• Published 22nd Mar 2019
  • 514 Views, 7 Comments

The horn of Star Tracker - Jhonn

the family of Star Tracker has always been very exotic, even from himself, always traditionalists, that family "anecdotes" about beings from space and the rare magic horn, those crazy things could not guide anypony, that was just fantasy, right?

  • ...

Chapter 1

"Mom, can you tell me a story so I can sleep?" - a small Star Treacker asked.

"very well son, today you behaved very well with the dentist, you deserve a small reward, my big colt, which you would like to hear?" - asked Golden Night lovingly while caressing Star.

"Maybe something about the space ponies?"

"You really love those stories, right?" - Golden said with a smile.

"They are so exciting !!, even the grandmother says that stories really happened" - the colt boasted.

Holding a sigh, Golden had another subject to talk to his mother, but for now, his little son awaited his reward.

"They are so real while you create my star, very well, this is the story of when the Forerunner saved an entire planet from dark magic----"

"Star !!, it's better if you're not sleeping again in class, or the teacher is going to scold you again" - whispered Blue Belle, as she shook Star, who was slowly waking up.

"I'm awake, I just rested my eyes" - said Star, while trying not to fall from his seat.

Before Blue Belle could answer, Professor Flintheart was standing right in front of them.

Star had not realized even in the danger they were in.

"Young Star, I understand that your high performance in space magic classes requires more time than a simple pony of earth can have, but if you does not pay attention to class, it would be a pity if your scholarship is withdrawn by low average" - murmured Professor Flint.

Star was the only ground pony who was currently attending the school of Princess Celestia, amazing the teachers with his perfect score on the magic exam and passing the practical test with his control in environmental magic.

The school had accepted the admission of a ground pony even with the criticism of several nobles and a few professors, but winning several enemies who were seeking their expulsion.

If it were not for the help of Princess Luna and her generous scholarship, Star could not afford the "special" tuition that had been assigned to her, as revenge, the nobles and the professors who hated him (including Professor Flint), made the condition to keep the scholarship only with a perfect average.

Only one student in the entire history of the school had that achievement, Princess Twilight, and another almost got it, if it were not for her sudden disappearance.

But it was not a problem for Star, it had been two years and he still had the scholarship, winning incredible friends, and eliminating the bad image that had been imposed on he.

If only Star was not such a dense pony and a greater confidence in his achievements, he might not be so intimidated continuously by the few ponies who want him out of school.

"I'm sorry professor, it's just that I did not sleep at night, Princess Twilight published a new book about environmental magic in space and its effects on Equestria, and Princess Luna helped in its elaboration, so I just could not stop read it "- said Star while trembling a bit by the intimidating teacher.

"It's true teacher, Princess Luna gave him the book in person a few days ago, several saw the exchange at the time of departure" - said Blue Belle, calling the teacher's attention.

"I appreciate your information, Lady Belle, but I did not ask for it, in the future, maybe instead of going where they do not call it, I could better select your ... company" - said the professor, while he walked back to the front of the living room.

"Uff, that was close, they almost took you out of the room again Star, that fucking racist ..." - said Blue Belle, while relaxing.

"Thank you cousin, I hope the teacher was not so intimidating, it always makes me nervous" - answered Star in a low voice.

"To be a genius, you're very stupid when the situation calls for it, at least it's the last class" - said Blue Belle, gaining an annoyed look from Star.

"-And do not forget to complete the optical spell, I want it early on my desk tomorrow" - said Professor Flint.

"Finally! Come on, Star, I'm fed up for today" - said Blue Belle, jumping from her place with a big smile.

"I'm sorry, Belle, but today I have other plans" - said Star, while he kept his things in his saddlebags.

"But what? You do not have a social life and ... oh, it's the anniversary today, is not it?" Blue Belle asked, while her face turned into a grimace.

"... yes, it's already late, so I have to hurry or they're going to close the cemetery, do you want to go?" - Star asked, as they walked out of the room.

"Of course, I have not visited my uncles for a while, besides, someone has to protect you at all times" said Blue Belle, hitting her helmet with Star's shoulder.

"Of course, because I'm so helpless without you" - said Star, while avoiding with all his strength not to wince.

"We can go through some flowers to the market, at least my potatoes were a few weeks ago, but the flowers they brought must be withered" - said Blue Belle.

When she not receiving an answer, Blue Belle noticed that Star was simply lost in her thoughts.



"Staaar !!" - Blue Belle shouted, as she threw another blow at the poor pony's chest.

"Auch! That hurt, why was that?!" - Star asked.

"Are you very distracted today, are you okay?" - asked worried Blue Belle.

"Yes, I'm fine, or at least before your punches, I swear, you look more like a ground pony than me" - said Star with pain.

"I'm sorry for that, but it's not normal that you're so distracted, or at least not so much, you're fine? '" - said Blue Belle.

"Yes, I'm fine" - Star said, but her cousin's implacable gaze told him that she was not buying his excuse.

"... well, no, I'm not, do you remember the stories of the grandmother?" - Star asked, as they started to walk again towards the exit of the school.

"The Forerunner, how to forget, practically forced us to memorize them, why do you ask?" - Blue Belle asked curiously.

"Because it still feels strange that the grandmother is so demanding for simple stories, even in the death of my parents, she used that rare symbol in their graves, and you know how my aunt made that decision"

"they still do not talk, besides, you have to admit that preserving the family tradition of supposed guardians is very ... what word am I looking for?" - said Blue Belle.

"Useless, fanciful, stupid?" - said Star.

"I was going to say archaic, but yes, what do you want to get to?" - Blue Belle asked as they left the school.

"Because those stories, leaving aside the fantasy of combats and others, comply with certain physical and magical laws that, if the grandmother does not lie about how old those stories are, they did not even know each other!" - said Star exasperated.

"Law of gravity, mass attraction, nuclear forces, synchronized magic, harmonic energy" - continued Blue Belle, between murmurs.

"Exactly, even you noticed it!"

"What do you mean by that!?"

"Sorry, it was not my intention, but my point is that something strange happens with those stories, your parents and mine never approved that the grandmother told us those stories, and neither the family traditions, do not you think that we should at least know about What is it? "asked Star.

"Do you want to go with the grandparents to ask?"

"No, I'm still upset with them, but your mom may tell us"

"And why of the sudden interest?"

"... today in class, I remembered the last time I spoke with my mother before the train accident, she told me the story of dark magic, at least I want to know why our family is in dispute for simple stories" - said Star, Blue Belle looks at him with a bit of astonishment, wondering if the anniversary of his parents' death has something to do with his sudden will.

"Well, I admit that I'm also curious, but you're going to be the one to ask my mom" - said Blue Belle, as they walked to the market.

"We have a deal" - said Star with a smile, while the ponies passed indifferently around them.