• Published 15th May 2019
  • 1,804 Views, 62 Comments

Repair Attempts - milesprower06

Seeing how Delta Vee has transformed her relationship with their daughter, Jet Stream comes to her with a proposal. Based on the ask blog 'Delta Vee's Junkyard' by Shinodage.

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Delta Vee's Struggle

Delta had never really gotten into the habit of making herself presentable when she went out for a night on the town, not with her regular places she got wasted at. The company she used to bring back to the junkyard for a night of debauchery never really gave a damn about her appearance. But now, she figured if this discussion concerned Apogee, she might as well put in a little effort.

So she ran a brush through her mane for thirty seconds, and headed out the door.

She had seldom made it as far downtown as the main strip with the biggest hotels and casinos that made up the majority of the Las Pegasus skyline. Her bars were usually on the outskirts, much closer to the junkyard. So when she did make it up all the way to the strip, she made sure to enjoy the lights and fountains that were in front of most of the main establishments.

Jet's penthouse occupied the eighth and ninth floors of a luxury apartment complex closer to the north end of the city. The building had purple neon lighting going up the corners and balconies all the way up to the top. She turned up the complex's front walk, came up to the double glass doors, and pressed the tip of her hoof against the call button for the penthouse, getting a buzz in return.

"Hello?" She heard Jet's voice greet through the speaker.

"It's me." She answered, glancing back at the clock on the gas station sign on the adjacent corner. She was five minutes early.

"Come on up." Her ex replied. The line went silent, and the lock of the front door clicked open. She pulled it open and stepped into the lobby. There were an assortment of lounge chairs, sofas, and coffee tables that ringed the outer windows, not unlike the lobby of an upscale hotel. On the left wall there were mail boxes built into the brick. Towards the center of the lobby were the two elevators that serviced the first seven floors. Delta made her way around them both and went around to the back, where the private penthouse elevator was. She pressed the call button, and the doors opened immediately; Apogee must have already gone off to her friend's house for the night. She stepped into the elevator, the doors closed, and it whisked her up to the top floors in just a few moments. The elevator opened with a ding, and she stepped off onto the eighth floor into a small receiving area. The penthouse's 'front door' was just a few feet away.

She stepped up to the door, reached up, and tapped the knocker against the door three times. A few moments passed, and the door opened to reveal Jet Stream, in his usual white collar and tie.

"Evening, Delta. Come on in." Jet greeted, stepping aside and opening the door all the way, letting his ex into the home he shared with their daughter.

The kitchen and den were what you'd expect to find in a luxury penthouse like this; deluxe fridge, plenty of counter space, a center island with seating and a full wine rack, and for tonight, two empty glasses. Out in the den there was plenty of seating with a fireplace, currently not lit. A large flatscreen TV was mounted on the wall adjacent to the sofas.

Jet went over to the center island and began to peruse the selection he had.

"So what'll it be?" He asked his guest, who took a seat at the center island.

"No thanks, I've been sober for two months. And I also remember what happened the last time you offered me drinks. I'll have water."

Jet couldn't hide the twinge of frustration as he glanced back at where Delta had sat down. He went to the cabinet, grabbed a tumbler, pressed it to the ice dispenser, then opened the fridge and poured her some purified ice water from a pitcher, before returning to the center island, setting the glass in front of her.

"You look great, Delta." He said, before uncorking the wine bottle of his choice, and poured himself a glass, before taking a seat across from her at the center island. "So how's the pressure washing business?" He asked.

"I don't know why you think I'm in the mood for light chatter, but you brought me here because you wanted to talk about Apogee? If you have a point to make, then make it." Delta rebutted, taking a swallow of ice water.

Jet cleared his throat.

"Fine, Apogee. I've certainly noticed how your fortunes have improved, vastly, since she came back into your life on a regular basis. Your junkyard is certainly something to be proud of now. I'm sure that you know that she's hoping against hope that she can bring the two of us together again, so she can have a family under one roof. I'm... I'm wondering if you'd be willing to indulge that... I'm wondering if you'd be willing to give us a second chance."

As hard as he tried, he couldn't discern any kind of reaction on Delta's face.

Until she forcefully exhaled through her nostrils in a chuckle as she picked up the glass of water and took a gulp before setting it down again.

"It must be comforting to know that if EquestriAero ever goes under, you'll always have a gig in stand-up comedy." She replied, her words dripping with disdain and sarcasm.


"You know why I bought that worthless lot? Because I needed a place to vent. A place to call my own. A place where I could get away from you and your inability to let go."

She picked up the glass of water again and finished it off in two more gulps.

"I knew it was a good idea to have some backup errands to do, because I thought this was going to be a big waste of time. I'm outta here."

Delta got up from her seat and turned towards the front door. Jet set his glass of wine down and started towards her, getting his front hoof on her left flank.

"Delta waitβ€”"

That was as far as he got as she whipped around, right hoof raised, and delivered a solid right hook to his snout, sending him reeling back and almost into the center island.

"I've spent years slowly getting over what you did to me, and clearly I'm nowhere close to done. You took my life from me." Delta spoke loudly and slowly, emphasizing each word to get her point across. It took noticeable restraint for her not to throw her glasses at him in an act of deja vu. "You were so obsessed with your dreams of a family and company of your own that you stepped on my dreams to get it."

Jet's shocked expression showed he clearly didn't expect a reaction like that, as he brought up a hoof to his snout to confirm his nose was bleeding.

"Apogee was the one who convinced me to fix that place up; that living as well as I could would be the best revenge I could get against you. But as that week passed, I became more motivated by what she would think and less about what you would think. My renewed relationship with my daughter is just that; mine. I'm going to continue to put all of my effort and willpower into strengthening my bond with her. But you and me... That's going to stay in the past where it belongs. I don't know where the fuck this nostalgia trip came from; stupidly wishful thinking or finally, maybe some inner need to confront and face what you did sixteen years ago. But you'll do it alone, just like I have."

Delta turned and opened the front door, stepping halfway out into the hall, before turning back to her ex a final time.

"And you better get your side of the story straight. Because she wants to know what happened between us, and when I think she's old enough and mature enough to understand, I'm going to tell her my side, and I swear to Luna, you'd better count your teeth if you lie to her when you tell her your side."

With that, Delta exited the penthouse and slammed the door closed, leaving Jet leaning against the kitchen island with his glass of wine and bleeding nose.