• Published 16th Mar 2019
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To Prank a Glimmer - ThePinkedWonder

Three pranksters working together to prank just one pony. It wouldn't be fair for that "one" pony, if it wasn't Starlight Glimmer.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Getting Roasted, Petted, Owned, and GlimGlamed

Hey there, Eric "Buggie" Reed here.

As you probably know, Rainbow Dash loves to do pranks. She used to prank anypony, and at any time, even if they didn't like pranks. But after she got the scare of her life, when all of Ponyville got her but good, to teach her a lesson, she's cooled it.

So Rainbow now usually just does pranks to those that enjoy it, who were mainly just Pinkie Pie and myself. While we might prank each other at any time, we mainly focused our fun during a "prank week/war" that we started having, and planned for it to be monthly. It brought back memories of the prank wars I did in my old human world with my two big sisters there, so I jumped at the chance when they asked me if I wanted to do it. I'm not sure if it's a bit immature to still have prank wars at eighteen years old. But if it is, I don't care, it's fun.

To try to keep things under control, the three of us mostly limited doing pranks to just each other, and we had to be careful to not get anypony caught in the crossfire of our pranks, especially during our prank week. But even though we loved it and really haven't been doing it that long, Rainbow, Pinkie, and I were still getting a bit bored with only pranking each other. Even if it could just be once, we needed a new patsy, uh I mean, somepony, to prank, and who also wouldn't mind it...much.

Rainbow, Pinkie, and I were at Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie was just about done with her shift and was finishing decorating the last cake for the day on a wooden table, and Rainbow and I were both sitting in chairs near the front door to Sugarcube Corner, facing Pinkie's direction, waiting for her to get done. It was the first day of our prank week, but we haven't yet made it official. But like I said, we were getting bored with pranking just each other and even wondered about skipping it.

"Whew! This day was a rough one! But I'm about to be done with my shift."

Rainbow asked, "You want to just rest for a while, Pinkie?"

"Nah, I'm good. I don't want to miss the start of our prank war!"

"Yeah, about that, Pinkie. I don't know about you two, but I kinda want to skip."

"Wait, you're tired of pranks, Rainbow? I have got to be dreaming!"

"Oh, very funny, Eric. It's not that I'm tired of pranks, I'm just tired of just doing them to only you two."

Pinkie stretched her forelegs. "Yeaaaah, I get what you mean, Rainbow. I'm a bit bored of you guys. Uh, bored of pranking you guys, that is."

I admitted, "To be honest, I was getting tired of it just being you guys too. You want to just skip our prank war this month?"

Starlight came through the open door of Sugarcube Corner, saw the three of us looking bored, and waved a hoof at us. "Hi, guys, what's wrong? You three look bored, and I thought you'd be more excited for your prank war."

I turned my head in Starlight's direction. "Hey, Starie, and yeah, we're bored."

"We're just tired of only pranking each other." Rainbow yawned. "And I never thought I'd say that."

"I see. I guess I can see how that'll be boring --" Starlight turned her head up a little in thought "-- In fact...hmm."

"What's with that 'in fact' part, Starlight?"

"Well, Pinkie, I don't know how Twilight would feel about it, but if you three want somepony else in your prank week, I can join it."

"Wow, really, Starlight? I didn't know you like pranks."

"It's not that I like them, Pinkie. But if it's all in fun and you don't get carried away, I'll do it. But I have a request for a new rule."

"Okay, what is it?" Rainbow asked.

"You three must only try to prank me."

"Whaaaat? Only you, Starlight? Why?"

Starlight's lips curled into an oddly smug grin. "Because, Pinkie, if you don't, you'll never get me. In fact, you three wouldn't get me anyway."

Rainbow's lips formed a confident smile. "Oh, really? You think you can take on all three of us?"

"Oh, I don't think I can, I know I can! I'll be your biggest challenge yet!"

Pinkie's lips also curled into a big 'ol confident smile. "Challenge, accepted."

I formed a big 'ol grin myself, and rubbed my hands in anticipation of the fun I was about to have. "Accepted indeed! This is gonna be fun, but just remember, Starie, you asked for it! So don't get mad if we bury you in pranks!"

Hopping around Starlight in circles, like she's giving Starie a taste of what she's in it, Pinkie warned, "Yeah! We could come at you at annnny angle, at annnny time, Starlight!"

"Don't worry, I won't get mad, if you can even land a prank on me!" Starlight's smug smile turned upside down into a confused frown. "But..."

"What's wrong? You're not scared already are you?"

"Of course not, Rainbow. I just want to ask when do the prank war start."

"Oh. Well, I guess it could start now if you're ready, Starie."

"I'm ready. Let us begin!"

And with that, our prank week has officially begun, and it's open season on Starlight Glimmers. With the new rule in place about us only pranking her, Pinkie, Rainbow, and I decided to work together to get her pranked and pranked good, and we even came up with a team name: The Prankster Trio! But I never knew Starlight was that sure of herself in anything, other than maybe in her magic.


The three of us picked the first prank to try. It's gonna be the classic of the classics: a Whoopie Cushion. In the library part of Twilight's castle, we hid it under a part of the couch where Starlight likes to sit on whenever she hangs out there. My follow pranksters and I sat at a different couch, pretending to just be there to read, waiting for our patsy to come, since I knew she'd come really soon.

Two minutes later, Starlight walked in the library. "Oh, hey guys. What are you three doing here?"

Still looking in the Daring Do book I was holding, I casually said, "We're just reading some Daring Do books that Rainbow got earlier."

Rainbow, in just as casual a voice as my voice was, added, "Yeah, you really should check them out one day, Starlight."

Starlight seemed to think about that, and put a hoof just below her mouth. "I have nothing to do right now, so I could do it now. What one would you suggest reading first, Rainbow?"

As Starlight was saying that, she was walking to the couch, right to where that Whoopie Cushion was. As she got close to the couch, I thought that this was too easy, and that she was just all talk this time. But, when Starie sat down, nothing happened.

Staring at Rainbow and tilting her head a bit to the side, Starlight asked, "What's wrong? You didn't say which Daring Do book to read first."

With her mouth open from...surprise, Rainbow stuttered a bit, before answering, "Oh, uh...I would suggest reading this one first" -- Rainbow pointed at the book she was reading -- "but can you excuse us? I gotta talk to Pinkie and Eric."

Rainbow wasn't the only one that was "surprised", and taking Rainbow's cue, Pinkie and I quickly hopped off the couch, followed Rainbow out of the room, and we formed a huddle in the hallway.

Rainbow whispered, "Okay, why didn't it make a sound?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, Rainbow. This has never happened before!"

"Yeah, I don't get it either!"

Rainbow rubbed her head. "Maybe something was wrong with it?"

I put a finger on my chin and tilted my head down slightly. "I guess it could be, and we could get another Whoopie Cushion."

We decided on that idea, and we went back in the library. We really were reading those Daring Do books, so we weren't there just to prank Starlight. But as we all sat down on the couch we were just on, at the same time, we heard an embarrassing sound. Rainbow, Pinkie, and I stood up fast, looked under the couch pillows, and yep, there were three Whoopie Cushions there! Starie, still sitting on her couch, burst out in laughter at the sight of us.

You have one guess on who put them there, when the three of us were out of the room.

"Wha...wha...what? How?!"

Starlight waved her hoof at us smugly. "Ha! Please, Rainbow! You really thought that I wouldn't think you three were up to something? And I knew you put a Whoopie Cushion under that couch, so I teleported it away, right before you saw me come in the room."

And a second before Starlight called out to us in the library, I thought I heard that "pop" sound, that usually happens when Unicorns teleport something, or someone, away or to us! I just didn't think much of it.

Rainbow, Pinkie, and I just stood there with our mouths wide open, dumbfounded, and embarrassed.

"But really, Whoopie Cushions guys? I thought you three could do better than that old prank, and I only did it because you tried it!"

Starlight set up from the couch she was still on, walked over to us, or more so to me. While chuckling, she lightly petted me on my head a few times with a hoof, to rub it in some more, making me give a low growl. It's Starie's job, as one of my two Equestrian big sisters, to do that kind of stuff to me sometimes and even Twilight, my other Equestrian big sister, might do it too if I give her an opening. Starlight is usually careful to not do anything that would truly bother or annoy me though, because of what she once went through with Trixie, when Trixie got carried away with her.

After she got done petting me, I told Starlight, "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, Starie. Laugh it up. We're gonna get you next time!"

"Yeah! We are gonna do something a lot, lot, lot, lot better next time!" Pinkie said.

Starlight smirked, walked out of the library with her head up, eyes closed, looking so smug. She left us, The Prankster Trio, to try something else.

We picked the next prank. In the kitchen of the castle, we got a special cup that has a very small hole near the top, that's next to impossible to see. We filled the cup with some juice that Starlight likes to drink. When she tries to drink it, it's gonna spill out of the hole, and on her. This time, to not tip-off Starie by simply being together, we're gonna stay hidden in a corner of the kitchen, and we put a box in the corner of the kitchen to hide in so she wouldn't see us.

"Okay, Eric. You sure Starlight's gonna come?"

"Yep, I'm sure, Rainbow. I heard her tell Twilight she was getting thirsty, so she should be here to get a drink any second."

Pinkie warned, "Ooh, ooh, I think I hear her coming now!"

Rainbow whispered, "Okay, let's get in that box and get down!"

We jumped into that box, and Starlight walked in, humming to herself, and to the cup we set up to drink. But, instead of just picking it up with her magic and drink, she first turned the cup around half-way, before lifting it up to drink from it. Because of this, the hole was pointing the other way, so none spilled out. Then after she got done, she went out of the kitchen. This left us scratching our heads. How the buck did that pony know to do that?!

Rainbow muttered, "Okay...that happened."

"Can you tell me what it was?"

"It must be luck, Pinkie. There's no way Starie could know that we set up that cup."

"Well, why did she do it then?" Pinkie asked.

"No idea. But I am getting thirsty, so I'll get something to drink too."

"I'm getting thirsty too, I'll join you, Eric." Rainbow said.

"Me three!"

The three of us came out of the box, went to where we had that "trick cup" in place, to pick out our own cups that were also there, then poured in them some of that same juice that we poured for Starlight. When we tilted the cups towards us to drink from it...some of the juice poured out from a very small hole in it.

Shocked by that juice leaking out of our cups, Pinkie, Rainbow, and I gasped, stepped back, and we tripped on something on the floor that was slippery, making the three of us yelp and fall backward. We found ourselves rolling several feet on the floor, ending up on our backs.

After we stopped and shook our heads to get our bearings, we found that we were covered in purplish pink paint, the same coat color of a certain Unicorn.

We turned our heads to our right, to a very smug, giggling figure walking up to us holding a near-empty paint can with her magic, shaking her head.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, guys. You left a filled cup out in the open? That has 'it's a prank!' all over it! Now, what I just did is how you do it, and I even set up those cups before you three even came in the kitchen!"

The three of us tried to stand up, but before any of us could fully stand, we slipped on the paint and fell on our backs again, and we all groaned at the same time.

"No fair! How did you sneak up on us so quietly, Starlight?"

"What can I say, Pinkie? When you got it, you got it!"

With the three of us still lying on our backs on the floor of paint, dumbfounded again, and not even trying to stand up, Starlight walked right up to me, right on the edge of where the paint on the floor was, but was still in hoof-reaching range. With a big grin, and with me looking up at her, she petted me on the head with her hoof to rub it in again.

After she was done with that, her horn glowed light-blue, the paint on us disappeared, then she walked out of the kitchen, with her head tilted up a little, smiling, and even had her eyes closed again for that max smug effect.

Smuglight Glimmer got us again.

We decided to give up for the rest of the day, and to try again the next day.


This time, we set up an "exploding" cake, that has Starlight's favorite flavor icing on it outside, near the castle doors. She's been having a bit of a "sweet tooth" lately, so she'd want to cut herself a slice as soon as she sees it. When it's cut into, as the name suggests, it'll explode -- not a literal explosion of course -- covering my sister in icing goodness! There was already a "real" cake there that looked the same, which Starie already knew about, and we just swapped them out. So unlike that trick cup bust, nothing should tip-off Starlight that it's a prank this time. We were already hiding in some nearby bushes to watch.

"All right, we're gonna get Starie this time!"

"And Starlight's on the way, right, Eric?"

"Yeah, Rainbow, she should be here soon."

"Hope it's soon, because --" Pinkie turned her head to her right and gasped "-- uh-oh."

"What do you mean 'uh-oh', Pinkie?"

Rainbow turned her head to the right, to see what Pinkie was talking about. "Oh, that's not good."

That made me finally turn my head to the right, and my heart sunk at what I saw. "Oh, no, no, no! Not her! Anypony but her!"

A mare came to the cake, and it wasn't Starlight. It was Ms. Rosy, a dark-green Earth Pony that's bigger than a usual mare, and is almost as big as Big Mac. She's been in Ponyville only three days, but the three of us already knew that she's a big bully that just does whatever she wants. There have even been times she's thrown ponies through the air that got her mad! The only reason that a certain Princess of Friendship hasn't dealt with her yet is because she didn't yet know about that bully.

With Ms. Rosy about to dig into that cake, Rainbow, Pinkie, and I jumped out of our bush, ran up to her, yelling to not touch that cake! But we were too late. She tried to cut herself a slice, and the cake blew up in her face, completely covering her in cake and icing!

The three of us gulped, when that big mare became fully aware of what just happened, and glared down at us.

"Uh...do that cake taste okay, Ms. Rosy?" Pinkie quietly asked.

Ms. Rosy growled and replied, "Oh, it's just peachy. And I take it you three made this?'

"Uh...you could say--"

But as soon as I said that, Ms. Rosy wrapped her big forelegs around all three of us, picked us up, while squeezing us really tight so it would be painful for us. With us squirming and grunting in pain, she then threw us about ten feet in front of her on the ground in a three-person/pony pile! That big bully huffed, then walked off.

"Ow!" Rainbow rubbed her head. "Are you two okay?"

I rubbed my own head. "Yeah, I am. How about you, Pinkie?"

"I am too. But that big meanie's always doing whatever she wants!"

"One of these days, I'm gonna kick--"

"Never mind her, Rainbow. Since our prank got 'interrupted', we better just try another prank, far away from Ms. Rosy."

"But can we do it tomorrow, Eric? I need to go feed Gummy!"

"And my wings are sore from that throw, so I second that."

"Okay, we can try again tomorrow."


For this prank, Rainbow, Pinkie, and I will try to literally catch Starlight. We disguised a net on the ground, so it just looks like a normal part of the ground. I noticed that Starie often walked by a certain bush when she goes to certain places, so we set up the net in front of it. Pinkie got it about an hour ago.

With the three of us circled in a huddle again, in front of that bush, I asked, "That net's set correctly, right, Pinkie?"

"Yep! When Starlight steps on it, it's gonna catch her niiiice and good!"

Rainbow pointed her hoof in a direction behind me. "Guys! Here she comes! Let's hide!"

I turned, and saw Starlight walking towards us in the distance, and was just far away to not yet be aware of us. We ducked in the bush behind us, and watched her come closer and closer to the hidden net.

"Just a little closer..." Rainbow said under her breath.

Our smiles got big, nearly as big as the ones the CMCs had when they were hiding in bushes, when those three fillies tried to ship bring Big Mac and Cheerilee together for Hearths and Hooves Day. But our grins got turned upside down when Starlight walked on the ground with the hidden net, with nothing happening, and she just kept on walking.

"What? It didn't work?!" Rainbow facehoofed out of frustration.

"Okay, seriously, how was Starie able to do that?! Her horn wasn't glowing, so it wasn't because of magic!"

"Wowzers! She is good!" Pinkie admitted.

And I hate to admit it too, but Pinkie was right.

Really confused, the three of us got out of the bush, and walked over to the ground with the hidden net. We tapped on it a few times to try to see what happened. The next thing we knew, the net hidden on the ground suddenly curled itself up and swallowed us.

Yep, we stupidly got ourselves caught in that net!

With us trapped in the net, squirming, feeling like Wile E. Coyote, Starlight walked back to us, laughing.

"Guys? You know you're supposed to catch me, not yourselves in these pranks, right?"

"Oh ha-ha, very funny, Starlight."

And Rainbow wasn't wrong about that. It was funny...if you're Starlight Glimmer! Or for you guys, if you're enjoying how Starie keeps on embarrassing Pinkie, Rainbow and me!

"But why didn't that net catch you? You weren't using magic, Starie!"

With a smug as buck grin, Starlight bragged, "I thought you three might try something like this. So when Pinkie was picking out nets earlier, while she wasn't looking, I made sure they were all the same kind of net. They can't be triggered by something as light as one pony."

I wanted to yell "Pinkie!" but it really wasn't Pinkie's fault, so I just facepalmed instead, while Pinkie and Rainbow "facehoofed."

More smug than ever, Starlight first used her magic to free the three of us from that net, then she pulled me over to her with her magic. I gave a low growl, knowing what that Unicorn wanted to do to my head.

Yep, she petted me on the head. But to rub it in even more, she even said, "beep beep!" as she was walking away, like a certain Road Runner that I told her about once, when I was telling her stories about what I did in my old world. Including some other cartoons that I watched, besides the one that she's a part of.

Yeah, that mare's just going out of her way to troll us, especially me! At least Trollestia would be proud.

Yep, it's war now. Even more of a war than it already was, with it being a prank war and all.

Because we're trying to prank a mare, we're entering dangerous grounds with this next prank. But like I said after that last bust, it's war now. We swapped out a bottle of Starlight's favorite "mane wash", that she just bought, with an identical looking bottle that had "mane wash" that would ruin her mane! She left the bottle on a stand outside, so all we needed to do was switch the bottles. We're standing in a huddle, close to some bushes that we were about to hide in, and wait for Starie to come.

"Uh, Rainbow, are you sure we should try this prank?" Pinkie asked, a little nervous.

"Yeah, I'm sure, Pinkie, and we'll help Starlight fix her mane after our prank, so no biggie."

"You better be right, Rainbow. Starie promised me months ago that she'll never hurt me, so I'd be safe. But you two might not be so lucky if this gets her mad."

"Nah. If this was the old Starlight, maybe. But the new Starlight wouldn't do that over something like this."

Pinkie pointed a hoof to the direction I was facing away from. "Wait, guys, Starlight's coming!"

Hearing Pinkie's warning, we all ducked in those bushes we planned to hide in. But when we did, we suddenly became really itchy, making us jump out of it, and fast!

"What, what's going on?! What's happening to us?!" Rainbow shouted, literally rolling on the ground and scratching all over.

Pinkie and I quickly joined her on the ground, rolling and scratching.

As we rolled on the ground scratching, Star-Smug walked up to us, laughing.

"Did you three really think I'd leave that bottle out in the open with our prank war still on, unless there's a reason I did? How do you like that green itching powder I put on that bush?"

Still scratching our butts/flanks off, Rainbow, Pinkie, and I turned our heads to that bush we just tried to hide in. Yep, there was green-colored powder all on it, but was just hard to see, with the leaves themselves being green. That pony was one step ahead of us, again!

Rainbow, rolling on the ground and scratching faster and faster, shouted, "Okay, you got us, Starlight! Can you use your magic to stop our itching?! I can't take this anymore!"

"First, can I have my real mane wash back?"

Barely able to take the itching anymore myself, I yelled, "It's on the other side of that bush, so help us, Starie!"

Starlight smirked with her horn glowing, and the next thing we knew, the itching just stopped, and that powder on us was gone.

Then Glim-Smug-Glam pulled me to her with her magic to do the usual rubbing it in by petting me on my head. She went around the bush to get her mane-wash, then trotted off, with the bottle of the fake mane wash still on the stand.

But after Starlight was out-of-view, while we were catching our breaths from that rolling and scratching, things got worse for Rainbow, Pinkie and me. Out of nowhere, somepony grabbed that bottle, and...oh buck!

It was that big bully, Ms. Rosy!

Before we could say anything, she put some of that "mane wash" on her mane. It made pockets of her hair in her mane collect and spike up, making her mane "spiky", like a Super Saiy...you know. That bully glared at us, and knew we had something to do with it.

Pinkie chuckled nervously, and quietly said, "Hey, uh...Ms. Rosy? If it helps, it looks good on you."

"If so, I should thank you three. Come here."

That bully "thanked" us by grabbing and throwing us again another ten feet, and we landed on some short grass in another three-person/pony pile-up. We even hit our heads on some rocks, giving each of us a bump on the head.

I yelled, "Ow! I hate that mare!!"

"Yeah, that big meanie! Why she gotta keep throwing ponies?"

Rainbow freed herself from our pile, stood up facing where Ms. Rosy walked away and gritted her teeth. "That's it, I'm kicking her flank!"

I was about to just let Rainbow go and do it, but then I thought of a more delicious idea. I quickly got to my feet to put my hand on Rainbow's back to calm her down. "Hold it, Rainbow. I already thought of a better idea on what to do with Ms. Rosy."

"What you have in mind with her?"

"Oh, let's just say she's gonna have some light trouble later, Pinkie. For now, we need to think of another prank idea for Starie. But I'm sore from that throw, so let's do it tomorrow, okay?


In Pinkie's "Party Cave", Rainbow, Pinkie, and I were sitting on the floor in a circle, trying to think of a different angle to come at our pranks. How we were doing it at this point was just not working.

"Okay, Eric, Starlight's been like your big sister for months, so you know her better than Pinkie or me. And you've seen some things from our "cartoon" that the rest of us still don't know about, right? Does she have any weaknesses that you know about that we can use to prank her?"

"Well, I know of a few, Rainbow. But we're trying to prank Starie, not hurt her feelings or make her cry."

Pinkie frowned, and asked, "So you know nothing that we can use?"

I place a hand on my chin and turned my head down, trying to think of something. After a few seconds, I lifted my head back up with a smile. "Hold on, I think I know something that we can use against her."

"Well, what is it?!" Rainbow asked.

"I don't know for sure if Starie still has this side to her, and I only saw it when she was still Twilight's student. But I saw that she was a bit of a show-off with spells, when Twi was testing her magic skills."

"Wow, really? I didn't know that she had that side to her. Our egghead sure isn't like that."

"But how can we use that to prank her, Eric?"

"Easy, Pinkie. If we can get her to show off some spells, and do it near one of our pranks, she could get caught off-guard."

"Hmm, that's a good idea." Rainbow stood up. "So who's gonna be the one to get her to show off?"

"I'll take care of that, and I'll probably be the most effective at it. As you said, Rainbow, I know Starie better than you two."


"Then, Pinkie, Eric, let's pick our next prank, and finally get Starlight pranked!"

Back at the castle, we prepared our next prank idea. I was going to get Starlight to show off some hard spells (for most Unicorns) and while she was busy hamming it up, Rainbow and Pinkie was going to sneak up on her and put a big bucket of light-blue paint behind her --guess who picked the color for the paint -- so when she either steps back or turns around to walk away from me, she'll trip on the bucket and fall right into that paint! We also needed to get that pony back for that "paint job" she did on us earlier anyway, so this prank would kill two birds with one stone.

Standing right outside the library door, I whispered, "Okay, there she is, in the library. You two know what to do, right?"

"I know, just keep her attention away from Pinkie and me, okay, Eric?"

"Don't worry, I'll take care of that. Remember, wait for about thirty seconds, then come in the library. Now let's do this!"

"Good luck!" Pinkie told me, as I was about to go through the doors to the library.

I went in the library, closed the door to it so Pinkie and Rainbow wouldn't be seen and walked up to Starlight, who was reading a book on that couch she liked being on.

"Hey, Starie? I have a favor."

Noticing me, Starie sat the book she was reading down beside her. "What is it, Buggie?"

"That spell you were trying to learn earlier. Did you ever get it down?"

"Yeah, I did. Why do you ask?"

"I just wanted to finally see it in action. You mind?"

Starlight rolled her eyes up for a few seconds, and seemed to be thinking about it. "Well, I could. But could you get me that book over there? That's what I was reading to learn it."

"Sure." I turned around and pointed. "It's that book on the table, right?'


I got the book Starlight asked for, she grabbed it with her magic, and she quietly read a page on it. After she got done, she went to the middle of the room, facing away from the doors to the library, and started doing that spell, with me standing about ten or so feet in front of her. It was a "delayed Transmutation spell", that would turn something into something else a few seconds after a beam of magic hits it, instead of it happening right away like it normally happens.

I half-pretended to be impressed -- she's Starlight Glimmer so I knew she'd master it -- and after about thirty seconds after I walked in, Rainbow and Pinkie slowly opened the library door, slowly crept up, placed that big bucket of paint behind Starie, then backed quietly out of the room.

After Starlight did that spell, by turning a book into a pink teacup five seconds after hitting it with a light-blue magical beam, then back into a book the same way, I said, "Wow, that's great, Starie, and I knew you'd do it! But I think I've seen enough, so I'm gonna head out to ask Rarity about something."

"Okay. See you later, Buggie."

With Pinkie and Rainbow both now peeking in the room, Starlight turned around and took a step, and tripped on the bucket of paint. But as she was falling, she vanished!

Seeing that, Pinkie and Rainbow ran in the room. We just stood beside each other, all looking down at the bucket of paint that Rainbow and Pinkie placed behind Starlight, with our mouths open and so confused.

"What just happened?"

"Beats me, Pinkie. Even I'm not that fast!"

"And this wasn't part of the spell she was showing me. Starie turned her head away from me when she fell, so I couldn't see if her horn glowed. But even if she used a spell, there's no way it was teleportation. There wasn't that sound that happens when something or somepony teleports!"

"Then what happened to her?"

As we were trying to figure out the answer to Pinkie's question, we took a few steps back and...we tripped on and fell on one of three skateboards that somehow ended up behind us! They took us halfway across the library, screaming, and we crashed into the bookshelves of it. The thud of us slamming into the shelves knocked down a bunch of books, burying the three of us!

After we freed ourselves from that "book avalanche", rubbing our heads, we saw Smughorse, sitting down in front of us! Not only was she laughing, but she was mockingly clapping her hooves at the "race" that she just saw Rainbow, Pinkie, and I have on those skateboards. This was just getting sad for The Prankster Trio.

"Hey, what's wrong guys? I thought you three were going to bury me in pranks, not bury yourselves in books! But too bad none of you saw that there was more than just one of me around."

"Wait, more than 'one' of you? I don't get it," Pinkie questioned.

"Okay, Starlight, seriously how did you do that?"

"Wait, Rainbow, I think I know. Starie, When my back was turned when you asked me to get that book, you combined an Accelero spell with a Similo Duplexis spell to be in two places at once, didn't you?"

"Yep! And the 'real' me snuck up behind you when you thought I 'vanished'! You know me well, but I know you well too, Buggie, so I thought you might try something like this soon. Why do you think I was reading down here? You forgot I usually read in my room, not in the library?"

"BUCK!" I facepalmed hard and groaned. I couldn't believe I forgot that!

We were more embarrassed than ever, as Starie stood up, used an Accelero spell to become the pony version of The Flash, to put all the books back on the shelves in about three seconds. After that, she came back to me and petted my head, yet again!

"I'm surprised that you remember the names of spells like that, Buggie, but I think you've been around Twilight for too long. Burying yourself under books is something she would do." Starlight walked out of the library with her head held high, eyes closed, like a boss.

At this point, I probably should think about asking Rarity to put "Property of the Unicorn Starlight Glimmer" on all my shirts, because between turning pranks against me, saying something to roast, and even pet me on my head, I was getting owned by her! And get some of those shirts made for Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, because the Element of Smugness owned them too: she just wasn't petting them like she was doing to me.

Man, no matter what we did, Rainbow, Pinkie, and I tried to do in this prank week, we couldn't stop getting GlimGlamed!

We're not going to throw in the towel yet, though. We're going to get that pony in day five of our prank week...I hope.