints of straw within the fringes as a gift to her husband. Like any good cloth, it was used time and time again—resewn into swaddling blankets for children, cut into patches for repairing her sister-in-law clothes, and tucked into pillows for a kiss of good luck. It passed into legend that because of this, soon every villager had a piece of this golden cloth for their own. In years to come, this would cause the Crystal Kingdom to be known also as the golden kingdom, with its shining King and loving Queen.

Memories are odd things. No matter how desperately you wish to hold onto them, you will forget in time. The details will fade, the colors will lose their illumination, but the feeling they gave will still be there. The taste of a kiss can drift, but the love that beats whenever one looks upon that special person will stay forever. It was because of this that eventually Starlight forgot the kindly alicorn who had helped her out decades ago.

But the alicorn didn't forget – truth be told, she never forgot Starlight's name in the first place. She was far too powerful to let her own spell overcome her. It'd been a little white lie in order to make the girl return home and set things right. In the end, she decided that perhaps the Crystal Kingdom no longer needed magic, and it was time to find another kingdom that could use some kindness... if they gave kindness in return.

To be fair, she'd never told Starlight her real name either. She never cared for it too much, so, he had settled on a simple nickname, and allowed her real name to be forgotten in the sands of time. With the book of spells in her saddle bag– the alicorn chuckled to herself, amused that anyone thought mere fire could destroy her work – she whistled an old song and headed to the next kingdom.

“Tonight, tonight, my plans I make, tomorrow, tomorrow, a friend I'll take, true love always wins the game, for Twilight Sparkle is my name.”

Author's Note:

It's finished! Even though it has had a poor reception compared to my other stories, I feel accomplished with this one. This was fun to write and left me wanting to write more stories like this (poor reception none withstanding) I have a few other obscure fairy tales adaptations floating around in my brain, I hope to get around them someday.

And for those who stuck around till the end, you have my thanks. :heart:

Comments ( 4 )

This is amazing!!! I really like this story!!!
and also, love the little plot twist at the end :p

A great classic fable.

I’ve never seen/read Rumplestiltskin but I absolutely adored this!! Oh my goodness it had action, a lot of mystery and vague happenings, the sweetest romance ever, and colorful side characters. (my favorite was Chicken-cuddling Sugar Belle:derpytongue2:) Sunset’s character was such a fun one - I mean who couldn’t resist laughing at those hair brained lies she comes up with? But she was also very caring, and family oriented. I loved that too. Sunburst was adorably good natured and kind. Starlight’s character was such an enigma, and I loved figuring out the big mystery in the kingdom. This is definitely a joyride of a read, and it’s incredibly charming. (almost like watching an old Disney movie:twilightsmile:)
Amazing job, FoolAmongTheStars.👏❤️

Great read. Enjoyed. :twilightsmile:

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