• Published 21st Apr 2019
  • 1,991 Views, 12 Comments

Equestrian 'Hero' - InsaneMan

I never questioned my sanity before. Well, after I saw talking ponies, I just questioned my own existence.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Memories Pt. 1

“UUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!” The kid screamed at the top of his lungs.

All he remembers was running away from a bunch of bullies, now he’s crashing down to his death. It felt like hours but, he finally landed; by crashing down through a window and hitting the floor. He was badly hurt, but he survived the crash at least. He started getting to his feet, groaning from the pain.

“Where the hell am I?” he asked out loud. He looked around to see he was in some kind of garden, a beautiful one to say. ‘Someone’s really into some nice decor,’ he thought, taking a looking around the garden. He the heard some clopping behind him. He turned to see 6 horses, wearing golden armor and holding spears in their magic, approaching him.

“Freeze, you are under arrest for trespassing on royal ground,” one of the horses said, raising his spear to the kid. The kid backed up, not wanting to get stabbed

“Whoa there horsey, I don’t mean any trouble,” he said. Another guard seemed agitated at him.

“We’re not horses, we’re ponies,” she said through clenched teeth. The kid backed up even more; the guards kept moving towards him.

“Okay, like I said, I don’t mean any trouble. I was just thrown here through a magical hole, while running from a bunch a jerks. I’ll leave right now if you want me to,” he explained, still backing up.

However, he didn’t notice a bat pony, wearing purple armor, was behind him. He turned to run for it, but was quickly tackled by her.

“Gotcha!!” she exclaimed, holding the kid down. He was struggling to get her off, but she was strong.

“!@#$!! I told you to stay indoors. You’re too young to be a guard!!” A woman's voice was heard. The kid look to the girl’s left and saw another bat-like pony.

“Hey mom, look what I caught, a trespasser!!” she said happily. The bat’s parent looked at you with a weird look, then she glared at him.

“What in Equestrian's name are you,” she asked, walking towards you.

“Well, I’m a human and I’m being crushed from, what I presumed, your daughter,” he said, still struggling.

The slits in the mother’s eyes widen, and slowly tried to get her daughter off of him. “!@#$, you need to get off of that thing, now,” she protested, fear in her voice.

The daughter looked at the kid and giggled, “He doesn’t look like the ones that attacked the castle a few years ago. He looks like some kind of kid to me. He also looks cute.” The human blushed at that last remark, ‘why did she have to say that?’ he thought. He then saw her get off of him and pulled him up to his feet. “Hi, my names !@#$, nice to meet you. What’s yours?” she asked, shaking his hand. He could feel the glares from everyone, except the bat-pony.

“My name’s *&^%$, nice to meet you to,” he said, getting over the embarrassment. After a while she let go of his hand. He noticed the guards seemed shock for during that scenario, but quickly started walking towards him. He wanted to run, he really did, but he didn’t have anywhere to go...he was surrounded. So, he put his head down, raised his arms, and walked forward. “Okay, you got me. Where are you going to take me?” he asked the guard putting the cuffs on him.

“We are taking you to Queen !@#$%^&*, she’ll know what to do with you,” he said, taking him to this !@#$%^&* person.

During the whole walk, !@#$ seemed very interested into getting to know him. He answered questions like what his age was, what was his occupation, and where he came from. The last one was the one where he explained the events that ended him up in the gardens. The bat seemed very intrigued with his story, but the others didn’t believe him. Her mother kept giving him dirty looks from time to time, but he didn’t care. He looked down on himself, looking what he was wearing. Blue hoodie, a black beanie, a pair of red shoes, and a golden pendant around his neck. The pony asked about it but he just said it was important to him.

They made it to a big golden door and opened it. He saw an alicorn, he knew this because of the horn and wings, looking at him with a hint of rage on her face. She was pure white with red mane and tail and a scroll and quill on her flank. He saw 2 smaller alicorns, hiding behind the bigger alicorn. He saw one was white with pink mane and tail, looking at him in fear. The other one was dark blue and her mane and tail looked like a starry night sky,she had the look of curiosity on her face.

As the doors behind him closed, !@#$ was flying next to him, and having the, what he guessed was the queen, glare at him, he thought he was in trouble. The guard unlocked the cuffs on him and pushed him forward.

“We found this little guy in your gardens your majesty, probably trying to sneak in and kill you,” the guard said bowing down.

The kid got angry, “I told you before, I don’t know how-” the queen stood up, putting her hoof in the air.

“SILENCE!!” she yelled, but was ignored by the human.

“-though the jerks were slow, they still tried-” the queen tried again, a little more agitated.

“I order you to be quiet,” she said, but she was still being ignored.

“-then a portal appeared and sucked me in,” he finished, breathing a bit. He looked up at the queen and stared at them. “What was it you were saying?” he asked, having a smirk on his face.

Everyone stared at him in shock, surprised at what he did. One thought was going through all but the queen’s head, ‘did he just ignored the princesses command.’ The bat-pony prayed that the princesses would show mercy to him. She was told no pony disrespects the queen, not even if they're not a pony. He still had a smirk on his face looking at the queen. It was silent for a while...until the queen fired a bolt of magic at him.

He quickly dodged the attack and fire his own attack at her. A dark red shield appeared in front of her, absorbing his attack. He looked to see the queen was using her magic to block his attack. He was about to charge at her but, sensed danger behind him. He quickly dodged to the right and pushed the guard in the opposite direction. This went on for a while; him firing a shot, quickly absorbed by the shield, guard attacks, etc.

It was then he was tackled to the floor by something. He landed on the floor and was about to fire at the being, but he saw that it was the 'cute' bat-pony was standing over him, holding him down so he couldn’t move. He couldn’t attack her, she was the only one nice to him.

“Please, stop fighting, this won’t get you anywhere,” she said desperately. He could see the sadness in her eyes and stopped struggling. When he looked the the 2 fillies, he saw pure fear in their eyes.

He sighed, “Okay, I’ll listen, just please get off of me,” he said, struggling to get up.

“Oh, okay,” she said happily, getting off and helping him up.

He dusted himself off and was about to thank her, but he was shot in the head by a beam of light. He fell to the floor, holding his head in pain and couldn’t get up. He could hear voices, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. He heard some of the ponies gasp, the clip clops of little hoofs approaching him, and someone crying. He opened his eyes to see it was !@#$ who was crying on his chest. He looked to the side and saw the 2 fillies staring at him in awe. He turned his attention to the crying bat-pony. He reached up and put his hand on her shoulder, shaking her a bit. She tensed up and looked at him, tears still coming out and smiling at him.

“Don’t cry,” he said, reassuringly, “I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere,” he finished, smiling up at her. She quickly hugged him and started crying more into his shoulder.

“I...thought...you were...dead,” she said between sniffles.

He just held her their, not letting go. He looked at the one who blasted him and glared at her. !@#$ seemed to follow his gaze and saw who it was, she was not happy either. She got up off him and was about to yell at her, until the boy stood up and stomped towards the queen.

“You almost killed me,” he grunted from pain and frustration.

The queen looked at him and nodded, “Yes, I did. Why are you-” before she could finish the kid yelled at her.

“WHY?!?” he stated angrily, "WHY DID YOU TRY TO KILL ME? WHEN I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING?!?!” he yelled again. Everyone was dead silent, waiting for the queen’s answer.

After a while of no one talking and the kid glaring at the queen, she finally spoke. “Because,” !@#$%^& said, “you decided to attack me. And, I was protecting my daughters,” she finished, still having a neutral expression.

The kid just started laughing, like it was a joke. Everyone looked at him, like he just lost his mind. The 2 fillies didn’t think it was funny though, neither did the queen.

“What do you think is so funny?” she asked him. He stopped laughing and glared at her, viciously.

“Because,” he started, “you attacked me FIRST!!” he yelled the last word loudly. It then turned into a battle of words as the queen and the human argued. It went on for some time, the guards seemed to be enjoying this, until a trio of voices was heard.

“ENOUGH!!!” Everyone turned to !@#$ and the 2 fillies, who looked very annoyed.

She looked at !@#$% with a glare, it scared the crap out of him. He tried to speak but was silence by her, by stomping her feet. It was total silence, not even the princesses wanted to speak. The kid thought he was in some serious trouble.

“Okay,” the bat said after a while, “Why don’t you tell them what you told us, please?” she said, giving him her puppy eyes.
He sighed, not having the willpower to say no to this, what he thought, cute creature. He then turned told the queen what happened to him. Surprisingly they listened.

He thought they were going to just stab him and walk away, but they didn't. After he was done, everyone looked him with shocked looks. He turned to the queen and asked why everyone here is on edge because of his species. The queen explained that they were attacked by a group of humans a couple years ago.

After some more explanation, the queen thought he was harmless and decided to let the kid stay, much to everyone’s surprise and the 3 fillies excitement. They gave him a room and he went to sleep, happy to be somewhere safe. Before he went to sleep though, he recalled what the 2 fillies’ names were… Celestia and Luna.