• Published 18th Mar 2019
  • 1,678 Views, 88 Comments

The Gamer's Game - Chrome Masquerade

Button Mash awakens in a strange space and receives a strange power. Not only that, but other ponies are gaining special powers of their own!

  • ...

Chapter 5: The High Road

(Wodin's Day; Home)

Another school day, and so I had to get up early.

After my bi-daily shower and getting dressed, I went downstairs for breakfast and then started on my way to school.

"Now might be a good time for a recap." I said to the aether.

Oh, so now you want a summary. Fine.

Yesterday, you gained:
2000 EXP
+6 BP (now: 15)
+1 Melee skill
+1 Thrown skill
+1 attack power with blunt weapons
You have gained a level!
You have gained a level!
HP up: 5 (25 max)
Essence max up: 8 (16)
+4 bp (now 19)
Weapon rewards:
Wakizashi Bat: x2
Odachi Bat: x1
Katana Bat: x1
Kanabö Bat: X1

Relationship with Sweetie Belle improved: ++++
You have reached Well-Liked status with Sweetie Belle
You have gained new options
-Romance conversations
-Proposal (requires Blue Rose and Engagement Ring)

Now I had enough BP that I could spend a few, when I had time. For now, school was in sesion today.

'First things first, i'm boosting Integrity.' I thought. 'I don't want to be overpowered by anypony else, after all.' Also, there were a few things that I had yet to fill out. Namely my Boons and Birthrights.

All that could wait, though.

Approaching at the schoolhouse, I noticed that there was a tall pony that I could see through one of the windows. Upon closer inspection, I saw that it was none other than...

"Princess Celestia!" I called out, accelerating my trot into a gallop.

She looked toward me. "Ah! So it's you!"

Arriving, I tilted my head slightly. "Huh?"

"I felt that i'd gained a new Scion, as did my sister. From this point, you may -if you choose- call me 'Amal'(2). Anyway, I thought I'd visit my new Scion, to better explain the finer points of being such. If that's alright with you, Cheerilee?"

Miss Cheerilee smiled warmly. "Of course. He's shown that he's ahead of the class in his studies, so one day wouldn't hurt too much. Just bring him back when you're done. I'll just check him off on the Attendance chart..."

I got the feeling that she only aquiesced because it was Prin- er, "Amal" who asked.

"Come along, Button." my divine mother beckoned.

Before following, I subvocalized, "Observe."

Name: Celestia Dawnbringer
Calling: Diarch
Nature: Caregiver.
Lv: ??? (Observe Skill not NEARLY high enough)
Relationship: Divine Parent
Status: Patient, but eager to teach you what she knows.
Suggestion: You're in no real danger, but she is a Divine. Tread carefully.

....That's not even a little funny, mare(3).

Speeding up to catch up to my Amal, (who took like two steps for every ten of mine!) we went a short distance away.

"Have you allocated all of your points?" she asked me.

"Uh.... no. Not yet."

"You're going to need to."

Bringing up my status screen, I spent a few points.

Academics: 3
Art: Gaming: Automatic 5
Athletics: 3
Awareness: 3
Brawl: 3
Fortitude: 3
Melee: 3
Occult: 2
Presence: 2
Survival: 3
Integrity 2
Thrown: 1

"Also," she said, "I think I'll get you started on learning the 'family business'."

Power flowed from her to me, infusing me with some sort of strength.

Purview gained: Sun (2)
Sub-race status gained: Pegasearth

With that notification, a stabbing pain issued from my sides as new appendages emerged with painstaking slowness.

Amal smiled down at me. "One day soon, you'll gain enough magical potential to complete the set... and become an Alicorn."

My head was still spinning, my new wings shooting off sparks of wind energy as they forged connections to the rest of my body. Eventually, the pain stopped.

Purview gained: Sky

Sun and Sky purviews have combined and evolved into a greater purview: Celestial

"Try flying." She said.

"Flying?! But I-"

"Just. Do it." she commanded.

Remembering the suggestion that my Observe skill gave, I decided to attempt it.

With a little effort, I found the muscles that controlled my new wings. At first, they were all out of sync, but after a few minutes I was able to synchronize them and actually take to the air, albeit jerkily. Soon enough, though, I was flying around my still ground-bound Parent.

"Button! You're a natural! How did you learn so quickly"

"It's... genetic, I guess?" I halfheartedly answered.

"You've achieved in minutes what some can't in weeks! I'm so proud!" she said, wiping away fake tears.

Eventually I learned how to land. The hard way.

"Alright! Next lesson: Illusion!"

"Huh?" I queried.

"Now that you're part pegasus, you'll want to know how to hide and reveal that at will."

------One lesson later....-----

And after a while, I'd managed to hide my new wings. A little later, I'd learned how to control my wings while they were hidden. Then how to use vapour-script.

Amal grinned and said, "That'is just for starters. You'll be capable of even more once you reach Demigod status! This is just the beginning! For now, I need to tell you about-"

Suddenly, with a white flash, Discord appeared and finished Celestia's sentence. "The CHAOS Auction!"

She frowned at him.

"Whaaat?" he half-whined "It's my thing!"

Amal rolled her eyes, but made a "go ahead" motion with one hoof.

"Oh, yes! Kid, are you going to be able to cause some havoc now!" Discord said, excitedly. "Now, listen up. There's a way for you to gain powerful items that will give you POWER! With that skill of yours, you can gain money or objects from defeating enemies or doing specific tasks. With that money, you can purchase items from the Chaos Auction site. Or even sell items that you've gained."

With that, he touched my head with one talon.

Saving throw vs corruption (Stamina + Intelligence) DC 5: 6 successes

Option unlocked: Shop

"And with that, I'll be off." Discord said before vanishing in another white flash.

Celestiamal rolled her eyes. "Well, there you have it. I have my own duties to attend to, so I'll see you back to school."

"Thanks for everything.... Amal." I said.

"We aren't even close to being done, my colt. We'll pick this up some other time."

With that, she brought me back to class, then flew off.

As for me, I sat down at my desk and got out my supplies in time for the next lesson to begin.

Author's Note:

1: Any Harvest Moon fans out there?
2: Uh, that means mother, in Elven. One of several words, apparently. Why elven, you might ask? It was the first thing to come to mind.
3: Since Equestria seems to be a matriarchal society, i'm using mare, in this context. For example, whereas IRL one might say "Oh, man!", in it's place i'd use "Oh, mare!"