• Published 4th Jul 2019
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Dragonball MLP: Buu's Calamity! - ultrapoknee

An evil wizard named Babidi unleashes a terrifying monster bent on universal destruction!

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episode 6: Cold Front!


High over the horizon, a long, serpentine-like dragon, Shenron, soars through skies. Upon his head were the likes of Gohan, Goten, and Trunks enjoying the ride. Moments later, a portal opens. Flying past the dragon, Vegeta, and Piccolo enters the portal first as the trio looks on in awe. Shenron lets out a roar as he follows the two through it. The scenery quickly changes from Earth to Equis.

Celestia was enjoying a cup of tea on her balcony with her sister Luna as Shenron exits the portal in the background. Fluttershy was busy tending to the animals in her sanctuary as Angel bunny frantically points to the dragon above. The yellow pegasus looks up and gasps at the sight. Over in Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack hauling in her product before a large gust of wind from Shenron's passing blows her hat off. The farm mare puts down her produce and gives chase. In Ponyville, Pinkie gasps as she hovers in the air while Shenron passes. A moment later, the party mare disappears, leaving behind an outline of smoke. At the carousel boutique, Rarity struggling on a new line featuring the combat Gi's Spike and Scootaloo wore before Shenron passes by her window. A look of inspiration hit the fashion mare as she quickly stretches something out before running outside. Rainbow Dash was resting on a cloud when she spotted Shenron in the skies. Looking at their destination, Rainbow shot off her perch with her signature sonic rain-boom. The trios of Saiyans leap off the great dragon while landing in front of the castle. There, Twilight is standing at the entrance, waving them over. The rest of the elements of harmony, Piccolo and Vegeta were there to greet them.

Elsewhere, Dragonlord Ember was walking through a hellish landscape. The silhouette of a massive dragon was reaching toward her. She closes her eyes only to open them again as Spike looks at her with concern. In a coliseum filled with cheering spectators, Scootaloo walks in with the E.A.T. belt around her waist. Her opponent was a man in a brown and white Gi that sported an afro. She shots her opponent a confident grin as the two charges one another. A second later, Scootaloo sends her rival out of bounds as two announcers - one blond human and Earth pony of similar features - declare her the winner. High above the castle of Friendship, the Great Saiyaman floats above the structure as the sun rises. He smirks as he flies off into the rising sun.

The sunsets as the moon rising over a statue of Goku. Spike and Scootaloo stood there wearing somber expressions at the loss of their beloved mentor. However, the transparent image of Goku puts a reassuring hand on Scootaloo's and Spike's shoulders. They turn around in shock at his appearance. He smiles at his pupils before he fades away, with the two of them chasing after him. They don't get far as several figures cloaked in shadows appear before them. Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta, Trunks, and Goten land beside them as they all take combat stances. There was a staredown between the two factions before they collide in an explosion of light. Finally, the ponies and dragons stand next to the Z fighters in front of the School of Friendship. Goku lands between his wife while draping his arm over Gohan's shoulder. They both share wide grins that for their friends and family.

[Capsule Corporation - Earlier that day - Bulma's POV.]

I sat at my father's desk, going over everything I learned about the planted chip. My father was with me, looking as exasperated and annoyed as I am right now. I bit my thumb in frustration at my carelessness. On the desk was a computer with Dr. Gera's face on the screen. Urgh! I wouldn't have thought anything of that smile beforehand. Now it's like she's mocking me, knowing I would find out about her plans and still proceeding without a care in the world. There's was no other information available besides her name and photo. It as though she appeared out of thin air!

"It's quite the conundrum, isn't it?" Dad said.

"It's an embarrassment!" I huffed out. "We have the best security system on Earth, yet a spy slips right under our noses!"

"To be fair, we're not dealing with an ordinary spy. This woman is a genius. She might be on par with you, dear,"

I let out a sigh as I slump in the chair. "You're right. Why didn't I see it before? Masking unregistered weapons weren't the chips only function. It was a complete trojan horse! It allowed our new 'employee' free reign of everything on Capsule Corps severs. She walked around here as if she was shrouded in a cloak. The camera's never picked her up in a video!"

"Not only that, but this chip gave Dr. Gera complete access to our network. Mountains of sensitive data, schematics, and projects all exposed to her. The damage she could do is instrumental, but so far, there hasn't been any development save for the weapons on Equis. What's her endgame?"

"That is peculiar indeed," My dad said, rubbing his bread. "If she made the chip - which I have no doubts - why'd we discover it?"

"I was picking up a strange transmission from the console where we found the chip. But something feels off about the discovery. With the master lever sonification that is the chip itself, there is no way anyone would find it on the pure chance!"

"Then finding the chip was intentional,"

"Exactly! She could've stayed under the radar indefinitely! She could've made schedule changes to ensure we'd never meet in person. She could've destroyed Capsule Corp from the inside out, yet she didn't. That tells me Gera has another plan in mind..." I sucked my teeth as I turned off the computer. I couldn't stand the thought of being made the fool so spectacularly!

"Hmm, so now the question becomes 'what did she find that made her abandon all the possibilities' you mentioned,"

"Good question..." I thought about it for sometime before I remembered something dire. I stood up in alarm as I slapped my hands to the desk. "Gohan!!!" I opened my communicator and called Gohan. Sure enough, he was already here on the Earth. "Gohan, listen to me! Don't trust Dr. Gera! She's the spy we're after all along!!!!"

[Present time - Videl's POV.]

"Fourteen, Fifteen! Get on out here and say hello to our guests," Thirteen orders.

I was standing by Great Saiyaman and Scootaloo as this man, or android smirks at us. From the shadows behind us, two more these things pop up. One was as pale as the snow outside the lab while taller than all of us. And the other was short and purple. The grey one had a long black ponytail and green kilt, while the short guy had a yellow jacket with blue pants. He pulls out a flask to drink from it. Sparks seem to burst out of his body as the liquid settles. All these android show signs of damage. The pale one was missing its mouth, leaving its metal teeth exposed while the short one was missing its scalp.

Looking back at Gera, she seemed disappointed. "Hmm, I was hoping you'd be in better condition. There must've been a malfunction in the containment units. It doesn't matter. Androids 13,14, and 15; occupy our guest if you please,"

That didn't sound good. However, instead of attacking us, Android 13 frowns at the doctor. "Now hold on little missy, Ya got the wrong idea. The boys and I got our marching orders and first on the itinerary: the death of Son Goku!"

I had no idea who that was, but that got a reaction out of Great Saiyaman and Scootaloo. The former gritted his teeth while was sending death glares at the robot. Before I could ask what was up, Gera spoke again. "Son Goku has been dead for seven years now. The Red Ribbon has a new leader, and you're Red Ribbon property!" Gera adjusts her glasses as she crosses her arms. "New administrator voice activation. Serial number: 26/4/1989. Execute the approval process!"

The android's eyes flashed bright red several times before stopping. "Approval code accepted. State new directive,"

That wicked smile came back in full force as she looked our way. "I want you all to know that there are no hard feelings. But I can't have any interference at this juncture," She pauses as she looks at the E.A.T. champ and the masked hero. "It's a shame. I wanted the chance to study your abilities some more. Sadly, all you will be now is an afterthought. Carry on, 13,"

"Welp, them's the breaks, kiddies. Come on boys, let's show the pipsqueaks some of our brand of hospitality,"

I charged forward despite the shocked gasp from my partners. I was sick of being brushed off. I reared my left leg back and slammed it into the tin redneck's face. I regretted my attack pretty quickly when a sharp pain shot through my leg. I pulled it back, wincing at the bruise. But I didn't let that stop me. I threw several punches into his face and torso, but every hit felt like I was fighting a vault door! I couldn't bite back the pain anymore as my hands started to tremble. My knuckles were red and swollen, almost to the point of bleeding. And this guy just stood there as nothing happened! He held out his hand, and I felt my back hit the opposite wall. I felt the air leave my body as I tried to get my bearings. What did he do?

"Heh, you seem to be counting your chickens before they hatch, girly," The android said. I pushed myself up to glare at the hunk of metal, but my anger faded away when I saw a bright red ball appear in his hand. What was going on here!? "Now, why don't you stay in time out permanently!"

I could feel the heat coming off this thing as it got closer. I tried to move, but my body wasn't listening. I brought up my hand to protect myself, but then, an orange blur came into view. The red ball of heat crashes through the ceiling and explodes. The lab shook from the blast as everyone disappeared right in front of me. More explosion went off outside the above me. The only person I could see was Dr. Gera. She was staring through the ceiling with that same irritating smile on her face. I finally got to an upright position - wasn't easy due to the injuries and shockwaves - and faced her.

"You'd be better off staying down, you know," She said without looking at me.

"What did you do!? Where is everyone!?

"Surely, you're not that blind," Gera finally looks at me with a blank expression. She pointed upwards to the hole in the roof. "They're up there,"

"I'm not in the mood for any tricks!!!"

Gera looks at me in confusion before she started laughing. "Ahahaha! Please don't tell you bought into the same delusions as everyone else! I guess the old saying is true; Like father, like daughter,"

I forgot all my injuries and sprinted toward this hussy! "RAAWWR!!!!!"

[Third Person POV.]

Gohan and Scootaloo were back to back as the three androids circled them. The artificial humans held out their hands, firing a barrage of energy blasts. The attack seemed airtight as the duo deflect the endless onslaught. Gohan grits his teeth as Scootaloo watches for an opening. The deadly carousel of doom pauses for a moment as Android 15 sparks again. Scootaloo acted, and blasted the pint-size droid back, creating some breathing room. Not missing a beat, Scootaloo rams Android 14 in the torso with a knee strike. The burly automation barley registers the blow and wraps his massive arms around Scootaloo's frame. The android dives toward the ground with the pegasus in tow. Gohan saw android 15 rejoin the fray, forcing to take his eyes off his opponent. Android 13 responds by grabbing Gohan's flowing red cape. He tugs on the clothing and pulls Gohan into a full nelson. Gohan thrashes about - trying to create some separation - but 13 only tightens his grip.

"That's some kooky get up you got on, partner. Is it Halloween already?"

"Grr! Let go!!!"

"Can't do that, I'm afraid. Why don't you stay for a spell while the boys take that pony out to pasture? Besides, you should worry about your wellbeing, 15, give our friend her a nice tenderizing,"

Android 15 floats over and gives Gohan a coy smile. The masked Saiyan snarls at his stocky enemy as the android rears his left arm back and thrust. The impact cracks Gohan's visor as his head flings backward. The android drives a left hook into Gohan's stomach, forcing to hunch over. He did get much of a reprieve as 13 knees him in the kidney. Gohan couldn't scream as 15 scores an uppercut to his chin, knock his helmet off. The two death bots begin laying into Gohan with a furious assault from the front and back. Gohan looks back down to see Scootaloo in dire straights. Android 14 was currently squeezing the life out of his mare friend. The orange pegasus was doing everything she could to break free, launching several fists and elbows to the face of the humanoid. !4 merely stares back at Scootaloo with blankly, his missing jaw made the experience more unnerving.

"Hey, man, put the squeeze on her," 15 suggested.

The android applied more pressure to his grip. Scootaloo started screaming from the while Gohan's rage boils over. "HAAAAH!!!" Electricity dances around Gohan's body within his golden aura as his shimmering her becomes sharper in tone. The sudden influx of power broke Android 13's grapple. Gohan slams his elbow into 13's cheek, making reel back in pain. He follows up by spin the android into 15 as he charges to Scootaloo. 14 notices his approach and attempts to shoot Gohan down with two beams from its eyes. The attack pieces Gohan's after image as the ascended Saiyan slams his boot into 14's face. Scootaloo takes several gasps of breath as she returns to a vertical base. "You okay?" Gohan asked, not taking his eyes off the androids as they regroup.

"Just some broken ribs, nothing to worry about, Gohan," Scootaloo wheezed out. She pulls out a small brown bag from her Gi. Scootaloo eats a Senzu bean as Gohan spares her a glance.

"You better let me hand this,"

"What? You think I can't hack it?"

"This fight isn't a game, Scoots! These androids are strong enough to fight my dad - even as a Super Saiyan - You can't beat them!"

Scootaloo blows her mane out of eyes before widening her stance. "Hmph. So they're as strong as a Super Saiyan? I can match that!"

Gohan's eyes widen a little as Scootaloo's Ki surges upwards. "Wha--"

"Maximum KIAO KEN!!! The Kiao ken aura flares to life like never before. Spider web cracks shot out for miles as a sudden gale of winds descended the surrounding area. The androids where all pushed back - even Gohan had to brace himself - from this display of power. Scootaloo veins became visible on her muzzle, arm, and abdomen. Her muscles bulge and tighten - becoming more defined - as her features took on a crimson red hue. She bares her teeth from the intensity before casting a smirk at Gohan, and then to the Androids. "I haven't exactly been slacking, you know. Now..."

[Here's a good example. This comic is called Dragonball Multiverse. Check it out. https://www.dragonball-multiverse.com/en/chapters.html]

"What sam hill-- Urgh!?" And droid 13 started before a red and orange fist plows into his midsection. Just as quickly, Scootaloo appears behind 15 and sends him into the snow with a split kick. 14 tries to grab the pegasus again, but Scootaloo was ready. She ducks underneath the grapple attempt and launches both of her hooves into his chin. The blow tore apart the already broken jaw as Android 14 slams into the terrain. Android 13 clutches his stomach as he glares at Scootaloo. "Ya mutant varmint!!!!" 13 summons the T.H. Death bomb again, increasing its size and destructive potential, and aimed it at his pony foe. "Die!!!"

Gohan halted these intentions. "I don't think so...!" He grips the energy ball with his right hand and clenches his hand shut. The attack denotes in their faces as Android 13 retreats from the smoke. He stares in disbelief as both of his hands were mere stumps. Gohan stared at the damage impassively with nary a scratch on him.

"Who in tarnation are you!?" 13 demands.

"I'm my father's son, Son Gohan!"

Evident shock spread across the humanoid features. "Hehe, you plum done, gone dag-gone did it now, boy! Killing you used to be simple orders, now it'll be a privilege. Oh, yeah, the sins of the father will be--"

Gohan drives his fist straight through 13's sternum, cutting the machine off. "Same old lousy obsession with the same foul, one track programming!" Gohan rips his arm from the android's chest. Android 13 gasps out in pain before falling back to the ground and exploding afterward.

Meanwhile, 14 and 15 decided to combine their efforts in taking out the crimson pegasus. Scootaloo was expertly dodging their flurry of punches and kicks. However, she was beginning to feel the strain of her technique. 'Darn it! I still can't hold this power for too long! I got to end this now!' She thought. She expands her Ki outward to create some space between her opponents. Charging up her aura again, both of her wings gain a sharpened edge to them. She takes a runner's stance before rocketing off. 14 and 15 met her charge in kind. There was a brief flash at the moment of impact before Scootaloo tumbles to the ground, losing her form. She winces as she gets to one knee, turning back to the androids.

Android 15 tucks his hands in his pants as he started to chuckle. "Aw, you tuckered yourself out? That's too bad because now you about to get the business!"

Android 14 began sprinting at the downed pony. His heavy footfalls seemed to make the ground shake with every step. Gohan saw his mare friend in trouble and flickers in front of her. The burly android did not cease in its movements. 14 prepares to take Gohan's head off. However, as he goes for the clothesline, his upper torso flies off with the momentum. Gohan watches incredulously as the android's legs run past him and Scootaloo. The bisected android explodes moments later, leaving 15 petrified. The small android takes two steps back before running off. He didn't get more than five feet as his field of vision did a one-eighty-- the world around him turned upside downward. He turns back around, an expression of shock knitted on his face. Scootaloo smirks as she flicks her wingtips. Android 15 was holding his head in his hands.

"Maybe next time you'll get your head on straight before threatening my mentor!" Scootaloo taunted.

"Did you just make a motherf***kn' head jo--" Android 15 words died out with his detonation.

Gohan power down with a look of bafflement on his face. He helps Scootaloo, who winces a bit, but smiles gratefully."Still think I can't hack it?" She asked with a cheeky grin.

"Have I ever told you that you're awesome?"

"You could stand to mention it some more, just not around the other girls,"

Scootaloo puls herself in for a victory kiss. However, Gohan's eyes widen as he remembers their third member. "Videl!!!"

"What about her?" Scootaloo said, clearly annoyed.

"She's still in the lab with Gera! Let's go!!!"

The dup quickly returns to the lab only to find Videl sprawled out on the floor, and Dr. Gera nowhere in sight. Videl's injuries were extensive. Her left arm bent at an awkward angle with some purple discoloring at the joint. Both of her knuckles were bleeding and broken as well. Two large streaks of blood trickled from her forehead while a third drips from the edges of her mouth. Relief washed over Gohan and Scootaloo at the sight of her still breathing - despite it being shallow. Scootaloo needed no prompting from Gohan as she took out the Senzu beans again. At the same time, a screen appears with D. Gera's smiling visage upon it. Gohan snarls as his Super Saiyan forms reemerge.

"Son Gohan. Son of the Red Ribbon Armies' greatest enemy. It makes sense now. The Super Sayian that defeated Cell would no doubt be able to handle defective rejects!" Gera smiles pleasantly at Scootaloo as well. "Although. I must say that I wasn't expecting you to be this powerful either, Scootaloo You're both such spectacular research subjects! Then again, the years of degradation and poor maintenance severely damaged the androids' power cores. It's a shame we didn't get to see Android 13's true potential. It's of no consequence. The doctor decommissioned those androids for a reason. But they served one last purpose,"

"Don't think you can hide from us forever! We'll find you!" Gohan promised with a flare of his aura.

"You're going to wish you those toy soldiers finished the job!" Scootaloo promised.

Gera claps her hands together as she smiles innocently. "We most certainly will. You've provided me with excellent data! It would be foolish to stop now. But, for our future endeavors..." She glares down at Videl, who was beginning to stir. "Leave behind the dead weight. I was hoping she'd be a more worthy interest. Sadly, she couldn't hold up to my standards. A worthless failure of human potential. People like her - who can't see reality right in her face - has no business here in our world--"


Gohan arm extends out as he fires a Ki blast through the transmission - blowing another hole in the laboratory. Scootaloo tries to help Videl up, but she pushes the pony away and scampers back to her feet. She looks around the lab in search of the faux doctor, but it was too late. Gera was long gone now. "Damn it!!!" Videl snarls, punching her hand in anger. Her expression drops as she looks at herself in confusion. "I'm healed?"

"Um, magic beans?" Scootaloo offers, holding up her bag.


"Good, now I got questions! What happens here? Did she have more androids?"

Videl looks down at the ground while turning away. "No..."

"A weapon?"


"A trap, maybe?"

Growling, she spun back around and faced Scootaloo. "There was nothing else here, okay! It was only her! It turns out she's a fighter too! What happen to you two?"

Scootaloo wings flare out as she shouts back. "We were fighting the three killer robots, remember! Instead of trying to be miss macho mare, you should've stayed out of this!!!"


"Enough!" Gohan yells out, causing both girls to flinch. "Dr. Gera fooled us all! There's no use in arguing about it! We should head back to Capsule Corp and speak with Bulma," Gohan pauses as he notices Videl gawking at him with a trembly finger. "What?"


Gohan looks back at her in confusion before touching his head. 'Oh no...!' A cold realization flooded the unmasked Saiyans being. 'I forgot my helmet!'

Instantly, Scootaloo zooms in front of her colt friend, using her wings to block his face. "It's not what you think!"

Videl, seemingly ignoring Scootaloo, pressed onward. "You're the Gold Fighter!!!"

Gohan and Scootaloo stare blankly at each other before back to Videl. "What?" They said in perfect unison.

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas, everybody! I want to talk about the power scaling in the Super Android 13 movie, and how it pertains to this chapter. The movie's timeline seems to be at the start of the Cell games saga. Or, more specifically, pre-time chamber training. I always thought it was weird that Dr. Gero didn't bother utilizing them in the main canon. They seem more loyal than 17 and 18. And why is it that Android 13 is superior to 14 and 15, yet he is the lower number? The androids decreased in quality as the numbers go up!

Anyway, the tricky bit was Gohan. During this time, he is substantially weaker than he was at the end of the cell saga. Where three Super Saiyan's were enough to beat 13, 14, and 15 in one on one combat, Gohan couldn't. As Super Android 13, he was stronger than Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks. So if I had to guess, Super 13 would be at Semi perfect cell level. Maybe more akin to Cooler's final form? But, because Gohan is weaker, super Saiyan wouldn't beat any of the androids, and ssj2 would be slightly above Super 13. Thus, making it a closer fight if I used him. I didn't use him because of time constraints, and it felt unneeded.

Now for Scootaloo's new technique. Maximum Kaio Ken. I always believed that the Kiao Ken multiply has no specific limit. You can push it as high as you want. It's all about what you're body can take. Scootaloo's been training for the full seven, so naturally, it makes sense that she's this strong. There are drawbacks, though. She can't maintain the strain for longer than three to five minutes. If we look at the three tribes of ponies. Pegasi would be the second in terms of physical strength. Bone structure built for aerodynamics, rather than pure brute force.

But, again, there are exceptions like Rainbow Dash. She can fly at supersonic speeds and survive high altitude impact into the ground. Plus, Scootaloo's a crippled pegasus. But, that means she pushes her self harder than most would. So, the maximum output she can exert would be 25, because the student should surpass the master in some way or the other.

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