• Published 15th Jun 2019
  • 2,314 Views, 26 Comments

The Long Road: Recovery - pabrony

After beginning hormone replacement therapy, Twilight begins to return to her former self.

  • ...

Moving Night

A few hours later, I was woken up by a sharp pain in my abdomen. Not this cliché, I thought.

"Twi?" I whispered as I gently shook her.

"Mmmm...dreamy...sleep, sleep...zzzz," she mumbled, nuzzling the underside of my chin.

"Twi, wake up!" I said, a little louder this time.

"No...surprise...secret…" she babbled.

I pulled myself away from her as another sharp pain shot across my stomach. "Twilight, it's time to go."

She finally lifted her head and rubbed her eyes as I got dressed. "Wha-? Time to go?" she asked, still trying to wake up. "Go where?"

"I'll give you… ow ...one guess," I snapped.

She laid her head back on the pillow. "Oh. To the hospital," she said nonchalantly. Then it finally clicked inside her and she went into panic mode. "THE HOSPITAL!" she shouted, sitting straight up. "Um, checklist. Sunny, where's my checklist? Did we put it in a box? If so, have we unpacked that box? If we didn't unpack that box, which box is it?"

"Babe, how about you start by getting dressed," I said, smiling. "I don't think the hospital would take to kindly to you accompanying me in the nude."

"Nude? What do you mean nude? You're not nude. I'm not-" she stopped her speel abruptly and looked at herself. "Oh. Right."

Despite the pain from the contractions, I managed to laugh at Twi and her panic attack. "Twilight, relax. Everything is under control. I've got the 'go bag' - which has your checklist in it," I said.

"Phew. Thanks, Sunny," she said, settling down. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you in the car," I replied.

"Sunny, you're not seriously going to drive us to the hospital?"

"No...you are driving," I said.

"M-me? I-I can't. Th-there's no way I-I can do it," Twi objected.

I let out an annoyed sigh. "Fine, I'll call Cadence."

Half an hour later, I was admitted to the maternity ward. The nurse had stuck the electrodes for the heart monitors onto my chest and under my boobs already.

"What is that?" Twi asked as the nurse pulled out a strap with a black box in the center of it.

"This is a fetal monitor," she explained. "It allows us to monitor the baby's heart rate."

"Why is it so long?" I asked.

"Well, not every mother-to-be is in shape like you are," the nurse replied as she finished strapping the belt (for lack of a better term) around my stomach. "How long ago was your last contraction?"

"I'm not a hundred percent sure. Maybe six or seven minutes ago," I told her.

She made a note in my chart. "I'm going to need you to keep track of the time between contractions. Okay?"


"Your doctor has been called and she should be here within the next thirty minutes or so," she said. She then turned her attention toward Twi. "Is there anything I can get for you, ma'am?"

"Maybe a pillow for this couch," Twi responded. "How are you holding up, Sunny?"

"Just peachy," I grumbled. "I thought menstrual cramps were bad but this is just… nnngh ...oww. Hey, start timing."

"Sure thing."

"Did Cadence stay?" I asked, trying to take my mind off the pain.

Twi shook her head. "No, she had a meeting this morning that she needed to be at."


"Thank you," Twi said as the nurse brought a pillow for her to rest on as my ordeal continued. "Sunny, did you turn off the television?"

"Yes, babe. Everything was turned off. Spike and Ray were both fed and watered. Everything is under control."

In addition to timing my contractions, me and Twi made small talk as we waited for the doctor to arrive. I did my best to get her to spill the beans on the surprise that she had planned but I still couldn't get her to crack. After a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Good morning, Sunset, Twilight," said Dr. M. Brio in her thick Saddle Arabian accent.

"Hey, doc," I said, wincing as another contraction hit.

"Hello, doctor," Twi echoed.

"So let's see...hmmm...uh-huh…" Dr. Brio mumbled under her breath. "Sunset, I'm going to check your dilation." She had me set my feet up in the stirrups and reached under the gown. "You'll feel a small amount of pressure while I check."


A moment later, the pressure in my nether regions eased up and the doctor pulled off her glove. "Where would you say the contractions are focused?"

"Mainly in my pelvic and groin areas," I replied.

She scribbled some notes onto my chart and asked me about the contraction frequency. "Huh…"

"What do you mean by 'huh'?" Twi asked her.

"Well, you will both be happy to know that you're going to have a beautiful family," said the doctor with a smile.

"But…?" I asked.

"But it's not going to be tonight,"

"Why?" I asked.

"Your cervix isn't dilated, your contractions are not happening in the correct place, and the contractions are too irregular for you to be in labor," she explained.

"So what am I supposed to do about this pain?" I asked.

"I'm going to put you on bed rest from now until you deliver. Alternate between your back, left and right sides and use a heating pad for the pain," Dr. Brio explained. "Have you gone on maternity leave at work yet?"

"Yes, I have."

"Okay. Now while you are on bed rest, you cannot do any cooking, cleaning, driving, or sexual activity. The only things that you are allowed to do are get up to use the bathroom," she clarified.

Twi must've noticed the frustration showing on my face. Before I could say anything to the doctor, Twi took my left hand and calmly whispered, "Look at it this way. For the next couple of weeks, you get to be waited on hand and foot. Think about it; meals in bed, sponge baths-"

"Severe boredom, sweaty sheets, making my disabled wife do things that she shouldn't have to," I interrupted. "Babe, this is gonna be a living hell for the… ouch ...the next couple weeks."

Author's Note:

With that, The Long Road story arc is complete. Next is the arrival of Gleaming Dusk.

Comments ( 9 )

Yasssss let's go that baby gonna be like WHERE WE DROPPIN BOIS

AHHH! It's time!

Hopefully the wait will be worth it.

I just realized that she had already done that in Rainbow's Rave. (It's rated M so I can't link it but it's canon to the SciTwi Shimmer Chronicles.)

Hormone replacement therapy is usually a prescribed treatment for postmenopausal women whose bodies no longer provide the required estrogen they need. Because of Twilight's hysterectomy in The Day From Hell, her body no longer produces estrogen, hence the treatment.

Her sexual overdrive has been present in most of the "M rated" stories in this series. Just this case, Twilight's lack of hormones had caused her sex drive to take a hit. When the HRT replaced those missing hormones, that sexual overdrive returned.

Hope that clears things up.

M. Brio? Embryo? For you to stoop that low, pun-wise...

There's hope for you yet

That's what happens when you have a lot of time by yourself at work. :pinkiehappy:

Horny Sci-Twi is best Sci-Twi

Lots of horny SciTwi in the early entries of the series

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