• Published 18th Apr 2019
  • 255 Views, 6 Comments

Backstories - TwiPON3

A series of backstories. Ratings will vary.

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T: Midnight Fang (Sex, Anthro)

One day, a Pegasus stallion was in Canterlot, heading to the market to get some food. His name was Daylight Sky.

He had a tan coat, sapphire eyes, and a cerulean mane and tail.

"Okay," he said, going over his list, "Fruit, wood, and maybe find somepony," he took a breath of the fresh morning air and put a smile on his face, "This is the easiest day in forever."

As he walked into the market, he saw mares and stallions striking up conversations with each other, all enjoying themselves.

His first stop was to get some mangoes, so he went over to Sweet Fruit, a mare who was up in her years and had a grandmother-style attitude.

"Hello, Sweet," Daylight said, getting her attention, "What do we have today?"

"Well, I came across some juicy ones earlier before I left my farm, so I figured I'd let you have your pick from them."

Sweet never came to dissapoint. In fact, her mangoes were easily the best in all of Equestria.

"Well, I know how you've been low on sugar and tea leaves for a while now," he said, giving her a few bags, "So I thought I'd make this my first stop for the day."

Opening the bags, Sweet gained a warm smile, "Oh, Daylight, that's so nice of you! Come give me a hug."

"Okay, Gramma," Daylight said, going and hugging her.

"You remind me so much of my daughter before she moved away."

"That's nice."

"Now, don't forget your mangoes."

"Right," he said, taking a few, "What do I owe you?"

"You don't owe me anything, you do so much already!"

"I come to your farm to help you at least twice a week because I don't want you straining yourself, and the other stuff, I help out because you need it. I don't want any special treatment," he thought about his words and everything the old mare had been doing for him, "Well any more special treatment."

"No, you deserve it."

"I just try to do what's right. Now, I guess I'll take those mangoes there," he said, giving the mare ten bits as she put two mangoes in a bag, hiding the bits under them.

"I guess I'll be paying Ms Fruit another visit to her farm soon," he said, discovering his money in the bag, "Anyway, time to get some firewood," he said, going over to Winter Flame, again, a pony who was up in his years that Daylight would go and help out when he could.

"Winter," he said, "How are you today?"

"Well, mah back's actin' up again, but 'at's to be expected when yer's old as dirt, y'know?"

"Yes, Mr Flame."

"So, how many y'need?"

"A wagon should do it," he said, giving his usual payment of twenty-five bits, "And I'll be back by this weekend to help you get some more wood."

"Jus' come back when yer through an' Ah'll have ya one ready ta go."

"Yes, sir," Daylight said, giving him a woodcarving of a snowflake, "One of the logs I got was too good to burn, so I thought I'd make a little something for you. I've been practicing on other stuff for a while now."

"It's mighty nice," he said, "How long you been practicin'?"

"I'm not sure, but I knew you'd like it."

"Say, how'd you like ta come over fer lunch after while?"

"I'd love too, though I'll have to make a quick stop first."

"Ah und'rstand. You do what you gotta do. I'm cookin' at 1:00."

"I have this new thing I'm working on called Mango Surprise. I think you'll like it."

"Well Ah can't wait fer ya ta git there, then!"

"I'll be there in my best," he said, "Now have a great day!"

"Thanks an' you too!"

Daylight turned and left.

That was two of his three things to take care of today. Now, apart from lunch and secretly paying Sweet Fruit, he only had to find a mare his age.

After he was out of sight of Winter's setup, he accidentally knocked down a gray mare.

"Oh, sweet Celestia, I'm sorry," he said, rushing to help her up, "Do you need me to help you with anything?"

She was a gray mare with a dark blue mane and tale, golden eyes, and made an effort to cover her mouth when she spoke.

"It's fine," she said with a sly chuckle, "I was just... caught off guard," she lied, smiling at him, "But I could use somepony at my place later," she finished, licking her lips as she showed a sly face.

"I would be glad to," Daylight said to the strange pony.

"Well then, there's a house at the end of the road that goes into the forest. That's where I live. Now, when the moon is at its highest is when I need you."

"I will try my best."

The mare gave him a note.

The rest of his day went like planned.

Later that night, he had begun walking to try to find the mare's house.

"I'm not sure what she was implying exactly, but it could be a good icebreaker, right?" Daylight said to himself, using the light of Luna's full moon to find the mare's house, "She was such a strange mare," he said, walking the streets of Old Canterlot, reading the mare's note again.

Moonlight - the end of the hidden road

The road was certainly hidden, completely overtaken by the brush and buildup from the forest.

"Alright," Daylight said, looking down the dark path, "This isn't what I was expecting," he took a deep breath and smiled, pushing the bad thoughts out and walking down the path.

When he got to the end of the road, he saw a house that had a single candle lit.

This must be the place, he thought, approaching it and knocking on the door.

When he knocked on the door, the mare from earlier answered.

"Oh, come in. I've been expecting you," she said, rather slyly for his tastes.

He could see that she wasn't trying to hide anything about her face, but he couldn't tell anything about it other than her golden eyes because of the dim light.

"Yes, of course," he replied, stepping into her house.

"I hope you're hungry," she said, taking the candle and using it to light the way to the kitchen, where she sat it on the counter, "I made us supper."

"Oh, that's nice, but I couldn't. At least not before I did what you needed."

"You'll need your energy.

"Besides, afterward, maybe we could... talk."

"You know," he said taking a bite of what she cooked, so as not to be rude, "I was just saying tha- Celestia, what IS that!?" he spit something horrible-tasting out.

That was not food in his opinion.

"Aw, you don't like it?" she said as he began to drink what she had poured him.

It had an... unusual... taste to it.

After he realized what it was, he spat sprayed it out.

"This... this is blood!!"

"Sorry about that," she said, "But, what I need you to help me with, it's in the bedroom."

"Um, okay?" he replied, following her.

This time, though, she didn't take the candle.

"How can you see in the dark like this, Moonlinght?"

"Oh, I'm just used to the dark," she said, going into the bedroom and closing the door, "Give me just one minute."

"Alright," he complied.

After a minute, she opened the door and stood there, though Daylight couldn't help but think she was more revealing now.

"I want to start off, instead of talking, how about a little more, hm?"

She didn't have the same sly tone in her voice anymore, instead, she had turned straight-up seductive.

Everypony has needs, Daylight thought, But I'm not sure where exactly this falls between I'm-a-pony-who-needs-more-than-the-rest and straight-out rape. I did agree to help her out, but I didn't know it would be like this.

She pulled him in, locked the door, undressed him (at least he had come to the realization of this, albeit a bit too late), and pinned him to the bed.

"Some ponies have different needs than others, and I have a more... unique set," she said, bearing a sinister grin.

Something was off about it, that much he knew.

"We hardly know each other," he said.

"Soon you'll know a lot more about me."

"What do you mean?"


She bit him and began drinking him.

Within thirty seconds, he saw everything in the room clearly and felt new sensations and lusts.


"Surprise," she said again, still pinning him down.

Everything suddenly made sense and hit him like a rock as he felt his wings change and a pair of fangs grow in his mouth. He also saw that his tail, mane, coat, and (presumably) eyes were several shades darker.

"You're... a..."

"That's right. A vampony. And you came out better than I thought."

Losing control of himself, he pulled her down, bit her neck, and drank for a few seconds.

"How is it?"

"Sweet," he said, letting her go and seeing her bite her lip.

"Now, how about we... get busy?"

He wanted to say no, but his body forced him to say otherwise.


When they actually started, he knew exactly where this fell on the spectrum: It's-something-we-gotta-do-more-than-the-others-so-get-over-it.

After they had finished several hours later, he was having second thoughts about having second thoughts.

"How was it?" Moonlight asked.

"You're the best. Just, how am I going to explain this to everyone?"

"Just say you're your cousin or brother or something and that Daylight was in a bad accident or had to move away."

He thought for a moment, "How does this sound? I'm Midnight Fang, my cousin Daylight went off to help a tribe of ponies, he didn't say much, and he asked me to take over for him."

"Sounds fine to me as long as the others don't go snooping around. Also, you're gonna need a lot more of what we had earlier. You wanna make it a regular thing?"

"Sure. If you'll be my marefriend, that is."

Those eight words were the final nails in the coffin. Daylight Sky was dead. Instead, he was Midnight Fang.

"I've wanted that for so long."

"How about tomorrow night at my place?"

"What time?"

"When the moon rises," he replied as they got dressed and he began to leave.

"You're not going without a date, are you?" she pouted.

"You're right," he said, pulling out her chair, "It would be rude of me to just stop by."

"Exactly," she replied as he sat down.

This time, her dinner was enjoyable.

Author's Note:

Takes place before Nightmare Moon.

I can't ever decide on a backstory, so I thought "If I can't decide on one, why not have several? It gives me more possibilities to work with if I ever need it."

It's a good idea, right? Plus, I've always wanted to give Midnight an actual romance story, rather than some shoddy one that I had to make up on the spot, and this idea seems to have the kind of depth that most of mine don't.

Comments ( 6 )

Does it have to be a pony oc

Pony, Anthro, or Human. I just need a picture and bio, what rating you want, and a general idea of what you want in it. Fair enough?

Well do I send it to you here or by email I cant seem to send it since its through my phone unless by email


Never mind heres a link to my character and the bio is in the info part.

Also heres something I wrote

Yes its mature which is what I want with Applejack and yes both are anthro

I'll see what I can do!

Awesome I can't wait

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