• Published 5th Feb 2019
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My Little Pony - Equestria Boy II - Darkness of Sombra - OliverSparkle

Can the mane eight, Spike, Oliver, the Young Seven and the pillars defeat King Sombra?

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Chapter III

In Klugetown, it was like a desert’s town, with houses that don’t look built right, tiny shop markets, a water windmill with no water running it so it’s like a windmill instead, and in the town, instead of having ponies, it had animals that stand on two feet and wore weird clothing. And all of them aren’t very friendly, except for one though, you’ll see in a bit.

The mane eight, Spike, Oliver, the Young Seven and the pillars teleported in front of the entrance to Klugetown as Sunset, Starlight, Oliver, the Young Seven and the pillars all started to looked around. They’ve not been to Klugetown before, it was only the mane six and Spike who visited the town once.

“Yona not like this place, it’s creepy,” said Yona shaking a bit.

“I agree,” Gallus said, “This place doesn’t seem very friendly like Ponyville.”

“It’s alright everycreature,” said Rainbow Dash, “Some of these creatures would already know us after our last visit, so we should be okay. Just stay by us, and don’t wander off.”

The Young Six nodded as Silverstream then felt Lightning hugging her leg tightly as he shook before looking up to her and said, “Silverstream, I’m scared.”

Silverstream gently picked him up with her left claw and held him close to her chest in comfort.

“Don’t be scared, sweetie. We’re here for you.”

“Yeah Lightning,” Smolder said as she gently stroked Lightning’s mane with her claw, “We’ll protect you.”

“Come on everycreature,” said Twilight, “Capper’s house is this way. Follow me.”

Silverstream placed Lightning onto her back as she, the Young Five, the mane seven, Spike, Oliver and the pillars followed Twilight to Capper’s apartment.

As they walked through the town towards Capper’s apartment, most of the creatures looked at them and started talking amongst theirselves and also staring at them. This made Lightning more scared than before, but luckily, Smolder was walking by Silverstream as she saw him shaking before placing a claw on his shoulder and started rubbing it in comfort.

Fluttershy saw what they were doing and gave them the stare warning them to leave her son alone.

After twelve minutes, they’ve reached to Capper’s apartment as they stood near his front door.

Twilight went up to the door and knocked on it.

“Capper! It’s me, Twilight Sparkle! Are you in?”

After a few seconds, the front door opened to reveal an anthropomorphic cat with moderate gambolge with darker face, ears, paws and tail with lighter chest fur, light malachite green eyes, dark grayish indigo hair, wore a dark red coat and his tail had a wrapped up bandage on it, or whatever it is.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle,” he said in surprise, “What a surprise to you and your friends again. And a few others I see.”

“Tell you everything inside Capper,” said Twilight as she and the others walked inside, kindly greeted by Capper as he closed the door behind him.

Inside Capper’s house, it was still the same the last time the mane six and Spike visited, only this time, the paintings with his face glued on to them were in the bin and new paintings had him and the mane six and Spike in them.

“I see your old paintings have been thrown away,” said Spike as he pointed to the bin.

“Yeah well you see, I got tired of lying about being popular after that adventure we had fighting the Storm King, so I decided to change my ways and move, thanks to friendship and you guys,” explained Capper kindly as the mane five and Spike smiled at him proudly, except Rarity whose still a drama queen about what happened last time.

He then turned to Twilight as he kindly asked, “So what can I do for you lot? Because I do believe you’re not here to pay a visit to me, aren’t you?”

“Of course we are,” Twilight said while smiling at him, “But we were wondering if maybe you have a book on, defeating Sombra whose now back.” She and the mane five then gave Star Swirl an angry look as he tried to hide his face with his right hoof.

“Ah yes,” answered Capper, “I believe I have a book on that right next to the history of the hippogriffs on the top shelve. Shall I go get it for you?”

“No that’s okay,” said Twilight kindly, “We can go get it.” She turned to the girls, the pillars and the Young Seven, “Girls, everycreature, keep Capper company while we do some searching on the book.” They all, except for Rarity, nodded as Twilight, Oliver, Sunset, Starlight and Spike went to the book shelve to search that book.

“So it looks you got a lot of stories to tell me,” Capper said before seeing Lightning hiding behind Silverstream’s head, “And I think you can start with whose child is that.”

“Oh he’s my child,” Fluttershy answered as she picked him up and held him, “This is my son, Lightning Twister. Let me start from the beginning.”

While Fluttershy was telling Capper how Lightning Twister became her son, Twilight and the others were looking on the top shelve for the book, until Sunset found it.

“Aha! There you are.” She pulled the book out with her book as she gently placed it on the table and opened it.

The five began to read through five different pages of the book to find the answer to their question about defeating Sombra, until they’ve found the page they’re looking for.

“Ah here we are,” said Spike happily as they began to read it.

After fifty seconds of reading that page, they’ve finally saw the information that they needed to defeat Sombra.

“Okay so the only way to defeat him, so to find the one thing inside of him that’s making him powerful, and it should bring him back to where he came from,” said Starlight which she’s now confuse by it like the other four are.

“Find the one thing inside of him that’s making him powerful?” Spike asked confusedly.

“Gee how can we find that one thing?” Asked Oliver.

Star Swirl walked towards the table, making Twilight angry again since she’s still not happy with him.

“Did you find a way to defeat Sombra yet?” He asked nervously.

“Yeah we did actually,” answered Twilight angrily, “But now we can’t figure out what it means by finding the one thing that’s making him powerful, no thanks to you still!” She went up to him and got close to his face, “And you know what, I was a lot happier before you helped Sombra return!”

Star Swirl sighed sadly, “You’re still mad at me, I guess.”

“Still angry at you or not,” Twilight continued, “None of that matters. What DOES matter is that right now, somewhere out there in Equestria, Sombra is now threatening innocent lives of those poor ponies with his terrifying nightmares and trying to become king again, and we’re the only ones who can stop him now!”

“But Twilight, I....” Before Star Swirl could continue, they heard screaming outside the house, the others heard it too.

“What’s going on out there?” Capper asked as they all ran outside to see what was going on.

When they got out of the house, they saw all the creatures running away as fast as they could as an out of control dark tornado was spinning away wildly and heading straight towards the mane eight and the others.

“What is that?!” Asked Stygian in shock as he pointed to the tornado.

“Sombra,” Oliver answered, “I recognise that dark tornado from anywhere, he must have known that we’re trying to find a way to stop him. He knows we’re here.”

“Oh that’s not good,” said Ocellus as she took a few steps back.

“Okay how about we stop talking about how bad this is,” Applejack said, “And RUUNN!!”

“PANIC!!” Shouted Yona as they all, including Capper, began to run away from the dark tornado as fast as they could.

They ran past the now damage market shops, almost broken buildings, the windmill that was spinning faster than an road runner and lastly they ran through the entrance as they were in the desert and a couple of miles away from Klugetown until they were starting to run out of breath and stopped running.

They turned round and saw the tornado was still on their tails as it got closer and closer. The wind from it was blowing in so strong, Lightning wasn’t able to hold on to his mother’s hoof for that long as the wind made him let go of the hoof and started to blow him into the tornado as he started screaming.

“MOMMA!!” He cried as he was heading towards the tornado.

“LIGHTNING!!” She cried back.

That’s when Somnabula strapped her wings out and said, “I’ll save him!”

She then took off into the air and flew towards the colt that was about to get blown into the tornado. Lightning tried to fly away from the tornado, but it was no use, the wind was too strong for him. He closed his eyes as he was close to the tornado, until he felt two hooves grabbing him gently and pulling him away from the tornado, he then opened his eyes and saw that Somnabula had saved him.

“Don’t worry sweetheart,” she said as she started to nuzzle him, “I’ve got you.”

She then flew back to the group with Lightning still in her hooves as the tornado became stronger as more wind was trying to blow them into it.

Oliver looked around to see if there was anything that can help, until he saw a medium long bone just laying there in the sand as he picked up with his magic.

“What are you doing?” Pinkie asked him.

“Calling for help,” he answered, “I just hope he’s able to get my message before we’re all blown into that thing.”

He pulled the bone in front of him and began to whisper a magic spell in a different language as the bone began to glow black ink. Once he had finish, he flew the bone away as it then disappeared as the black grasp turned into tiny sparks.

The dark tornado became bigger, stronger and closer to the group as Lightning began to shake in Somnabula’s hooves.

“Oliver, whatever you’re doing, you better hurry!” Flash Magnus shouted.

“Come on! Come on!” Oliver said through his teeth as he began to sweat worriedly.

Suddenly, after a few more seconds of waiting, Oliver saw a house that magically appeared a few miles in front of them.


They all ran towards the house, except for Star Swirl who stood there in shock as he never see a house do that before.

“How did that house magically appeared here?” He asked.

“That can be explained later, Star Swirl. Come on!” Rockhoof said as Star Swirl began ran and caught up with the group as they all ran towards the house.

The door of the house opened up to reveal John Constantine as he stepped out of the house.

“Oliver, quick! Into the house!”

Constantine allowed everycreature to ran past him and into the house as he quickly closed the door. The house then disappeared before the dark tornado can get to it as it disappeared as well making sand fly everywhere in the desert.

Everycreature was on the floor catching their breath as they all got up while Constantine helped Oliver up.

“Oliver, you alright?” Asked John.

“Yeah I think so,” answered Oliver, “Good thing you came here quickly before the tornado got to us.”

“I should have known you were the one who made that bone appear in the fireplace,” said John, “I knew something wasn’t right when it landed into the fire.”

Constantine then saw Star Swirl who was standing near the entrance to the living room.

“Odd new seven pony group for a field trip, to what was going on out there?”

“The reason why we were out there,” Oliver explained, “Was because King Sombra’s back and we needed to find a way to bring him back to where he came from, Capper had the book that had the way to defeat him. Plus, in case you were gonna ask how Sombra came back, is because of Star Swirl who let him out of his prison chest.”

Star Swirl smiled nervously at Constantine hoping he wasn’t mad at him, but truth to be told, he was mad him as he gave him a not so happy look on his face.