• Published 9th Feb 2019
  • 268 Views, 0 Comments

Come at me bro - SC14

Jack has a string of fights trying to defend his friends

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First Confrontations

Author's Note:

2020 Sc14 here. Looking back on this over a year later really made me realize how rough it actually is. And I just couldn't help myself even with the story being canceled I just had to make it at least readable.
Still, Thank you for reading!

Jack walked down the hall dreading algebra because he had a test today and he didn't really study and he generally liked to keep his grades as high as they could be. But as he continued his quest down the hall he stopped as he heard a familiar voice uttering comforting words to someone, he started to deviate from his course and noticed that is it is Scootaloo who is talking to Sweetie Belle who appeared to be crying.

He reached the two and asked "What's wrong?" he just assumed She just got called a sorta mean name or something because as much as he hated to say it she was kinda fragile.

"Well Lightning Zephyr has been bothering us all week and today he pushed her into a locker pretty hard" Not quite what he was expecting. And it very much did piss Jack off that Lightning Zephyr felt that he could do that to her, even if she was a freshman and he was a senior didn't give him the right to push her around like that. Even if it wasn't surprise knowing him.

"Do you want me to go tell him to fuck off?" he offered, even though he knew that Scootaloo would agree he mainly directed the question at Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie suddenly blurted out "No!" Jack was taken aback by the sudden outburst and it was kind of loud and got, some attention which was exactly what Jack did not want.

"Why?" He knew the answer to that question because she was hooked on the mentality that it would make it worse, Even if she was probably right but Jack figured if he told Lightning Zephyr off enough he would stop.

"Because he will just come back worse," Sweetie Belle said quietly, and there it was Jack wasn't surprised. But he did intend to talk to Lightning Zephyr after school and tell him to leave his friends alone, But for now, he had to get to algebra.

"Whatever, I have to get to class, see you after school," Jack said as he started to walk off to algebra.

Jack got a 75 on his test which was better than he thought he would do. But that was beside the point, he had a job to do. Take care of the Lighting Zephyr Situation. Jack left the now empty classroom to start his search. After a short search, he spotted his target and started to walk over to him. But he only took a few steps before he was stopped by a familiar orange pegasus.

"Hey Jack," she said. Jack tried his best to keep an eye on Lightning Zephyr.

"Oh hey scoots," Jack says while politely pushing passed Scootaloo. Which he admits was a little rude, but he had a job to do.

"Hey, where are you going?" She asked. An expected question that jack was ready for.

"I'm going to get Lightning Zephyr off you guys back," He said with a smile. He could see the excitement in her eyes. Which was surprisingly what he didn't want. Mainly because he wanted to try and talk to Lighting Zephyr while Scootaloo just wanted to fight "Hey can you do me a favor?" he asks politely.

"Uhhh I guess?" Scootaloo said sounding slightly confused.

"Can you Let me handle this by myself? Please" Jack asked hopefully. He just hoped by some miracle that she would understand and back off. But, of course, she had to be stubborn.

"What why?" She asked While giving Jack an outraged look... Great now she was mad.

"Because I want to try to talk it out with him" he was aware that Lightning Zephyr Was not the kind of person to just talk about something. But Jack had always bee told that he had a way with words so he figured he could talk to him down.

"Ugh Fine whatever just don't come asking me for help when you get in a fight," Scootaloo said angrily.

"I won't," Jack says sarcastically just to fuel the flames.

Scootaloo finally walked... no stormed off. Jack just rolled his eyes. He finally decided that it was time. He marched up to Lightning Zephyr And taped on his shoulder. He turned to face Jack with an annoyed look on his face.

"The hell do you want?" Lighting Zephyr asked sounding as annoyed as he looked.

"I heard you pushed one of my friends into a locker this morning," Jack says as politely as he could muster.

"Oh yeah that little bitch, it made her pussy ass cry," He said In a snarky tone. Jack was starting to realize how punchable his face was. But, he tried to shake those thought out of his head. He had talking to do.

"I do not appreciate you treating my friends like that and I kindly ask you to stop treating them with that" Jack asked still desperately trying his best to keep his cool.

"The fuck you just say to me?" He says in an angry tone. Well, Jack was in for it now and since literally the entire school was watching him at this point there was no turning back.

"I asked you to stop treating my friends like shit!" Jack exclaimed. finally losing his cool which in hindsight was a mistake but couldn't exactly turn back now.

"And what ARE YOU going to do about it?" He practically shouted in Jack's face. Yet another question that Jack expected. So his response didn't take long.

"I am going to ask you to stop," Jack said. by the look in LIghtning Zephyr's face told Jack 'You are about to get punched'.

Lightning Zephyr pushes Jack, "And Who says you can talk to me like that!" he almost yells in Jack's face.

Now jack hated fights, but he wasn't the type to let himself get pushed around, so he shoved back and said "I'm just trying to defend my friends, And don't put your hands on me again" Jack said angrily.

And that was it Lightning Zephyr snapped and Punched Jack square In the face and yelled: "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO BITCH!" Jack somehow kept his balance.

Jack puts his hands up in defense and said "Hey man I'm not looking for a fight" But Zephyr wasn't having it.

"TO LATE FUCKER," He said as he gave Jack a mean right hook. Jack desperately wanted to snap and beat the shit out of him. but he didn't want to get suspended so he just decided to play defense until a teacher or principal to come up break fight up.

"QUIT BEING A PUSSY AND FIGHT ME" Zephyr Yells, But Jack manages to keep his cool and continued to dodge and back away.

Jack, who was determined to keep his cool was finally broken when Zephyr said in a snide tone "This is why your dad left you!" Jack didn't know how he knew about that but it was the final straw in Jacks's patience.

Jack lost it he tackled Lightning Zephyr and started punching him as hard as he could. he heard the ooooh's from the crowd of kids watching which wasn't a good thing. At this point, he was probably fucked because the commotion would alert the teacher that there is something going on. Jack eventually decided enough is enough and got up and walked off. But, before he left he said. "I hope you learned your lesson" And with that Jack turned and power walked to the door. But, he took one last look back and See's Zephyr getting up and telling his friends to shut up. As they were laughing at him.

Jack finally got to the door and pushed it open and started to speed up knowing full well he would be in serious trouble tomorrow. Especially since he deserted the scene, but he was ready for the heat and would stand by his reasoning.

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