• Published 22nd Apr 2019
  • 3,794 Views, 126 Comments

Mother Moon, Joys of Parenthood - ShadowStar_IMHP

In another universe, Luna has been restored thanks to the Elements of Harmony. She wasn't alone, with her appeared a small 2-month-old royal purple alicorn filly. Nightmare Moon reborn as Luna's Daughter. These are short stories in that universe.

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Nightshade's First Birthday!

Author's Note:

I didn't think of much mischief for the Canterlot Three to do here. I did, however, add a lot of info for future events! Can you figure them out?

T-Four months Luna’s POV

Unlocking the door the two sisters walk into the royal office to discuss the event’s in day court. “So Blueblood made another show in court today.”

Luna chuckles “What did he do this time?”

“Oh just demanded a broken down playground be torn down and a garden be put in its place, with a statue to himself of course.” Celestia smiles.

“So he wants us to repair the playground in a poor section of the city. A noble request, and adding the statue idea makes it seem it just for his ego. I approved the idea, let just add a small statue in the corner, oh better yet it the center of the merry go round.”

The two sisters stop walking as the chair behind one of the desks turn around by itself. Or so it seemed, in the chair was Pinkie Pie. “Ah good... we need to talk. From my calculations, we have four months to prepare for Nightshade’s first birthday party.”

“Four months, but the summer sun celebration is six months away,” Celestia states looking at the door to the office. The door that was locked and had a guard standing by it.

“Oh, silly Celestia didn’t the Doctor FeelGood tell you she was a healthy two months old? That means we need to adjust the day of her birth to fit. Or else ponies would get curious. On top of that it’s unfair to Nightshade she has to have a birthday on the Summer Sun Celebration. It's like having a birthday on the worst day you ever had.” Pinkie leans forward her hooves together in an almost sinister pose. “Now let’s talk about her birthday party.”

Luna looks to Celestia “Why did I feel a chill go down my spine?” She faced Sombra, Discord, Tirek, and her inner nightmares. For some reason, this pink smiling pony was more freighting then them all.

“I don’t know Luna... maybe it best we just go along with her.”

“Good now sit, we have lots to go over.” Pinkie Pie smiles she been planning for months.
T- one month

Luna slams down a letter “THAT ARROGANT... Ugh, I can’t even say what.”

Celestia looks up from the pile of letters she was going over. “What’s is it Luna?”

“It’s Count De Money. He has the nerve to offer his son as a betrothed to Nightshade.”

“That is arrogant. I can’t wait to tell Blueblood his father offering him as a betrothed to a one-year-old filly.” Celestia shakes her head “I’m so glad Blueblood took after his mother.”

“I wish I could have met princess Red Carpet if her son anything to go by she must have been impressive.” Luna uses her magic to write a note in reply to Count De Money.

“A five-time award-winning actress as well as a direct heir to Princess Plantuim. I still can’t understand why she fell in love with De Money as she did.”

“Perhaps he did love her, a pity it didn’t include their son. Now it just seems De Money is just trying to use Blueblood for his ambition.” Luna picks up another letter and looks it over. “Celestia, is this Rich's Barnyard Bargains a good investment?”

Celestia looks up from a letter “It not a bad investment, owned by the Rich family currently led by Filthy Rich originally named Berry Rich before he changed his name. The Rich family has the only contract for the Zap Apple Jam from the apple family. The Barnyard bargains chain has 15 locations throughout Equestria. Why you ask?”

“Because he offering 20 stock shares for a birthday present for Nightshade. He and his family confirm they be here for the birthday party.”

Celestia taps her chin “He’s not a bad pony, but his wife is a social climber and a bit of an elitist. From what I hear their daughter Diamond Tiara is much the same as well a bit of a bully.”

“Sounds like they will fit right in with the Canterlot nobility. Most of the guest list are social climbers with egos larger than the sun. I just hope they wouldn’t ruin Nightshade’s first birthday party.”
Birthday Party

She didn’t expect a thing, why would she, after all, she wasn’t technically born till the Summer Sun Celebration so when Luna put her in her stroller she didn’t suspect a thing.

That was till they walked past the daycare center. Nightshade moved to look up to her mother and point her hoof to the door. “You passed it," of course unable to talk yet it was just babble.

“No, we aren’t going to the daycare today. Gentle Wind having a day off from taking care of you.”

Nightshade tilts her head “Why? She loves me. She said so herself I keep her on her hooves.”

Luna chuckles not sure what Nightshade said but knew what was coming. They turned the corner and headed out to the gardens when...

“SURPRISE!” Nightshade screamed and jumped from her stroller and bolted under Luna’s legs before she turned to face the pink monstrosity.

“Why is the pink one here? Don’t you know she’s an abomination?” Nightshade babbled from the shelter of Luna’s legs.

“Aww, I think I scared her. Come on every pony! Happy Birthday, Nightshade!” Pinkie Pie bounced out of the way of Luna and Nightshade reveling the garden decorated in stars, balloons painted to look like planets, and streamers of gold and red mimicking shooting stars.

Nightshade seeing her friends Buster and Cream Puff scampered over to the two foals. There were others about most from the daycare center including the caretakers. The others about she didn’t take long to group them into the social elites and the other ponies.

Luna spoke up as she entered the gathering. “Nightshade and I wish to welcome you all to her birthday party. This being her first birthday there aren’t any events just let your foals have fun. There the bouncy castle, the ball pit, an obstacle course, the royal playground, and even a small dance floor. Have fun every pony.”

“Let’s play.” Cream Puff states as she heads for the obstacle course.

“Okay, I lead.” Nightshade rushes ahead followed shortly by Buster.

The three foals came to the course. It wasn’t much there were wheels on the ground followed by a rope net you crawled under, and last a balance beam. Nightshade joined her friends jumping from wheel to wheel when her ears turn hearing some older foals in pretty dresses talk.

“Ugh, why are they doing that? They get all dirty.”

“Yeah, Stardust but what you expect she’s playing with a mud pony after all.”

Nightshade snorts hearing the snobbish unicorns talk about her friend. Her horn lights up as she gets ready to blast those unicorns when Cream Puff’s voice distracts her. “Hurry up Nightshade!”

The spell fades as she turns seeing her friends at the rope. Ignoring the snobs she runs after her friends and being so small the net above the three wasn’t much trouble at all. At the balance beam, she easily leaps and glides onto the beam. Followed by Buster with his Earth Pony enhanced strength. Cream Puff, however, was stuck unable to leap upon the beam.

Then a filly came over and lifted her onto the beam. “There ya go.” Nightshade looks back at the pale light yellow earth pony with a bright pink bow and red mane and tail. Standing with the Earth pony filly was an orange and purple pegasus filly and a Unicorn filly with pink hair.

“Having an adventure you three? Don’t worry the Cutie Mark Crusaders are here to help.” Scootaloo says smiling.

The three smaller foals continue on the balance beam as the CMC followed alongside. “Woo, there almost done fell off.” Apple Bloom says as she helps Buster keep his balance.

“What are you blank flanks doing here? Don’t you know this is for important ponies.” Came the voice of Diamond Tiara approaching the group with Silver Spoon.

“Leave us alone Diamond Tiara.” Scootaloo snorts facing the bullies. She didn’t notice Nightshade moving up beside her with an angry face.

“Or what? You going to flap your little wings and pretend to fly?”

“Everything alright over here?” Buttercream was, of course, keeping an eye on her daughter and their friends. So when the two fancy-dressed foals went over she came right up behind them.

Diamond Tiara looks to the earth pony and huffs. “Nothing a staff pony needs to worry about. Go along and do something useful.”

Buttercream raises her brow. Then looks to Nightshade “Don’t worry Princess I got this.”

Nightshade blinks and looks to her friend's mother. “What do you mean?”

Buttercream smiles and looks to the fillies. “You are from Ponyville, right? Home of Sweet Apple Orchards? The only orchard where Zap Apple Jam is made? One of the Suppliers for apples here at the castle? Well you two fillies, that Apple Bloom the youngest of the Apples that are one of the wealthiest families in the nation.”

“Wait I’m wealthy?” Apple Bloom blinks.

“No, she’s not, she just a blank flank farm pony. My Daddy Filthy Rich I’m more wealthy than any farm pony.” Diamond Tiara snorts.

“Apple Bloom, who’s sister is a Dame, who owns more land then most of Ponyville combined. Who with one word to her big sister Lady Applejack could cut the supply of apples and zap apple jam to your father’s Barnyard Bargains? I might be just a chief here at the castle but I know that filly could ruin your father’s business. Not only would he not have any apples from Sweet Apple Orchard, but none of the apples from any of the Apple family, then you have the friends of those Apples following along, like her cousins the Oranges. Tell me how would your daddy make his bits if all the farms stop selling to him?”

“Indeed, Lady Applejack and her family are that powerful. Besides the Oranges, they have ties to the Pears as well. Wealth doesn't always mean Bits my little pony. One should never judge a book by its cover.” Diamond Tiara turns to see Luna approaching.

“Princess this servant is talking back to me.”

Luna raised a brow. “I see.” Luna looks to Buttercream “I did give you the day off correct?”

“Yup, wanting me to spend time with my daughter on your daughter’s special day.”

“Ah good. So how about we get some coffee, my treat.”

“It’s always your treat Luna. One of these days I going to insist on paying.”

“WAIT, you are friends with a servant?” Diamond gasps out shocked at the display of the royal princess and the kitchen chief.

Luna looks down and smiles “Yes. Now run along and play like good foals.” Luna then looks to the CMC “Thanks for taking care of our daughters. I see they are in good hooves."

“Cutie Mark Crusaders are on the job.” Apple Bloom smiles and gives Luna a salute.

Luna nods then give Nightshade a wink and headed to the drinks with Buttercream.

“Wow, I didn’t know I was wealthy.” Apple Bloom looks to the smaller foals “How about the ball pit next?”

The three smaller foals look at each other than run to the ball pit not even slowing as they jumped into the mass of softballs. The CMC barely heard Diamond Tiara say behind them. “But she a servant...”

The foals playing distracted them for a bit longer than from the tables. “It’s cake time!”

“Oh no, you don’t Pinkie Pie! This Birthday cake is provided by the Kitchen staff!” Buttercream called out. “BRING IT OUT, BOYS!”

Four Earth pony servants came out carrying a massive multi-layered purple and silver cake decorated with stars. “I spent the last week making sure everything was perfect. Alternating vanilla and chocolate cake with my signature buttercream icing! It even has chocolate chips in it!”

Luna picks up Nightshade and the other three foals and placed them at the head table. “As much as my sister might want the first slice. That honor goes to the birthday girl.” Luna served her daughter first setting the cake down. Just to see the filly smash it into her mouth with abandonment.

“Just like Celestia!” The voice caught Nightshade by surprised and she stuck her tongue out and blew a raspberry “Phtttttp. I am not like Celestia at all.”

It wasn’t long after the cake that the presents were opened. Various toys were offered as well as some that were meant to be display toys not for playing. Others were clear attempts to bribe the Princess. Really why would a one-year-old filly need with designer dresses and jewelry?

With a sleeping Nightshade Luna heads away from the fading party. Or she tried there standing in front of her was Pinkie Pie.

“Did I do a good job? Did she like it?” Pinkie Pie was looking at the snoring Nightshade her muzzle still had some cake frosting on it.

“you did a wonderful job Pinkie Pie.” Luna smiles at the smaller pony.

“Good with how I messed up the whole Nightmare Night I was worried. Black Snooty didn’t know how to smile. Both of you do now.” Pinkie walked with Luna down the hall.

“Indeed, there wasn’t much for... um.... black snooty to smile about.”

“Not anymore, she has friends and family.” Pinkie looks off as if hearing something. “She’s going to need them.”

Luna stops and turns to ask Pinkie what she meant but the hall was empty except for her and the snoring Nightshade. “Just when I stopped being spooked by that pony she says something like that.”