• Published 10th Apr 2019
  • 10,201 Views, 221 Comments

The Princess of Chaos - Foal Star

After making a bet with Discord, Princess Celestia must keep her new chaotic powers in check for one week. Seems simple enough

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Chapter Ten: Day six Celestia Embraces Chaos

Celestia was looking upward as she found herself contemplating the future events upon awakening again. However, this day especially proved to be more concerning than those prior. In truth this the day that she was dreading all week due to her outbursts with her chaos magic.

Already sensing her concerns growing, The princess of the sun immediately rose up from her sleep and moved for the door, bypassing her usual delays and general lazy demeanor. Yet, even as she walked through the halls her eyes could only look up at the ceiling with dread. She was not ready for what's to come and that knowledge felt as though gravity itself was pushing her down..

Casually pulling bits of sand from her eyes, the Princess of the Sun glanced out of the windows at the still pitch black sky.

The moon was currently bright and clear among the many stars, looking rather beautiful sitting there majestically among the sea of black-spotted with stars.

Due to the nature of her position, Celestia always favored the day, yet she’d long learned to appreciate the night her sister worked hard every day to create. Though when you have a thousand years to stare up at the moon out of guilt, it was hard not to develop some degree of admiration for it.

Though in this instance her moon gazing stemmed less from a genuine love of its visual majesty and more simply a lazy desire to stay in bed. Yes it was the same song and dance as the last few days, and she’d come to simply accept that lethargy was simply a byproduct of Chaos Magic.

After all when you can literally do anything with a snap of your hands, why be motivated to work hard?

And yet, she’d at least learned to fight against such an urge, in part to avoid dealing with a naggy Luna, and continued to perform her usual duty despite her body practically demanding otherwise.

She slowly came out to the garden, walking beneath the stars, wondering how she'll raise the sun today, possibly even if she’d expend the effort to perform another insane stunt.

By this point she’d done so many crazy things that Celestia wasn't sure what else she could pull off. Sadly she didn’t have the same level of chaotic flare that Discord had.

Still it’d be a waste if she just raised the sun like she had in the past. Thus, the mare looked upward and decided to do something special, but also rather simple.

Reaching down into a pair of portals, she took out a giant paintbrush and a pallet, and like many artists before her, began painting the sun in the sky.

In truth, this wasn’t the first time Celestia had put brush to paper….or sky in this case. In the many years of her rule she’d taken up all kinds of hobbies. From mountain climbing, to skydiving, and simple exploring, one could say she’d gone through quite a daredevil phase.

Thankfully for most of Equestria, and at the request/pleading of her staff and guards, she opted for some more lowkey pastimes, with painting being one of her favorites. True she wasn’t a master artist whose work was shown in museums, but she was certainly competent enough, even managing to get Sunset into it the few times she would listen to her.

And with the day looking so clear, it seemed like a perfect time to get back into her old routine.

Though, as she struggled to hold her brush, the princess was quickly reminded of her new appendages and the difficulties that came with them. This resulted in a fair number of sloppy strokes that resulted in a mismatched sky with various lines showing both day and night akin to a patchwork quilt.

Thankfully for all those involved, most of the population was still asleep thus Celestia quickly set to putting more focus into her grip and taking things slower. Surprisingly it worked; somehow, and through a bit more trial and error, the sun was now shining brightly across the crystal blue sky, with fluffy clouds everywhere looking absolutely beautiful.

True the process had taken nearly all morning, and she saw a horde of ponies looking upward as she gave a smile then waved a claw, most simply accepting the odd display and waving back, while she headed back inside to freshen up for the day.

After cleaning up in the shower, Celestia exited her room and met her usual guard with a wave that he happily returned with a glance out the nearby window.

"Have to say, it's quite nice to see you paint again your highness. How long has it been?"

"Not since Sunset Shimmer I’m afraid, I’d actually forgotten how relaxing it could be.”
The guard in question offered a brief glimpse of sympathy, knowing full well how sorted an affair things were with disgraced former protégé. “Well, perhaps now you can take it up again. I recall some of your paintings being rather impressive.”

Celestia couldn’t help but giggle lightly at his attempted praise. “I appreciate the compliment but I wouldn’t go that far. Still...” Offering a claw to the soldier’s shoulder, she took a knee and bowed. “I appreciate the compliment.”

Half expecting a brief, shocked gasp at the sudden contact, she did not expect a rather loud squeaking sound instead. Looking up, she was shocked to find that where the guard was standing, was now a live sized plush version, complete with soulless plastic eyes.

Pulling her hand back as though it were on fire, she was relieved to see the effect reversed returning the guard to his original state.

“I’m so sorry,” Celestia immediately reverted to a rapid fire of apologies towards the guard.

"It's an ok princess...just keep control of yourself today, ok?" The guard replied sheepishly, while mentally recovering from the sudden out of body experience.

"Right, sorry…" Celestia sighed as she quickly continued downstairs while mentally trying to control of her now slightly frayed nerves..

Hoping for some kind of distraction she quickly headed down further to see how the preparations were going.

Thankfully for her, it didn’t take long to spot Luna, currently ordering ponies around, setting up tables, and putting decorations up. Honestly, despite some visible bags under her eyes from likely working through the night on top of her usual duties, her younger sister seemed to have quite a handle on things.

It honestly made the elder sibling feel a sense of pride seeing her sister come into her own as far as leadership, though it also reminded her of how much responsibility her sister now had to bear given the state of things.

The thought prompted her to float over and offer her sister a comforting nuzzle that seemed to relax her somewhat as well as get her attention.

"Seems like you're getting things under control."

"Yes, and I heard you painted the sun?" Luna replied while scratching her head. “Decided to go with something a little quieter today?”

"Oh um yes...that… I was thinking about some things this morning and got a little sidetracked," Celestia replied as she started finishing up preparations with her Chaos Magic then chirped. "Although I think it’s safe to say I’ve got a pretty good handle on my Chaos Magic!"

"Try not to jinx yourself dear sister, and I'm hoping you'll behave yourself tonight," Luna replied, eyeing her sister with a suspicious expression on her face that she was honestly getting sick of having to wear.

"I will, I promise,” Celestia replied as she went off to fix herself, even though there was still a slight issue she was feeling. Mainly she was just praying that her magic wouldn’t go out of control.

“No, no more worrying. I’ve done enough that this week as it is. I’m starting to wonder if this is how Twilight feels all the time.”

Deciding to quell her nerves she opted to teleport herself back to the cake shop she’d visited, Mrs. Funnel Cake; she was humming a tune as she was stirring a massive bowl of batter.

The mare turned to see Celestia stroll in, and she gave the princess a big smile. "Hello your majesty! How are you doing today!"

"Oh, I'm doing wonderful!" The mare exclaimed sarcastically as she strolled over.

Her sour mood quickly turned sweet as she spotted an eight-layer cake in the middle of the store. Though, simply calling it a cake would be greatly underselling it, the pastry was a work of art.

The massive confection was decorated with a pink trim with suns and moons printed into the sides of the cake. And near the top appeared to be small plastic statues of the two princesses, somewhat mirroring their posture on the countries’s flag.

The princess was rather impressed with the giant-sized pastry and she could feel her mouth-watering with some drool coming down her chin.

"You like it?" Ms. Funnel Cake asked in her usual sugary sweet tone.

"Like it? I love it!" The princess cheered like a school filly opening a Christmas present. Even though she wanted to just throw herself into it and cover herself in cake.

“Oh, I just knew you would. Took quite a bit of effort to put together, but I’m quite proud of it. I’m especially fond of the toppers. Made those with a mixture of chocolate fondant and buttercream icing.”

The delicious details only served to make the princess’s stomach roar in protest, leading the two to share a quick laugh before Celestia took a step back and sat down, her smile more hollow than before.

"Something the matters is your highness?” Funnel Cake asked, offering a comforting hoof.“I can tell that something's bothering you."

Seeing no point in lying or changing topics, Celestia simply let loose her concerns. "Ever since I had these powers at first I couldn't control myself, I've done a number of things that I regret and have caused problems to the nobles, as well as the normal citizens. That's not including the rivalry I have with one Silver Dollar."

Funnel Cake quietly sat and listened, hanging on each word. "Oh, you sweetheart. I can only imagine what you're going through right now? If anything, maybe you should just cancel the whole party until you're back to normal?"

Celestia paused, considering the idea. One one hand it was fairly sound, no party, less chance for any random chaos. Then again, with all the preparations mostly in place, that would be a disaster in itself.

Her mind then drifted to the simple answer of asking Discord to turn her back to normal before the party started instead. Yet, sound as that option was, it was one she’d rather avoid.

It was true that by this point Celestia may have technically already lost the dare between them, but she can prove that she can control herself. If for nothing she wanted to restore some of her kingdom’s faith in her, that had likely been shaken by her recent exploits.

Feeling a sense of purpose to restore her confidence, the Princess stood up, ready to move forward. "Alright! I'll go out and prove to all those stuck-up nobles I can be myself! But afterward, I'm going to have a party for myself, and I want you to join!"

She gave Funnel Cake a little pink card making the chubby mare squealed. "Thank you! I most certainly will join you!"

"Alright! I still have a few other guests I'll be inviting!" Celestia chirped as she disappeared in a puff of pink smoke.

Appearing in another rose color smoke flash, Celestia stood proudly in front of her three friends: Rainbow Quill, Fleur De Lis, and Snowflake, all having a little lunch at a local cafe nearby.

Rainbow Quill was the first to wave a hoof and greet her. "Oh, Celestia, it's so good to see you again."

Snowflake also waved a hoof and replied with a smile. "Oh, are you going to host another sleepover!?"

"Well, something like that!" The princess exclaimed as she flew over to her friends. She sat down and flicked a claw. Giant dandelion sandwiches were then suddenly appeared in front of them.

They all squeaked out seeing the food magically appearing almost out of nowhere. Celestia took her’s, opened her mouth to the size of a chariot, then took a giant bite. “Mmm, so good!”

The other mares laughed as they took up their new meals and squeaked, as they each found a healthy amount of mustard squirted in their faces.

Celestia, looking all too cheeky, gave them all a smile. Happy to see some nobles here weren’t scared of getting messy or a little unconventional. After they finished their rather unexpected meal Celestia continued to explain.

"Now, I, of course, am hosting a ball tonight for the rich nobles of Equestria; however, I want to also host a little after-party for my new friends!"

Fleur flashed a smile as she bowed. "Of course we’ll join in, that does sound like a lot of fun."

"Well alright then! Just stay after the party, and we'll have some fun!" The Princess of the Sun exclaimed, eagerly rubbed her claws together now she had something to look forward to after the boring snob fest.”

She then rose up and stretched out her body, “Well I better get going, see you after the party.”

Bronze Helm was with the rest of the royal guard going over their assigned duties for the party with his usual professional decorum. Sadly it couldn’t fully mask the unease he was feeling.

Naturally, the stallion was deeply disturbed by Celestia and how she’s been acting. Despite knowing full well she was a capable leader and level headed individual, her behavior the last few days was treating to give him panic attacks. By this point he was silently praying Celestia would reign her antics in for the night and soon this whole insane little stunt would be over.

Sadly, as he heard the sound of approaching hoofsteps he could already feel things about to get worse.

Shift his gaze around he found Feather Duster approaching with a worried look that made his entire body shake. d

“Hello Bronze. I’m sorry to interrupt but Celestia wants us in her chambers!”

The stallion groaned, only being able to speculate at what she wanted from him. Not like he could refuse anyway, both because she was his ruler and because with her power….he didn’t even want to think about it.

“Very well, I suppose we’ll need to see what she wants.”

The two slowly walked up the steps towards the princess’s chambers, neither especially excited for what would come next. Ultimately Bronze opted to break the tension by asking something he’d been rather curious about.

“So, Feather. What was it like being an Alicorn? Must’ve felt pretty incredible I imagine.”

To his surprise, Feather let out an exhausted sigh and looked far from enthused by the memory. “What, you didn’t like it? Most ponies would’ve given just about anything to be an Alicorn.”

“Well, they should be grateful they aren’t. It was just so annoying…” Feather’s eye actually started violently twitching as she thought back.I mean being gawked at and having ponies bow at you was rather nice… at first. But you can’t go out in public without being stared at by every pony within earshot. Still, the spa dates with Rarity were fun.” Feather Duster reminisced with a sigh, finding some modicum of enjoyment in the experience.

Changing tunes, she turned to Bronze Helm and nudged him. “So, did she turn you into anything?”

Bronze Helm cheeks flushed pink, earning a grin from Feather that let him know she wouldn’t drop the issue. “Well she turned me into a foal for a bit then a plushie.”

Naturally being a sympathetic pony, Feather tried to hold in her amusement….for approximately three seconds before she burst out laughing, leaving the angry soldier to huff and walk ahead of her.

“Wait, wait, I’m sorry. Truly,” She said as she quickly caught up to him. “It hasn’t been easy for any of us to deal with this. I’ve found the best we can do is take it in stride and hope that all the more embarrassing moments are finally behind us.” ”

“I hope so,” Bronze Helm grumbled under his breath as they continued to the entrance of Celestia’s room.

The two finally reached the Princess’s door and entered, finding their ruler sitting on a loveseat, her left leg crossing over her right with her forearms crossed in front of her chest with a smug grin.

Immediately this set off alarm bells as Bronze Helm had only seen Discord a few times wondering about the castle, but in this moment,he Princess of the Sun looked almost exactly like him. His worries about what will happen next started to feel validated. A quick glance to his side showed Feather sharing a similar sentiment as the duo slowly entered.

Celestia met the pair with a smile as she willed the doors shut, welcoming them happily. "Bronze Helm, Feather Duster thank you for coming. I wanted to personally thank you for all you’ve done for me this week, especially with regards to putting up with my antics. As such, it's only right that I pay you back.”

Bronze Helm turned to see and was rather amazed that Feather Duster was dressed in a beautiful gown and he looked down to see a dapper suit replacing his armor. He looked up to say something but Celestia who held up a claw.

"Don’t worry Bronze Helm, I gave your wife an invitation. Trust me, you two aren't dates...and she's invited to my little after-party as well."

"Uh...ok, princess…" the royal guard stammered, being somewhat confused about this whole situation, though thankful that his clothes were the only thing changed this time.

She then turned her attention to the two. “Now, after the party’s over I’m hosting a little special afterparty as well and I hope you both will join me.”

Feather Duster squealed in delight, seemingly forgetting her prior concerns, as she performed a little curtsey. “Of course princess.”

Bronze Helm shifted in his suit, still a little nervous as to what might happen, but wasn’t opposed to spending a nice night with his wife. Thus he too offered the princess a bow. “Yes princess, I will also attend the afterparty.”

Celestia clapped her claws and chirped, “Excellent! I will be looking forward to you both!”

She then disappeared in a puff of pink smoke. Feather Duster blinked looking rather confused as she asked, “So...is it just me or is she acting more like Discord?”

The royal guard just shook his head. “I’ve been asking myself that same question a lot lately and don’t know for sure. For now, we’ll have to play things by ear and if anything happens I may need to be the one to reel her in.”

It was now late in the afternoon, Princess Celestia was standing at the doorway greeting ponies as they strolled into the party.

Things had quickly started to ramp up, thanks to the music and food, though most of the guests were somewhat wary of the draqquenous. They moved out of the way as she finished inviting them in. She rolled her eyes, but it wasn't like they didn't have a reason not to be scared of her after everything she's done this past week, Bronze Helm and Feather Duster included.

The princess gave a sigh as she rubbed her head and then turned towards the guests, worry on her face. She had to remain calm, keep her head clear and try to not cause any unnecessary chaos.

Eventually, everypony seemed to have arrived and was having a good time, until Silver Dollar stomped through the front doors and eyed the princess angrily, which she quickly returned without a word, though the intent was evident to all watching.

Thankfully for the guests, Silver Dollar walked off, seemingly willing to put things aside, let Celestia calm herself at another potential mess avoided.

She looked around the ballroom, seeing the nobles dancing and seeming to mostly have a good time. Despite some reservations she’d had, things were going quite well, no chaos of any kind.. A quick glance to the dance floor showed Bronze Helm and his wife enjoying a bit of an energetic dance whileFeather Duster, she was just standing by with the other maids gossiping amongst each other.

Satisfied with what she saw, Celestia quickly zeroed in on her sister at a nearby table and flew over to her. "Thank you for this sister. It’s wonderful!"

"It's no problem, but I think it's about time you apologized," Luna whispered back, eyes subtly pointing in the direction of some ponies that had been eyeing the pair wearily

Her sister nodded as she flew above her guests with a glass of champagne in her claw; she clinked it with a spoon. "Attention! Attention!"

Celestia waited patiently for the guests to quiet down before she continued her speech. "Thank you. As I’m sure you’re aware this last week has been rather...odd to say the least. And that I have caused more than a bit of discomfort for many of you. To that end I apologize for my behavior, and I apologize to Silver Dollar for what I did to him."

While some ponies were somewhat hesitant to accept the gesture, possibly fearing it to be another prank, many others happily applauded her words, Bronze and Feather included.

Celestia, feeling a bit less awkward, continued her speech. "I am also happy to say that we have finally settled the budget for the Kingdom finished for this year, and I hope to see all of you again at the Galloping Gala."

The nobles all applauded once more; however, Silver Dollar looked upward and snapped, "Seriously! Why are we pretending we're all fine with this!?"

He then turned towards the rest of the guests and continued his rant. "Why are we pretending like Celestia, our ruler, has for the past week acted like an emotionally stunted child and caused heaven only knows how much havoc too so many here. And she thinks she can simply sweep it under the rug with a simple apology? Frankly I feel we should take this week as cause to question whether she’s even fit to rule.” !"

Some of Celestia’s supporters began to shout angrily at Silver Dollar, only for Celestia to silence then with her claw.

“I freely admit, this past week has hardly been an exemplary showing of my maturity or leadership ability. However, I hardly feel you are wrong to believe you have any more high ground here. After all been taking bits from taxes and money from Canterlot Elementary!"

Every noble started to shout and got angry at Silver Dollar, telling him to shut up! He gnashed his teeth and stepped down from his pedestal, and Celestia had a smile on her face.

Unfortunately, it seemed like Silver’s outburst gave others the courage to share their own feelings as one noble mare shouted, "He may have, but you've been out of control!"

"Yes, we agree,” Another noble shouted in earnest with others following suit. “Your antics have put all of us in danger and have caused enough harm; we actually put together a scroll indicating why we believe you're no longer fit to be our princess, and you must stand down."

By this point many ponies were now roaring in anger at Celestia whose composure was slowly starting to slip as she felt her anger continue to fester. All the while this was happening, Luna, Bronze and Feather, felt themselves growing more panicked, knowing Celestia was about to snap.

Yet, in that moment, Celestia’s anger dissipated as her mind started to play back all the events from the past week and her anger towards the nobles.

As ruler she’d been obligated to follow the rules for ages and pretend that she enjoyed it in some capacity, when oftentimes it left her feeling as she did now. ! She has been stuck like this for so long, and the fact that Silver Dollar was going to get away with his crimes was beyond acceptable to her.

The mare may not be able to do much to relieve her anger! But she wanted to at least send a message! And actually, be herself for once; maybe it was time she stopped being a princess! And became what she wanted to be...who she envied!

Thus Celestia raised a claw, effectively silencing the mob."Alright then, as of tonight! I quit!"

She snapped a claw and then turned all the outfits of the nobility into clown outfits and well-done manes into clown afros, popped big red rubber noses on ponies, their light makeup to thick pasty white clown makeup. The orderves into big plates full of all kinds of pastries from giant cakes, to oversized donuts.

As expected, the guests all ran out the door screaming and crying for their lives whileCelestia lifted her claws, causing the castle to break and crack and she rose the entire structure into the sky.

Once the structure was well above Canterlot she turned to her friends (who were still in their regular outfits) all looking confused and appalled as the princess exclaimed, "Alright! Now that we got the riff-raff out! Why don't we have an actual party! My retirement party!"

She turned the middle of the room into a giant jacuzzi, she snapped her claw and placed a fountain spurting out strawberry milkshake, she continued zapping things turning the fancy decorations into what looks like a five year olds birthday party.

Bronze, his wife and Feather couldn’t even process what was happening at this point, stunned or in Bronze’s case, panicking at his greatest fears being realized.

Conversely from the others, Luna just stood there, not believing what she saw, namely her older sister effectively acting like the child Silver Dollar said she was. Yet she was no fool, she knew there was more to this than she was seeing and thus needed to act fast.

Unfurling her wings and taking to the sky, offering the other trapped guests a brief look of apology as she headed off to find Discord. He may be the only one who could fix this and save Celestia from herself!