• Published 28th Mar 2019
  • 3,853 Views, 12 Comments

A Matter Of Family - FabulousDivaRarity

Part five of the "Fix A Heart" series. Gallus and Silverstream talk about starting a family.

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You Want A Baby Now?!

Author's Note:

I was expecting this to roll into them having a baby but it decided to just turn into it's own one shot.

This was fun. I hope you enjoy it! :pinkiehappy:

The Wedding of Gallus and Silverstream had been six months ago.

After having their honeymoon, traveling all over looking for different places to live, they had decided to put down roots in a forest halfway between Ponyville and Mount Aris. Picking just one place to live had been overwhelmingly difficult. Their home in Ponyville still stood as theirs and they could go there whenever they liked. They also had homes in Mount Aris and Seaquestria respectively, thanks to the generosity of Silverstream’s parents and Queen Novo herself. However, through all of this they had kept in mind that this was their start of their new life together. They wanted a place where they could build new memories together, so when they had found the forest they knew it was the perfect place to build their nest. Close enough to their pasts, but far enough to let them make their own future. And in discussing the future, they had breached a very important topic.

The topic of having a family was one that had yet to be discussed between them since they had married. But now, they were having the discussion. They had Both wanted a family, unquestionably, but it was just a matter of when it would happen.

“Spring is coming.” Silverstream said to her husband.

Gallus raised an eyebrow at the statement. What did that have to do with anything?

“I always wanted a spring baby. Seeing the flowers bloom and the sun out- what could make a better time to remind us of the happiest time in our lives?”

Now he understood. He sat by her in the nest, pulled a wing around her. “Silverstream, I want a family. You know I do. But shouldn’t we have more time of being just us together?”

“But that’s just it- we’ve been us together for over five years. I want us to have somegriff new, to take the next step in our lives together. I want to wake up every morning and look at something we created together.”

“I get it. I do. I just… I’m selfish. I want you to myself a while before I have to share you. There are still so many things we haven’t done yet.”

“And whoever said we couldn’t still do them? We’d just have an extra member of the family to do it with.”

“Silverstream…” His tone was defeated.

Silverstream looked at her husband, ran a claw down his cheek. “What is it, Gallus?”

He couldn’t meet her gaze. “I’m… I don’t think I’m ready.”

“Gallus… I understand you don’t think you are, but I know you are.”

“I never had a father or a family. Even regular Griffon’s are usually terrible parents from what I saw.”

“Good thing you have a wonderful father-in-law who can teach you what you need to know.” She smiled.

“What kind of a father could an orphan be?”

Silverstream’s eyes filled with tears at the statement. “Gallus, you would be the best one. Picture everything you wished for as a chick in a parent. You can become that. You would never let our baby grow up not knowing who their family is or that their parents didn’t love them. And I would help you. You wouldn’t be doing it alone. You never will.”

Gallus looked in her eyes, looking for some semblance of a lie, a hint of untruth there. But he found none. There was just honesty there, and love. It gave him hope. Maybe he could do this.

“I’ll try and believe you.” He said finally. “I just don’t know if… I’m ready so soon.”

Silverstream nodded. “I understand. But I want you to know… no griff is ready to be a parent the first time. I mean, I want it more than anything, but I think when it comes time for the egg to hatch, I won’t feel ready either.”

Surprise flashed through his eyes. “Really?”

She nodded. “Of course. My parents weren’t ready, didn’t feel ready, when they had me. But my mom always said that when she held me it didn’t matter. Because the love was bigger than the fear.”

Gallus contemplated those words for a long time.

“Do you think it would be like that for us?”

Silverstream reached out, put a claw over his talon. “I know it would.”

They looked at each other a very long time, having a silent exchange that no words could have done justice.

Finally, Gallus spoke again. “Where would we even fit an egg? Do we even have the room?”

“We can make the room.” Silverstream said. “I’m sure we can figure it out.”

“Would we have to make them a small nest or would they share ours?”

“They’d probably share ours for a while at least.”

“So we’d just have to make it bigger.”


Gallus contemplated that for a few seconds. “Would we be able to afford to take care of a baby?”

“We wouldn’t be doing it alone.” She assured him. “Our friends, my parents, my aunt, they’d all help us. None of them would let us bring a baby into this world by ourselves. You know that.”

Gallus nodded slowly. “I know, but eventually we’ll have to provide for it on our own. If we can’t do that now then I think we’re taking a huge chance. One that would be unfair to the baby.”

She raised a brow. “You don’t think we can get jobs to be able to do that before that happens?”

“No. I mean, yes, but- we can’t depend on other creatures for everything. If we have a baby, we have to do it our way and take care of it ourselves.”

“We will, Gallus. You know we will. But I think for a while we would have to stay home with it anyways. Considering we don’t know which of us it would take after more or what traits of each of us will be giving it. We’ll both be needed with it for a while until we have a handle on that.”

Gallus blinked. “So… who would it take more after, do you think?”

“Like physically or with personality traits?”


“Well… Physically I would hope that it has claws in front and maybe talons in the back. The claws are pretty good for picking up small things, which would come in handy. I hope it has a mane. What color the mane would be I have no idea. I like Griffon tails, so I hope it has that. And for actual color… I’m not really sure. And personality wise, I would want the baby to have your confidence, my optimism, your bravery, my excitement, your ability to be cool under pressure, and both of our good hearts.”

Gallus smiled, really smiled for the first time in a while. “I’d like that.”

Silverstream was grinning. “See? You love it already.”

Gallus chuckled. “We haven’t even made it yet.”

Silverstream looked at him mischievously. “Can we start now?”

Gallus gave his wife a cocky grin. “We can try.” He said, and kissed her.

When she pulled back a moment, she was smiling. “So, do you think you’re ready for a baby?”

“I don’t think I’ll ever be ready. But I think we can have one anyways.” He smiled at her.

She kissed him deeply, excited for the world they were going to make.

Comments ( 12 )

Congrats! You get a like.

And another like from me.

Nice story! Charming and sweet. Have a like!

She kissed him deeply, excited for the world they were going to make.

The Greatest showman Reference

This couple is surprisingly accurate with The Greatest Showman. I actually considered doing a Gallustream story with TGS, but eh..

So are they just sitting somewhere in a random spot in a forest close to nothing?:applejackunsure:
Out in the wilderness?:rainbowhuh:
I'm not sure if you've ever looked at the map of Equestria, but there's a LOT of dessert between Ponyville and Mount Aris!
Gallus may be self-dependant and brave, but I don't think he would be willing to set up his family's home, with Klugetown (AKA, the place where Capper tried selling the Mane 6 and Spike into slavery) as the nearest point of civilization.

(BTW, according to the map in the gameloft game, the bambooed area on the southern most point of the right continent, is the Kirin Grove)

Is this still being continued? (No pressure considering your, Ah, situation...)

I don't think so at this moment. I don't have plans to continue it further at this point in time. But I never say it's officially ended until I'm sure. So who knows? Maybe.

so glad I'm not the only one who caught that :raritystarry:

So it looks like after the wedding they find a home for them self but somewhere nearby Ponyville and gallus and silverstream are talking about having a family and gallus felt like he doesn't know if he's ready for a kid it can be very scary to take care of a kid but he knows that he is not alone that's silverstream will be there for him again sweet story I do want to see how the kid would look like right now but I guess that's another story keep up the good work anyway

So cute! "Because the love was bigger than the fear.” So deep, too!

Great ending to the series, woo!

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