• Published 8th Apr 2019
  • 993 Views, 18 Comments

Welcome to the Jungle: A Power Rangers Story - TheHardie-Boy

One by one, old pai zhua masters start to show up in Equestria

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Wrath of the ocean

Grizzaka was fuming. He was supposed to be strong; he was supposed to be invincible. He wasn’t supposed to be defeated. Those rangers had ruined his plans over and over again. Equestria would fall to his knees if it killed him. Magic wasn’t supposed to affect him in the slightest. Carnisoar had already failed him, and Jellica didn’t show much promise either. It wasn’t even all of the rangers, just the red one. What Grizzaka would give to see him be destroyed.

“G-Grizzaka, I have a plan,” Jellica said sheepishly.

“I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT! You have already failed me time and time again. Give me one reason not to destroy you now,” Grizzaka threatened.

“P-Please, just give me a chance. I am the Overlord of the sea. I can wipe out the rangers,” Jellica said.

“Oh please, like that would ever work. You can’t even cause a rainstorm,” Grizzaka responded.

“I don’t control the weather, but I can control the ocean,” Jellica tried.

“Fine, but I doubt I need to tell you the consequence for failure,” Grizzaka said.

“Thank you. You won’t regret this decision,” Jellica said. As soon as Grizzaka seemed out of earshot, Jellica whispered, “And to think Carnisoar and I went through so much trouble to revive him.”

“WHAT WAS THAT?” Grizzaka boomed.

“N-Nothing,” Jellica said.


Casey and Starlight were lying in the field. They were exhausted from running through Ponyville like two little kids. Starlight, who was fast asleep, was on top of Casey, who was on his back. Casey had his hand on her mane. Every time he felt it, it felt softer. He wasn’t far from falling asleep himself. He was wearing the biggest smile he had in years. He knew stying in Equestria with Starlight was the right decision for him.

Starlight moved around in her sleep, and Casey tried not to move. He didn’t mind if she woke up, but he didn’t want this moment to end. She settled back down and repositioned her on Casey’s chest. Interestingly enough, Casey felt his heart warm when she did. He looked up at her face and saw she also had a big, beautiful smile. She moved again and rested her head on Casey’s chest.

Casey was about to drift off to sleep until he heard Starlight woke up. She looked around for a minute, and her face went red when she saw she was on top of Casey. The sight only made Casey smile more.

“Rise and shine, Starie,” said Casey. Starlight chuckled in response.

“We should probably get up. How long was I asleep?” Starlight asked.

“About twenty minutes. You look pretty when you’re asleep,” said Casey, making Starlight blush. “And even more when you’re embarrassed.”

The two shared a quick kiss before Starlight got off of Casey. She stretched while Casey got up as well. “Why did we even fall asleep out here?” Starlight asked.

“You were too tired to walk back to the castle. I would have carried you, but I thought I was gonna fall asleep too. Beside, the field was surprisingly comfortable,” Casey responded.

“You know, I could go for something to eat,” said Starlight, batting her eyelashes.

“Are you asking me out instead of the other way around?” Casey responded, raising an eyebrow.

“Maybe I am. Unless there was something you wanted to ask me,” said Starlight with a smirk.

“No. I think I’ll accept your invitation,” said Casey, returning the smirk.

Starlight chuckled. “Guess I overplayed my hoof.”

Casey petted Starlight’s mane again. The two were about to walk off when they heard a new voice.

“What did I just witness?”

Starlight turned to see the royal-blue unicorn known as Trixie. “Oh hey, Trixie. Where’ve you been?” Starlight asked.

“I just got back from my tour to Saddle Arabia. Now, can you answer my question?” said Trixie with a chuckle of her own.

“Oh right. This is Casey. He’s a Power Ranger,” replied Starlight.

“I figured that. Power Rangers are kind of the only humans in Equestria, remember,” Trixie said.

Starlight rolled her eyes and faced Casey. “This is Trixie, my supposed best friend.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Trixie,” said Casey, extending a hand.

Trixie shook Casey’s hand with her hoof. “You too, Casey. Although, Starlight didn’t use my full title,” she said, running a short distance away. She threw a smoke bomb on the ground and walked through it dramatically. “I am the Great and Powerful Trixie.”

Starlight rolled her eyes and sighed with a smile. “She’s a show pony.”

“I got that,” said Casey.

“What can I say? Actor’s gotta act,” Trixie said. “Seriously though, what was with that flirting earlier? Are you two like together or something?”

Starlight and Casey looked away from Trixie and blushed. This got Trixie really excited. She started jumping up and down a little bit. “Oh. My. Gosh. You are aren’t you?! Oh that’s sooooo cute,” Trixie cheered.

“Oh come on, Trix. It’s not THAT big a deal,” Starlight said, rolling her eyes.

“I know, but now I get to tease you about it~” Trixie said in a teasing manner.

“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean,” Casey said, furrowing his brow.

Trixie shrunk away at Casey’s sudden outburst. “I don’t mean like that. I just mean that Starlight’s never really fallen in love with anyone-I mean anypony, not that you’re-“ Trixie was cut off by Casey.

“Trixie, I’m just messing with you,” said Casey with a sly smile.

This time, it was Trixie’s turn to blush. Starlight chuckled at the sight.

Casey’s morpher started to buzz, and he saw that Jellica had returned. “Gotta go. Ranger duty,” he said with a wave. With that, Casey left the scene.

“I can see why you like him. He’s funny,” Trixie said. Then she whispered, “and hot too.”

Starlight jumped. “Back off!”

Trixie couldn’t hold in a laugh.


RJ, Theo, Lily, and Dominic were doing their best to keep Jellica out of Ponyville. It was easier said than done. They were having trouble just hitting her. The only one of them that could do any actual damage was Dominic with his stampede attack. Even then, just that wasn’t enough.

Luckily, Jellica didn’t seem to be fighting back. She was letting the rangers try and attack her. She wasn’t attacking at all. She could easily sweep the floor with the rangers, but she chose not to. All she really did as either counter or dodge Dominic’s attack.

Casey arrived on the scene. “What’s going on here?”

“We’re not really sure. Jellica’s not attacking. She just letting us try to hit her,” explained Theo.

“It’s almost as if she’s just taunting us,” Lily added.

“Let’s just try and finish her,” said Casey. With that, Casey, Theo, and Lily pulled out their claw boosters. They activated them and entered Jungle Master Mode. Casey started by using his jets to quickly charge at Jellica. She finally came alive and fought back. She used her spear to block Casey’s attack and made sure not to leave any openings. Theo and Lily jumped to the other side of Jellica and attacked from there. But before they could hit her, she got out of the way. Luckily, Casey was able to avoid getting hit by Theo and Lily. Jellica reappeared and struck the three of them with her staff.

RJ and Dominic got into the fight, using their individual weapons to attack Jellica. RJ unleashed a charged attack upon Jellica, but she caught it and sent it back at him. Dominic was able to block it and try to attack. The two of them went at it for a minute, until Jellica found an opening Dominic had left. She took advantage of it, and Dominic was sent flying. RJ got back into the fight, but Jellica used her tentacle to swing RJ into a mountain.

Once the rangers regrouped, Jellica put her spear away. She turned to address the rangers. “Here’s how this is gonna work, rangers. Five miles away from here is an ocean. As the Overlord of the sea, I have the power to cause that ocean to flood. If you do not surrender your morphers to me, I will cause a tsunami. You have two minutes to decide.”

The rangers turned to face each other. “What are we gonna do? We can’t her our morphers,” Theo said.

“But you heard her; if we don’t, she’ll flood Equestria. We can’t let that happen,” replied Lily.

“If we give her our morphers, Equestria would be doomed anyway,” RJ reasoned.

“At least if we do, there’ll be a chance Grizzaka goes easy on the citizens of Equestria,” put in Dominic.

“Dude, you’ve me Grizzaka right? Why would he ever go easy on this world?” Theo retorted.

“Well, there’d be a little more time until the end, at least,” Dominic shrugged.

“But can we even trust Jellica? She might just cause the flood anyhow,” Lily added.

Jellica overheard all of this. “One minute remaining. It looks like it’s up to you, red ranger. Flood or fury?”

Casey closed his eyes to think. He really didn’t know what to do. Either way, Equestria would be doomed. He couldn’t think of a way around the situation, either. Suddenly, an idea came to him.

“Guys, give me your morphers. You’re just gonna have to trust me here,” Casey told his teammates.

“What?! Are you crazy?” Theo asked.

“Yeah, what are you thinking?” Lily said.

“Like I said, you’re gonna have to trust me,” Casey said.

RJ and Dominic exchanged nervous glances and nodded. “We trust you, Casey,” said RJ. He and Dominic handed over their morphers.

Theo sighed as he and Lily demorphed and handed over their morphers as well. “This had better work,” stressed Theo.

“Trust me, it will,” assured Casey. Each of his teammates gave Casey their morhpers. Casey, without demorphing himself, turned toward Jellica and started slowly walking toward her.

“Good choice. I hear death by tsunami is a lame way to die, anyhow,” Jellica said.

Casey reached her. Jellica reached out her arm to take the first morpher, but Casey threw Theo’s, Lily’s, and RJ’s morphers into the air. As Jellica looked up toward the flying morphers, Casey put on Dominic’s rhino morpher. He then used hid jets to fly and retrieve his friends’ morphers.

Jellica looked back at Casey, realizing she had been deceived. But before she could summon the tsunami, Casey attacked. He used his own claw to slash away at Jellica’s spear. He then used the rhino morpher to punch Jellica in the gut. He didn’t let up from there. He used both of the weapons to grab hold of Jellica and throw her into the air. Casey activated the rhino blade and flew after her. Using the combined powers of the weapons, Casey sliced an X on Jellica. She erupted into a fit of sparks and finally exploded.

Casey got back to his friends and returned their morphers. “That was a great idea,” Lily complimented.

“Yeah, man. How did you know it would work?” Theo asked.

“Villains tend to get cocky in these types of situations. I figured if I could catch her off guard, I could easily get the upper hand,” Casey explained.

“Casey’s right. Jellica was too confident in herself and payed the price for it,” RJ agreed.

“Oh, and I gotta admit. Dominic, your morpher is awesome,” Casey complimented again.

”Thanks, but don’t get used to wearing it,” replied Dominic.

Before any more could be said, Jellica regenerated her power and grew. “How dare you pull that type of trick on me?! Now, it’s time for you to pay the price of defiance,” she boomed. She stretched out her arm toward the ocean she was talking about earlier. Several pegasi flew into the air to see what was going on and saw a 15 mile high tidal wave rushing toward them.

“We need to stop her now,” said RJ. He and the other rangers summoned their zords and combined with one another.

“Jungle Master Megazord!”
“Wolf Pride Megazord!”
“Rhino Steel Megazord!”

The three Megazords charged Jellica, but she simply transferred herself into the wave. The rangers were hit by the wave and took a second to regain their balance. They began trying to push back the wave.

In the distance, Starlight and Trixie saw what was happening. Trixie was cheering the rangers on, but Starlight knew they couldn’t hold it off for long. She teleported herself to the highest and closest point to the wave she could find and charged her magic. She took aim at the wave and fired one of her most powerful spells. It helped push back the wave, but Starlight knew she couldn’t keep it up for long. Sure enough, she already felt herself overheating.

“Twilight! You have to go help Starlight!” Trixie shouted, running into the castle.

Twilight appeared in front of her. “Trixie? What are you talking about?”

“Look outside,” was Trixie’s only response.

Twilight ran to a window to see what Trixie was talking about. What she saw terrified her. She saw the rangers trying to push back a gigantic wall of water and Starlight trying to help. Without a second of hesitation, Twilight ran out to help her friend.

“Twilight?! What are you doing here? Get to safety,” Starlight yelled.

“No way. I’m not gonna let you do this on your own,” Twilight said, charging her horn. She opened fire on the wave and began pushing it back. It wasn’t long before her strength was low as well.

Casey looked down to see what was going on and saw Twilight and Starlight using their magic to help them. Casey turned toward his friends. “Guys, look.” Theo and Lily looked and saw what Casey saw. “Their trying to help us when we’re supposed to be the ones helping them. We can’t let this wave get to Ponyville,” Casey said with authority.

“You’re right. We came here to protect this world, and that’s exactly what we’re gonna do,” Theo said.

“Yeah. Jellica thinks she can just blow this place down? Well then she’s gotta another thing coming,” Lily agreed.

“Come on, push!” Casey yelled again.

With that, the rangers put all of their strength to push back the wave. The force was enough to get the ave to start moving away from Ponyville. Eventually, the rangers got a steady pace and had no trouble pushing Jellica back.

But in the distance, Grizzaka was watching the whole thing. “I NEEDN’T REMIND YOU THE CONSEQUENCE FOR FAILURE, DO I, JELLICA?” he boomed. With that, Jellica pushed even harder than before. The rangers were starting to be pushed back. It was only a matter of time before the wave hit Ponyville.

Jellica smirked with a thought of victory. She had finally done it. She had finally beaten the rangers. Unfortunately for her, and blue, rainbow-maned pegasus flew as fast as she could at the wave. A comb appeared around Rainbow as she reached her top speed. Rainbow hit the wave while sending out a giant ring. The ring had the colors of a rainbow and looked beautiful.

It managed to cause Jellica to lose control of the water. It dispelled and began falling toward the ground. She tried regaining control of it, but the rangers attacked her before she could. She managed to use her spear to fight them off, but they didn’t back down. RJ used his speed to get around her and sweep her with the wolf. Dominic countered her spear with his sword, damaging Jellica in the process. Casey, Theo, and Lily used their insane strength to crack Jellica’s spear in two, leaving her completely defenseless.

RJ, Dominic, Lily, Theo, and Casey focused all of their power toward Jellica as she prepared to fire back. Casey, Theo, and Lily, used their spin attack; Dominic used his rhino blade, and RJ used his wolf slash. They all unloaded on Jellica as she fired a counter attack. The exchange wasn’t even close. The rangers’ attacks blew right through Jellica’s and made contact. Jellica erupted into a fit of sparks.

“This-This is impossible! Grizzaka will finish you off!” Jellica yelled as she finally exploded for the final time.

The rangers jumped out of their zords and powered down to tend to Rainbow, Twilight, and Starlight. Casey held up Starlight and felt her horn. It was burning hot. Theo felt Twilight’s horn and got the same result. Lily took a look at Rainbow, but she found there wasn’t anything wrong with her.

“We should get these two to the castle,” said RJ.

Casey picked up Starlight and began carrying her to the castle, making Rainbow squint in confusion. RJ and Dominic got Twilight and made their way back to the castle as well, where the rest of the mane six were waiting.

“Oh my goodness, what in Equestria happened?” Rarity yelled.

“Jellica tried to wipe out Ponville with a tsunami, and Twilight and Starlight tried to stop it with their magic,” Lily explained.

“I wouldn’t say tried. They really helped us out there,” Theo corrected.

“Yeah. If it wasn’t for them, Ponville would have been washed away,” added Dominic.

“I do hope they’ll be okay,” Fluttershy said, not even trying to hide the fear in her voice.

“Ah’m pretty sure they’ll be fine. They’ve done tougher stuff with their magic,” Applejack said.

“Yeah, and then I can throw them a ‘Congratulations, You Stopped a Tidal Wave’ party,” Pinkie added, making RJ chuckle.

Casey was too concerned with about Starlight to hear what everyone else was saying. He took her to her room and lay her on her bed. He then felt her neck to make sure her pulse was steady. He found it was faster than normal, but other than that she was okay.

“Hey. What are you doing?” Rainbow asked, surprising Casey.

“Just making sure she’ll be okay,” said Casey.

“Aren’t you concerned about Twilight too?” Rainbow asked with a serious look on her face.

Casey tried to think of an answer. “Y-Yeah, b-but she’s an alicorn. Wouldn’t she make a faster recovery?”

“I guess she would,” Rainbow replied. “RJ wanted talk to you for a minute though.”

“Alright, just tell me if she wakes up okay?” Casey said.

“Sure,” Rainbow lied.

After Casey left the room, Rainbow closed the door. A few moments later, Starlight woke up.

“Oh good, you’re awake. How do you feel?” Rainbow asked.

“Like my horn was stabbed by another horn,” Starlight replied.

Rainbow looked around to make sure nopony else was listening and leaned a little closer to Starlight. “Can I ask you something? It’s a little personal.”

“Shoot,” Starlight replied.

“Is...Is there something going on between you and Casey?” Rainbow asked gently.

“How’d you figure it out?” Starlight asked.

“He was more concerned about you than Twilight. So there is something going on?”

“Yeah. Why do you ask?”

“Well...I don’t you to get hurt. You know, like I did when Connor left.”

Starlight smiled. “That’s sweet. But just between you and me, Casey said he’s gonna stay after Grizzaka is defeated,” she whispered.

Rainbow was shocked by this news. A part of her wanted to protest. After all, Connor had to leave, so why didn’t Casey? But Rainbow managed to restrain herself. “O-Oh. That’s great,” she said, trying to sound happy for Starlight.

“What’s wrong?” Starlight asked.

“N-Nothing. I’m happy for you two,” Rainbow replied.

“It’s Connor, isn’t it? You don’t think it’s fair. You can tell me if that’s true,” Starlight assured her friend.

“Yeah, kind of. But I really don’t want to get in your way. If Casey wants to stay, it’s none of my business. I do kind of wish Connor had stayed though,” Rainbow said with a tear rolling down her cheek.

“No, you’re right. It’s not fair to you. It’s not fair to Connor. I’ll tell Casey,” Starlight said, starting to get up.

“No. Not yet at least. Like I said, I don’t want you to go through the same thing I did when Connor left,” Rainbow said, stopping her.

“Alright, if you’re sure. We should probably go tell the others I’m okay though,” Starlight said.

“Yeah,” Rainbow replied. As Starlight left the room, she stayed back a little. She was ashamed of herself to admit it, but she really was jealous of Casey. She took a deep breath and went to join her friends.


If Grizzaka was angry before, this was a whole new level. First Carnisoar, and now Jellica had been defeated by those blasted rangers. They had interfered with his plans long enough. No more, they were going to pay. After all, if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.

Author's Note:

Hey guys,
Only one more chapter to go. I had tons of fun writing this. I promise to have the next chapter up by Wednesday. Until then, tell me in the comments what you thought of the story.

Yours truly,