• Member Since 28th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I write the countless and troublesome story worlds that I see in my mind for you're enjoyment, mostly to just make them stop! GTFO out if my brain and onto the site! *SMACK*

Comments ( 24 )

..............Holy Crap!

sorry for being busy. preparing for a kid is... rough

No need to explain man. You got a lot happening, and it's alright. I actually was suprised with the fact Indid the ending part solo.

And Ben is still the third wheel here...makes sense I suppose given Ben normally cripples himself emotionally...

I guess I know how Ben feels now.

Ben: Well it's about time someone understands how I feel for once

Eclipsa: yeah. I know what my roll is but still not what I am. Gotta love that. But again, you are looking for who you are, I'm looking for what I am, different things, even if similar.

Ben: Yeah, it's kind of a bitch when you never get straight answers even when your literally reading the stories
But I like the chapter, hopefully Eclipsa can maybe help Ben figure out the whole DREAM Project mystery that he's currently trying to figure out in the background.

In the background, a rubber glove snapping as it was placed on echoed. Eclipsa gulped.

this is just funny to me

(Me: Sees first comment in litteral months)

My happiness::twilightsheepish:

... that's one helluva error right at the end there, also, first, yay!

I think this is far enough. As a gag story, it was pretty bad but it was enough to stay the boredom away while I was out camping. Now that I am back, this story lost me instantly and I can't find any will to read this further than partway through this chapter.

Anyways, I wish you luck on whatever else you might be doing and I really think that you should just let this go, you've stretched it as far as possible and now, beyond.

You did make this as a gag story, right?

More please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please plllleeeeeeeeaaaaaasssssse

I am addicted to this story im loving the starlight arch

This is the first arch I've actually planned out so thanks.

Yay! New chapter :) loved it as always.

It's crazy how this store and so many others where cheated by a thought what if the mayan calendar was a test created by God to find the good people of the world in his head to free to the real world.

yeah, it is really funny how thing's work like that

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