• Published 25th Mar 2019
  • 1,409 Views, 14 Comments

Opportunity Arises - Prismfire Productions

In an alternate version of The Maretain, Oppy didnt die in the 2018 dust storm. Now, as Sojourner waits for her new mission, she must say goodbye to the Timeless Wonder as he lives his final moments.

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Carry on little rover....


The winds the Spirit of Mars conjured up did their best to disturb Sojourner, the microwave oven-sized piece of metal and robotic gears that was the opposite of what the old spirit wanted. He wanted his world, which billions of years in the past had supported life, to be barren and dead. The invading landers and probes, the astronauts, the Amicitas crew, and that damnable Salvation Cave had all put him in an extremely bad mood over the last few years, but nothing had made him madder than being proven wrong by a mere insect. With the crew gone, and Salvation Cave unable to feel his wrath, his attention had turned to two of the few things that he could try and reclaim.

MER-B Opportunity
Sojourner Extended

From Sojourner’s perspective, it had been eight sols since Dragonfly and her friends had left, and now she idly waited, beating back whatever Mars tried to throw at her with sheer willpower and determination. The rover, who had been given a second chance at life, looked forward to the day that she would be reunited with her savior. Her Queen.

She knew it would be a long time before she saw her friends again, and in the meantime had been given orders from home to stay in standby until a full mission plan could be developed. She hated standby mode, the last time she had gone into it had been, at the time, the end of her life. Now, with a rechargeable battery that would never die as long as Salvation Cave bloomed, she looked forward to whatever path awaited her. With nothing else to do, she dreamed.

She loved to dream. Often imagining herself exploring the entire planet, her Queen returning and taking her to her homeworld, and being greeted to a heroes’ welcome. Those dreams brought her comfort, but there was one dream that stood out above the rest, that of her finally meeting her idol.


She wanted to meet him, the Timeless Explorer. She looked to him as an older brother, the role model of everything that she wanted to be. For him to be still carrying on after thirty-three years was unprecedented, and it was one goal she could only hope to achieve. Despite surpassing her own mission cutoff date, she couldn't help but feel a little jealous at the fact Oppy had carried on through several blackouts, including the one nineteen years prior that had nearly suffocated him.

For several months, she had waited for Oppy's death ceremony, only for an unusually strong dust devil to blow him clean and free him from his spot. The second, the one that nearly swallowed the Winnebago, wasn't as bad, but she knew it had still probably taken its toll. Replaying those days in her mind made her think about the others that hadn’t been so lucky.

During the time she was ‘dead’, she watched every rover that came after her live out her dream, with herself a ghostly specter that could only observe but never physically touch the rust-colored surface. She had met Opportunity's sister Spirit after the rover's six-year journey came to a rather abrupt end, with the poor girl begging and pleading with Mars to let her continue on, but it had been to no avail. She’d had to watch in absolute horror as the centurion drew his sword, took aim, and drove straight into the rover's core to end the stubborn girl's life. It had made Sojourner angry, vowing in front of the Souls of Mars that should she ever be given a second chance, she would not be so easily beaten. She saw it as a testament to Spirit's hope that was stolen from her, and was going to defend it.

Now here she was, alive and well, and she knew with a good stroke of luck the vow cemented all those years ago would come to fruition. As she settled into the depths of her dream, everything seemed to freeze.

“Hello daughter.”

Sojourner’s metaphorical heart lurched into her chest. The dreamscape becoming brighter as Pathfinder appeared in all her glory. An ethereal wind flowed around her autumn red hair, constantly changing directions as if it had constantly shifting in random directions. A white and blue robe hugged her figure, standing out from Pathfinder’s milk toned skin like blue splotches on canvas, a map and compass attached to a leather strap around her waist.

“M-mom?!” Sojourner stammered, moving a few feet back from the figure in front of her. “What are you doing here? My life can't be over with already, I haven't even started my new purpose yet! I vowed in front of everyone that I would carry on for Spirit, and I will be damned if I lose now.”

“Relax dear, your time is not even close to ending,” Pathfinder said, a sad smile forming on her face. “However, the same can't be said for your companion. You always wanted to meet Oppy, well, now you will have your chance.”

Sojourner’s mood dropped, her body locking up as an emotional torrent ripped through her.

“No,” The young girl said, tears filling her eyes as she ran over to her mother, clinging tightly around the older woman's waist. “Not Oppy! He has survived so much, things that should have killed him thousands of Sols ago. Every time something threatened him, he laughed in the face of danger and carried on with minimum damage. Dust storms, amnesia, stuck wheel… You name it and he not only had it, but beat it. What happened for Ol’ Grumblewort to come claim him?”

“Soji, language,” Pathfinder chided gently. She knew that Spirit’s passing had drove a deep wedge between her daughter and Mars himself, and it was a grudge that she knew the centurion would eventually win. “I know you don't like him, but can you at least show him a little respect?”

“Respect?” Sojourner said, a snort scoff escaping her lips as she became her astral hybrid form. “All respect I had for him died along with Spirit, Mom. All the others went peacefully, but she still had life in her, she could have pulled through! I saw it, the flame of life that burned so bright in her got snuffed out without a fair fight. Now, to repeat my earlier question, why is Oppy dying?”

“Old age,” Pathfinder said, a sigh escaping her lips. “Remember, he has been going almost nonstop for over thirty years dear, that is a lot of wear and tear on systems that were only meant to last three months. Look, I know you and Spirit were close like sisters, but think of it this way; she can finally reunite with her brother, something she has longed for since her life-cord was cut. She went six years, twenty-four times longer than she was supposed to last, so it isn't like she didn't meet her mission goal. Bear in mind, both of us were dead for a long time, and we're seven years older than Oppy. I fulfilled my purpose by being a lifeline between Mark and home, but your purpose still is not over with yet.”

“I don't want to go mom,” Sojourner sniffled, allowing a few of her built up tears to run down her face. “I don’t want Oppy to die…”

“Yet, his memory will never be forgotten,” Pathfinder said, a tone of wisdom seeping into her words. “None of us will forget him, nobody on Earth will ever forget him, and most importantly he unlocked so many clues to how Mars was in the past that he helped launch new missions based off the findings he discovered. When we were made, from the original brothers, to me, to Spirit, Oppy, and Curiosity, and everyone in between and after, we knew it was a one-way trip. Not even you can escape your fate, but you will prolong it with that battery you have.”

“I refuse to let him claim me, never again will he have my soul!” Sojourner said, following her mom on the astral plane as they made their way to Oppy's location. “I don't care if I have to go to my Queen's homeworld to do it, I won't let him win!”

“That might be the only way Soji,” The astral plane faded, revealing the Martian landscape once more. The vast expanse of Endeavour Crater lay before the mother and daughter like a cavern of secrets, its treasure only just beginning to be brought to the surface. Effortlessly floating towards the crater rim, then heading south to Iazu Crater, they saw the sunset of another sol catching the edges of Opportunity’s solar panels.

The rover, resting on the edge of Iazu, looked like a shell of its former self. The tire treads, chewed away by the rough terrain, were practically smooth; the mechanisms connecting to the axles showing the first signs of rust accumulation. The shiny gold foil, once flawless and pristine, was now a tattered mess, with several pieces clinging on by the tiniest of threads. The worse damage, however, were to the rover's very source of life: the solar panels.

Sojourner’s mood plummeted as she looked at the array, knowing this was her idol's last stand. To say the panels were beyond repair was an understatement, and with multiple missing tiles and others cracked and broken, it was nothing short of a miracle that it had kept going as long as it did. A sense of helplessness filled her, knowing that even if she wiped the thin layer of dust away it still wouldn't be enough.

“He has come a long way, hasn't he Soji?” Sojourner looked up at the masculine voice, and saw two ghostly figures dressed in full Viking armor. They really didn't have names, for they were the oldest residents and names forgotten to time, so they were known as 1 and 2 by the order of how they landed. “Set so many records, and made us all proud. In Valhalla he shall be respected as a proud king, one that others will look to for wisdom.”

“Now brother,” The younger Viking said, putting a hand on his sibling's shoulder. “All of us know he will be heading to a different place than where we went to. When his sister arrives, he shall be going with her. After all this time, he deserves it.”

“I guess you have a point,” The older brother grumbled, looking towards Sojourner. “Yet, I can't help but be puzzled why you are here Soji… You're still alive.”

“She is Patty's daughter, so I made an exception.” Everyone tensed at the newcomer's voice, each of them except Sojourner bowing their head in respect to the Spirit of Mars himself. The old centurion’s armor reflected the diminishing sun rays with ease, his cape an untouched, blood-red tapestry that told the tale of many glorious victories. At his side, a sheath of pure gold held his sword, or as Sojourner called it, “The Reaper.” “Welcome everyone, we are gathered here today to remember the life of the biggest thorn in my side for the past three decades. Oppy has been traveling a long time, overcoming obstacle after obstacle, and never backed down from what I threw at him. As per tradition, you may have one last transmission with your home, Opportunity.”

Sojourner looked around at the gathered masses, everyone from the Viking brothers, to her mom Pathfinder, to her feet before looking at the dying rover. Opportunity himself, the Martian Miracle, the Little Rover that Could, the Infinite Wonder, who knew his time was short. He remained silent, but everyone could feel that he had already accepted what was going about to happen. Turning and pointing his antenna home, he sent one final message as he took his last breath.

"My battery is low... And it is getting dark..."

Then, silence. Each individual bowing their head in respect to the longest lasting rover to trek across the planet they all had come to explore, the only sound being the wind whipping through the gathering like a mourning song.

Until it wasn't.

Sojourner’s ear's caught something, the distinct sound of wings rapidly beating against the air. Using her chitinous ears like a radar, she turned and flicked them around as she tried to pinpoint the source. Realizing the sound was coming from the east, she turned and saw something that made her jaw drop. Off in the distance, a figure quickly approached with a cloud of dust rising up behind it like Phoenix rising from its ashes.

" 'Spirit…' " Sojourner gasped, as the pegasus spirit flew ever closer. Her coat as white as the snow on the planet's poles, her mane and tail a vibrant sunshine yellow that pulsed with a radiant glow. On her flanks, a cutie mark set of her old rover body, adorned on each side by yellow pegasus wings and a golden halo around her antenna.

"She is coming to get her brother," Pathfinder said, smiling down at her daughter’s shocked expression with tears in her eyes. "For twenty-seven years she waited, waiting for the day the two of them would be reunited forever. That moment has finally come."

“Oppy,” Spirit said, landing with the grace and elegance of an eagle as she nuzzled the rover. “Come on brother, your mission is done, time for you to be with me once again.”

For a moment, nothing happened, Spirit kept nuzzling her deceased brother as a collective silence fell on the group. The nuzzling continued, becoming more frantic by the second, until finally the rover started to glow. Pure, white light broke free of the solar panels, and when the glow diminished Sojourner couldn't believe what she saw.

Standing in front of the rover, in all his glory, was Opportunity. The unicorn’s form reflected many of traits of his rover body, from his silver colored coat to his black mane and tail. He looked as if he had been from Dragonfly's homeworld, but as a pony instead of a robot. What drew Sojourner’s attention, however, was Oppy's cutie mark. Much like his sister, his rover self was on his flanks, but tilted in such a way that it looked like it was observing the shooting star that arched along the curve of his flanks.

“Hello Soji,” Oppy said, trotting over to the stunned girl. “I am humbled to be in your presence, I’m glad we could finally meet.”

“W-what?” Sojourner said, her mind finally computing Oppy's words. “Why are you acting like I am your idol? I have looked up to you ever since you landed, and you have accomplished feats I could only dream of doing. I want to follow in your treads and make you proud, because I haven't accomplished anything.”

“You have accomplished more than you think Soji,” Spirit said, joining her brother's side and leaning up to nuzzle his chin. “After I met my fate, I had a private conversation with Oppy, and I told him about how fiercely you tried to defend me so I could continue my mission.”

“And that is what made me earn respect for you.” Oppy said, giving Soji a pat on the head. “You never had the mission you were supposed to have, Mars made sure of that, but now you do have that chance. Look around Soji, do you notice something about the three of us that nobody else has?”

“The fact you two are ponies and I have characteristics of my Queen?” Soji said, looking around to the other spirits, then at the two ponies in front of her, each nodding to her in turn. “I don't get it though, you were human the last time I saw you Spirit, so what changed?”

“Magic,” The unicorn and pegasus said, Spirit picking up the lead. “Everyone wonders why we still hold the record, and magic is the answer. You see, on the way here to the planet, me and Oppy encountered a magic burst that left us temporarily disoriented. When we fully regained our senses, we felt different than before, like our souls had been given an upgrade. It is that excess energy that continued to power us forward, but after my wheel broke, I was forced to use most of it to turn my other five to compensate. Getting stuck is what finally got me.”

“I got lucky,” Oppy said, “My landing site was smooth as glass, in the metaphorical sense anyway. With less rugged terrain, I was able to siphon off the magic at a slower rate, and thus I could keep going at a longer time.”

“The question now is how magic from my Queen's homeworld got into this universe during your journey to Mars.” Soji said, tapping her chin as she thought of multiple scenarios, only to come to a dead end on each. “Guess that is something to ponder when they get back, if they get back...”

“They will,” Spirit said, the resolve in her tone so thick it felt like a 4 meter deep wall of cement had dropped on the group. “I know they will Soji. Just as you watched over my brother, I’ve been watching over you as your guardian pegasus. I let Dragonfly hear me, just once. I could feel her resolve, her will to live and defeat Mars. She accomplished all of that, but I also felt the connection to you Soji, and deep down I believe she will return for you.”

Spirit…” Soji said, sniffling as she spread her raven-like wings, her semi-transparent feathers cascading the light as the half-set sun slowly sunk behind her. “Thank you.”

“It is us that should be thanking you Soji,” Oppy said, bowing his head in respect. “Without you, none of us would be here, except for the Vikings. Me, my sister, Curi, D20… we would not have made our discoveries if it wasn't for your own. For all that I accomplished, I give you all the credit for being the trailblazer and giving me the opportunity to exist.”

“I hate to interrupt,” Spirit said, looking up to the Martian twilight skies. “But we should really get going. It’s getting dark, and we still need to go get Curi and her pet from Salvation Cave, you know how she can gets when she is curious about something new.”

“Yeah,” Oppy chuckled, a smile crossing his face as she looked over Soji's shoulder to the setting sun. “Let's go get her, at least Beagle is there to keep her company. However, there is one more thing I need to remind Soji of before we leave, sister.”

“What is it?” Soji asked, looking Oppy in the eyes. “What is it I need to know?”

“Remember this,” Oppy said, moving past Soji before looking back at her from over his shoulder. “You are the first of us, the last of us, and the first of the next generation. You have many things to discover Soji, so carry on, for there many adventures to be had… and opportunities lurking on the horizon.”

Taking a few steps, Oppy took off, his sister close behind as they galloped off into the sunset.

“There goes the biggest pain in the rear that I ever had to deal with, for far longer than I wanted to.” Mars said, watching the siblings rapidly disappearing into the distance. “In that regard, he has earned my respect for dodging his fate for so long, even if he had to cheat to get it, but at long last I have ensured my goal is now one step closer.”

“I don't get it Mars, why are you so spiteful?” Sojourner said, catching the old spirit off guard as the air seemed to become denser. “Ancient traces of water were found by Spirit, and Oppy busted the door wide open to your oh-so-closely-guarded vault. He doesn't deserve your gloating, you bitter old soul!”

“Do you really want to know?” Mars, much to everyone's surprise, didn't draw his sword. Walking past both Viking brothers and Pathfinder, to stand in front of the rebellious child. “I let them uncover those ancient lifeforms for a reason, Sojourner, so that your creators would see that I was supposed to be the Breadbasket, NOT Terra!”

“Uh…” Soji took a few steps back, her face briefly faltering under the centurion's fiery glare. “I didn't mean to-”

“To what? Infuriate me?” Mars said, grabbing Soji by the shoulder as he knelt down to her height. “Too bad! The point of that happening came and went after you were revived. Don't you see? I had life, but Sol Invictus chose Terra over me to be his Breadbasket. That deeply hurt, no different than how you felt after I claimed Spirit. When heart cooled and turned to stone, the warmth of joy and life left with it. For billions of years I was left alone in miserable peace, until Terra decided she should dare mock me! The Vikings were easy claims, ones that I hoped would prove she wouldn't mess with me.

Then you and your mother showed up, throwing everything out the window. I gave you extra time because you were a child, but only because I hoped that by showing a sliver of leniency Terra would quit bothering me. For those few precious years, I was relatively happy. Then the siblings came, and since they had that infernal magic protecting them I had to bide my time. I am doing the same with you Soji, make no mistake about it, but I'm going to let your very life source be the death of you.”

“Wait,” Soji was suddenly scared, her age clearly showing as she clutched to her mother's side. “You don't mean…”

“I do,” Mars said, giving a small nod of affirmation. “Salvation Cave is on borrowed time, and I don't even have to touch it. Soil needs to be cultivated, and with them gone, each year the yields will become fewer and fewer. I could whip up a dust storm so fierce your solar panels will be buried, but I'm not going to do that. No, because of your pact to Spirit and your refusal to accept the fact I will end you, you had better hope your ‘friends’ come back before the last leaf falls on the last cherry tree so you don't starve to death.”

“H-how long will that be?” Soji didn't want to believe the spirit's words, but deep down she knew that he was right. “Before the cave dies I mean…”

“I will circle around Sol Invictus seven times with the cave alive,” Mars said, his tone becoming ominous. “After that, the clock starts ticking. Even a gentle breeze carries dust across my surface, and with how few panels you got, it won't take much to force you to shut down. I will even make a deal with you, if by some minor miracle your friends make it back in time, you'll be free to go. Now, I suggest you think over my words Soji and get back to your body, night has fallen and you don't want to freeze to death and give me an easy win now, do you?”

Before Soji could even blink she was back in her body, her temperature sensors indicating that the depths of Mars’ cold grip had fully set in. Her thoughts stirred, and she realized that she truly was scared and alone. Yet, through all the fear, her soul ached and mourned for Oppy.

Home deserves to know… Soji thought, thinking of how she was going to express herself through simple binary code as the mana infused in her rechargeable battery flared to pour warmth through her circuitry. Wait... that's it!

Activating her link to the Mars Orbiting Network, she reached out and poured her heart to the heavens…

The mood inside Mission Control was depressing to say the least. With Opportunity sending his last message, and all attempts resulting in the same LOS response, reality had set in.

“Oppy really is gone, isn't he?” Annie said, her and the other upper staff leaning against the back wall in disbelief. “After all this time…”

“May he join his sister in the great beyond.” Teddy said, keeping his stone face like that of a well trained British guard despite the overall feeling of the room. “He was a good little rover, better than any of us could ever dream of.”

“I think that the next rover should be named Oppy,” Vincent said, drowning his woes in a cup of coffee blacker than the remnants of a supernova. “As a testament and tribute to all the things that he helped us discover.”

“I will keep that in mind,” Teddy said, adjusting his glasses before crossing his arms. “But even if that was decided, I can’t say anything until the final details get etched in stone.”

“We know that, but it isn't like it would be the first time we've reused a name.” Mitch said, only for his attention to be grabbed by a computer monitor starting to blink. Walking over to the station and leaning past the stationed scientist, he pressed the command key to view the incoming signal only for his jaw to drop. “No way, this is coming from Sojourner...”

“That's impossible,” The scientist said, trying to deny that he was seeing the incoming stream of binary code. “We've had her in standby mode, and haven't sent her a single command in nearly two sols, and that was only to confirm that she was still with us.”

“Well the impossible is happening Jack, see for yourself.” Stepping aside, Mitch allowed the rest of the gathered staff to see the stream themselves. Before the translation software could be opened, however, a tiny green flame appeared on the first number, morphing it into a letter.

Home, this is Sojourner, and I deeply regret to inform you that Oppy is now with his sister. I am writing this by using some of the mana supply in my battery, so I will not be able to do this on a continuous basis, especially with the eleven minute rely time. I want the world to know that magic is allowing me to do this, and not to freak out over a mechanical takeover… it isn't worth it on this day of mourning. I have something to say, something heavy on my heart that I feel this eulogy is only appropriate to remember him by…

Goodbye forever, my one true friend
Goodbye forever, your mission is at an end
90 Sols, that how long you had
That came and went, making us all quite glad

Days turned into weeks, then months and years
All the while bringing us great tears
Your discoveries will forever hold true,
Trials and tribulations you soldiered on through.

Spirit passed, giving you pause
Only to further cement your drive and cause
33 years, the journey was wild,
And shattered all records at 64 miles.

Then one day, the dust started to gather,
You knew then that it was going to matter
From your valley you decided to park,
Telling us “I'm cold and it's getting dark”

On that day you shed your last breath,
And transcended on with a well-earned death.
We watched and waited, hoping you'll ping home
Only to be heartbroken at the fact you were gone

Your legacy will last forever, and forever again
The knowledge we gained will help us ascend

Thanks for the memories, and being the best you could be
Goodbye, farewell…

and thank you Oppy…

Nobody said a word, everyone besides Teddy breaking down in tears as Sojourner’s eulogy proved to be their breaking point. Bittersweet tears hit the carpet like a salty thunderstorm, echoing into the heavens above as they remembered the greatest rover to ever live.

“The press is going to go nuts over this,” Mitch said, managing to speak through his diminishing sniffles. “Magic giving a robot sentience is going to cause a mass panic.”

“No kidding,” Annie said, her expression falling neutral. “Remember those old Terminator movies? Imagine that fear brought to life, but compounded thanks to the fact that the technology now is far more advanced than it was when those movies were produced. Throw in the fact that beings from another universe, and currently have Mark, caused it into the mix…”

“Political and mass hysteria crapshow,” Mitch grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Ok, maybe there is a way for us to release her poem without having to put on a black leather vest, get a motorcycle, and go jumping over sharks. We release her poem in pieces, broken up over the next several weeks, and make it seem like we artificially name dropped Oppy.”

“That won't work,” Annie said, shaking her head. “The press has gotten smarter since Dragonfly and the others were made public, most of our smoke and mirror phrasing just won't cut it anymore.”

“You could say something along the lines of ‘a NASA employee who wishes to remain anonymous’...” Vincent said, causing Annie's eyes to light up as ideas started to flow. “Then add that the mana in her battery is allowing her to stay warm better throughout the night. That way, we do as she wanted, but in a way that nobody loses.”

“Something else to keep in mind too,” Teddy said, his tone and features remaining stoic. “If it would help, you could add that we developed a systems patch for Soji that allows her to ‘speak’ to us using actual words. We have come a long way since the first chatbots at the turn of the century, so that would make it more believable. Yes, we just witnessed something that is a miracle, but lets keep things logical. Artificial intelligence is very fickle territory, and it is human nature to be hesitant to the unknown.”

“Like those other worldly astronauts crash landing on Mars,” Vincent said, getting his boss’ point. “Or the fact they broke the FTL barrier.”

“Right,” Teddy said, nodding before continuing. “Remember, the initial divide among the population about the friendly aliens was very deep. Religious views and personal opinions caused a major rift, a rift that was sealed only by their actions in helping keep Mark alive, and the brightest minds on their homeworld giving their word to heal him up and bring him back in one piece. With Sojourner displaying artificial intelligence, it is a double edged sword, because it will help us communicate with her better but at the same time would rip the wound back open if it was made public. So, that being said, go with the software patch cover up, because it is one the press will eat up without many questions being raised due to modern technological advances.”

“I can work with that,” Annie said, pulling out her phone and beginning to type away. “Of course, because of the delicacy of this matter, I will need a little more time than normal. Can I have four hours to type up a good release Teddy?”

“Normally I would say no, but I agree with you on this.” Teddy said, looking at the computer. “What I'm curious about is why her message came here instead of the folks over at JPL? They were the ones who handled all comms with Pathfinder when it was being used to communicate.”

“Magic, it had to be the magic.” Mitch said, his own curiosity getting the better of him. “Why don't you try sending her a reply? Just to see if she will answer.”

Teddy didn't have to think twice. Reopening the chat window that had been minimized, he began to type.

[MC] "Sojourner, this is Teddy Sanders, head of NASA, I just want to say thank you for the report and your eulogy. Me and my team will get the word out in a way that will make sure nobody here on Earth panics. Please respond if you can."

Twenty-two minutes later, to everyone's absolute shock, a reply came through.

[SOJRNR] "I copy, and thank you. Mars may try to kill me, but he won't succeed; for I was the first to come, am the last of the old, the first of the new, and look forward to making Oppy proud. Also, think you could possibly hurry up with my mission plans? I'm boredddddddd."

“Well, you heard her, how long you going to keep her waiting?” Teddy chuckled, everyone now in a free for all as they started to pull up various maps of her resting spot as he went back into his office. Sitting down, he pulled out a faded photo, a miniature painting of a little boy pressing his palm against the IDD of a rover, the ground beneath them a dull, lifeless red.

“Farewell, old friend, until we meet again…”

Placing the photo back in its coveted hiding spot, Teddy got up and locked the door to his office, drawing the blinds down as he did so. Doing on last double check to ensure he would not be interrupted, he made his way over to the safe located in the corner of his office. Unlocking the treasure vault, an ordinary briefcase greeted him like a puppy waiting in anticipation to play fetch. Grabbing the briefcase and placing it on his desk, Teddy paused.

As the Director of NASA, he was placed in a very unique position. It gave him access no other employee of the administration, including Vincent, had when it came to matters of future missions. He knew what was in the case, and when it had been first brought to him, he nearly lost his normally-even facade. With Opportunity now crossed over to the Great Beyond, he felt it was appropriate that he give the plans for the next generation of rover another look.

Opening the case, he withdrew the red manilla folder, a large ‘CLASSIFIED’ stamped across its front. Releasing a silent sigh, he took out the papers and spread them over his desk. The rover was to be a feat of engineering never seen before, capable of doing over a dozen experiments and was expected to have an initial life span of 180 sols.

Every instrument that had been incorporated in rovers like Spirit, Oppy, Curiosity, Insight, and 2020 was going to be packaged; with a few new ones aiming to see if the air temperature had any impact on the rust-colored dust, making it the largest and most durable rover to date. Much like Mars 2020, it was to be equipped with a miniature helicopter that had a two-mile range, the sole purpose being to scout ahead to look for hazards that could cause the rover issues as it rolled across the landscape at a top speed of 2.4mph.

The potential landing zones had been narrowed down to three regions. The first, an area of the Valles Marineris, had been an area of interest ever since their discovery. No rover or lander had come anywhere close to the site, and their means of formation were still a mystery.

The second landing zone was Olympus Mons, the tallest volcano in the solar system. Standing 27km, or 16.7 miles, tall, the peak extended into the lowest reaches of the Martian atmosphere. The caldera was deemed to be ideal for landing, due to the fact it was 53 miles across and virtually smooth. With multiple smaller calderas inside the main, largest one, age and composition would unlock the volcano’s past and the tectonic history of the region.

The last site was, ironically, Schiaparelli Crater. Even with Sojourner now roaming the crater floor, she had limited instrumentation when compared to the one that was going to be launched. The failed mission back in 2016 had not helped matters any, so, for the most part, the place was yet another unknown on the fourth rock from the sun.

For the longest time, Teddy sat in silence, carefully thinking over each location. The chance at exploring a new environment presented its own set of challenges, but at the same time, retracing over known territory with new equipment was far safer and cost-effective.

“Besides,” Teddy said to himself, his mind made up as he placed the papers back in the folder. “Everyone, even rovers, need a friend.”

Tracing a finger over the gold lettering at the top of the folder, a smile crossed his face as he read it for what felt like the hundredth time.

Opportunity II

Author's Note:

This was painful.

Back in 2004, me and my cousin entered the naming contest for the twin rovers. Even though we didn't win, we each received a letter from NASA saying our names were included in the group to be put on the batteries.

I had Spirit, my cousin Opportunity.

I am ashamed to admit that I no longer have that letter certificate due to the fact it was lost during a storage unit break-in while my family was in the process of moving, but man do I wish I still had it...

When Spirit ceased operations, I cried, but I kept pulling for Oppy to live on, and for the longest the future looked bright.

Then last year happened...

When NASA broke the news on February 13th about Oppy's mission being declared dead, it tore me apart, my last family connection to the solar system that I have studied and loved ever since I could read was gone.

So, I made it my personal mission to write this story, my own eulogy from the heart, to the rover I literally grew up with. I know that most acknowledge Oppy as female (even NASA) but for the sake of the story and a song inpiration I made Oppy male.

Thanks to my editor Penalt for helping sort out my tears from paper, and Azeazezer for giving an extra hand.

Thank you to my Patreons for supporting me, and if any of you want to join follow the link here.

An extra special shoutout goes to my sister CrystalMysteria, who made the cover art for this story. Head on over to her DeviantArt page here to see her other works.

I only listened to two songs while I wrote this:

Spirit in the Sky

Little Rover: A Song for Opportunity

Comments ( 14 )

“No,” The young girl said, tears filling her eyes as she ran over to her mother, clinging tightly around the older woman's waist. “Not Oppy! He has survived so much, things that should have killed him thousands of Sols ago. Every time something threatened him, he laughed in the face of danger and carried on with minimum damage. Dust storms, amnestia, stuck wheel… You name it and he not only had it, but also beat it. What happened for Ol’ Grumblewort to come claim him?”


Iasu crater => Iazu crater
i => L

Sol Invictus is a Roman sun god. I think it fits better. Can't go with the more usual Sol, because that would be confusing.

very well written. I mean the last message the Rover sent was technically not words but you know what I mean

A pity the humans can't negotiate directly withn the spirit of Mars. Ye gods, (literally) what has to have happened is that millennia human belief, acting on the human universe's very weak magic field reified what was already there in potentia and created a genius loci. And his motivation for wanting to destroy the life that's come to Mars, because he's jealous of Earth being the one to spawn life, and feels like it's mocking him to have it come there...

H G Wells was right after a fashion. 'intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes'.

But if Sojourner can let them know what his beef is, maybe they, or possibly the Equestrians could get him to change his mind, that rather than being an insult, this could be the realisation of his original dream, to be a life bearing planet. Get Mars onside, and great things are possible. A planet that wants to be terraformed or rather viviformed, as then it's making Mars able to support life rather than just bewinf a copy of Earth, could make things happen far faster.

I can even see how you could accomplish some short cuts. Use a Sparkle Drive to shunt some large (kilometre sized) chunks of ice into Equestria's universe, where the Princesses can wrangle them to where Mars surface would be, then flip them back. Match velocities beforehand and you can put a lot of additional water on the surface without bombarding it.

original brothers

this referring to the mars landers?

And I now have more cut onions.

most of all of it, although that song stands out.

"My battery is low... And it is getting dark..."

That will never, never, not make me tear up.

Words that made the whole world cry


Gods damn it, I should not have read this in class.

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