• Published 6th Mar 2019
  • 3,801 Views, 153 Comments

Freeing Gallus - CrackedInkWell

In the eyes of Griffonstone, Gallus isn't considered an adult as he has no one by blood or marriage to perform a coming of age ritual. Sandbar comes up with a loophole to free his friend, he'll simply marry him. At least, temporarily.

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Chapter 10: Wedding Day

To anyone else in Ponyville, there seemed to be an unusually large influx of tourists coming in and through the town. All morning, even before the crack of dawn, the train that comes to every half-hour seemed to get waves upon waves of ponies. But to those who really know what’s going on, these travelers are really relatives of Sandbar’s. Each of them carrying with them some of the final touches for the ceremony to occur in the afternoon at the ruined castle of the Two Sisters.

On that morning, tents and tables were set up just outside of the steps of the castle. Inside, however, inside of the ancient throne room where ancient tapestries of Celestia and Luna hung, chairs were being organized in rows. Every chair, underneath the antique, fractured glass ceiling were facing towards the remains of two thrones of the Royal Sisters that, despite the cracks and pieces of it missing, were still magnificent upon the twin staircase and a short bridge that connected the two. Nearby towards the pale-yellow throne, a podium was being set up where the marriage certificate was placed on it, waiting for those important signatures. Near the back, speakers were being set up and a DJ was flipping through the playlist of songs to memorize.

While the family was setting up, speaking to one another to catch up how the other is doing, what’s new and trying to keep the younger ones under control, the husbands-to-be were preparing themselves in different rooms of the ruined castle. Sandbar with his parents and Gallus was joined up by Troy and Canvas.

“Ya know, you should have considered yourselves lucky.” The larger griffon commented as he stood behind Gallus in front of a stand-up mirror, tying his bowtie. “Our bachelor party didn’t go anywhere near as smoothly.”

“Troy, don’t remind me,” Canvas said, shivering. “I still can’t unsee all that stuff that happened.”

The younger griffon raised an eyebrow. “Do I wanna know?”

Both husbands glanced at one another. “Let’s just say that the less you know, the better off you’ll be.” The pony picked up the blue vest and hoofed it over to his husband. “Still, I would say that I’m rather surprised that you were able to have the Queen of the Hippogriffs to organize it. That sounds really fancy to me.”

“It was… if a little… awkward.”

“Why?” Troy raised an eyebrow, helping him slip into the vest.

“Well for one, the servants there were all dudes that while they were passing out the food and stuff, they seemed rather… flirty. Not on the level of ‘Let’s go bang in the back’ but it was kinda close enough. And the fact the Queen hired strippers to do a dance that the Hippogriffs themselves had forgotten how to do…” A blush appeared on the blue griffon’s face.

There was a very long, concerning pause before Canvas asked, “Did anyone at that party do anything to you guys that you weren’t comfortable with?”

“I don’t… think so…? I mean, we weren’t molested or anything like that but… well…” Gallus tugged at his collar. “Like the servants, both of the uh… dancers were male. And in the end, Sandbar and I didn’t realize that our uh… (Gods, how do I say this…?) Our… swords were unsheathed, in front of everyone, if you know what I mean.”

“Oh…” Both husbands quickly got the meaning.

Gallus nodded. “Between you and me, I think both of us realized something last night.”

“You think that you’re gay?” Troy inquired and he nodded.

“Yeah. And you know what? I still haven’t told Sandbar this, but when they were dancing like that… I kinda… ya know… daydreamed that we were up there doing it. And that thought didn’t exactly go away when we rushed out in need of a bush…” Gallus confessed, buried his face in his claws. “I-I know, it’s weird but I couldn’t help it.”

Troy hugged him. “Kid, there’s nothing wrong with having thoughts like that. I know that this might seem a little bit scary to you at first, but the fact is, you have no control over who or what you find attractive.”

“Do you think Sandbar’s having the same idea?”

“I wouldn’t be surprised,” Canvas told him. “After all, if what you told us is true, I’d think that both of you getting that… aroused would be proof that’s difficult to deny. Chances are, he might be just as traumatized as you are.”

“Gee, thanks.” Gallus deadpanned as he focused on buttoning up his vest. After he was being presented with his suit, a thought came to him. “Okay, so we’re gay to some degree. But even then… There’s something else that’s gotten me thinking.”

“What’s that?” Troy asked.

Turning around, Gallus asked the two husbands: “Do you think that it might be possible that Sandbar might actually love me – and if so… would he want us to get divorced?”

Canvas, with a raised eyebrow of his own, asked, “What makes you think that?”

“Well… a couple of things really. For one, ever since he came up with this idea to free me that… I noticed we started to hang out more often. Not just that, but he’s gone above and beyond with helping me from our homework to when I was sick. There hasn’t been a day gone by where he checks up on me to see if I’m doing alright and when I wasn’t, he stuck there until I was better. So, this got me thinking, that if he is falling for me, what would happen on the day after I undergo my coming of age ritual and we’re about to sign those divorce papers… would he really want to at that point? Would… I be able to?”

“Hang on, are you saying that you love him?”

Gallus remained silent. “That’s exactly what I’m afraid of. After all he’s done, the last thing I wanna do is to hurt him.”

“Mom! My mane is fine!” Sandbar wave a hoof to drive away the brush his mother had in her mouth.

She spat it out. “But I wanna have my baby look his best when he’s up at the altar.” Spring put a hoof on her son’s shoulder, the two of them looked directly into the ancient looking glass. Sandbar at this point has on his suit while his mother had on a flowing, tropical dress. “Is it unreasonable for me to make sure my colt is as handsome as possible for your soon-to-be hubby.”

Sandbar gave his mother a weird look. “Do you kiss dad with that mouth?”

She rolled her eyes. “Just let me brush your mane a little to where you look good.”

“I find that odd that you want to brush it now as you never wanted to do so before.”

“Well, that’s because those other times you weren’t about to get married.” Before her son could respond, the heavy door to the room was pushed open and Spring’s husband came in. “There you are. How are the girls?”

“Smolder has finally put on the dress, begrudgingly, I might add. The others have their dresses on.”

“And the marriage certificate?”

“The Mayor is on her way here and should be here on time. Plus, Yona has us covered with the food for the reception. And I’ve already given the list to the DJ.”

“Beatles or Beach Colts?” Sandbar asked.

Autumn chuckled. “For your wedding march? Nah, I don’t think so. I went with something else that’s more… modern. But trust me,” he quickly adds, “it fit. The other stuff I had it save for later.” He went up to his son. “So, how are you?”


“I mean, this is a pretty big day for all of us.”

“Dad, I’ve already told you guys that-”

“This’ll be temporary, we know.” He nodded. “But it doesn’t make this any less significant. Being married to someone is life changing, regardless of how long it lasts. We should know, it’s kinda intimidating at first.”

Spring laughed, “Oh I remember. You had a panic attack right before either of us marched down to the altar.”

“I was under a lot of pressure.” Her husband protested. “Your parents were royally pissed I got you pregnant.”

“Yours too, if I remember right.” She kissed his cheek. “But even so, you don’t regret marrying me, don’t you?”

He shook his head. “I’m just really lucky that we’ve found a way to make it work.” He turned back to his son. “Point being, once you do get married, it’ll bring things into perspective. When I married your mom, I realized not just the responsibility it comes with it, but I really looked into why I fell in love with her. All I’m saying for you, that regardless of how you think about your friend Gallus, it’ll bring things into perspective of not just him, but also yourself too.”

Sandbar turned to his reflection in thought. “Mom, dad… do you guys think… this plan of mine would backfire?”

“What do you mean, baby?” his mother asked.

“I mean… what if on the day that we get the divorce that, maybe, he doesn’t want to? I mean, I know that we’ve known each other for less than a year but… what if Gallus really has feelings for me and I ended up breaking his heart when we’re not married anymore? As much as I uh…” He stopped himself to choose his next choice of words carefully. “Care, about him, and that I do want to see him free, what if in the process I ended up hurting him?”

After exchanging a knowing look, his father wrapped a hoof around him. “I can’t tell you how to live your life, nor do I have an answer for that. But if something like this is bothering you, I would highly suggest that you should sit Gallus down and be open with how you think and feel over the whole situation. Regardless if he does have feelings for you or not, communication is key to figure out what is best for the both of you. Just be sure that whatever you two end up deciding on, that it’ll be done for the right reasons.”

Sandbar sighed, “I really hope so.”

His mother hugged him. “You and Gallus are going to be fine. Just by doing this to free him, I think you already are doing it for the right reasons. Now, come on,” she picked up the brush, “Let mom straighten your mane out.”

It was time.

The family and guests sat waiting in the throne room of the dilapidated palace. In front of them, Mayor Mare had placed the marriage certificate on the podium, giving a nod over to the DJ to begin the ceremony. In the back of the room, the DJ picked up the record and placed it on the turntable, turn on the speakers, and place the needle down.

As the music began, Spike came up the aisle holding up a velvet pillow with two golden rings. Next were Silverstream, Ocellus, Yona and a grumpy looking Smolder that marched towards the front where they split, with the Hippogriff and Changeling going up the side towards the Solar throne while the Yak and Dragon up the Lunar throne. Next to come was Princess Twilight with her polished Royal Regalia where she flew up towards and landed on the bridge that connected the two thrones. Even among the ruins, she stood there, dignified and proud, with her gaze towards the back of the throne room to which, everyone stood up.

Sandbar, after breathing in deep, took up the courage to walk down the aisle with his parents beside him. The parents, for the occasion, had pulled out the very clothing that they had when they got married in. His father, on his left, had on a white dress shirt with a colorful, tropical tie while his mother, on his right, came in with the flowing flowery dress with a bird of paradise in her mane. The young stallion walked forward, despite how many eyes were on him. Even though most of them were supportive, Sandbar felt that he was the starring role of a surreal play that he was suddenly thrusted onto. But upon walking up the steps towards the Solar throne, his mother gave her son a kiss on the cheek and a hug from his father before they stepped aside.

Then up came Gallus, and next to him was Troy and Canvas, there were whispers in the room, but the blue griffon did his best to ignore them as he went forward, ever forward towards the front. Towards Sandbar. His liberator. He could feel his heart beat faster at the realization of how serious and real this situation was getting to him. But he mentally told himself that it was due to the remainder of Troy’s talons and the bowl of disinfection that Canvas was carrying on his back. The three of them walked up the steps of the Lunar throne and past Mayor Mare. With the two spouses-to-be present, Sandbar and Gallus step up onto the bridge where Twilight was.

The two of them gazed at one another. “Uh… hey.” Sandbar nervously began, much to the amusement of everyone in the room.

“Hey.” Gallus nodded back. “You look good.”

“Thanks… So… are you sure you want to do this?”

The young griffon reached out his talons out for the pony’s hoof. “I’m willing if you are.”

With a smile, he placed his hoof in his claw, turning towards Twilight.

Twilight cleared her throat. “Fillies and Gentlecolts. Griffons and Ponies alike. We are gathered today in celebration of the joining of two close friends that out of sacrifice and selflessness have come to join together in the sacred bond of marriage.

“But before I could begin, I am aware that these two are not at the legal marriage age, so therefore I must turn over to one of the parents for their permission to make this official.” She turned towards Sandbar’s parents which they stepped up. “Would you state your names and whose parents you are?”

They nodded. “I’m Autumn Wave, Sandbar’s father.”

“I’m Spring Tide, Sandbar’s mother.”

“Do you give your consent to have your son to be wedded to Gallus of Griffonstone?”

“We do.”

“Thank you.” She then turned back to the crowd. “Sandbar and Gallus, two souls who have bonded together when the School of Friendship was a new idea, and they have forged a strong tie during a desperate time. Here today, through an act of incredible valor, self-sacrifice, honor, and generosity, they come together so that one can be set free.

“In all of my years of learning what friendship could be, it astonishes me of what one friend is willing to do for another. Today, Sandbar has come here with Gallus to helping overcome the restrictions to help him become, in the eyes of Griffons, an adult. Even if this bond of marriage is meant to be temporary, I can be both proud of my students, and the unbreakable friendship that should be a testament of their devotion.

“Now, I’ve been made aware that due to the unique circumstances, both of you have asked to make your own vows. Do either of you have any preference of who’s going first?”

Sandbar and Gallus looked at one another. The griffon raised his claw. “I have something to say.” Trying his best to block everyone out of his thoughts, he looked at his friend in the eye. “Sandbar, I have a confession to make. After my parents had passed away, I had no hope left in me. For the longest time, I honestly thought that I’m forever trapped in the place of Griffon society that deems as untouchable. For years, I thought I was beyond the help of anyone. Before I came to the school, I had no friends, no family and no future for me. I… I had thought about just ending it all until I met you. All of you. For the first time, I wasn’t seen as a diseased, cursed thing that’s doom to misery. You gave me a clean slate and looked past the stuff that has happened to me and just saw what I really am – your friend.

“Sand… this past couple of months at the school of friendship, it changed my life. You, just doing this to free me, have changed my life for the better. I guess, what I’m trying to say here is… Sandbar… thank you. I don’t have a clue how I can repay you for doing something that next to nobody would ever do, for going above and beyond with just helping me. So, in the meantime, I’ll promise you this: Whenever you are sick or just need of saving your flank, I’ll be there. When you feel like the whole world has turned your back on you, I’ll be there. Whenever you find yourself hungry, or without a drop to drink, that no one will give a roof over your head or a place to rest your head on, I’ll be there. When you’ve reached garnet rock bottom, with no hope and no one to turn to, why, I’ll be there too.”

The entire throne room let out a “Dwaaa!” before the blue griffon took notice of them and called out, “Ah shut up!” Thus, getting the room laughing.

“So, I guess it’s my turn now, huh?” Sandbar asked and Gallus nodded. “Okay… well Gallus, when all of this started, I honestly didn’t expect that it’ll end up like this. Like you, marriage was the last thing on my mind. Being sixteen, all I could ask for is a comfortable place, some really good friends and a good meal. Coming to the school, yeah, I will say that it’s been the best thing to happen to me in just meeting friends like you. But, after you told me of what life really is like in Griffonstone, I just felt compelled to help you in whatever way I can. I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again, with all the stuff you had to put up with, I think you’re overdue to have some happiness. And I did promise you that even though this’ll be temporary, I’m gonna put in the effort that you’re safe and happy.

“The truth is I don’t exactly know how things will play out the day after. I don’t pretend to know how us entering into a marriage would or could change us. But I do know that even after this is over, I still want to be your friend. A best friend. The guardian angel you never had. So, with that being said, I do have some promises of my own. I promise that I and my folks will help you through that coming of age ritual so that you’ll be free. I promise that every day, regardless of what happens, I’ll do what I can to make it better. I promise to do everything I can so that when you do move here to Equestria, you’ll have a path to success. So, don’t worry dude, from here on out, you’re in good hooves.”

Gallus smiled. “Thanks, dude.”

Twilight cleared her throat. “Now then, if there is anybody here who feels that these two should not be wedded, please speak now, or forever hold your peace.”

The young stallion and griffon looked over out the rows of ponies, almost half expecting for something like an army of angry griffons to come busting in. Thankfully, however, the room was silent.

“Alright then,” Twilight said, catching their attention, “Sandbar, do you take Gallus of Griffonstone to be your lawfully wedded husband; through richer or poorer; through sickness and health; till death do you part?”

Sandbar took in a deep breath, looking staring into Gallus’s eyes. “I do.”

“And Gallus of Griffonstone,” Twilight continued, “do you take Sandbar to be your lawfully wedded husband; through richer or poorer; through sickness and health; till death do you part?”

There was a pause as Gallus lifted a claw up to Sandbar’s jaw, looking directly at him. “I will.”

Smiling happily, Twilight turned her head over towards Spike. “May I have the rings, please? And Mr. Clawston? I believe I’d allow you to take over this part.” As the dragon and the older griffon came onto the bridge, Twilight explained to the crowd. “Mares and Gentlecolts, Sandbar and Gallus have agreed to take part in a sacred Griffon ritual that will be conducted by Troy Cawston.”

There were some mummers from the ponies looking on as Twilight stepped aside for the grey griffon to take her place. Spike lifted up the pillow with the rings while Canvas carefully held the bowl of disinfectants. In a cautious tone, Twilight added. “Just to give all of you a fair warning, if there’s anypony here that is uncomfortable with the sight of blood, now will be the time to exit the throne room until further notice.”

Troy gave those onlookers a moment to escape for what was about to happen. He lowered his head to their eye level and whispered. “I know perfectly well that this part is scary. But be brave. You have my word that I’ll make this as quick as possible.” Raising back up, he doused his talons into the disinfectant. “Gallus,” he said in a serious voice, “you first.”

The young griffon and stallion looked at one another, gulping. But Gallus obeyed as Troy had his head lowered and his ear raised. Using his left talon, Troy held his right ear while bringing his right towards the tufts of his ear. “Repeat after me.” He said as he recited the oath, “Blood may spill, and skin may break, but my bond I won’t forsake.”

Gallus shut his eyes tight and felt the sharp talon against the free part of the skin of his ear. “Blood may spill… and skin may break… but my bond… I won’t forsake.

As quickly as he could, Troy pierced the lobe. There was a high-pitched yelp from the younger griffon that almost wasn’t heard over the very audible gasp from the crowd. Twilight quickly told them that this was part of the ritual while her horn lit up to use her magic on Gallus’s ear to cover it.

After the crowd was calm enough, Troy had already washed his claw in the disinfectant before turning to Sandbar. “Okay, now you.”

You okay Gallus?” Sandbar whispered.

He nodded. “I’ll be fine, just… brace yourself.”

Although clearly scared, he shakenly lowered his head down to offer up his right ear. While Troy was getting ready for the second piercing, Gallus held onto Sandbar’s hoof. “Repeat after me.” He said, “Blood may spill, and skin may break, but my bond I won’t forsake.”

Gulping, Sandbar looked into Gallus’s eyes, those eyes that gave him a look that pleaded for him to be brave for him, even for just a moment. “B-Blood may spill…” he said in a whimper, “and skin may break… but my bond, I won’t forsake.

Interestingly, while Sandbar did have a look of pain upon his face as his teeth gritted tightly and breathed heavily, not a sound came out of him as Troy punctured his ear. Even though there was a good amount of cringing, especially among the girls who were up there, or (in Mayor Mare’s case) looked away, there was something impressive of how much pain this teenager was trying to withstand.

But just as quick, it was over. Twilight had too quickly used her magic to Sandbar’s ear imminently when Troy pulled his claw away. After the Princess announces that the piercing was over and for those ponies to take their seats, the numbing spell took an effect to ease the young griffon’s and stallion’s ears.

Then the rings that Spike was holding were lifted up above the couple where, in Twilight’s magic, they glowed brightly until those rings had started to break off at one end. It was as if the gold was being melted right in front of them. However, as she floated them down to the couple and inserted into their pierced ears, neither of them felt any discomfort or heat.

When those rings began to close and Twilight’s horn still lit, she announces proudly: “By the power invested in me, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and the great land of Equestria…” With one final spell, she sealed the rings completely as if they never were broken to begin with. “I hereby pronounce Sandbar and Gallus of Griffonstone to be lawfully wedded as Stallion and Griffon!

“You may now kiss.”

There was an awkward pause between the two. “Um… kiss?” Sandbar asked nervously.

She nodded. “Yes.”

“Uh… Don’t you think that this is enough? I mean, we’re already married and all, so is this really-” Gallus rolled his eyes.

“Oh for the love of…” Right there, in a quick motion that before Sandbar could react, he kissed Sandbar on the lips, and the ancient throne room applauded in stopping of hooves and cheers. But something interesting happened when Gallus kissed him. He didn’t notice the applause or much of anything. Although Sandbar was caught completely off guard, there was no resistance as his wide-eyed surprise drifted shut. There was something about it, that although neither one could explain, that it felt… right.

After they pulled away did, they realize the applause dying out. There were congrats given left and right, but they ignored them and focused on one another.

“You uh… you alright?”

“Yeah.” Sandbar nodded, wiping his mouth. “I didn’t think that you would…”


“Just so you know, that was my first kiss.”

“Oh…” His eyes shifted, “Uh… congrats?” The two of them were being shown over towards the podium, where Gallus whispered. “By-the-way, that kiss… it was… you’re a good kisser.

Sandbar blushed. “Thanks… so were you.”