• Published 31st Mar 2019
  • 2,555 Views, 196 Comments

My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic - The Friendship Chronicles - Hotspot the 626th

The mystery of the world. That neverending adventure. And new friends to meet you at every stop. The journey of the new Straw Hat Pirates has only just begun!

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Episode 5

The Terror of the Tower
Who is the Master over Twilight Orc?

In the forests near Magnolia, two ponies were trying to figure their way out. Erza Scarlet and Roronoa Zoro had been wondering for a short time with no hint of where they were heading. Erza had thought that she knew the way, but somehow, they never seem to get where they needed. She had then let Zoro lead, believing – foolishly – that he would be able to find their friends or the town itself. They had not seen either, and Erza was now becoming wholly unfamiliar with the forest now.

Becoming frustrated with their predicament, Erza began nearly to pull her hair. “What is the matter with us today?!” she proclaimed annoyedly.

Zoro only shrugged. “The forest keeps changing on us,” he stated assuredly.

Erza nearly fell again with disbelief over what the pony had said. She was beginning to think that the “cursed sword” did not refer to the sword but its master instead.

Meanwhile, in another part of the same forest, a group of ponies was looking for the two previous ponies. Unfortunately, for obvious reasons, they were not having much luck in finding them. Nearly all the group was searching.



“Mr. Roronoa.”

Spike looked up. “You gotta yell louder than that, Fluttershy,” he stated.

“Oh, um,” Fluttershy said nervously, having a sword (Funkfreed) hanging off her hip. She then tried once again to shout. “Ms. Scarlet,” she spoke out softly.

Groaning, Spike continued with the search with everyone. “Erza Scarlet!”

Nami soon fluttered down from above the trees. “I can’t see much from in the sky. This forest is too dense,” said the Pegasus. She then let out a groan in annoyance.

“Why is it that whenever he’s needed, that directionally challenged idiot isn’t around.”

“Zoro!” hollered Chopper again.

Like everyone else, Spike was about to shout as well; except, he stopped before doing so. He had noticed some pony among their group not calling out for their friends. “Twilight?”

Spike took a temporary stop from searching for their friends to look for his big sister figure. He veered off from the group as he attempted to recall when and where he had last seen the purple unicorn. First, the little dragon began to look around, not wanting to draw the attention of the others from their search. But as his friends began to drift further away, he began to worry if Twilight had gotten lost as well. Then, he saw a flash of purple over by a tree, which got his hopes up immensely. He quickly rushed over to where he saw the light and looked behind the tree. Twilight Sparkle was here sitting behind the tree, but she seemed utterly focused on a task, her mumblings being any indicator.

“Alright, almost…”

“Twi?” spoke Spike curiously.

Twilight Sparkle let out a squeak and jumped up with shock. When she turned around to see the baby dragon, she began to calm down but was a little hysterical. “Spike?! Don’t do that! I could’ve lost my focus and hurt myself.”

Not appearing worried, Spike instead asked a question. “What were you doing over here?”

Now completely calm, Twilight answered. “I was trying to attempt magic…”

“But your horn!” Spike shouted out instantly with worry.

However, Twilight continued. “…Fiore style.”

Spike calmed down immediately upon hearing the unicorn. “Oh,” he said embarrassed.

“Hey!” Having been drawn by the shout, Nami and the others joined the two, all appearing confused. Once they all reached their friends, Nami then spoke again, “What are you guys doing? Zoro’s not gonna find himself, in any way that’ll help us find him!”

“Sorry, it was my fault,” Twilight confessed. “I wanted to attempt magic the same way Fairy Tail and everyone on this island does.”

Fluttershy gasped with surprise. “You mean, without using your horn?”

“Yeah,” Twilight said bashfully. “I know it’s important to find our friends, but not being able to use magic…”

“Yeah?” said Nami confused.

“…it’s been frustrating,” Twilight finally admitted ashamedly, beginning to scratch her head near her broken horn before sitting. She then continued speaking with a sad tone, “I haven’t felt like much like myself because of my broken horn, and I just feel like I’m holding everyone back because of it.”

“Oh, Twilight,”

“Twilight,” Fluttershy and Chopper said sympathetically.

Spike was also feeling sensitive to his big sister figure’s pain. For whatever reason, he then looked over to Nami; perhaps curious as to what the mare was feeling. To his great surprise, the baby dragon saw the Pegasus smiling, but kindly almost familiarly. He then watched as she trotted up to Twilight, to her surprise, and sat next to her.

“I understand,” Nami said contently. “I used to feel like that before when I couldn’t fly.”

Everyone gasped with surprise, even Chopper.

Nami explained, “My sister and I were adopted and raised by an Earth pony. Not exactly the most adapt race to teach flying, but she always tried. But then…” she then began to drift off into silence. Her smile replaced with a frown as bad memories of her past began to stir.

“I guess I just never tried after she was killed and I joined up with Arlong.”

“But,” Twilight spoke confused, “you fly now?”

Instantly, Nami began to smile as happier memories surfaced over the bad ones. “But not when I first met Luffy, and he didn’t care, He still wanted me to be his navigator even after knowing that.”

The orange-mane Pegasus then stood up. “What I’m trying to say is, Twilight, your brother doesn’t care if you can or can’t use magic. He has complete faith in you, and so do I. All of us do.”

“Yeah!” piped up the others supportively cheerful.

Twilight Sparkle looked surprised at her fellow mare friend. The confidence and hope she was giving – both hers, their friends, and even from Luffy via Nami’s speech – was inspiring. And here she was feeling sorry for herself; she knew this had to change.

Thus, Twilight Sparkle stood back up. She then ceased her habitual scratching as newfound determination grew within her. From her head, she now placed her hoof forward and closed her eyes as she began to focus. No longer feeling held back by doubt and old beliefs, she started to will her magical power to her hoof to cast a spell. She then opened her eyes, revealing no hint of hesitation. And her magic reacted accordingly; the magic began to form into a ball from her hoof. Twilight instantly smiled with joy.

“You did!” cheered Spike.

Smiling proudly, Nami then asked, “So, what spell is that?”

Twilight replied confidently, “One that’ll find our friends.”

Returning to Hargeon, a commotion was still going on within the city, but not the same one from earlier. The sounds of clanking steel, fiery explosions, and roaring battle cries no longer echoed through the streets. The primary source, the orcs, now lied defeated, beaten, and tied up in chains. Even their leader and his group of prominent-looking orcs were among them and unconscious. Replacing all of this were cheers and celebration now being held by the once scared towns-ponies. And at the center of it all was Luffy, his crew, and Team Natsu.

“Thank you! Thank you for defeating those goons from Twilight Orc!”

Among the towns-ponies was the mayor, who immediately offered any reward for their heroes. Without any forethought, Luffy asked for food which then became a feast to be held in their honor. While the group was cool with this notion, they had decided to excuse themselves from the celebration for a moment.

All of the pirates and Team Natsu rushed down to the docks to aide if possible the fight the believed was occurring there. Once they reached there, however, they found any notion of fear or worry disappearing instantly upon arrival. Orcs had come down to the docks to attack their ship as well as their two crewmates left there to watch over it, but they were quickly defeated. Applejack and Franky stood unharmed among the bodies of unconscious monsters, grinning proudly at their achievement. They had even beaten the two slightly noteworthy orcs, one being a kung-fu fighter (Kai) and the other using crystal rocks to produce glowing fists that could shatter steal (Fryar).

In seeing the group, Applejack waved to them. “Hiya everyone, what brings y’all back here?”

The group explained what had gone on in town. Neither Franky nor Applejack were too surprised to hear that these orcs were part of a bigger horde terrorizing the city. Both were thrilled to hear that they were being invited to a banquet in their honor for defeating these monsters. Once they had “hog”-tied the troop, they joined the group to head into town to celebrate.

But before they could travel far from the Thousand Sunny, the group began to hear something. It was faint, at first, but steadily growing louder by the second. “GUYS!” Everyone looked up as soon as they recognized the voice.

“Rainbow Dash?” spoke Rarity confused.

The rainbow Pegasus hurriedly flew down to the group and immediately began explaining why she was here. She told them about how a horde of orcs practically ambushed their group, how they seem to be able to use magic, and that they captured their Fairy Tail friends and were taking them for experiments. Natsu instantly became angry at this news but was stopped from going off on his own by Lucy and then Rainbow Dash herself as she had more to tell. She then added that her group had been able to trick the orcs from capturing them and that they were currently making plans to rescue the guild. No one from the Straw Hat crew was surprised to hear that fact; in fact, Luffy was grinning proudly. Now, they had to figure out what they were going to do next.

“You’re really going to help us?” asked Lucy expectantly.

“Sure,” Luffy chirped. “What kind of friends would we be if we left our new friends in trouble.”

“Awesome,” said Natsu eagerly.

“Aye, sir!” cheered out Happy overjoyed.

Sanji the spoke up with a concern. “Since we’re doing this, we should gather some info about what exactly is going on at this tower.”

“I agree,” Robin said nodding. She then turned her head to eye the captured orcs nearby. “Fortunately, we have ‘new friends’ to help us.”

Seeing where the pony was going with her suggestion, Franky began to grin. “So,” he said before cracking his knuckles intimidatingly, “what should we do to get them to talk?”

“Interrogation,” suggested Robin coolly.

“A beating,” suggested Natsu enthusiastically, his hooves on fire.

“Torture!” suggested Pinkie Pie energetically, holding up two large feathers.

Lucy and Usopp were flabbergasted. “You guys are way too vicious!” they shouted in unison.

“Quite right,” Rarity said calmly in agreement. The unicorn then began to touch up her make-up, much to everyone’s confusion. When she finished, she told the group proudly, “Why not simply ask them.”

Everyone then watched as the white unicorn approached the orcs. Rarity immediately went towards the two prominent orcs of the group and moved towards the bald orc as he began to awaken.

“Wha… What happened…” The orc, Fryar, interrupted himself as he noticed his constraints. He then immediately roared out in anger, “What is the meaning of this?! Who dares-”

“Well, good morning, Handsome.” Fryar stopped his struggle when he heard Rarity speak to him in an intrigued manner. The orc immediately looked at the pony and became instantly smitten by her. As he now lay drooling dumbly at her sight, the white unicorn proceeded as expected.

“Tell me, you rugged boar you, could tell me about your base of operations? I believe it lies somewhere near Magnolia, am I correct?”

“Yes! It’s…” As Fryar began to speak, almost vigorously, he soon realized what was occurring over him. He immediately began to resist.

“No!” he shouted desperately. “I will not be swayed by you! I have sworn to abstinence by the Brotherhood of the Holy Swine, and I shall resist you!”

Rarity began to appear downtrodden. “I am only trying to have a conversation with you. I mean you no disrespect.”

At the sight of the sad but beautiful pony, Fryar immediately relented. “O-Oh! If that is all you wanted,” he said kindly.

Acting as if she had been cheered up, Rarity continued her ploy. “So, about your base…”

Fryar blissfully began to explain, “Oh, yes. Well, it is a very tall tower we built a few years ago to house our Master as he performed experiments on the inhabitants of this country for the Black Empire.”

The Straw Hat crew inhaled deeply at the name “Black Empire.” They had not thought that all this trouble would connect back to that malicious empire, but honestly, that was wishful thinking on their part.

“Experiments?” questioned Rarity faux innocently. “That sounds very important.”

“Yes, it is, my dear. My master is attempting to harness these ponies’ unique magic to become a weapon for us non-magical beings to use. Sucking them dry of every ounce. Then, by using some naturally occurring rock called ‘lacrima,’ we can take that pony’s magic and make it ours to command.”

“What?!” yelped Lucy with shock.

Curious, Franky pulled out the two crystals he had confiscated from the said orc. “So that’s what these are,” he commented aloud.

“Astonishing,” Robin commented as she looked at the same crystals.

Fryar continued to talk. “You see, me and my horde, we-”

Rarity quickly interrupted. “Oh, that will be all, darling,” she stated pleasantly.

“Wh-What?” asked the orc confused.

Turning away, Rarity began to walk back to her crew. “We are done here,” she stated assuredly.

Still baffled, Fryar called out. “H-Hold on a minute!” He had failed to see the other pony walking up next to him, the navy blue Earth pony smoking.

Sanji stated firmly, “She said she’s done.” He then gave a swift and powerful kick into the orc’s face, knocking him out instantly.

Back with the group, Lucy was beginning to worry. “So, in that tower, our friends are about to be robbed of their magic! This is like the whole Edolas trip! Only this time, they might actually suffer!”

Natsu immediately stepped forward. “Not if we can help it,” he stated determinedly.

“Aye, sir!” cheered out Happy.

Rainbow Dash spoke up, “So, I’m heading back to tell the others your coming. That cool?”

“Sounds good to me!” Luffy said confidently.

Swiftly, Rainbow Dash took off to find the others to give the others the news. As her rainbow trail began to fade, Luffy’s group began deciding on what action to take next. To rush to Magnolia on hoof would take too long and exhaust them at the same time. While Franky could build another carriage with an engine, it would take too long to find the right parts to make the engine. Lucy suggested taking the train, but with so many of them traveling, lack of funds, and not knowing when the train would arrive hindered any hope.

Then, Happy had a suggestion. “Why not travel up the river?”

For a moment, everyone was surprised by the suggestion.

“Hey! Not a bad idea, Furball,” complimented Franky approvingly.

Happy suddenly began glaring at the cyborg with an uncannily cheerful expression. “My name is Happy,” he stated evenly.

“The Sunny’s got just the thing to help her travel up river,” Franky said, both waving the group to the ship and ignoring the cat’s comment.

Which, surprisingly, Happy quickly forgot as well. “Aye, sir!” he cheered as he followed after the Minotaur.

Luffy, Usopp, and Pinkie Pie were the first to follow being excited to see what Franky had in store. The others soon followed after and were also curious about what their newest crewmate had planned for their travel. Regardless, if it was one of Franky’s inventions, they knew it would get the job done.

Now, we return to Magnolia. In its heyday, it was a thriving city full of life and laughter with friendly town ponies. Nowadays, unfortunately, it looked like a ghost town. That is what the members of Fairy Tail saw as they were lead through the dark streets. None of them could believe that this was once their home; how seven years could change a place. Though, they all had a strong feeling that their captors had something to do with the state of the city.

The orcs kept herding them through the town until they eventually left it. They were now heading for the tower, where the giant glowing eye was once again activated and searching around. Oddly, it appeared to be looking out at a much farther distance away than from where they had been earlier. It was, however, the least of their concerns. As they approached, the tall building, they could see large gates begin to open for them. All of them but on a brave face, but none of them knew what to expect once they went inside.

Meanwhile, Zard and his posse had already gone ahead of their group. They were inside now and climbing a spiraling staircase of stone. Having gotten a head start, it was only moments before they reached a door. Zard opened it, and the three orcs walked into the chamber. All three then got into formation – Zard as lead with both cronies on either side – and kneeled and bowed.

“Master,” Zard spoke respectfully, “we the ponies.”

First, a laugh echoed through the chamber, “Shulolololo!” The room then began to become haze and dark. Lights from various machines continued to blink and flash within the room. On tables nearby, chemicals within glass tubes, flasks, or bottles glowed dimly in the darkened room. Crystals too were dully shining on the same tables. Then, through the haze, a thick stream of gas began swirling and moving around in a snakelike manner. It floated through the room until it stopped in front of the orcs. With the light from the staircase dimly shining into the room, it revealed a gas creature with a sinister ghostly face.

“Shulololo,” chuckled the gaseous specter intrigued again. “Tell me, Zard, who are these ponies whom my All-Seeing Eye spell spied upon.”

“They all carry the mark of that rebellious guild, Fairy Tail.”

Now, the specter appeared even more intrigued. “That guild, huh? They shall be my newest subjects for the extraction process.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Shulolololo!” laughed out the ghostly Master excitedly. “To think a treasure trove of magic would just walk up to my doorstep like this! Their magic within my crystals will be the talk of the Emperor and the whole Black Empire!”

“Of course, Master.”

“Hurry, you swine!” commanded the specter suddenly and urgently. “Warm up the extractor! Gather the lacrima! And ready those ponies!”

“At once, Master Caesar Clown,” Zard stated readily.

Quickly, Zard and his companions took off down the stairs. Once gone, the ghastly ghost creature began to laugh with joy.

“Yes! Soon, I will be hailed as the greatest wizard of all time! Shulolololo!”


Author's Note:

Many surprises if you were reading

I hope you enjoyed! I especially liked adding that new bit of info in on Nami's backstory.
And now...

Fun facts!

  • The giant eye seen earlier is based around Sauron. As to why...
  • Many of the speaking Orcs had names and themes given to them. They are all based around the classic D&D classes (WiZard, Barbarian, Fryar = Monk, Kai = Fighter, Sorcerer, Warlock, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Druid, Bard). Though, I think I forgot some of them... Oh well.