• Published 13th Apr 2019
  • 5,969 Views, 41 Comments

Motherhood - Jade Ring

Two old friends have lunch and discuss their children. Nothing strange about that, is there?

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It was just after one on a Wednesday. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and all was right in the world… at least for the time being. Rarity and Fluttershy eased themselves down into their usual seats at the outdoor café they’d made their preferred meeting place and waited patiently for their hostess to approach and take their order. They were in no rush. This was their “girl time,” and they wanted it to last just as long as they could. Their respective husbands had the kids at the park, and the pair of old friends knew they had at least an hour of pure, blessed silence before returning to the absolute circuses their lives had become in the last few years.

A circus they dearly loved, you must understand, but even circuses must have an intermission between the lion-tamer and the trapeze.

The hostess arrived promptly, took their usual order, and scuttled off to the kitchen to ensure it was properly prepared. Rarity lifted a scone from the appetizer tray that the hostess had offered upon her first greeting and took a dainty bite. She relished the flavor for a moment, chewed languidly, and swallowed. She chased the morsel with a sip of tea and sighed in absolute relaxation. “So." she began. "Ruby burned down the guest bedroom last night.”

Fluttershy nodded sympathetically as she chose a scone of her own and applied a thin layer of butter. “Hiccups again?”

Rarity shook her head as she took another sip of tea. “Oh, if only. No, she and her father had a bit of a row about Auntie Twilight’s castle. Again.”

“Oh dear. What did she eat this time?”

“Nothing important. Just the far corner of the east wing. Spike tried to explain to her, once again, that as delicious as Auntie Twilight’s castle looks, it is impolite to snack on it without permission. Ruby talked back, Spike lost his temper, Ruby roared back at him, and the next thing I know the Ponyville Volunteer Fire Brigade is putting out my guest linens.”

Fluttershy gasped. “Not your grandmother’s quilt, I hope?”

Rarity waved her off. “No, thank Celestia. Sweetie Belle took that when she moved to Fillydelphia last year.” The unicorn’s magic lit the nearby tea-pot and lifted it to refill her glass. “It’s going to be rather difficult to explain this to the insurance company…”

Fluttershy nodded sagely. “I know exactly what you mean.”

This, of course, would be an immeasurably incorrect statement for anypony to make… were it coming from anypony else besides Fluttershy. She alone amongst all the creatures of Equestria could come the closest to understanding and empathizing with Rarity’s situation. After all, hadn’t her own little bundle of joy just lost another nanny through circumstances that most would consider to be… less than normal?

Rarity craned her neck to check if the hostess were on her way back just yet. “How goes the search for the new foal-sitter, by the way?”

Fluttershy sighed as she sipped her own tea. “The pool’s getting a bit shallow I'm afraid. The last couple before Miss Sunflower have started to spread the word about some of Eris’ more… imaginative antics.”

Rarity smiled as the hostess finally returned, two bowls of steaming soup floating in her magic. “Eris is a darling filly. If you can’t handle the occasional battle against and an army of animated toys, perhaps you’re in the wrong line of work.”

Fluttershy waited until they were again alone before continuing. “I know. I just wish she’d stop sending them to the cornfield.”

Rarity’s spoonful of soup paused halfway to her mouth as she rolled her eyes. “Oh, what drama queens. It’s not like they don’t come back.” She pursed her lips. “Eventually.”

“I know, but it’s such a long walk. I hate to inconvenience them. And Farmer Pop keeps sending me notes asking why it’s specifically his field Eris keeps sending them to.”

The two settled into comfortable silence as they enjoyed their soup. With impeccable timing, their entrees arrived just as the last spoonful of soup had been polished off. The two mares fell to with gusto. Rarity made a pleasured noise as she swallowed her first bite of daffodil on wheat. “It really is the simple things, isn’t it? I never appreciated the simple joy of a sandwich not dusted with leftover emerald dust before Ruby started on solid foods.”

“At least you aren’t craving gems anymore. I seem to remember you chewing on Twilight’s walls once or twice in your last couple months.” Fluttershy ate another piece of eggplant parmesan and wiped her cheeks free of sauce. “And at least your mealtimes are... somewhat routine. Lately, Eris’ favorite game seems to be ‘What Indescribably Awful Thing Can I Turn This Food into That Will Make Mommy Scream the Loudest?’” She snorted as she cut another piece. “Her father’s no help at all, always laughing while he drinks his glass…”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “Is she still refusing to drink anything but chocolate milk?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Discord says it’s normal. Something in the genes…” She shuddered. “I’m just glad I’m not having to produce it myself anymore.”

Rarity giggled. “I suppose you’ll just have to take his word for it, darling. It’s not as if there are books for mares like us.”

“Maybe we should write one.”

“As if Twilight hasn’t been casually dropping hints about that for years.” She straightened up and adjusted an imaginary version of the scholarly spectacles the Princess of Friendship had started wearing recently. “’You two have such interesting perspectives. Think of the doors into learning that you’ve opened.’” She blew a small raspberry as he returned to her lunch. “As though we chose to be the mothers of the first hybrids in Equestrian history.”

“You don’t choose who you fall in love with.” Fluttershy agreed with a nod.

Rarity pointed with her fork. “Exactly. The thought of offspring never even crossed my mind while Spike and I were dating. When Ruby popped out, I was as taken aback as poor Nurse Redheart.”

“I know, right?” Fluttershy leaned over the table. “You should’ve seen the look on the doctor’s face when Eris tapped him on the shoulder right after he’d pulled her out.” The two mares shared a laugh and resumed their lunch. When the hostess returned to clear their plates and offer dessert, Fluttershy declined. “I think I’m getting more than enough sweets at home these days.”

Rarity considered before smiling at the hostess. “Just ice cream for me, then. Vanilla, please.”

As the hostess hurried off, Fluttershy glanced at the clock on the wall. “I have to run to the market for a few things. Are we still on for the spa on Saturday?”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, darling. Will you have found a sitter by then?”

Fluttershy shrugged as the hostess returned with Rarity’s dish of ice cream. “I’m sure Discord won’t mind watching her solo for a while. After all, he’s just introduced her to the wonderful world of pranking.”

“Celestia help us all.” Rarity laughed as she took the first bite of ice cream. She frowned. “Hmm…”

“Something wrong?”

Rarity tapped the spoon against the dish in concentration. “It’s missing something… Ah!” She quickly bent to her saddlebags and began rummaging in their depths. “I’m sure there’s some left from Ruby’s snack the other day.” With a triumphant cry, she levitated out her prize; a small pile of emerald shavings. She quickly sprinkled them over her ice cream and took a bite. She shivered with pleasure as she rolled the melting treat and shining stones around in her mouth. She swallowed and sighed. “Perfect.” Only then did she notice Fluttershy staring at her. “What?”

A small smile tugged at Fluttershy’s lips. She gestured at the bowl. “Craving something?”

Rarity looked at the emerald dusted ice cream as though seeing it for the very first time. Realization struck like lighting. Slowly, her gaze turned towards Ponyville Park… and the location of her very much in trouble husband. “Tell me, Fluttershy; do you neuter dragons?”

Fluttershy snorted. “A little late for that, isn’t it?”

“It’s the thought that counts, darling. It's the thought that counts.”

Comments ( 41 )

This was cute. That's all I can really say. Have a Thumbs Up!

Rarity I think that would be Gelding and I bet that is illegal. I hope Spike is ready when he is told.

Damn, this was REALLY good. WAY better than I thought it was gonna be. Not to mention hilarious (especially the last line :rainbowlaugh:)

Have a like :pinkiehappy:

Congrats! You get a like.

Very cute.

Absolutely adorable fluff.

It was a nice read, ty. wouldn't mind seeing a sequel where Rarity tells Spike and maybe seeing Spike and discord talking while watching the kids lol

Either way I enjoyed it thanks

I will admit, I laughed at that last line. Great story!

Hah! Unusual parenting at its best.

A small smile tugged at Fluttershy’s lips. She gestured at the bowl. “ Craving something?”


Oh, hey. Nice.

Cute! I liked the ending -- it's always somewhat tempting to end stories like these without a clear sense of finality or direction; Slice of Life is a difficult genre to write because a lot of people think that its main feature is the lack of a plot. Which is kind of bullshit? What defines Slice of Life to me is -- well, I dunno, I don't want to make a broad statement and then realize I fucked up in hindsight, but let's say "low stakes" for the sake of the argument.

So I enjoyed that! Elevates it from a simple piece of fluff. Personally I would've enjoyed it more if you'd had a more clear message or moral (seeing what they talk about, some musing on, I dunno, how being different can be hard sometimes, but it can also be very valuable or whatever, would've been a perfect fit). Mostly to give the story a more explicit sense of purpose or whatever.

Eh I dunno, you get me.

One piece of actual criticism, though: the sense of momentum in the story was a little bit dodgy. They kept starting on a topic, and then they would pause, and then they'd start again with a completely different topic. Which is fine, it's how conversations work sometimes -- but if you repeat that too many times in a row, it comes off as stilted. A little bit more flow (topics changing smoothly mid-conversation without a pause, instead of having narration interrupt the conversation every now and then) would've made this feel much more natural.

Food for thought, I guess? I dunno. Glad you found my stuff inspiring enough to add my name there. Getting real Family Matters vibes from this one, so I'm guessing you mostly focused on that one.

Definitely worthy of a favourite!

While I don't particularly like either of these ships, especially Sparity. This fic is just wonderful.

Pfft XD well than i see the twilight zone refrence XD

Actually, that'd make a rather interesting sequel. Fluttershy and Rarity both hire Tempest to foalsit...and to their surprise, she succeeds amazingly. The rest of the story being the antics the kids got up to, and how she handled them...and what she isn't telling the parents about it.

Heh. Life finds a way, as chaotic (or draconic) as it may be.

Also, Rarity mocking Twilight is oddly precious.:rainbowlaugh:

More. Just, more please.

A circus they dearly loved, you must understand, but even circuses must have an intermission between the lion-tamer and the trapeze.

One of the best short descriptions of parenthood I've seen. Kids are totally worth it, but no point in denying they're a lot of work. We do learn a lot from them, though. :twilightsmile:

This is an adorable story. A short, low-key look at the delightful craziness of parenthood... multiplied by Ponyville-style absurdity.

Rarity looked at the emerald dusted ice cream as though seeing it for the very first time. Realization struck like lighting. Slowly, her gaze turned towards Ponyville Park… and the location of her very much in trouble husband. “Tell me, Fluttershy; do you neuter dragons?”

Responsibility's a two-way street, Rarity.

Quite an adorable little slice-of-life.

Rarity could always ask for advice from the Kirin settlement.

That was adorable. The description of the family dynamic from the two mares made it very easy to see what they went through, and anything not explicitly described was easily imaginable. What a great read! :twilightsmile:

This. This I want to see.

Now this is the kind of one off cute story I come to FIM for! Thank you for this.

This is a very good one-shot.

This was a fun read; love to read what other writers come up with for their 'Next Generation' of heroes of Equestria.

A circus they dearly loved, you must understand, but even circuses must have an intermission between the lion-tamer and the trapeze.

Spoken like someone who knows.

“I know. I just wish she’d stop sending them to the cornfield.”

Oh, they come back. Oh. Oh, good. Okay then.

This was wonderful. brought back memories of raising my own kids, in fact (though minus eating castles and sending people to cornfields). I think one of the highest marks of success in fiction is when your readers are thinking how cool it would be to meet the people you’re writing about. And for me, at least, you hit that mark. Beautiful. :twilightsmile:

The last few lines are priceless. Very nice flow to the story. Well done.

Well, that was an unexpected treat. So few stories around about the...difficulties that might arise in some of the more unusual results of ships like Sparity and Fluttercord.

Ruby is an absolutely lovely name, by the way.

I wouldn’t mind seeing a little more of this timeline, but that is totally up to you.

Rarity looked at the emerald dusted ice cream as though seeing it for the very first time. Realization struck like lighting. Slowly, her gaze turned towards Ponyville Park… and the location of her very much in trouble husband. “Tell me, Fluttershy; do you neuter dragons?”

Uh-oh Spike is in trouble:rainbowderp::rainbowlaugh:!!!

This was a really cute read:heart:.

Ah, the perils of cross-species shipping. This is one of those rare cases where storytelling at one remove from the actual events actually works. Brilliant work. Thank you for it.

Children. A blessing and a burden.

Ruby's gonna get a little sibling! Yay!

Very nicely done, thanks!

Considering the events of "The Last Problem", at least one of the two couples mentioned in this fic, along with the kid, could possibly happen.

Hehe, considering how ladylike Rarity is, it's hilarious to imagine her gnawing on Twilight's castle walls during a pregnancy craving. Though, I can't imagine her eating gem shavings can be good for her teeth... or her digestive system. :pinkiesick:

Fun imaginings about what goes on with their interesting families, though.

:heart:i approve greatly these to shippings now we need a sequel with button belle?:pinkiecrazy:

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