• Member Since 17th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen May 22nd


I'm a Proud ABDL mommy. Writer of padded pony fics, a lot of fics about Shining Armor and his mom, several about Rainbow Dash and her family, and far more mom stories than you can imagine.


Because biology is not what makes someone a mother. It's how you love your child that counts. Silverstream knows this well.

"Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother." -Oprah Winfrey

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

I imagine if anyone found out about this, they would enjoy poking holes in that- with sayings like, “She’s not biologically yours” or “She isn’t even the same species” or “She’s your age”. And I would smile politely while secretly thinking that they don’t understand a thing. Family is the one you create, not always the one you are born into. You can have both, and neither one makes the other any less real. There is no imbalance of love in having both. You simply love in different ways.

Exactly; just because that child is not really yours doesn't make you any less of a parent to that child, depending on the situation. It's how you fulfill those motherly obligations to that child, and, as Silverstream pointed out, love that child. I hate how other people, other mothers especially, try to use that as a weapon to try to break down families that aren't related by blood or aren't born into one...it just makes me sick:twilightangry2:.

I am not recognized as a mother. It is so intensely painful to know that. To know that my love for my child is not considered valid just because of something as trivial as biology. But I have seen mothers who treat their biological children terribly, and I have seen mothers take other children who aren’t even theirs under their wing and treat them as their own. Biology is not what makes someone a mother. A mother is someone who loves her child. That’s all there is. Societal standards have conditioned us to think that biology means everything when it comes to kids. But society doesn’t know anything. Society’s standards were set long ago, and no one has changed them because they’re afraid to. So those like me are confined to those standards, like a prisoner in Tartarus. But I am not afraid to change them.

Many are afraid of change...wanting to stick to what they were raised to believe in and stick to it no matter what:ajsleepy:. Alas, as stated many times before, nothing lasts forever, and there are some who are prepared for change:applejackunsure:.

I can’t do it all at once. I know that. Change happens over time. So I will try and change perceptions. I will speak to others about what this feels like, and try and enlighten them to a new way of thinking. I will change minds and hearts, one creature at a time. I hope to inspire some of them along the way, maybe help others who feel the way I do to come out of hiding and start trying to change it too. The change is not just for me. It is for Smolder too. I would give everything I had for her to have one day where she doesn’t feel ashamed to be who she is. If I want to help her get there, I have to start with me.

One step at a time Silverstream...one step at a time:pinkiesad2:.

Thank you so much. All of that means so much to hear, because this is such a personal thing I deal with daily. To know other people understand it... Words can't express how much that means to me.

Oh trust me, I know exactly what you mean...now, I'm no parent myself, heck, I don't even have a girlfriend:rainbowlaugh:! Be that as it may, it makes me really really really upset and disgusted that people like you are mistreated so badly by people who are always sticking to the fact that biology and DNA, and the fact that they were the ones that gave children life makes them parents. No offense to any parents on this site that have biological children of their own, but just because they're the child's real parents doesn't truly make them parents; what makes them parents is giving their child the love care and devotion that any parent, biological or not, would give, including being there for that child, guiding them through the difficult journey of growing up and teaching them what it means to become a person, and a parent themselves when the time comes. Unfortunately there are just some people who refuse to really look into it and stick to things that're so trivial, and not try to be more insightful about things like this...it's just so sad and disgusting at the same time, especially those parents, mothers mainly, that try to play god with their children lives just because they're their real parents and they gave them life. You have my full condolences for all of the crap that the people are putting you through, just for the simple fact that any children you have aren't really yours, and I hope you're able to find, or met someone who either knows what you're going through, or at least agrees with you on what it truly means to be a mother, let alone a parent, regardless of whether the children are really theirs or not:scootangel:. I wish you and any children you have the best of luck and I hope you are able to get through those troubling times and the backlash and grow and live happily together as a real family:heart:.

I'm literally in tears reading that. It is the best thing I have ever seen as a comment on one of my stories. It makes everything worth it. It tells me that the money I spent to fly 2,000 miles to just visit my baby girl for two days was worth it because there are people out there like you who do understand. It makes me feel so much less alone. And it just makes every second with her so much more precious because I know that others understand. Your kindness is overwhelming. I don't know how to thank you for that.

I know this isnt very much but....I view you as my momma :pinkiesad2: and I definitly view you as your own daughter’s mother. I’m sorry that this is all I can say to try to help you be happy. I’m not very knowledgeable or can relate with this as much as SuperSonicGoldenKirinGod, but I still wanted to say something after reading this.

You don't have to thank me Ma'am, I'm just saying what I honestly mean from the bottom of my heart:twilightsmile:. And don't worry, I know that there are a lot of people both out there, and on this sight who now what you're going through, and the fact that it makes the time you spend with your daughter more worth it makes me happy to. Just remember this: Even if there are people out there who don't really agree with you, and are stuck in those old beliefs of theirs, and even say right to your face that your not a true mother, none of that really matters. What really matters is the apple of your heart (your daughter) along with her future and what she'll grow up to be, along with those obligations that you fulfill to your child, which is what makes anyone that does have children a true parent blood related or not, not what all of those other people think. I can't say that I know what you're going through, and I'm not going to pretend either, however, I do hope that the little time you do get to spend with your daughter will grow and you'll get to see her more often so you can be there for her like any real mother would. And also, even if you don't have anyone outside here that's on your side about what it really means to be a parent, you have people like me here in this site (even if there are a few smelly rats), and as long as you remember that, like you said, you will never, ever truly be alone:twilightsmile:. Besides, we're bronies/pegasisters etc, and bronies and pegasisters like you and me gotta stick together, no matter what:raritywink:!

Although, if you insist on thanking me, you can do this: The next time you see your daughter, be sure to give her a nice big hug for me, and all other people on this site who either empathize with your situation or know your pain. I'm sure she'd love to know that there are lots of people here who're rooting for you and her, and for change as well:pinkiesmile:.

I'll be seeing her in may for Mother's Day and my birthday. You can rest assured that I will make good on that. :pinkiehappy:

The fact that you shared any words at all means so much, and I hope you know how much I appreciate the time you took to write them down. Thank you so much for everything. You are wonderful.

Sweet:scootangel:! Oh, and to show you my appreciation, I'd like for you to listen to a song that I think you will absolutely love:heart:!

In My Arms

How did you know I love the music of Plumb?! That is so amazing! Thank you for that wonderful gift! You truly are a fantastic person, and I appreciate you!


How did you know I love the music of Plumb?! That is so amazing!

I honestly didn't:rainbowlaugh:! I had just thought up of this song to help you think of your daughter every time you may listen to it:twilightsheepish:. Also, in case you're wondering where I got this song from, I had first heard of it while watching some movie clips from a movie called Wolf Children, that was put in the song. That movie is basically about a young mother whose trying to raise two children that have the ability to transform into full blooded wolfs, a trait inherited from them by their late father:twilightsmile:. You should check it out, it's really amazing movie:scootangel:!

Thank you for that wonderful gift! You truly are a fantastic person, and I appreciate you!

You're very welcome, and I appreciate the strength and perseverance you have to continuously get through the times that you're going through right now, and fighting for what you believe in:twilightsmile:.

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