• Published 20th Mar 2019
  • 598 Views, 4 Comments

Morning Star - crank1116

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Chapter 1

“Its OK dear. She will be loved no matter the situation.”

That's the phrase I keep hearing as I try to sleep. However I can't. I look over at the bassinet next to my bed and watch my daughter sleep. She was born 5 hours ago. The doctors say that she is perfectly healthy considering her condition. Yet she hasn't moved, or cried, or even opened her eyes. My husband is in a lounge chair adjacent to my bed.

“Its OK dear. She will be loved no matter the situation.”

How can I be sure of that? How could I be so careless? I did this to her and now her life will be permanently altered. I get out of the hospital bed to look at Ponyville before sunrise. My sobbing woke up Star Tracker. He trotted over to me and consoled me.

“Sweetheart get back in the bed you need your rest.” He said wiping the tears away.

I couldn't say anything. I let my husband lead me back to the bed. He covered me with the blanket and kissed me on the cheek. As he went back to the chair I called to him.

“Please come and hold me,” I said. Tracker climbed in the hospital bed behind me. As we got comfortable in each others embrace the day that changed everything kept playing through my head.


After meeting on the zephlyn Star Tracker and I started dating. Yes, though our age difference brought up some questions. Mostly from my brother. We still found things of interest between us. He seemed to be mostly intimidated by my title, that and the constant bullying by my brother. However Trackey showed that even with all that he enjoyed my company and I enjoyed his. Dates consisted of either going to the park or in the library with a book or scroll trying to gather more information and ending with us in a most passionate embrace. One hearts and hooves day I came back to the castle to find a note,’Come to the observatory I will be waiting.’ I rushed over to find him looking out at the night sky. Without removing his gaze from the telescope he called me over to look.

“I found a new star about a month ago. I wanted you to see it. I'm calling it ‘TWI-11GHT’. What do you think?”

“Its amazing I never thou…….”

That's all I got out because when I turned to look at him he was on a knee with a box in hoof. He opened it and inside was a ring.

“I can't give you the star so I hope this is an adequate substitution. For now and the rest of our lives together.”

I couldn't speak. All I could do was nod my head. We embraced each other and all I could think of was the perfect life with this stallion.

The wedding was amazing. All my friends, family and dignitaries from all of Equestria were in attendance. I thought most of Canterlot nobles would scoff at royalty marrying an earth pony. Thanks to Luna all the neigh sayers were threatened with a lunar relocation. Celestia of coarse presided over the whole thing. My friends were the bridesmaids with Starlight being the best mare. Everything was in a word perfect.

After the reception things got a little crazy. First was that Star Tracker had never been with a mare. Of coarse I had never been with a stallion and this made our first time an experience.

With a good book on intimacy and some liquid courage courtesy of Sweet Apple Acres things progress over time. The love I had for my ‘Trackey' just grew more.

One day while in my study I was going over some scrolls Princess Celestia gave to me. One scroll in particular was another unfinished work of Starswirl the Bearded. As I read it over I found a few passages hard to decipher. Seeing how Starlight has moved in with Trixie. I didn't have my student here to help with the hard to read text. So I decided to rewrite the spell and hope for the best. I activated my horn and shot a beam of magic at the spell. A small blue orb started to form over the parchment. It grew in size and intensity. Soon the light became blinding and sparks shot out everywhere. Something was wrong. I lit my horn to try and cancel the spell………..


It was another normal day. Me being married to the princess of friendship and working in one of the high towers of the castle. Since Twilight and I were married she helped me modify one of the towers into an observation deck for stargazing. I was getting my notes ready for this evening's star mapping when I heard it. A large explosion that shook the castle violently and a bright blue light emanating from one of the lower floors. In a rush I galloped down the stairs as fast as four hooves could go.

As I got to Twilight’s study the door was shut and I could see smoke coming out from inside. I tried to open the door and was hit with an electrical charge. “YE-OUCH.” As I tried to shake the pain out of my hoof I could hear the sounds of others galloping my way. It was Twilight's friends.

“Sweet Celestia, what happened,” yelled Rarity.

“Ah heard that explosion all the way over at the farm,” said Apple Jack.

“I felt the rumble from Maud’s cavern. I thought my Pinkie sense was going haywire,” said Pinkie.

“I-I don't know,” I said, fear in my voice, “I was up in the observatory when I heard the explosion. I tried to get in but the door just shocked me.”

“Oh my, is Twilight ok,” asked Fluttershy.

“I don't know. I-I can't get in.”

“Stand back, lemme try,” Applejack said as she bucked the door.

Every bit of energy Applejack put into that door was returned as she went skidding across the floor.

“Now come on darling this door was hit with a Twilight level spell,” said Rarity, “so we need a Twilight level spell to cancel it.”

“Well it just so happens there is one in town,”a voice said from behind everyone.

I turned around to see who that was talking. In the hallway stood two mares. One was my wife's old student standing next to a blue mare wearing a pointy hat with a matching cape. Both stopped to help Apple Jack to her hooves.

“Starlight,” everypony exclaimed.

“Yes, as well as The Great and Powerful Trixie.”

Everypony just facehooved as Trixie made her presents known.

“So what's the problem? Where is Twilight,” ask Starlight.

“I-I believe she's in here, but there's a spell blocking us from getting in,” I said.

“Stand back,” Starlight said firing up her horn.

With one blast of arcane magic Starlight turned the door into splinters. I rushed in looking for my wife, hoping she was ok. The desk showed the evidence of where the explosion came from. A large hole was in the center with incinerated paper laying all round it. As for the rest of the room it didn't fare any better. Bookshelves were knocked down. Parchment and scrolls were everywhere.

“What kind of spell was she working on,” asked Starlight.

“Well, whatever it was I do believe she needs more practice,” Trixie said in a very condescending voice.

I was about to say something when I saw a blood stain on the far wall. Trotting over I could see a lavender hoof sticking out from under a bookshelf. “Over here.” I rushed over trying my best to move the bookshelf off of Twilight. It wouldn't move. Finally Starlight came and used her magic to lift the shelf out the way. Once moved I moved in to see how badly injured she was. Thank Faust she was breathing, but hurt badly. “Starlight, I need you to teleport us to the hospital.” With a nod she touched my withers. ‘Snap’


My head is swimming. I feel like an anvil has been dropped on my head again. I open my eyes slightly to see blinding fluorescence above me. From the smell and the gown I'm in I'd say I'm in a hospital. I want to sit up and try to make some sense of why I'm here. However at the moment my body wouldn't let me move. I can hear somepony coming into the room. It was my husband.

“Twilight, you're awake,” he said like he just won the lottery.

Galloping back down the hall Star Tracker called the nurse on duty. As nurse Blueheart came into the room she walk up to me and checked my vitals.

My response came out no louder than a pin drop. The nurse told me this usually happens when you haven't used your voice in a long time. Now I'm worried. Exactly how long was I out?

“It's Good to see you awake and smiling,”said my Trackey.

Six weeks. I've been in a coma for six weeks. Trackey’s mane grows like a weed. I always give him a trim every two weeks. Now his mane is down touching his shoulders I know it's been about 6 weeks.

“How you feeling deary,” asked Trackey.

I told him to come closer. It took a lot of effort but I was able to run my hoof through his mane. Then I whispered in his ear, “you need a trim.” He laughed and kissed me on the cheek.


Being unconscious for a long time makes you appreciate food even more. It took some help from Trackey to eat my first daisy sandwich in 6 weeks. With that bit of energy in me I started to notice the room I was in and how they had redecorated the whole place. Balloons, flowers, a patchwork quilt with apples and pears stitched in. Even a fully autographed poster of the wonderbolts. Also every window had Rarity’s signature touch. Even Fluttershy got me a card with every animal's paw print as a signature. Just then Trackey gave me a package with a note. It was from Shining Armor. The note simply said, ‘when you wake up.’ I opened the package. Inside was a mint condition Mr. Smartypants and a book. ‘1001 bedtime stories.’ I asked my husband, “why would my brother give me a book on bedtime stories? I will love it but I'm just curious why.”

Now my husband was starting to rock in his chair. When he did this it meant he was holding something back and was reluctant on telling me.

“What is it,” I asked.

“Well there is something you should know about your condition.”

“What about my condition?”

“When we found you unconscious you were pinned under your bookcase barely breathing. Starlight teleported you here and that's when we found out your condition.”

“Well are you going to tell me.”

Just then another pony walked into the room. A unicorn doctor with white fur and a canary yellow mane.

“Hello I'm Dr. Killapony,” he said, “I'm the physician that took care of you when you got here. A severe concussion, 4 broken ribs, and cuts and scratches from the glass embedded in your skin. I must admit it was touch and go for awhile but you pulled through and at last check the baby is fine.”

At first I thought the doctor was hitting on me. That's was until I saw Trackey with a look like he was waiting on me to say somet……, “BABY! WHAT BABY!”


So now here I am after months of carrying my special one. She lays in her crib sleeping peacefully. Looking at her I see a unicorn with violet fur but that's all I see. Where a mane should be there is nothing. Where a tail should be there is nothing but her dock. Where 4 cute little legs should be there is nothing.

The doctor tells me she's perfectly fine. She is a 100% healthy baby.

Yet inside me, I feel empty. My over obsessive wanting to learn magic is the cause of this. My daughter lays there. Just breathing, never crying, just laying there breathing. If it wasn't for her smacking her lips together I would say my child doesn't need to eat.

This is my second time feeding her since birth. It's very different because all books I read on feeding a foal are irrelevant with her. I have to use magic to hold her so she can feed. I can see late night feedings I will need to be fully awake for this. Either that or start her on formula.

The next morning started like the last. Trackey laying next to me with his muzzle deep in my mane. I get up to check on the baby. No change. Just laying there breathing smoothly. I change her diaper and start to daydream about the things I wanted to do if I ever had a foal. What a waste of thought. No...no somehow I will see her achieve great things. I just need to be positive is all…..


What? Oh...oops use too much powder. I used my magic to remove the access and continued. After that I swaddled her back in her blanket and looked at her. It was at that moment Celestia decided to raise the sun. As the light passed through the window she finally opened her eyes and sneezed. It was the first time I had laughed in a week. She blinked at me with her cute little Amber eyes.

“So waking with the sun is all it took,” I said to the little cutie, “so from this day forth you shall be known as Morning Star.”

“Sounds like the perfect name,” said Trackey rubbing his eyes.


An hour later a very anxious knock came to my hospital room. Then the door opened and of coarse mom, dad, Shining, and Cadence all walked in. They were happy that I was ok after what happened all those months ago and ready to meet the new family member. My mother walk to the bassinet and instantly could tell there was something different with the foal. She picked up Morning Star with her magic and looked at me. Words did not need to be exchanged between us. My mother pretty much felt the guilt that was running through me. All those months ago working in my lab on Magic that I didn't have control over and what it had done to my first foal. Then as if flicking a light switch the look for my mother went from concern two utter Joy.

“Oh, look at her. Night she has your eyes,” said mom kissing Star’s horn.

“Wow, she really does,” said dad.

Now if mom could feel the guilt my dad could see it no matter how I tried to smile through it.

“Ok Twilight, is there something you need to tell us?”

Sweet Celestia, that phrase still to this day gives me chills. Every time he used that phrase I knew only the truth would appease him. Now from this point it's tell the truth or suffer the consequences.

I used Cadence’s breathing technique and told them what the doctor told me about Morning Star. Shining got up and asked to hold Star. He smiled, and nuzzled her cheek.

“We don't see it now,” he said, “but in time she will surprise us all. Just you wait she will shine brighter than any Star.”

Oh Celestia’s sweet butt cheeks that may have been the worst motivational pep talk I have ever heard.

Author's Note:

Well I'm back. This is one of the three stories in my Pin point universe I will be working on. Special thanks to Little Tigress for the cover art. Comments are appreciated.

Comments ( 4 )

Let me guess: Morning Star is the name of the main villain of the story.

In case anyone was wondering about the cover art:

No I'm doing the growing up with a disability by using magic story. No villains.

Interesting star to the story

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