• Published 13th Feb 2021
  • 1,936 Views, 146 Comments

The Devil Fruits of Equestria - Golden Flare

Somehow, I'm trapped in my favorite TV show, and I can't find a way home until I deal with the Devil Fruits popping up all over Equestria!

  • ...

Three is a Crowd, Six is a Party

Finn's POV

Upon leaving Dodge Junction, we headed west to Appleloosa for more supplies, originally I didn't think this was a good idea since most of Applejack's extended family was living there, not to mention the buffalo tribes, but Khaine insisted, saying that the more good deeds we do for the other ponies, the more allies we'll have. Naturally, I agreed with this, not just for the allies, but something my mom told me once, "What goes around, comes around", so of course I stuck to my morals...well, most of them, and went in the direction of Equestria's apple growing town. But after several hours of walking in the desert heat...

"We passed that coyote skeleton already." I said, pointing to the dead animal.

"Um, I don't think that was a coyote, I think that was a bull." Khaine replied, noticing the horns on the skeleton's head.

"Face it, we're lost."

Cozma looked far ahead of us and said, "Hey, I think I see a town!"

"Finally! This heat's actually getting unbearable for me." I say, happily.

"Race you guys there!" Khaine started to run.

"Wait!" I try to reach a hand out to him, but he was already on the move, "C'mon, Cozma, let's play 'catch-up'!"

She nods and we run after him, heading straight for Appleloosa, and it looks like Khaine won the race since he was jumping in victory, but the town looks deserted.

"Hey...where is everypony?" Cozma asked us.

"You noticed too?" I asked, then said, "I hope we didn't scare them into their houses."

"Nope, look at this." Khaine said, pointing towards a sign.

Appleloosa Banquet Today at the Dining Hall!
In honor of our new human friends!

"Uhh...?" I moan out.

"You think...?" Cozma began.

"Yup, more Devil Fruit users," Khaine answered, "but I think these guys might be friendly. Let's head for the Dining Hall."

After quite a bit of looking around, we finally found the Appleloosa Dining Hall and we were shocked at what we saw; all the ponies and buffalo talking, eating, having a good time, but that wasn't what shocked us, it was the people they were talking to: a tanned young man that looked to be in his 20s with short red hair and blue eyes, wearing a plaid shirt, blue jeans, and blue sneakers was chatting amongst the mares and stallions, a slim, Goth-like 19-year-old woman with light skin, blue eyes, long black hair, wearing a black shirt with a skull on the front, jean jacket on top, black pants, and black shoes was entertaining the colts and fillies with a living puppet show, slightly smiling despite her dark and brooding nature and making me wonder which Devil Fruit she ate to do that, and the last person was an adult male in his 30s, has big, strong muscles, tanned skin, brown eyes, spiky blonde hair, and a small beard, wearing red shirt with Hawaiian flowers, blue shorts, and yellow sandals, talking to the buffalo as he was chopping random objects with a knife and turning them into actual food.

The Cook-Cook Fruit... I thought as I figured out at least one of their Devil Fruits.

Suddenly, all conversations stopped once everyone's eyes landed on us, putting us in a bad spot, I tried to break the silence and the ice, figuratively.

"Umm...hi?" Smooth, dumbass.

The new Devil Fruit users immediately took action as the young man trapped us a spherical field of energy and approached us with the other two following behind him.

I had a bad feeling about what Devil Fruit this guy ate and tried to defuse the situation, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! It's okay! Friendlies, FRIENDLIES!"

The new Devil Fruit group kept their guards up regardless of my words.

"If I tell you what Devil Fruits we ate and have with us, will you PLEASE deactivate your power?!"

They looked at one another as the young man spoke, "We'll see. Shoot."

"I ate the Ice-Ice Fruit, my...adopted daughter, Cozma, who has amnesia, ate the Dark-Dark Fruit, Khaine here, who's a blacksmith, ate the Gol-Gol Fruit, and I have the Bomb-Bomb Fruit in my pocket."

The young man seemed to be debating if I was either telling the truth or if we were trustworthy enough to let go.

"I have no reason to fight any of you! And neither do these two!"

"...And YOUR name?"

"Finn Jackson, just a guy trying to get by, especially in this new world."

He seemed to be struggling to make a decision until the goth woman put a hand on his shoulder.

"You gave us a chance, Nathan. Why not do the same for them?"

The young man, now named Nathan, spoke up, "Alright." he released his energy hold on us, "Don't make me regret this."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

"New human friends!!" one of the Appleloosa ponies cheered before they all went, "HOORAY!!!" and went back to their celebration.

I decided to try and make conversation, "So, let me guess, your Devil Fruit is the--"

"Op-Op Fruit? Yes."

"Kinda figured. And big man over there--"


"--Akamai, he has the Cook-Cook Fruit, right?"

"Hit the nail on the head, kid." Akamai winked while pointing at me.

"And lastly, your lady friend--"

"My name is Sasha." she says in a monotone voice.

"Thank you much...umm...I honestly have no clue what your Devil Fruit is, sorry."

"I'll give you a hint: I took fragments of my own soul to make a puppet show for those kids."

My jaw dropped, "...The Soul-Soul Fruit?"

"Wow. Got it on the second try."

"You seem to know a lot about the Devil Fruits." Nathan said.

I smiled a bit, "Thank late night binge-watching, I watched as much of the One Piece anime as I could."

"Not the 4kids dub?"

"Nah, too weak."


"So, how you guys get here, anyway?" Khaine asked.

"We've been traveling since we wound up in a forest and met up with each other," Akamai began to explain, "before long, we came to Appleloosa and saved it from a band of pirates calling themselves the Wild Whiplashers, been hailed as heroes and friends ever since."

"But we think they may be back at some point..." Sasha adds.

"Well, try not to get used to your new fame," I started, "ever since I came here, I ate the Ice-Ice Fruit in front of the Princess and the Element Bearers after explaining what it was, and now they're after my scrawny ass, and more than likely anyone else who wields a Devil Fruit."

"Well, that's not good." Nathan comments.

"Let's try to not focus on the negative now," Khaine interjected, "it's a party, let's live a little, okay?"

We all agreed and joined in the festivities with the other Devil Fruit users, the ponies, and the buffalo. But still...

Why do I got a bad feeling about tomorrow?

I woke up really late at night, this happens to me on a weekly basis back on Earth, but this time I couldn't find the will to go back to sleep, so I get up, stretch my body, and scratch myself as I wander into a nearby kitchen of the home that we temporarily rented for a midnight snack, and as I did so, I failed to notice someone sneak up on me until I turned around.

"GAH!!" I yelped, subconsciously freezing my knuckles as I got ready to punch, only to see Sasha.

"Geez, are you really that jumpy?" she asks.

"Hoo!" I huff out in relief, "PLEASE don't scare me like that."

"No promises. Nathan and Akamai had to deal with the same from me. You'll get used to it."

"Yeeeah, sure."

"So, couldn't sleep either, huh?"

"That obvious? It happens at least a couple times a week for me. And you?"

"Just hungry is all. May I...?"

"Oh! Sorry." I step away from the fridge to allow her access.

It was silent between us as Sasha got her food and we began to chow down.

I stop for a moment to speak, "...You really think those pirates will be back?"

"Their captain, 'Wild Whippin' Willy' isn't known for giving up without a fight."

"Oh boy...Wait...'Wild Whippin' Willy'? THAT'S his name?"

"Bastard carries a really long whip."

"Yikes. Maybe he has a weird fetish or something?"

Sasha looked like she was struggling to contain her laughter at my crack by maintaining her brooding nature, "Good one."

"Uh, thanks...I guess."

We finished our food and we headed back to bed.

"Thanks for the talk," Sasha said, "I guess I needed it more than I thought."

"You're welcome. Have a good night."

"Same to you."

As my head hit the pillow, I immediately passed out...


The sound of exploding cannon fire woke me right up, Khaine barged into my rented room with a panicked look on his face.

"Finn! We're under attack! It's those Wild Whiplasher pirates!"

I threw the sheets off of me and ran out the door with Khaine as Cozma met up with us, we all ran to the center of Appleloosa, where Nathan and his team were chained up by the pirates, but those chains felt different than normal. Why though?

"Nopony ruins Wild Whippin' Willy's vacation!" a stallion with light grey skin, blue mane, and sky blue eyes, wearing a stereotypical pirate captain's outfit declared, "So we returned, with the power of the sea! We heard that ponies, or people, like you three are weak to the sea, so we fashioned these here chains from underwater stones!"

"Oh no..." I utter, "Sea Prism Stone chains...the only material substance that can block a Devil Fruit user's power...!"

"And now..." Willy reaches into his coat, "To celebrate..." he pulls out...a Devil Fruit?! "I'm gonna eat this here fruit, and gain a power similar to yours, kiddies!"

He leans his head in and his arm closer to bite into it...

"I don't think so!"

I place my hand on the ground, conjure a trail of ice over to him, and an ice spike shoots out of the ground from behind him at breakneck speeds, severing his hand and dropping the Devil Fruit as I pick it up and stuff it into my own pocket. It took him several seconds to realize what just happened, but then finally screams in pure agony as he grips his handless arm, inhumane amounts of blood seeping out of his wound.

"Get the point, asshole?" I joke.

Willy stared at his lost appendage, then glared at me, and roared in anger, "KILL THAT SON OF A BITCH!!"

Two of his crew members each readied a musket, but I was faster, creating ice walls that separated us from them, even keeping Nathan and his friends safe from them. The sun was hot this morning, so my ice was melting pretty quick, not good.

"Ponies of Appleloosa!" I shout, gaining the townsfolks' attention, "Get those chains off Nathan and his companions! They're blocking their powers, and I can't keep the pirates at bay for long! HURRY!!"

They hurried up and used their Earth Pony strength to smash the chains, freeing our new comrades. The ice had finally melted and the pirates made their move, aiming their muskets and flintlock pistols at us.

"What are you idiots doing?! KILL THEM!!" Willy screeched out.

Nathan then sprung into action by using his Op-Op powers to change the pieces of the guns so that they fire backwards, and once they shot, that's what they did; bullets in the arms, legs, or sides, making them fall to the ground, clutching their wounded areas.

Willy groaned in frustration, "If you want something done right, you gotta do it...YOURSELF!!!" he pulled out his whip with right, and only, hand and cracked it at me, only for me to catch it and wrap it around my forearm, "I'll make you regret the day you messed with Wild Whippin' Willy Whipper!"

There was an awkward silence, everybody and everypony trying to process what they just heard.

"Is...Is that your full name?" I asked.

"Uh...no. But don't tell anypony or I'll sue you."

"Whatever you say, gay boy."

"Now DIE!"

Another one of his men readied a pistol, but Cozma reached him before anyone could notice, conjured a black claw, and sliced the gun in two, making all of the pirates who were still standing run away in fear, some even pissed their pants.

"Get back here you cowards!"

I took this opportunity to freeze his whip around my arm and all the way down the length to begin freezing him.

"W-What is this?!"

"The power...of the Ice-Ice Fruit." I say.

"A-A-AHHHHH--" he failed to finish screaming out before his entire body was frozen stiff.

I raise my free arm and smash the frozen whip, breaking it off of my other arm and letting myself loose, "Well...that's that."

Not quite, my friend.

"Huh?! Who said that?!"

I soon got my answer as strange being appeared in a brief flash of light; an amalgamation of multiple animal body parts with a superior look in its eyes and a devious smirk, it was clear that this was Discord, Spirit of Chaos.


"Finn Jackson," Discord began, his smirk never wavering, "wielder of the Ice-Ice Fruit, most wanted by the Royal Guard and the Princess herself, and caretaker of a filly with amnesia...blech."

"How do you know me?"

"I know a great many things, my dear Finn, I know that Devil Fruits are growing all over Equestria, and not just in the hands of you humans, I also know who the filly you call 'Cozma' really is."

"W-What...?" Cozma muttered, fearfully.

"To quote something from a video game from Finn's world: 'Our most precious memories lie deep within our hearts that they're out of reach'."

Cozma seemed to be deep in thought about this.

Discord raised his talon-hand towards Cozma, "Would you like me to give you...a hint?"

I walked over to Cozma, "Normally I would say 'don't trust him', but these are your memories, Cozma, it's your call. Besides, like my mom told me a few times, 'there's a method to one's madness'. Discord must have a reason for doing this."

"At least somepony, or somebody, gets it..."

Cozma thought for a moment, "Umm..." Discord raised an eyebrow, "I'm gonna figure it out for myself." Cozma created dark claws, ready for a fight, "And if you're in my way..."

"Yeah!" Khaine agreed, "Spirit of Chaos or not, I'll coat you in gold!"

Discord smirked even bigger, "Hmph, good answer. Just what I expected from Finn's little girl." he then looked serious, "But be forewarned: when your lost memories resurface...you might no longer be who you are now. Always remember those close to you, never forsake those beloved memories." Discord turned to me, "Oh, one last thing..." he pull the Devil Fruit out of nowhere and tossed it to me, "That's for you."

I caught it and got a good look at it, it was the... "Cat-Cat Fruit, Model: Saber-Toothed Tiger...? Why give me this?"

"One, I don't need Devil Fruits, I have far more power than all of them combined. Two, you might need them for what is to come. And three, I need you alive for when I am chosen to be reformed."

"So you know about that then?"

"As do you, I see. One more message for all of you: Beware of the man with the crooked smile."

With that, he snapped his talon claws and returned to Ponyville, ready to be turned to stone once more. We all looked at one another, wondering what Discord could've meant, "the man with the crooked smile". The sound of cheering from the ponies brought us out of our thoughts, one even declared a celebration as the sheriff grabbed Willy's frozen body and dragged it to ye olde hoosegow, AKA the Appleloosa jailhouse.

Eh, one more party wouldn't hurt. Discord's riddle/warning can wait.

After the festivities, I went to look at the Devil Fruit Willy dropped when I sliced his hand off, sure enough, it was the Rumble-Rumble Fruit. Had he eaten this, something real bad would've happened if he didn't learn how to control its power. Speaking of bad things happening, we heard the next train was coming into the station at noon, and it will be full of Royal Guards to place wanted posters of me all over the town...again.

So we managed to gather as many provisions as we could, even a couple cloaks for Khaine and Cozma just in case, and head for the station to slip into the train after the Guards exit it. But before we could make it, we were stopped by Nathan, Sasha, and Akamai and they're all wearing their own cloaks...?

"If the Royal Guard are showing up, we gotta bail, too. You don't mind us tagging along for a while, do you?" Nathan asked.

"The more, the merrier! Right, guys?" I ask my comrades.

"It'll be great to have more friends along for the ride!" Cozma agreed.

Khaine smirked, "Heh, guess our merry, little band of Devil Fruit users has grown bigger."

"'Merry'? Speak for yourself." Sasha argued.

"Well, most of us are, anyway."

The train finally pulled into the Appeloosa Station and, as expected, the Royal Guard came marching out, even saying "Hup" with step they make like in the cartoons. We took this opportunity to sneak onto the train as it began pulling out of the station, with us breathing a sigh of relief once we knew we were in the clear. But one thing still bugged me; what Discord said, "Beware the man with the crooked smile", could he be human?

Whoever this man was, I knew things were about to get tough, real soon.

????? POV

I continued my little trek through the desert as I looked for potential victims to my new power. It's been a few weeks since I was forced here from my wretched little locked up room in that prison for loony-brains they call a psychiatric ward, and I've had quite a bit of fun thus far, minus the taste of the fruit I've eaten, utterly disgusting, but it was worth it. I smile as I remember the faces of the people, or ponies as they're called, who I recently killed, I had almost forgotten how much fun this was, and it's even better now that I have this power!

I remember it like it was mere minutes ago...

3 Weeks Ago...
Earth, Mental Asylum

I kept on brooding at my predicament ever since I was thrown in here since my childhood years; these bastards just couldn't let me have my goddamn fun, slaughtering innocents, drinking their blood, even killing shitty parents, THAT'S what really gave me a kick...and the reason why I started my little genocidal march. But no, they just couldn't let me do it! Before I knew what was happening, I felt my body forcibly ripped out of the room and found myself in a creepy forest that almost felt like home to me. I noticed off to my side a little box with a note addressed to me, naturally I read it...

Dear Nerxco (or Nexco),
I have heard of your little predicament and decided to...intervene, as they say. Let's just say, I'm conducting a little experiment of sorts and I require your assistance. Inside this package is a powerful object called a "Devil Fruit", specifically the String-String Fruit, it will grant you a great power and it will be become even greater once you master it and awaken its true power. All you have to do is eat it, swallow it, no matter how bad it tastes, and the power is all yours.

Consider this a fresh start, enjoy.

Lobos Excaliburn

Present Day

I don't know what "experiment" this Lobos guy was talking about, but quite frankly, I don't give a two shits nor two squirts of piss, all I care about is having my fun. But I heard that more humans have arrived here, now normally that would be great news for me, more blood to spill, after all...if they all didn't have Devil Fruits! One of them being a Devil Fruit type more powerful than my type: a Logia, the Ice-Ice Fruit!

I take a breath to compose myself, no sense in losing my cool before I can find something to slaughter. If I'm going to defeat these random Devil Fruit users, I need an army of sorts to oppose them. But where do I...?

"Are we far enough away by now?!"

"I don't know or care! Just keep running!"

I turn to see a small band of stereotypical pirates running in my general direction.

I grin devilishly. Hello army of sorts.

??? POV

This power...I simply willed it, and...an entire forest below the mountain that Canterlot sits on catches fire...no, it's more than that...

It's magma...boiling hot magma, even around my body...

My cyan green eyes narrow as I smirk and I let out a maniacal laughter at this turn of events, my red and yellow hair flowing in the wind. Celestia can't stop me now.

Nothing can.

Author's Note:

A :moustache: for anyone who can guess the Toy Story 2, Johnny Test, and Banjo-Tooie references.

For whom it may concern, I hope this chapter wasn't insulting to anyone who is homosexual when the words, "gay boy", was spoken. I wasn't trying to discriminate against homosexuals or homosexuality when making this chapter, please PM me with your concerns if this chapter greatly upset you.

Nathan, Sasha, and Akamai all belong to Zeprto678.

Nerxco (Nexco) belongs to Madforce Entertainment.

Comments ( 59 )

Awesome chapter. Can't wait for the next one. 👍

I love the story but I feel bad for Willy

He really needed a HAND there.

Also loving the story so far and I loved the kingdom hearts reference. Keep it up man

Oh joy, Sunset has the fruit of magma power. I don't really know the fruit names.

you are correct. he is more of a person that would fight with his blade than have powers. he sees it as a crutch if you will. I'm willing to allow him to have armor like a knight if you like I have no problems with that

10686579 If that’s what you want, then who am I to say no? You want it, you got it :twilightsmile:

Awesome chapter

Comment posted by Lanius deleted Feb 20th, 2021

Actually, I'm going to rewrite what I wrote for this OC. It was a poorly written mess and I want to improve it, ya feel me?

Jesus and I thought mine was long.

That’s what he said.

Sorry I had too

Comment posted by Lanius deleted Feb 23rd, 2021

Im also making a list of every fruit that has been taken, incase anyone else wants to make a OC and doesn't know what fruits have been taken yet.

I haven't read any of this but my friend from Madforce Entertainment recommended it to me and I am defiantly interested. I Love One Piece!

Name: Solar Force
Race: Human (EQG)
Physical Description: Amber skin Red hair with orange streaks, Emerald Eyes 18-20 years old about 5-5 slim but fit body. Wears a white t shirt with red shorts.
Personality: Usually quite shy quiet and polite, is normally a very kind person but can be assertive if needed.
Moral Affiliation: Loyal to his friends.
Devil Fruit: Float Float Fruit (Not eaten yet)
Backstory: Always dreamed of being able to fly since he was a child like the superheroes he read about in comics.

10687750 Wow, that IS long, but thanks

10688778 Thanks for your OC and giving my story a chance :twilightsmile:

Really enjoy the story man, keep up the damn fine work.

You are very much welcome! :yay::heart:

Ooooo!!! This is intense! I need to know more

So.. Would be willing to give it to my oc or do I choose another Devil Fruit?

10692059 Sorry, I have plans for it, please choose another one, and I’ll let you know if it’s free to use

Damn it. Oh well. that's Fine. I choose Noro Noro no Mi fruit

10692106 The Slow-Slow Fruit is free for you to use :twilightsmile:

Sweet. Thanks and can't wait to see this story continue and eventually see my oc.

Name: Belladonna"Bella"
Race: Human
Physical Description: 6ft 5in tall Native American descent of average build with shoulder length auburn hair.
Personality: Mischievous and eccentric though serious when working or when a situation demands it.
Morality: Prefers having others do the grunt work but has no problem getting her hands dirty when necessary. Usually makes decisions on her own but doesn't mind others input(even if it might not change the outcome).
Devil Fruit: Gasu-Gasu No Mi (Eaten)
Backstory: Chemist who in her spare time liked to read different comics and manga's to breakdown how certain things could happen. One night while out partying with some co-workers she shares interests with, she finds the Devil fruit in a store window and buys and eats in for a gag. Upon reaching Eques she finds herself in the land of the Storm King and ends up captured and taken to him. To avoid being killed or enslaved she offers her services to create weapons. While working there she befriends Tempest and is able to logically conclude to her that the Storm King is lying to her about getting her horn back and the two make plans to escape.

My reasoning for this is simple. The Gas-Gas Fruit allows the manipulation of gas, including creation of new gases. In the hands of a chemist, who is to say they can't recreate things like mustard gas, tear gas, or things of fiction like Joker or Scarecrows different gases?

10693065 I get what you’re saying, and I’ll see about working your OC into my story, thank you :twilightsmile:

Thanks the idea came to me a few days ago and wouldn't leave. So i felt I should at least suggest it here.
While I know we are much farther back in the timeline, the issue with the Storm King was technically and off screen threat that was happening for years. So the main cast butting heads with him would be a reasonable idea.

Is this the Krusty crab?

Yo Golden, I'm considering making another OC and gotta ask if Magu is taken or not? If it was, sorry for asking.

10698462 Sorry, the Mag-Mag Fruit is taken :ajsleepy:

Comment posted by Lanius deleted Mar 6th, 2021

I was wondering when the next chapter is coming out? I’m loving the story so far

The Good Ending

Is this story dead? If not I got an oc in mind.

I think the story is dead sorry man.

If anyone is still here hi

Name: Jackson

Race: Human

Physical Description: A pale Caucasian male of 6 feet in height, he wears a big grey coat (similar in style to the Carhartt Coats) with a grinning smiley face pin attached to the front right breast, underneath he wears a black long sleeved turtleneck and a pair of blue jeans, alongside a pair of steel toed work boots. He has messy raven black hair to match his almost lumberjack length beard, a layed back grin plastered on his face. His eyes are oddly purple (either due to the proper nutrients not getting to the eyes or due to the devil fruit), a scar runs right over his left eye make it look milky. He has a lean build with a barrel chest but his coat and clothes make him look much more bulky. [Flavor Text: He has a cigarette hanging from his mouth no matter what, even when you think he doesn't have one he has one]

Personality: He has a very laid back personality, though he seems to always have happy or joyful tone to his voice. He can get serious but when he does its scary how serious he can get, almost doesn't fit him with how serious he gets. He will make jokes or even make a fool out of himself to get a laugh out of someone and he hates it when people feel down, though he knows when its not a good time.

Moral Affiliation: Chaotic Good, he will go out of his way to help people in need or help those wrongfully accused of things. To the point that he will disregard law to do so. Though he does know personally that not everything is so black and white.

Devil Fruit (Optional): Smoke-Smoke Fruit: He is well versed in the fruit due to his constant use of it, mostly to play with his own smoke created by his cigarette when he's bored.

Backstory: Jackson grew up on two phrases his entire life, "If you treat others like you want to be treated. They will treat you the same way back." and "Laughter is the worlds greatest medicine, so spread joy and happiness everywhere you go." He fully believed in them so much that he went out of his way to make others happy, even at the cost of his own health. He took on smoking to show the younglings what it does to them and he learned welding/smithing to create things to make people happy. He was a man of a golden heart but he never could find the one thing to make himself truly happy. It was one day when he was working on a new project that a package arrived with a note telling him of his chance at making a step the rest of humanity needed. So he took it, eating the Smoke-Smoke Fruit all while thinking, "This is my chance to find my own joy and to bring joy to others!"

(Hope that wasn't to much of a cluster f*ck of shite. I created this OC off of myself a little. Mostly the joy bringing part. Hope this works as a great character fpr you to bring into the story! Hahaha!)

Any idea when the next chapter is gonna drop? It's been a while and I'm hoping the story isn't dead, as I enjoyed it quite a bit

Hey the story isn’t dead yet Golden is just dealing with some stuff at home. He told me he’s just too busy to resume work on his story. So you’ll just need to wait a little longer.

Ah, thanks for letting me know. Hope he's doing well and everything gets sorted out.

Well I finally read this story, and I gotta say, pretty good so far. Can’t wait for you to introduce my OC into this story.
Good job with Mad’s OC as well. That’s Madforce Entertainment BTW. Also, holy crap! You gave an obviously unreformed Sunset Shimmer the Mag Mag Fruit?! That is gonna be one hell of a show down with her!

Good job so far! Can’t wait for more!

Comment posted by Awesomepro55 deleted Sep 22nd, 2021

Managed to read this fully.

What will happen next?

Any plans with Spike too?

I've got an OC you can borrow for this story.

11267570 I'll get with you when I find time, I'm a little busy at the moment

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