• Published 25th Feb 2019
  • 1,546 Views, 21 Comments

Love At First Summer Camp - pandaxxus

Soarin and his cousin Fleetfoot return to their favorite summer camp for their usual year of fun. However, this time Soarin meets someone that may change everything...

  • ...

Starting Over

*Written In Rainbow Dash’s POV

I looked up to see if we had the right cabin. In front of the small wooden house, there was a sign with a small blue circle.
Looking around, each small house had a different color on each signposted.

“We are in the blue cabin right?” I asked and looked at my friend.

“Well, that's what it said on the board,” she replied softly.

“Alright then, come on!” I smiled and grabbed her bags for her.

“I'm so happy we are in the same cabin, Dashie.” she smiled as she opened the door.

“Me too, Shy,” I replied and looked around.

The room was small but cozy. There were two sets of bunk beds on both sides of the room, and one single light hung from the ceiling. Almost everything was made of wood, even the walls. Junior Speedsters’ was run almost like a school, and was strict, whereas here, it almost felt like a second home. I liked it. I could see the bathroom, and it looked like a decent size. There were some closets to hang our clothes, and space to put any other belongings.

I already began placing my things on a top bunk. Knowing Fluttershy, she'd be too afraid to climb up, even if it isn't that high. I took one of my bags and began to unpack my clothes.

“I'm kind of scared…” I heard Fluttershy say, she was busy unpacking as well.

“Of what?”

“We still have other people coming in to live with us. What if they make fun of me?”

I sighed and tried not to roll my eyes. I placed a shirt down on the bed and looked at her. I had forgotten to look at who else was staying with us when I checked the board. All I had seen was Fluttershy’s name next to mine and immediately went over to tell her.

“Shy, most of the people running around here are like six. If we do get two little kids and they say something mean to you, please don't take it personally.” I explained and watched as she looked down.

I realized that what I said probably didn't help her much, and sighed again.

“But,” I started, “if they are some dumb idiots our age who want to make fun of you, they’ll be lucky enough to meet me and my fist.” I smiled and placed my hand up in the air.

“Dashie…” Fluttershy said as if a mother was warning a child.

I rolled my eyes.

“But before that, I'll ask them politely to stop bothering you. Better?”

Fluttershy hummed in response. I may seem like I get annoyed with her sometimes, but when it comes to people picking on her, I get serious. I've never let anyone mess with her and get away with it. She does nothing wrong, and yet, she's everyone's target. Fluttershy is one of the kindest people I know, heck, she is the kindest. I've known her since my first day going to the Junior Speedsters’ camp, and when I stood up for her after seeing some kids bully her, she said it was the first time anyone has ever done that.

Ever since Shy had stuck with me, and I vowed to protect and stay loyal to her. Now, here we are, going to Cloudsdale Kick.

“Seriously though, Fluttershy.” I started. I watched as Flutters looked up at me immediately. I rarely called her by her full name, unless I was getting deep into something.

“If some jerk does have to stay with us, and they say anything to you. Tell me, please. Don’t be afraid that I’ll hurt them.” I looked at her and watched as her gaze softened.

“Dash, I would never be afraid of you.” she quickly ran over to me and gave a small squeeze.

I pushed some of my colorful bangs out of my face and lightly squeezed back. I frowned as the situation began to remind me of the past.

When I began attending Junior Speedsters’ Summer Camp about six years ago, I didn’t really have many friends. The only person I had really gotten along with was my neighbor, a girl named Gilda, and she was the one who had actually introduced me to the camp in the first place. When I met Fluttershy and we had begun to hang out more over the course of the camp, Gilda had begun to get jealous. She didn’t like the fact that I had made a new friend so easily, and that I seemed to be having fun without her.

It wasn’t long until she made friends with these two kids, both of them were really stuck up and made them turn on Fluttershy. She had thought if she had started rumors about her, that I wouldn’t hang around her anymore. Obviously, that wasn’t the case and I continued to comfort Shy.

When Gilda had seen that her scheme was failing, she decided that it was time to take matters into her own hands. One day, I had come back from swimming to see Gilda cornering Fluttershy in our shared room. I remember seeing Gilda shouting all of these terrible things, and threatening her to stay away. I remember seeing Fluttershy shaking and sobbing. Just taking one look at Fluttershy’s state, I hit Gilda.
Long story short, she ended up getting pretty beat up, and I thought she would tell on me immediately. However, she waited for a few days and told kids about me. They all had thought that I was a bully, and were afraid of me. No one would talk to me anymore, play with me, or even come near me. I had thought that I was a monster for hurting Gilda, and it wasn’t long before I believed I was a bully myself.

The incident eventually got noticed by the counselors, and they kicked me out. Seeing my parents’ disappointed faces when they came to take me, watching all of the kids cower in fear as I walked by, it all made me feel terrible. I thought that I’d lose Fluttershy, who was now the only friend I had. However, she looked at me and hugged me tightly before I left.

“Please don’t be sad,” she said, “I know that you aren’t a bully, you aren’t anything like them. You just made a mistake.”

“But I hurt her. Shouldn’t you be scared?” I replied.

“Usually I would be scared, Rainbow. But you’re different. You wouldn’t hurt me,” she smiled at me before gasping, “I forgot to tell you. I..um. I live a few houses down from you. I always have seen you and Gilda play with each other, I guess you just never noticed.”

When she had said that, I felt guilty once again, but not because I was upset with myself, it was because I never noticed Flutters. However, that would mean that we’d be able to see each other a lot more!

I was touched that she had decided to stick with me and trust me enough, even after everything that had happened that summer.

Ever since then, I’ve almost always been paranoid and careful with what I say and do when I get angry. I’d joke around and exaggerate sometimes, but I wouldn’t ever hurt anyone unless it was completely necessary.

“And of course I’d tell you if something happened to me.” Fluttershy continued.

Just as she finished, the cabin door opened. Both Shy and I looked to see who it was, assuming that it was someone who was going to stay with us.

“Hey Roomies!” a familiar voice cheerfully greeted as she opened the door with a loud bang. I immediately recognized her from earlier today, it was Fleetfoot. We had met after I had gotten knocked over by that ball a few hours ago. Her hair was very short and messy, and her eyes were a magenta color, like mine. She smiled as she walked in with her own bags.

Seeing her suddenly reminded me of the headache that still remained. The noise from the door hitting the wall aggravated it even more. I tried not to flinch as I replied.
“Hey, Fleetfoot right?”

“Yeah. Isn’t it cool that we got the same cabin?”

I laughed slightly and was a bit relieved. Fleetfoot seemed nice enough and I at least knew who she was. I saw Fluttershy visibly relax next to me as well, but she also began to hide behind me again like earlier.

“Very cool,” I smiled, but it quickly disappeared as I felt as if something had pierced through my skull. Since I had gotten hit earlier, my headache had just been dull, but since I hadn’t done anything about it, it had gotten stronger. I hissed and closed my eyes for a moment and felt Fluttershy move in front of me.

“Dash, your head is still bothering you?” she asked.

“A little, but it's okay, Shy,” I replied with the best smile I could manage. I wasn’t going to let something as small as a headache ruin my first day at camp.

“He really kicked hard, huh?” Fleetfoot smirked a bit as she walked closer, “But if you need anything, there is a nurse here. I’m pretty sure she might have something for that.”

As much as I didn’t want to give in, I knew Fluttershy was going to nag me about it until I took care of this, so I decided that I should go to the nurse.

“I’ll go check, be right back!.” I said and headed for the wooden door. However, I didn’t notice the first time that the doors opened inward for some weird reason, and before I had even gotten the chance to grab the doorknob, the door flung open.

I immediately felt the impact of the door and was knocked to the floor for the second time that day. I couldn’t hear anything that was going on around me, all my mind was focused on was the feeling of my head pounding even more. I assumed that I had gotten hit with the door, but by who?

When I was finally able to open my eyes, I looked up to see a pair of emerald green eyes, filled with worry. It was a boy, with short navy blue hair and light blue skin. It could have just been my head, but I felt like I had known him from somewhere. His mouth was moving, but I was still so shaken up that I couldn’t really make out anything he was saying.

After about a minute, it suddenly dawned on me. This was Soarin! He was that kid who hit me earlier. The conversation we had came rushing back, and I soon came back to reality.

“Rainbow Dash? Oh gosh, what did I do?” I finally heard him say. He held his head with both hands in frustration, and I realized that Fleetfoot and Fluttershy were around me as well.
I finally found the strength to speak.

“I’m fine…” I slurred and watched as Soarin turned with widened eyes.

“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!” he spilled and helped me up slowly, “Are you okay? Can you stand up on your own? How many fingers am I holding up?”

I placed my hand on his mouth to shut him up, and his cheeks reddened. It must have been from embarrassment.

“I told you, I’m fine,” I grumbled.

“I just didn’t know that you were behind the door! They open in the wrong direction and its something that they never fix! I swear I’m not doing this to you on purpose, I just-”

“Soarin,” I said, raising my voice a bit, “You don’t need to keep apologizing. It’s okay.”

He looked down and bit his lip.

“Okay..” he muttered.

Fluttershy came over to me and examined me for a moment. She softly touched the spot where I had been hit and looked at me when I flinched and moved her hand away. She looked at me and furrowed her eyebrows, and spoke.

“You really need to get that checked out,” she said, her teal eyes looking worried yet commanding.

“Oh, so she can talk?” Fleetfoot smiled and pointed at Fluttershy. She squeaked and hid behind her hair again.

At this point, my headache was becoming unbearable, and all I really wanted was some peace and quiet. When I was smaller, I’d sneak away and find a place that seemed abandoned and it would automatically become my own personal hideout. It would usually be somewhere outside, next to the water. It had always seemed to calm me down most. I thought about trying to find where I could find a spot like that here, without kids invading the place.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes.” I smiled at Fluttershy.

“Do you need me to come with you?”

“No, it’s fine.”

I started heading for the door, but I was stopped by Fleetfoot.

“He’s just a little nervous. It’s his first year with three girls in the cabin and he can’t handle it,” she whispered, talking about Soarin. I didn’t even realize that he was also going to be staying with us.

“I told him thousands of times, it’s okay,” I assured her, trying not to sound annoyed.

“Hey Fleetfoot, you think we’d have some time to play baseball here? I brought my bat!” Soarin suddenly spoke up, swinging a metal bat playfully as he walked up next to me. However, as he was swinging the bat, it slipped out of his hands and fell. I felt the bat land right on my foot, and I gasped as I bounced in pain.

This time, Soarin stood in shock, and as the pain calmed down to a dull ache, I balled my hands into fists, trying not to yell at anyone.

I saw Soarin open his mouth to speak, but I quickly cut him off.

“I’ll be back later.” I hissed and limped away.

It had taken me a while to find a quiet place, but as I walked by the lake and watched as kids played, I decided to walk further. It wasn’t long until I found that there were no sounds or trace of kids at all. I looked up a bit to see a giant tree sitting perfectly. Instead of a lake, there was a river now in front. The sun was beginning to set and honestly, the place looked perfect.

I sat down against the cool bark of the tree and listened to nothing but the silence. It was so calming. My head still felt as if it were going to explode, and my toes were throbbing. However, as I looked around, I seemed to forget about the pain for a moment.

As the sky began to turn orange, it began to get cooler, which seemed perfect to me. After everything that had happened today, I found myself relaxed. My eyes became ten times heavier than usual and I struggled to keep them open. I finally gave in and stopped fighting and allowed myself to relax completely, and I drifted off.

“Rainbow Dash?”

“Rainbow Dash?”

I felt something shaking my shoulders softly. I brushed them off the first few times, desperate to continue my slumber.

“Rainbow Dash,” the voice said, clearer than it was before.

I reluctantly opened my eyes slowly and saw his green eyes staring at me again.

What happened?

I looked around and saw that it was dark outside, the stars and moon were out. Did I fall asleep out here? Soarin was kneeling down in front of me, looking concerned. Wait, how did he find me? There were so many thoughts running through my head.

“Soarin?” I mumbled groggily. He smirked at me slightly.

“Yeah, it’s me.”

I looked up at his smiling face and couldn’t help but smile back a bit. The moonlight seemed to be shining directly on him. He ran his hand through his hair and sat down next to me.

“Are you okay?” he asked me.

I looked at him and stared at his face for a moment. Other than his big green eyes, his smile was bright and he had one single dimple on his right cheek. His face shape was round, yet soft. I wonder if he was popular in his school, especially with the girls.

“Rainbow Dash?” he called my name, now shuffling in front of me, his eyes full of concern once again.

“Oh, uh...yeah I’m cool. Everything’s fine.” I said looking down, “Sorry.”

“Don’t apologize. How’s your head?” he asked. He raised his hand and gently moved some of my bangs so he could see my forehead. I saw him cringe slightly.

“I mean, it isn’t hurting as much as before,” I admitted, “Does it look bad?”

He tilted his head to the side and raised an eyebrow.

“There’s just a really nasty bruise. Are you sure everything is okay?”

“Soarin, I feel fine.”

“I don’t know, Rainbow Dash. I hit you twice, hard. You might feel fine, but concussions aren’t a joke.” Soarin said, frowning.

“I thought you told us you were going to head to the nurse.”

I looked down in shame.
“I was going to, but I needed to cool off for a minute first. I found this place and I guess I fell asleep…” I admitted.

Soarin smiled at me again and looked down as well. It was the first time I had seen him so calm and collected. I kind of liked it, it was easier to talk to him.

“Well, it’s okay. I should probably take you there now though before we head back to the cabin,” he explained.

“Fluttershy is really worried for you. She would have come out here herself but she doesn’t know this place well.” he kept talking.

“What time is it?” I asked, looking at the night sky.

“Almost eleven.”

“What?!” I yelped with widened eyes. My voice cracked as I spoke and I shrank back a bit in embarrassment. I hated it when my voice did that. Soarin looked at me and smiled a bit and I noticed that his cheeks had gone red again. I had felt my face heat up a bit as well.

“Wait, how did you find me here?” I asked, suddenly confused. It took me a while to get this far.

“Rainbow Dash, I’ve been going to this camp since I was six years old. I know this place inside and out.” he laughed a bit, but then his expression turned serious.

“Look, Rainbow Dash, I know you said that I should stop, but I’m really sorry about today. It’s your first day here and I don’t think that I made this place seem like the most welcoming camp. I don’t know why or how I was so clumsy today and I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you or Fluttershy on purpose.”

I looked at him again, almost speechless. But, I’m Rainbow Dash, I don’t get choked up over something so...sappy. It was almost like this whole thing was ripped out of the middle of a cheesy romance novel. Besides, Soarin isn’t my type. I unfortunately dated Fluttershy’s brother, Zephyr Breeze once. He was almost a year younger than I was, and he and Soarin were a bit too close for my liking. Despite all of this, I laughed and smiled back.

“It’s okay, Soarin. You made a few mistakes, so what? As long as you aren’t planning on killing me anytime soon, we’re good.”

Soarin laughed as well, “Cool.”

He stood up and extended a hand out to me. I took his hand and stood up as well. Suddenly, pain shot up my left foot and I hissed. I had forgotten about my foot.
Soarin caught me as I stumbled a bit, and I held onto his arms to steady myself. His face looked as red as a tomato, but it must have been due to the cool air.

“Y-You okay?” he stuttered.

“I think I’m good,” I said as I regained my balance. I probably looked really weak right now in front of him. Not that it mattered, of course.

“Look, um. We didn’t really meet in the best way earlier. Do you want to start over?” He asked and scratched the back of his neck. I noticed that he still held me with one arm.

“Sure,” I smirked and held out my hand, “My name is Rainbow Dash, but you can just call me Dash.”

He took my hand and his face remained red.

“I’m Soarin, welcome to camp, Dash.” he smiled.

Then he winked at me.

I think my heart stopped beating.

Author's Note:

Hi everyone! Here is the second chapter of this story! I plan on alternating between everyone's point of view, so the next chapter will probably be seen through Soarin's eyes.

Thank you so much for reading! I'll see you next time! :heart: