• Published 11th Mar 2019
  • 969 Views, 16 Comments

Falling Down - RoccoRoccs

A story about redemption from his own memories, Chance struggles to over come tragedy to find happiness.

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Chapter: 4 Tell Nopony

"Mr. Chance is it?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Mr. Chance... I see here that you have extensive experience in several fields..."

"Yes ma'am."

"It say's here that your previous position was third in command to the targeting officer, would you care to elaborate a bit on the subject."

"Ma'ma many of the things what we did were marked 'Tell Nopony'. Currently I am unaware of their levels of classification."

"Yes, well please if you will, describe your job to me."

"Yes, of course. My primary objective was to gather and filter all information in regards to national threats as to the best of my ability and equipment at hoof."

"Very good... It says here you also have experience in the fields of technical targeting, resources analysis, political analysis, counter terrorism analysis and pony resources analysis... I take it you served under Directorate of Operations Targeting Officer... one Mr. Bastion? Very impressive Mr. Chance."

"In dark times, our work is the last Bastion of hope. It was our motto."

"Do you mind informing me as to where you have been for the last three years?"

"I suffered a traumatic incident that took some time to work through... But I assure you that it was in no way work related."

"Yes. I have read the incident file, you have my condolences."

"Thank you, Madam. It has been a trying time for me."

"Well, your background check is clean and as soon as your name found our roster Mr. Bastion was quick to send his own recommendation."

"Yes Ma'am. But If I could have a single request, I would want to work under a diffenet department if possible. Nothing against Mr. Bastion, but I feel like a change of pace might actually help with what remains of my recovery. Where I feel that I am fully capable of fulfilling any job title or duties that are assigned, I feel as though this last change will solidify my mindset."

"Spoken like a true analysis. Mr.Chance... Do you feel that the position of Director of Targeting would fit your needs?"

"Madam, that is quite the shift in rank."

"Call it a hunch, but I have seen the files, that is all I need to know that you could handle the position. Though I will say that the position does not come with international territory. It would mean that you would have access to domestic files and logistical information only."

"Domestic coverage... I'm familiar with the field. But again, I have to question the directive. Madam, are you sure that the M.O.M needs another domestic terrorism unit?"

"The current climate of the matter would fall into negative clearance and therefore be restricted to department heads."

"Madam... I know that I'm a civilian until I sign the documents. But I can not help but wonder if I am signing on to something that would be beyond my capabilities. I wish only to know if I could fulfill the tasks laid before me to standards needed. I maybe a civilian at the moment, but I am still a government employee at heart."

"Very well... At the risk of you not taking this position, and I assume you know the costs this information would atone..."

"I do."

"The Office of Interministry Affairs has passed this down to my desk. Suffice to say that the need is there. If you were to take this position your branch would be in charge of tactical targeting on domestic soils."

"Wait... TACTICAL domestic targeting?"

"Yes..." The director let out a long sigh and stood. "The dire need for homeland logistics of a tactical nature have come to light. Unfortunately, for me to tell you more, you will need to sign the documents." She said as she trotted to my side and slid the enrollment packet in front of me.

This was big... I just came in for a job interview, not some homeland tactical invasion investigation crap... As curious as I was as to why the OIA would want such a thing, a bigger part of me was just rolling with the punches. Even still, that analyst in me craved to know more, I wanted to help, I need to know more. So, without nearly another thought, I signed my life away to the government once again.

"Mr.Chance... or should I say Director."

"Please... Chance is fine."

"Very well. I suspect it to be best to bring you up to speed... Two months ago the OIA intercepted an interministry transmission of supposed collaboration between a ministry and high value target in Zebrica."

"Wait... WHAT!?"

"Please... Try to hold your voice."

"Madam, I restrain... But are you suggesting that there is actual treason being enacted within one of our ministries!?"

"That is how the file reads. The official answer is that there is nothing more secure than the fate of our nation withing the ministries grasps."

"And the actual answer?"

"The actual answer is much more... complicated I'm afraid. From the information gathered it is possible that this could be an Alicorn Level threat."

"Luna's grace..."

"Indeed. Your branch will be operating within Canterlot. You will be assigned your own team but it is important that you understand just how sensitive this matter is... It has been concluded that a full scale land invasion or attack is possible from what we have gathered thus far. Your work is going to be... stickily speaking... off the record."

"Madam, what level clearance is this?"

"None existent. Now, director Chance... I'm afraid that this is were we part ways. All documents will be sent to your office, all the details about your mission as listed and enclosed documents are here."

"Madam, if I may ask. Why not transfer them to a pipbuck, I had one in my last position."

"This information is conclusive and extreme sensitive... As such it is not marked. It has come to light that we are not sure who it is that we can trust. Discretion is paramount, but your timely appearance has afforded us an opportunity. You and your staff will be keeping a low profile throughout your investigation. Now, if there is nothing else, you can have the rest of the day to get your affairs in order. We expect to see you bright and early in the morning."

"Yes Madam... Thank you."

"Thank nothing of it. Oh, and Chance... WE expect results. I guess you could all this, your second Chance. Tell nopony."

"Thank you Madam."

"Please... Call me Limestone."

I was floored. I expected to be able to get my old job back... but Director!? This was HUGE! It was also terrifying in every since of the word. Domestic work was usually very humdrum, but tactical domestic targeting!? That's invasion protocol, it was reserved as imitate threat level measures. Had the war really gotten that bad behind my back while I was out being sad? If I had not been depressed before, I was very much so terrified now. It was trading a razor blade for a buzz saw, at least with depression and suicide I was only standing a chance to hurt myself. But this... this could hurt everypony if I screwed up.

If nothing else it would damn sure give me something new to worry about. If what I saw in the reports and what Limestone said was true, success was not just validating, it was going to be a necessity. The pressure of preforming this well at that level right out of the gate was not lost on me in my curiosity, but I was starting to feel sick with worry. The little analyst pony who I had not seen in years was in full work mode, but I had to ignore him for a bit longer. I need to talk to Cherry about this! I was worried I had just been pulled from the fire just to sit on a landmine.

I doubt seriously that she knew just how deep I was about to fall down the proverbial rabbit hole of bureaucracy when she told me to get my job back. But this was for Equestria, it was my duty. I had sworn on scrolls to work my flank off to help protect my homeland, but this was almost too much... almost. But I had to admit, this was way cool! I mean, who would ever think that for a moment that somepony like me could undermine a threat that was meant to level a nation.

I trotted to the town square to where Cherry had told me the bistro would be hiding. The Brown Buck was a little hole in the wall joint located on the corner of Matterhorn and Wingleaf, right in the town square. It had been so long since I had seen Canterlot... so much had changed. It was just another reminder that even though my world had ended, everypony else's had surged forward at breakneck speed. With all the new buildings and towers, one thing remained the same.

The Castle held a special place in my heart, it was the one symbol of equestria that marked our home. It was grand... regal even now among the steel beams and black glass towers around it. None of them could block its beauty for a moment. I had stood there, in the front lawn and swore to the princesses and country to protect this land as to the best of my abilities. Before me laid a marble statue of Princess Celestia and Princess luna holding between them the sun and moon. It was my favorite statue, I came here often on my lunch breaks and watched as the water would flow down their ivory statues.

I broke myself from my trance and made a b-line for the bistro where I had placed my order earlier. I had arrived in Canterlot early for the interview and figured that it would be best to use my time wisely... Ok maybe I gawked at the statue a little. But who can blame me, I was quite the fan of Luna's... 'form' if you will. I trotted to the counter where the spiky maned young buck was waiting for me with his overly enthusiastic greeting.

"GREETINGS! Welcome to the Brown Buck! My name is Truffle, how my I assist you?"

"I have a to-go order, name's Chance."

"Yes sir! Here we are, Mr. Chance! One Cherry pie! MMMMMM! My favorite. That will be six bits." I passed the coins across the table and grabbed the bags with my one good wing. "Oh! I'm sorry sir, I forgot to apply your discount."

"Wait, what discount?" I said befuddled.

"Your military discount of course." He said, motioning to my missing wing.

"I'm not in the military..." I said bluntly.

"Oh! My bad. How'd you lose it?" He said a touch offended. What the hell was wrong with him!?

"As if it were any of your information, I lost it in a train accident when I was thrown from the window."

"Ouch! that had to hurt!"

"Yes, it did and it hurts even more to talk about."

"I bet." He said without a care in the world.

"Listen kid... Do yourself a favor. The next time you see somepony with a disfiguring injury, maybe not make it a priority to point it out."

"Listen dude... I was just curious, there is no need to be a grouch about it." I was shocked. What gave this buck the stones to talk to a pony like that!?

"Is your head up your ass for the warmth?"

"Excuse me sir! I was just curious!" He said sarcastically. Deep breathing... Deep breathing Chance... Take it easy."

"Look you narrowed eye'd pinch nosed bastard. I lost my wing when a train crashed carrying me, my two kids and my wife. I was ejected out of a window that ripped my wing off my body. I lost my family in that crash. Maybe it's not something that I want to talk about. Maybe I don't want everypony bringing it up because I'm still dealing with the trauma of it all. K?"

"Celestia... I'm sorry."

"Don't... " I said putting a hoof up and trotting away.

Now I remember why I don't go into public... I can't control myself. Before the accident I was just an ass, but now I was an entitled ass. It was like I was running on auto pilot the entire time I was chewing that kid out. He couldn't have been more than eighteen years old and I just took a simple misunderstanding to a whole new level. No... He was an ass and had it coming! If not for that tone in his voice I would have brushed it off, but the tone of ones words betray all manners of things. His told me 'shut up old man, I know I was wrong but I refuse to show any sign of remorse or correction.'.

"HEY!" A voice shouted, scaring me half to death. "You just gonna stew yourself right over the edge of the falls or are ya gonna have lunch with me?" Cherry shouted from behind me. I looked down and I was a few steps from trotting right off the sidewalk and into the water of the cascading falls bellow.

"HO! Oh crap..." I shouted, jumping back.

"You know, I know you want that whole death by your own motives thing... but I doubt you would be happy when the papers read 'pegasus falls to his death'."

"Yeah well, I had a moment." I said sitting down beside her.

"So... how did it go?"

"Good... good-good-good-good-go-oh-Celestia I screwed up."

"Oh now, you didn't get your job back..."

"No... I didn't."

"Oh... Chancey..." She said hugging me.

"I got a high level job with my own department." I mumbled into her chest.

"CHANCE! That's wonderful! I'm so happy... Why do you look like you just had to pay your taxes?"

"Because of the stress that comes with it. I'm going to be... doing things that I used to do... but I never thought it would be 'these' things..."

"Oh? Like what buddy? Oh! Are you going to be a spy!" She said in excitement.

"No... Well, kind of... Look, I can't actually talk about it. But suffice to say it's important work." I said resting my head on the table.

"Are we... happy about it?" She asked as she began to rub my back. I would never tell her this, but she was doing it in a way that Lolly used to do when I would collapse after a long day at work.

"We are... confused and we are scared."

"Chance... Maybe this seems bad, but what if it's not? What if this is just what you need to get back on your hooves?"

"I want to go to bed..." I said as I curled my hooves around my head.

"Oh... You will have plenty of time for sleep later. But for now... there is pie to be plundered!" She said eagerly as she tore into the bag from the bistro and shoved her head into the tin. I looked on in astonishment, the splash was more than enough to cover my face as well. Wow did she ever love cherries...

"What? You want some?" She said offering me a hoof full of pie

"No, doll. You can have it." I said with a laugh.

"Your loss!"

The two of us sat there, covered in cherry pie and watching the sun begin to set. It had been a hell of a day. First I had to take a cab to Canterlot at the buttcrack of dawn, file my papers with the OIA, wait for a background check from the MOM, pass a medical evaluation at the ministry of peace and do a interview at a OIA satellite office here in Canterlot. It was all very fluid but all very tiring at the same time.

Cherry helped ease the screaming in my head by telling me about her day out with the family followed up by the experience of doing deliveries in Canterlot. For her short size she sure seemed to get around great. Of course I was hearing her side of the tale, such things tend to be less than factual, but I trusted her enough with details about day to day life.

"You know... It's going to be a long walk back to Ponyville."

"Yeah... I was just thinking about that." I had spent so much time listening to her ramble on and on about her day that I had missed the last ride back on the commuter carts. I honestly could have listened for hours more if not for it growing so cold out. Just hearing her speak put my mind at ease.

"You know, I'm going to be staying with a friend here in town tonight... you could join."

"I don't think that is the best idea, I don't want to intrude on your friend like that."

"Oh com'on! It will be fun! We can share a bed and make it like a slumber party! I can put my cold butt on you in the middle of the night! It will be great!"

"As tempting as the feeling of two ice cold butt cheeks is... I think I need to get home and get some things in order. I have a lot to get done tomorrow."

"Suits yourself! You are missing out on one amazing cold butt!" She said giving it a shake.

"Oh I'm sure..." I said as I rounded the bend to the trail down the mountain.

"You know... there is another option."

"Cherry no."

"Look, it wont be that bad, I promise!"

"Cherry, there is no way I'm doing that."

"Com'on. I'll go with you and stay the night. It will save me time on the way home."


"Chance, you have done so great today, and i'm proud of you, I really am! But you have to keep pushing forward."

"I don't know Shorty..."

"Don't call me that! Look, it will take you hours to trot your way home and it's cold... Just do it for me."

"Cherry there is no way in hell I'm taking that damn train home!"

I sat there in a sea of anger, stewing my brains out that I was being put in this position. I hated everything at this moment... I hated Cherry for suggesting it, I hated the sound of her stupid voice, I hated the feeling of the bench I was sitting on... My heart was racing and I was covered in sweat, my only consolation was that the trains beer mare was active and serving drinks. I was going to kill her.

"See! Nothing to it!" Cherry said, leaning her head into my shoulder and looking up at me with a massive forced smile.

"Every hair in your tail... I'm going to pull out every hair in your tail..." I said though gritted teeth as my hoof had a white-knuckled-grip on the hand rail.

"Now Chance..."

"Just... one at a time. Until you have a bald butt and everything..."

"Steward!? More whiskey on ice please!" Cherry shouted.

"I hate this Cherry." I said with a groan.

"I know... But my heart is about to explode! What if something-"

"HEY! look at me... Nothing is going to happen." She said as she guided my head to her lap and began stroking my mane.

"Lolly used to stroke my mane like that..." I said as I closed my eyes.

"I'm sorry!' She shouted in shock as she cover her mouth.

"It's fine, you couldn't have know. She would stroke my mane when the world was just too much for me... I remember this one night, I had just got home from work. I had been hiding money away to surprise her with the vacation I planned behind her back... Money was tight back then, my saving was not making it any better, but I was trying so hard for her to not see it. I had just paid the bills and I had about five bits to my name... She just sat me down and played with my mane and the world just melted away..." I was in another world all together, partly from the six or so drinks I had before I got on the train and the other three I had before I got cut off.

"Oh my gosh Chance! I'm so sorry! I could not have imagined what that triggered by me doing that! I had no clue! I'm so, so so-"

"Hey Cherry?"

"Yeah?" She said half crying, half hiccuping from stress.

"I never said stop."

"Yo-you sure? I mean, you want me to?"

"Yeah... Not everything was bad back then I guess."

"Chance that's so good! I'm so proud of you!"

"Less talky... more head rubby..."

"Oh! right!"

There I was, on a damn train... But with Cherry there with me it wasn't so bad. I felt like if I had been by myself and somehow found my way on here, I would clawing at the walls to be let off. I would rather take my chances trotting on the tracks. But having a friend close by helps and wow was this relaxing! I was on a train... I had a job and a nice mare stroking my mane... it was just so... relaxing.