• Member Since 10th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


If anyone recognizes me from Fanfiction.net, Hey guys! It's me.

Comments ( 173 )

First gut reaction says "Resist", so let's go with that.

Yep, resist, for now.

Resist for now. Let's make the first nut something special.

Its time for some snu-snu Spike don't fight it.

this is a good start i cannot wait to see what happens, i vote to give in.

Question: Will there be futa?

spike should give it to rainbow dash

Resist. For the rest of the story. Be the hero, Spike! We're going for a Virgin Playthrough! We'll do Manslut some other time.

Don’t give in to temptation, Spike! Be a real man! Real men keep their control center in control! Resist the Id, Spike! Resist the Id!

Is this gonna get finished?

Resit for as long as he can. The real question is can he hold up againts rarity.

I agree, resist for now

I want to see him resist for now perhaps later he gets gets taken down by multiple mares

Resist, but then he gives in to Twilight.

Resist, then he gets absolutely broken later.

Resist doesn't mean its gonna be stopped, and give in doesn't mean its gonna happen, either way, I suspect he doesn't have many means of fighting her off (without seriously hurting her) and i CERTAINLY suspect she isn't the only mare that'd be adter him... Just saying... And as much as I'd like Spike to get some action, I want to think he'd want to know if she's alright and in a right state of mind, first and foremost... But that might just be me.

Resist for the time being ^^

He had to avert his eyes from the ceramic doll that kept turning its head to follow him until he was out of that aisle.
*<>* Annabelle is that you ?

I definitely say give in

I wouldn't, their butts can break Any man's pelvis If strike with enough force...Pls send help to spike

Resist till he get cough be another mare lets say AJ and make it a threesome

Honestly, I want Spike to resist mares for a bit.

spikes groin+ Pony plots+ smashed with enough force= broken pelvis

Even though he's a dragon and clearly has a more durable body?

Raised by ponies all his life and was artificially born by Twilights magic, My answer is:

I don't know maybe he has a soft body or something

Spike's about to either have the best time of his life, or the worst...maybe both


The "Resists" have it. The story just started and as much as I like to see the drake tasting the Rainbow. I want to wait out a bit longer.

If there's a chance, I'm hoping to choose between Twilight and/or Fluttershy to be mated.

Besides don't get me wrong but if it's ANOTHER "Sparity comes first" moment or something I'm dropping it. :ajbemused:

I choose resist because it is still to early for him

Resist, at least till he can make rarity beg for it.

Give in, but get blocked. Twilight and Starlight gets it first!:moustache:

Give in and taste that rainbow!

resist, 1 spikes age isn't made clear here, 2 it'll make for a more interesting story than a and then they banged one

Resist. Giving in immediately would be pathetic, and Spike should be better than that. He knows something is very wrong.

Giiiiivvee iiiiiinnnn

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