• Published 8th Mar 2019
  • 777 Views, 8 Comments

Winx crusaders - phantom ghost hunter

In a world were a young girl is unaware that she has magic she will soon learn the truth.

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The dark army and mission to domino

Sweetie belle and Zipporwhill had just arrived at Alfea and went up to the dorm where the others were waiting and Apple bloom said "Sweetie belle, Zipporwhill good to see you two" then she noticed Sweetie belle sad look and asked "Sweetie belle what's wrong?"

Sweetie belle then said "I need to see head mistress Twilight".

Then Twilight walked into the room and said "what is it Sweetie belle?"

Sweetie belle then said "I now know my origin I am the last princess of domino and the keeper of the dragon fire and the fairy in my dreams she's been is my sister Rarity but the Trix they followed my to earth and stole my power they said they would pick up were there ancestors the three ancient witches left off".

Twilight then said "The Trix have the dragon fire and there descendants of the three ancient witches!? that is not good I have to make a couple calls" as she ran out the room and to her office.

Meanwhile at cloud tower the Trix had just entered and miss starlight said "what are you three doing here you are expelled leave now".

Trixie then said "I don't think so Starlight" as she shot ice at her.

Starlight then teleported behind them and threw a black orb at them but Aria caught the orb shrank it the put it out. Starlight then said "what impossible no one can do that". Later Starlight was trapped in a magic bubble and said "you will not get away with this".

Trixie then said "yes we will because we have the dragon fire the most powerful force in all the known realms and were going to use it to bring forth the dark army".

Back at Alfea Twilight was talking on the video phone with head master Sunburst of Red fountain who said "I understand Twilight I will put the boys on alert".

Twilight then said "have you had any luck getting threw to miss starlight?"

Sunburst then said "I tried but all I'm getting is a voice mail saying love don't live here no more then laughter".

Twilight then said "be ready for anything" and hung up.

Back with the Winx Sweetie belle was lying on her bed with her friends surrounding her She then said "I feel terrible It was my job to protect the dragon fire but I failed now the magic realms are doomed".

Apple bloom then said "it wasn't your fault you were outnumbered".

Sweetie belle pulled her cat into a hug and said "but still I should have done something".

Back at cloud tower the Trix were calling forth there army and Aria asked "so how big an army are we going to get?"

Trixie then said "The dark army is made from rot so every bit of decay will become a peace of our army".

Suri then said "alright" as there solders were forming massive golems and wyverns that look like zombies.

Later at Alfea and Red fountain there were storm clouds forming and Twist said "That's weird its not suppose to rain today".

Then bug like monsters appeared coming from all over the place and Zipporwhill said "aw! bugs are everywhere".

Then Professor Thorax came in and said "quick girls everyone outside".

They all ran out and saw the monsters Scootaloo then said "lets take them out".

Sweetie belle then said "but I don't have my powers".

Twist then said "don't worry Sweetie belle will handle this" all but Sweetie belle then transformed.

Sweetie belle then ran inside with one of the monsters following her but was then cornered but then a magic blast destroyed the monster and Sweetie looked up and then said "thank professor Discord".

Discord then said "wouldn't want to lose one of my favorite students stay close sweetie belle I'll protect you".

Over at Red fountain the specialists were fighting them off. Button mash was slicing threw them with his light sword, Feather weight was chopping them with his electric battle axe, Rumble was shooting them with his bow and small exploding arrows, and Snails was smashing them with his rocket hammer. Then a ship flew into the area and floated above Button then the door on the ship opened and they stated shooting at the monsters a girl on board then said "Prince Button mash grab the rope you can't see it but this armies endless".

Button then said "I will not abandon my friends".

The girl then said "come on just let these guys fight Eraklyon needs its prince".

Button then got mad and cut the rope with his light sword then said "my friends need me more".

Then the girl got annoyed and said to the one flying the ship "lets get out of here".

Back at cloud tower the Trix were plotting there next move Trixie said "we've got them scared now to deliver our demands". Later at Alfea Twilight and Sunburst were talking to Trixie on the video phone and Trixie said "Here's our demands you will surrender you schools to us and we will take control you have five hours".

Trixie hung up and twilight said "we will not give in to them that easily".

Sunburst then asked "you have a plan?"

Then Twilight said "Yes but only if Sweetie belle is willing to do it if she goes to her birth world of domino she might be able to find the dragon fire".

Sunburst then said "very well then I will see to it that Red fountain gets attacked first to by you all the time you need".

Meanwhile at cloud tower Suri was talking to the solders and said "alright were gonna take over all the realms".

Hiding behind a wall the ogre that worked for them said to the baby penguin on his shoulder "oh no they want to take over all the realms even the ogre realm there's only one thing to do we have to get out of here".

Later back at Alfea head mistress Twilight was talking to Sweetie belle and told her the plan Sweetie belle then said "Wow okay then I'll do it".

Then her friends came up and Zipporwhill said "not without us we can't let you go alone".

Head mistress Twilight then said "alright then we need to go see professor Discord".

After they got to the room That professor Discord was in he then said "Okay girls let me show you something" he lead them to anther room where there was giant ring looking machine "this is portal generator but you see after the three ancient witches attacked domino they cursed it with an eternal winter so if your going there you will need proper clothing to keep warm" he then snapped his fingers and there outfits changed to winter clothes "there now your all set".

Head mistress Twilight then said "alright girls be carful you see many dangerous monsters tend to inhabit dead planets".

Then the portal started up and they went in later back at Red fountain the ogre that worked for the Trix was there and talking to head master Sunburst and he said "you see they want to takeover every realm even the ogre realm my family lives there".

Sunburst then said "how do I know your not just a spy".

The ogre the said "because from now on I will be by your side helping fight off the monsters".

Then a message came up and Trixie said "oh were so scared Sunburst you captured the trader ogre and a penguin but we got your message so you want Red fountain to go down first so be it".

Over on domino the winx were traversing the snow and Zipporwhill said "wow I heard once that this used to be the most beautiful planet in the magic dimension but look at it now".

Apple bloom then said "but now its a frozen wasteland".

Later after they had walked a while there was a cave in under Sweetie belle and she fell down Twist then said "oh no we have to go down there and find her".

Scootaloo then said "wait look up there don't those look like castle towers?" as she pointed to a large ice tower.

Zipporwhill then said "they do looks like we found it I'll try to defrost it".

Twist then said "I'll create a digital dome that will amplify you sunrays".

Down were Sweetie belle landed she got up and looked around then said "wow this doesn't look like a cave looks more like a hallway".

She moved forward and then started hearing a voice in her head that said "oh Sweetie belle my second born" then sang a lullaby.

Sweetie then said "wait that voice this place this was my home" as she walked into a large space.

Then there was a rumble and she looked to see the ice above her was weakening she ran back as it came down Zipporwhill then said "wow that might have been to much".

Then Scootaloo said "hey look I think its the courtyard".

Apple bloom then said "and look there its Sweetie belle".

Sweetie belle then said "girls come down here and see my palace".

They got down there and walked around for a bit till they found an area that was in good shape and Zipporwhill said "wow this area looks fine like it was protected by something strong"

Then Apple bloom said "ya like the dragon fire".

Sweetie belle then said "wait".

They stopped and looked forward to see a woman spirit that said "Sweetie belle Its good to see you".

Sweetie belle then said "Rarity Its good to see you to".

Rarity then said "I know why you have come but I'm afraid that it isn't here but follow me there something you need to see" she led them to a door and then said "this is the royal treasury of domino and It belongs to you Sweetie belle" as she opened the door and they walked in.

The girls gasped at the gold and jewels in the room and Scootaloo said "hey Zipporwhill looks like Sweetie belle is richer than you".

The Zipporwhill said "I never would have thought".

Then Rarity said "Sweetie belle up here this is yours as well".

Sweetie belle when up to the pedestal where Rarity was and saw a crown then said "I get a real crown?"

Rarity then said "yes go ahead pick it up it will tell you your story".

Sweetie belle did so and saw domino being under attack right before her eyes then when it was over she said "wow my home, my people, even my parents gone".

Then Rarity said "Sweetie belle our parents are only lost I don't know if they are dead or alive but there is hope".

Sweetie belle then said "I need to get the dragon fire back from the witches".

Rarity then said "All you have to do Sweetie belle is look for it and you will find it" she then disappeared.

Meanwhile at red fountain the monsters were tearing the place apart so bad the boys had to retreat to Alfea in giant bunker ships. when they arrived head mistress Twilight said "Sunburst I need you to send some of your boys to pick up Sweetie belle and the others from domino".

Sunburst then said "very well then" he turned around and said "Button, Rumble, Feather weight, Snails I need you to take a carrier pod and go to domino to find Sweetie belle and the others they should be at that planet's old royal palace".

They did so and eventually found it where the girls were waiting and the girls got on the ship then they returned to Alfea where they told head mistress Twilight about what happened then Twilight said "Looks like we have to find anther way".


Author's Note:

Wow that took some work but please leave your thoughts in the comments below and tune in next time but for now Ghost out.