• Published 16th Mar 2019
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Fluttershy and Rarity's Gassy Night - The Dark Wolf

Fluttershy and Rarity discover each other to be gassy more often than they thought, and spend the night together.

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A Gassy Night

Fluttershy often wore her gym outfit on nature walks. It consisted of a white tank top and short, skintight green shorts. It was June, so it was like summer weather, even though school was still in session.

She was on her way home, but stopped walking to let out a long, silent fart. She was secretly very gassy quite often, but she enjoyed it as long as no one else could hear or smell it.

She got home, went about the rest of her day, and let out several loud farts. Sometimes she'd pat her butt after a particularly loud and unladylike fart.

Eventually, she climbed into bed. She also used her exercise outfit as pajamas when not at sleepovers. She never washed it so it smelled bad, but she didn't mind. Her shorts smelled especially foul from her farts.

She lay on her side with her legs in a seductive pose, and let out an airy fart that was nonetheless audible.

Then she lay on her back with her legs bent in the air.


Fluttershy giggled at the sound of her flatulence. Then she positioned herself with her behind in the air. She could feel a big one coming.


Fluttershy slapped her butt. Her bedroom was full of the fart smell. Several farts later, she lay under her covers, letting out a few silent farts, until she drifted off to sleep. Over the entire night, she farted several times in her sleep.


The following evening, Fluttershy stood behind the stage, feeling nervous. When she heard that the school play had a rabbit character in it, she had signed up to play her without thinking, and was starting to have second thoughts. But it was too late now.

She was wearing a fairly tight pink bunny fursuit that Rarity had designed. She wore her exercise outfit under it, and fortunately no one could smell it.

When it was time, she walked onstage. At first she did her part perfectly. She was still a little nervous, but was slowly becoming more comfortable with it.

Until discomfort of a different kind hit her. She needed to fart - bad!

She was used to holding it in to avoid humiliation, so at first she did all right and continued to play her part, with Rarity playing a fluffy white cat.

But then, she thought about how afraid she was of farting in front of this crowd, combined with what nervousness remained from performing onstage. She couldn't hold it in anymore.


Fluttershy blushed beet red while the audience laughed. She ran off the stage in tears.

Rainbow Dash, who was dressed as a hawk, took the microphone. "That was me, I had beans for dinner." She thought it was funny to hear Fluttershy fart, but didn't want the school to make fun of her. Rainbow farted shamelessly so they'd think nothing of it.

The play was cancelled, but the audience didn't care, they got a good show all the same.

Rarity ran after Fluttershy, searching the school grounds for her. She eventually found her sitting under a tree, still in her costume, sobbing uncontrollably. Rarity quietly walked up to her, hoping her presence wouldn't cause Fluttershy any distress. As she did, Fluttershy let out a long, wet fart.

"Oh my," said Rarity.

Fluttershy looked up. She stopped sobbing, but blushed. "I'm so sorry, Rarity."

"Oh, Fluttershy, darling, don't you dare apologize for that. I know it must have been dreadful for you. You focus on feeling better."

"You're... you're not disgusted at me?"

"Of course not." Rarity sat down and put her arm around her. "I know you couldn't help it. It's not like I've never farted before."

"But you get so annoyed when Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie do it."

"They're just being immature, and even so, I'm still friends with them. Besides, I can get pretty gassy too, and have to hold it in for a while."


"You'd never guess how often I fart in a day, or how loud it gets when I've held it in after a day with everyone. It's quite unbecoming, but I can't help it."

"You probably don't fart as much as me."

"I probably do. Now, how about we go over to my house and cheer you up?"


At Rarity's house, Fluttershy and Rarity removed their costumes. Rarity was also wearing her gym outfit underneath, consisting of a short, skintight pair of purple shorts and a matching sports bra.

"I'll be a laughing stock," said Fluttershy.

"No you won't," said Rarity. "After you left, Rainbow Dash told everyone it was her. She doesn't mind." She sniffed her. "Phew. Do you ever wash that outfit?"

"No." Fluttershy blushed a little more. "Maybe I should change."

"Think nothing of it. I rarely wash this outfit myself and it smells rather unpleasant as well. I know I'll just sweat in it more." She blushed a little. "I think you smell worse, but maybe I'm just more used to my own smell. Besides, I have this." Rarity sprayed air freshener in the room. "There. Now we can't smell you. This stuff is designed to tackle far worse."

"Like what?"

Rarity hesitated, and let out a loud fart. "Like that. Only usually I'd do it more silently. You have no idea how many times I farted right next to you behind your backs."

"You don't mind if I... do that too, do you?"

"If it's just the two of us, you don't have to hold it in around me." Rarity farted again to prove her point.

Fluttershy relaxed and released a quiet but audible airy fart.

"You can fart louder than that if you want. I don't mind. But, however you want to is fine. How would you like a tea party?"

"I'd love it."

Rarity made some tea and they sat at the table.

"And, try to hold it if anyone else is present, but if we're the only ones at the tea party..."

Fluttershy let out a high-pitched fart that lasted a few seconds. She blushed lightly but giggled a bit.

"Yes, you can do that as loud as you want and as often as you want." Rarity let out a shorter but deeper-pitched fart.

Fluttershy really liked not having to hold in her farts in front of the most ladylike girl she knew, especially since she was also farting shamelessly. She let out a short fart, then a longer, louder fart.

Rarity released an airy fart which Fluttershy could still hear.

They sat at the table, talking, drinking tea, and farting, until the urge to pee hit them.

"Um... Rarity... I need to go to the bathroom."

"So do I," said Rarity. She knew Fluttershy had the smaller bladder, so she said "You use the one upstairs. I'll use the downstairs restroom."

Fluttershy and Rarity ran to their respective bathrooms. About a minute later, they met back up, their shorts completely dry (however stinky), and they sat on the couch and watched My Little Pony (G1).

They farted several times during the show, and giggled a bit.

"Don't ever tell anyone about this," said Rarity after a particularly loud fart.

"As long as you don't tell anyone how gassy I am." She let out a long, deep-pitched fart.

"Nice one, Fluttershy."

"That was so unladylike. I need a spanking for that."

"Oh, that won't be necessary."

"Pretty please?"

Rarity realized Fluttershy wanted this. "All right. How hard would you like it?"

"Not too hard, but hard enough so it makes a sound." Fluttershy climbed over Rarity's knee.

Rarity raised her arm and slapped Fluttershy's butt, not too hard, but not too light either. "Was that all right?"

"Perfect. Do it again until I tell you to stop."

Rarity continued to spank Fluttershy. The expressions on her face and the sounds she made showed how much she was enjoying it.

It was only after about 30 swats that Fluttershy said "All right, that's enough."

"You really enjoyed that, didn't you?"

Fluttershy blushed a little as she sat back down, which wasn't hard because her rear end barely hurt. "I don't know why, I've just... always wanted someone to do that to me ever since Pinkie Pie slapped my tushie that one time."

"Oh, I rather enjoyed that as well. You do have the cutest butt."

"Why thank you." Fluttershy blushed a little, but this time out of flattery. Then she farted loudly again.

"Even if it is the gassiest." FFFFFRRRRRRT! "Maybe second gassiest."

"I'm sure Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie fart more."

"I doubt even they fart as much as us. Well, except for their farting contests that Rainbow Dash boasts about."

"Um... Rarity... would you mind rubbing my tushie?"

"I'd love to. Would you like to do that to me as well?"

"Oh Rarity, that sounds lovely. I hope I don't fart in your face."

"I don't mind."

"And I'd... actually kinda like it if you farted in my face."

"In that case, I'll hold it in while I'm massaging your behind."

Fluttershy got on all fours, and Rarity started to caress Fluttershy's butt. It was so soft, and it looked so cute in her shorts. They smelled bad, but she didn't mind. She actually kind of enjoyed getting a little dirty like this from time to time.

Then Fluttershy accidentally let out a short but loud fart. She giggled nervously, but true to her word, Rarity did not react, nor start rubbing any slower. She loved Fluttershy's butt too much to be put off by anything it could do, short of messing.

Rarity kept rubbing for five minutes. Fluttershy farted a few times each minute. Rarity really needed to fart, but she held it in, and continued to enjoy what she was doing.

Once Rarity was done, she and Fluttershy swapped places, and Fluttershy started to rub Rarity's butt. She loved how it felt, for it was as soft and squishy as her own. She could pick up a smell on her shorts, though it probably smelled half as much as her own outfit.


Rarity sighed in relief as a very loud, very long fart made its way out of her. A shorter, equally loud fart came after. Fluttershy slapped Rarity's butt lightly, and continued rubbing more vigorously than Rarity would have expected of her. Rarity liked it all the same.

Rarity farted about as often as Fluttershy had over the next five minutes, before her butt massage was over. They stood up, pressed their butts against each other, and farted simultaneously, giggling a bit.

Then, they brushed their teeth and got ready to bed, staying in their smelly outfits.

"Would you like to sleep in the same bed with me, Fluttershy?" said Rarity.

"I'd love to." PPPPRRRRRT! "If I don't stink it up too much."

Rarity lifted her leg. BBBBRRRRRT! "I doubt I'll be able to smell your farts over my own."