• Published 17th Apr 2019
  • 905 Views, 9 Comments

I just stay Home - Dark Wish

Nope. I am staying in my house. I don't want any creature disturbing me.

  • ...

Human Influence

Princess Celestia have gathered all the other princesses and important pony figures in the meeting room in Canterlot Castle. Everyone was obviously confuse what was going on and were told not to talk to others about it. As soon as Princess Celestia entered the room, everypony was talking over each other on what is going on. Princess Celestia just reached to her sit and lifted her hoof up to silent the group.

"I have gathered you all here because something remarkable happen that didn't happen for a very long time," everypony waited for the reveal, "An human have appeared."

Everypony erupted with more questions regarding about the human. Princess Celestia stomped her hoof to stop the questioning. "I know we haven't had one in so long but remember we need to keep this on the down low. We couldn't contact with this human as it was obvious he was scare and alone. For now we should wait and contact him with small gift and saying that we won't harm him in anyway. Everypony nodded and talk among each other about the new opportunity.

Princess Celestia left the room as Princess Twilight approach her, "Celestia, what is a human and what so important about them?"

Princess Celestia smiled as she recount everything she knew on human, "Humans are remarkable creatures. They don't posses any magic nor any remarkable physical skills but they make that up with their mind. They have the ability to build building that reach the skies, created metal vehicles that soar across ocean with ease, design devices that can be communicate around the world and more that you wouldn't believe. They even taught us manners, story-telling, fighting, weapon making, laws and morals. "

Princess Twilight just gasped at this revelation, "you mean most of our stuff were originated by humans! How come I didn't see any of this in my books if they are that influential."

"Simple. Time and pride," Princess Celestia replied, "Over time, many things were lost to history and ponies wanted to feel they were the one who brought the idea up. They don't like that most things we have were not originally designed by ponies."

"Are we the only one who have history with them?" Princess Twilight asked.

"Heavens no," Princess Celestia laughed, "They have influenced every creature on this planet from the dragons to the hippogriffs. That is why we are having a world leaders meeting tomorrow."

Princess Twilight stood there and gasped with all this new knowledge. She doesn't know how to respond.

"Twilight, why don't you talk with the others. Why I invited them because their ancestors have strong ties with humans and kept strong secret about them," Twilight nodded and went back in the room.

Twilight headed back to the room and overhearing other ponies discussing about the new technology or culture the human would bring. I wonder if the human is doing fine, Twilight thought.

"Do you think it would work?" I asked to my friends, "What if they interpret them as war or violence?"

"Calm down Ben," Phil trying to rationalise me, "I think birds doesn't mean violence in any culture."

"Unless this world's birds are voracious monsters!" I shouted back as I was pacing around the room.

"Ben. I think you are overthinking this," my other friend, Jason, said, "Why don't you take a nap or play some video games? Those would at least clear your mind."

"Sorry, but I can't think about happy times when there are intelligent species out there. Would they take me to some kind of underground science lab and dissect me?"

"Buddy, worrying now would not do anything. Just go to bed and sleep. We will talk more about it if you are well rested," Phil reassured me.

I just huffed and agreed with him. Worrying would not fix my problem. I was about to sign out until I heard another alarm from my hologram book. I told my friends that I would check on something and tell them any new facts.


I rushed back to my laptop and speaking at least 100 words per second. It was so loud and incoherent that my friends couldn't understand a word. My friends all yelled to stop me from talking any further and breath in deeply.

"As you were saying?" Phil let me talk.

"There are dragons! Talking cats! Talking dogs! Gryphons! Bulls! Weird bug ponies! God save me! They are outside watching me like I am a caged animal!"

My friends told me they would watch over me as they told me to leave the discord on and put it by the hologram as they would alert me if anything unusual come up. I was hesitant as first but they persuaded me. Being sleep deprive is no good for anybody in this situation.

Blimps, ships and carriages all around the world arrived with various creatures coming out from them. Most were soldiers with their weapons and armour on. However, there were some scientist who were setting up cameras to try to get pictures of the human and his property. Each species set up their own base with good distance away from each other.

"Set up camp. We need to report that if the human encounter was true. If you see it, do not scare it. We want to have a connection with it," bunch of colonels from different species said roughly the same thing.

"This is remarkable," a royal guard observed all the arriving creatures, "This 'human' must be pretty important."

"Pretty important," a soldier from the diamond dog laughed as he was passing through, "They are literally the most important creature that make us who we are today."

"Yeah and we are not missing an opportunity like this," an hippogryph went passed by.

"You would be a fool to ignore this," a dragon laughed as he was dragging his stuff to his camp.

"I feel sorry for that human," the royal guard signed, "I bet he is just a ordinary citizen and was thrown into a political nightmare."

Back at the Canterlot Castle, Princess Twilight was conversing with the ponies who have acknowledged the human assistance. It was interesting to hear what the human have taught them.

"My ancestor met a human who show fashion around the world. The colours , the materials, their origin. Their clothes depicted their wealth, position and culture. That is why my family lead the fashion industry. The books and magazines of human fashion were kept highly vaulted in my family for generations."

"Well my ancestor were taught blacksmith. The human taught us to build knives, swords, spears, arrows and armour. He taught us while we were still using vines and stones."

"Well my ancestor learned about cinematography. Creating films that can influence and save for many generations."

"My ancestor kept good care about a device called a *phone*. If we discover how it operate, we can revolutionise our tech industry."

"Twilight, may I have a word with you?" asked Princess Luna as she pushed Twilight out of the room, "My sister got you a copy of the message the human left us. We tried to interpret it but we are having a hard time understanding it."

Princess Luna gave a photo copy of the sign the human put out to Twilight. Twilight stared closely and try to analyse it. Some of the images is obvious but I can not find any relationship between them.

"If only we have a human expert, it would be a life saver," Princess Luna signed as she kept staring at the picture hoping a message would appear.

Twilight kept knocking her head until she finally remember something, "Darn. Now I own Lyra 1000 bits."

"Lyra. Why would she know anything about human? She is not part of the secret group who know about the human existence."

"Heh heh," Twilight laughed, "When I was just a filly, Lyra would talk about humans. She would often find any kind of books or parchments about humans or at least mention them around the world where she could find. I just laughed and bet 1000 bits that they are some foal's tale."

"Hmmm," Luna wondered, "We should teleport to her house right away! Time is of the essence. I command you Twilight to get us there immediately."

"Bon Bon, I'm hungry," Lyra Heartstring whined while she was lying flat on the ground.

"Make your own dinner. You're a grown mare." Bon Bon kept reading the newspaper.

"But you always make dinner better," Lyra kept increasing the whining noises.

"Would you stop with that noise?!" Bon Bon groaned as she rubbed her head.

A sudden flash of light blinded the mares. A flash dimmed and revealed Twilight and Luna.

"Princess Twilight? Princess Luna? What are you doing here?" Bon Bon bowed down to them, "What services can I do for you?"

"Stand up Bon Bon. We are not here for you," Princess Luna pointed at Lyra, "We are here for her."

Twilight flashed a bag of bits to Lyra's lap, "You win. Tell me what you know."

"Lyra!" panicked Bon Bon, "Did you blackmail Princess Twilight? Blackmailing royalties will send you the the chopper!"

"Of course not!" Lyra shouted back, "Just because I broke into the forbidden library for that one time as a filly and banned from it for the rest of my life, that's not mean I hated royalty."

"Wait," Bon Bon paused for a second, "You broke into the forbidden library!"

"I was young and I know they are hiding something in there that would prove my point."

Princess Luna coughed to stop them straying from the conversation, "Lyra, we need your help."

"Why me?" Lyra pointed to herself, "What do I know that you need me?"

"Tell me everything about humans," Twilight walked up to Lyra, "You are right. Humans are real. They are not fantasy creature from some mad pony. Remember the bet. Now you are 1000 bits richer."

Few minutes later, Lyra was bouncing up and down while taunting Twilight, "I am right. You are not. Told me that just some filly's tale. That's one point to Lyra Heartstring."

Twilight kept frowning, waiting for Lyra to finish her foalish behaviour, "Done yet?"

"Yeah," Lyra signed heavenly, "I would remember this for the rest of my life and I would tell this to my children."

"Very funny. Now can we talk about humans please," Twilight waited impatiently to get more information about them.

"Only if you allow me to access the forbidden library and have 24 hour access to it," Lyra bargained.

"Deal," Princess Luna accepted the offer, "Can we move along now. Time is wasting."

"Of course," Lyra waved the princesses to follow her, "Bon Bon. Put dinner on hold. I am going to have a extensive and elaborate talk with them.

"I am not going to make dinner in the first place. Go order pizza if you are that lazy," Bon Bon shouted back but it falls into deaf ears.

The princesses follow Lyra to her bedroom. Lyra pushed her bed out of the way and open the hidden trapdoor leading to the the basement. They climbed down the hidden stairs and were halted as it was too dark to see.

"Welcome to the Lair of Human Influence!" Lyra strike a pose as she flicked a light switch to revealed her underground lair.

It's look like any ordinary basement with cement walls and floor. What make it different was a mess of papers and books all over the floor. There are bunch of bulletin boards covers every space on the wall with images and specific note about humans. There are a bunch of yarn strings strewn around the wall pinning to each picture that somehow related to each other.

"I've been researching for almost my whole life on about humans. Magic-less creatures with unlimited imagination and talent. They created things that we could ever dream of. Such fragile creatures yet so powerful at the same time. I know everybody else have encounter those humans," Lyra twirled around the centre of the room.

"Interesting," Princess Twilight examined some of Lyra's finding, "I wish you would show the same commitment at our school."

"I would if they didn't say humans aren't real," Lyra exclaimed, "That is why I don't trust them. Always hiding the truth."

"I don't have time for this," Princess Luna shoved the picture to Lyra's face, "Transcribe it."

Lyra pull out of her face and examined the details, "I see those pictures and words before. Please give me a moment."

Lyra pulled out books and notes from her filing cabinet and cross examining them. She was going back and forth in the room collecting information and identifying the meaning.

It took a good 10 minutes running around until she found what the images mean, "I found out what it means and it's fascinating."

Lyra explained her findings, "Each images said the same meaning, peace. Each I found were originated from different species. One from the diamond dog, another from the pegasus, another from the minotaur, etc. This human is well verse in meaning of peace around the world.

"That's good to hear. Using every images of peace the human can think of shows us it is not aggressive at all," Twilight commented.

"What about those symbols on the bottom?" Princess Luna pointed out.

Lyra signed in pain, "This is one of the written language of the humans. It mean peace in *English*. One of the most difficult human language. So many exceptions to the rules. How one word can totally change the meaning. It took me almost a year just to understand the bare basic."

"So this human speak *English*. At least that another thing we know about it," Princess Luna commented.

"Hey Lyra," Princess Twilight asked, "Do you speak and write *English*?"

"Only the basic. I think I can get the main idea across. Why?"

Princess Twilight called Princess Luna and whispered to each other. After a few minutes, they come to an agreement.

"Lyra, I have a proposition. Would you be our ambassador for the ponies to meet the human? I think you are the best we got," Princess Luna offered.

"Me?! To meet a human and talk to represent ponykind," Lyra was in shock, "I would be a fool to said no."

"So is this a yes?"

"YES!" Lyra confirmed, "I am going to meet a human! This is the best news I have ever got."

"Great. Come with us right now so you are up to date with it?" Princess Luna levitated Lyra up the stairs, "On to the future."

Twilight brought everything from the lair with her for further research. Lyra quickly explained to Bon Bon what is going on before she disappeared with the Princesses.

"Why does Lyra always get into weird situation?" Bon Bon slammed her head on the table, "I should come with her just in case she did something stupid. Being a former S.M.I.L.E. agent, I got some benefits to get in."