• Published 7th Aug 2012
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An Egghead's Guide to Pick-Up-Lines - LittleAngelStocking

Twilight Sparkle finds a book of Pick-Up-Lines

  • ...

Chapter Five - Don't Forget the Whipped Cream

Today was a clear day, not a cloud in the sky. The sun shone down upon Equestria with bright hot clarity; warming the ground, and the ponies living beneath its burning rays.

On this particular afternoon Applejack was bucking apples. And bare trees. It was a good way to clear her mind; it was familiar, something to do, something that rarely needed thought; allowing her to reflect on other things.

The sun glinted off of her orange coat, beads of sweat trickled down her face. Her mane was a mess, strands of hair hanging in front of her face. Powerful muscles rippled underneath her coat, and Twilight could only stare in awe as the farmpony worked.

Twilight shook her head furiously; No! She wasn’t here to admire! She cleared her throat, hooking her forelegs over the fence. “Hey, Applejack!”

“What in tarnation?!” Applejack was so startled she slightly missed, bucking the tree to the side. The apples shook, and then fell; completely burying her.

“Oh my gosh!” Twilight cried, leaping over the fence and galloping towards her friend. She swept the apples, leaves and branches aside and pulled Applejack out. “Are you alright?”

“Whu…? Oh! Yeah, I’m fine!” She rubbed the back of her head, adjusted her hat and looked up. Her emerald green eyes widened. “Oh! H-hullo, Twilight…”

Twilight gave a weak smile. “Hey, um… I hope you’re not busy?” her eyes flickered towards the apples, which had missed the baskets placed around the tree – not a single apple had made it to a basket.

“Oh, n-no! O’ course not! Need something, hun? I still haven’t forgotten to return that library book now, have I?”

“What? No.” Twilight closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath. “Applejack, you know what I’m here for, please don’t try to avoid it? Please?”

Applejack shook her head, “Now Twilight, I ain’t never tried to avoid things. So… shoot.”

Twilight felt a blush rise on her cheeks. “…How about an apple pie to start with?”


“That was a stupid question. I shouldn’t have said that!”

Twilight followed Applejack, who was trotting ahead of her. They were on the dirt road between Ponyville and Sweet Apple acres, headed towards Ponyville.

“Applejack! Don’t ignore me!”

“Hey now, I ain’t ignorin’ you! I just got… I needed a moment.” She slowed, allowing Twilight to catch up.

Who would have thought apple pie would be the last thing AJ wants to hear about? Twilight thought, biting her lip. “Look, Applejack, I’m really sorry. That was stupid.”

Applejack glanced at her. “Don’t forget the whipped cream, now.”

Twilight blinked, confused for a moment, and then when the realization hit her, a high pitched giggle escaped her lips. Applejack laughed too.

Wonderful! Maybe this won’t be so hard, Twilight thought. “So, Applejack, about last night…”

“I’m all ears…” Applejack said, although subconsciously her ears had flattened. Once again, Twilight took in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to play with your feelings-“

“S’all right, Twilight. I ain’t mad or anythin’, I’ll get over it.”

Twilight smiled weakly at her friend. They’d entered ponyville now, and she felt self-conscious that somepony might be listening, but nonetheless she felt there was no going back as they continued aimlessly walking.

“You’re a good friend, you know that?”

Applejack smile sheepishly, “Twilight, it’s nothin’…” She turned a sideways glance towards the lavender unicorn. The way she moved, the rhythmic beat of her hooves on the dirt ground; the way her mane was softly blowing in the breeze. Twilight caught her staring, and the orange earth pony quickly turned her head; lowering her hat onto her forehead a bit.

“So, Applejack… there won’t be any… like… lingering feelings, will there? I mean, I don’t expect you to have a direct ‘yes or no’ answer or anything! But…” Twilight trailed off. The silence was extremely uncomfortable, and Twilight was glad when the murmuring of the stream interrupted it. They were near the little bridge that crossed the river in the middle of town.

Applejack looked thoughtful before finally saying slowly, choosing her words carefully. “Look now, Twilight. I can’t promise anything, but I won’t let any o’ these feelings get between me and our friendship. The feelings will wear off eventually, I know they will. Feelings like these always do.”

Twilight couldn’t help but smile, but said softly: “But… I don’t want you to hurt inside, or anything. I mean… I don’t know much about love, but…”

“Twilight, this ain’t love, it just ain’t. I love you as a friend, but not in that way. I understand that now – that fight las’ night was stupid, and I see that.”
They stopped for no reason, they were standing on the bridge. “Well,” Applejack continued, “these feelins’ ain’t love, it’s…. it’s…”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Infatuation!”

“Yeah! That! It never lasts.”

Twilight smiled widely, “Applejack! Oh my gosh! You’re right!” She grabbed Applejack by the shoulders, staring into her eyes and grinning widely. Applejack stared into the dark purple, sparkling eyes, that wide, cute smile…

“Infatuation! It won’t last, it will pass! It really isn’t love; they just think they love me! Thank you!”

She hugged the earth pony tightly. Applejack gasped; feeling like her entire skeleton was being crushed. “It’s… nothin’! Ah! Can’t… breathe….”

“Oh! Sorry!” Twilight blushed, dropping Applejack who gasped for breathe. Twilight smiled sheepishly, then turned her gaze out towards the gently moving stream.

Applejack followed her gaze, watching it move.

Twilight closed her eyes, smiling softly. “Sometimes it takes another to make one understand…”

“So… How about some apple pie?” Applejack suggested, grinning.

“That sounds wonderful!” the two trotted down the bridge. Nopony noticed the bubble-gum pink hoof slip out from behind a bush and trip Applejack –

- Sending the earth pony face-first into the stream.

“Applejack!” Twilight cried for the second time that day, diving into the water.

Applejack struggled under the surface; dizzy, confused, and not quite sure yet which way was up.

Twilight swam down and wrapped her forelegs around AJ’s middle, and pulled her up.

Applejack gasped as she was pulled to the surface and dragged out onto the dirt and grass.

She lay on her back, coughing.

Several ponies trotted up, and Pinkie appeared. “Oh my gosh! Twilight, she’s suffocating! Quick, CPR!”

“What? Pinkie, I’m fine!” Applejack cried indignantly between coughs.

“Oh no!” Pinkie cried, “Twilight, we’re losing her! Quick, do mouth to mouth!”

“What?!” Twilight blinked, but before she had time to react Pinkie placed two fore-hooves on the back of the unicorns head and forced her down. “Hey!” She cried; her lips inches from Applejack’s.

“Woah, nelly!” Applejack's eyes widened, and she quickly wriggled out from under Twilight, and jumped to her hooves. “Pinkie Pie, cut that out!”

Pinkie let go of Twilight and hugged Applejack tightly, nearly knocking her over. “Woah, now Pinkie, I’m fine.”

“We nearly lost you!” Pinkie gasped. “Wha? No ya didn’t, I’m fine!” Applejack gently pushed the pink pony off.

The few ponies who had crowded to see if Applejack was okay had wandered off now, and Pinkie grinned widely. “Oh, is that my laundry I hear? Gotta go!” and with that she was off.

Applejack helped Twilight to her hooves and sighed. “That pony…I love her to death, but…” she trailed off into a chuckle. “Y’all right?”

“Yes, I’m fine,” Twilight ran a hoof through her wet mane. “Thanks. But are you okay?”

“I’m alright, Sugarcube.” She tapped her own chest, as if to prove that no water would be coughed up. Twilight cocked her head, watching the water run down Applejack’s wet fur. Her mane hung limp around her face, and the earth pony pulled it out of her emerald green eyes with a hoof. Her fur glistened, her Cutie-Mark seemed to glow, as did her face.

“So, about that pie…” Applejack started, and Twilight was snapped out of it. “Yes! Pie, let’s have some pie! And let’s not forget the whipped cream!” the two shared a laugh and trotted off towards Sweet Apple Acres.

As they went, Pinkie sighed. “That didn’t work! I’ll need to try something else…”