• Member Since 14th Apr, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Hello everyone, Draxonos135 here. I mostly focus on Equestria Girls fanfics, and the one thing I like to do most is bring some kind of positive emotion to my readers.


Back in Equestria, Princess Celestia had the job of raising the sun. And as such, it was believed that without her power, the sun would never come up, and there would never be day, just like how without Luna, the moon would never come up, and there would never be night.

Sunset Shimmer thought this was the rule in all worlds... Until she was told the Equestria Girls world was different.

Still, she needed proof, so she took it upon herself to verify if the sun really rose in this world without Celestia's assistance.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

Oh sunset, 3 years in that world and your still learning things.

You can, in fact, safely stare at the sun during early sunrise and late sunset.

When I read the description's last three words, I expected to witness several shenanigans from Sunset Shimmer as she tried to keep Celestia asleep and/or busy all the while she checked the horizon for signs of the sun rising, but thankfully for the principal of Canterlot High School, this story was Slice of Life rather than Comedy and Sunset took Luna's word for her sister's usual waking-up time.

Even so, I found the little bits of humor that were written here and there enjoyable. Sunset being nowhere near as clever as she thinks she is being my favorite of them all. Because of course she would initially face the wrong way as she waited for the sun to rise.

She still wanted to confirm Cheerilee's claims herself rather than just blindly believe her, so credit where's it's due. Not too much credit though, because she did believe Luna's own claim, regardless of the "supposedly" in her musing.

I was surprised to see the story start with "Back in Ponyville" rather than "Back in Equestria" seeing as Sunset very probably never set foot in Ponyville before going to the human world and the story focuses entirely on her. You might have to remove the bit after the Everfree Forest if you decide to change the sentence since Twilight apparently never heard of it before Friendship is Magic, part 2... but then again she knew about zebras when nobody else in Ponyville did and she never actually showed she was unaware of the forest's existence or its dangers in the episode.

I'm also curious about what prompted Cheerilee to tell Sunset the truth about the sun. The narration makes it look like Sunset either wasn't talking to her or didn't even know she was around ("Sunset turned to the person who told her the statement"), so Cheerilee going and mentioning the sun to her appears to spring out of nowhere.

I was glad to see more pronouns and names than in your previous fanfiction. Outside of "the Humane Seven," they peak at "the girl" and "the woman" with the more egregious ones—"bacon-haired pony," "pony-turned-girl" and "bacon-haired girl"—feeling like they were used to enhance to the light humor present in the rest of the story.

Yes, the last one seems out of place because the previous two were used before Sunset's pony preconceptions came crashing down, but the narration in that particular paragraph makes it look like "bacon-haired girl" is Cheerilee's genuine opinion of Sunset, which I find hilarious in its own right.

"the Humane Seven," however, feels like something that would—or at least should—never be used in-universe by anyone to describe the protagonists. "the rest of the Humane Seven" can be very easily replaced with "the rest of her friends." Or "the rest of her best friends" if you want to be more accurate (all the while ignoring Princess Twilight).

Speaking of that scene, I believe "Pinkie Pie verified it." should be "Pinkie Pie had verified it." because the former implies Pinkie checked "the sparkles coming out of her around [Sunset's] face" during this very sentence whereas the latter implies she did it before the sentence.

"Pinkie Pie had checked." might fit her voice better, incidentally, if you're into that sort of things. Possibly "Pinkie Pie had made sure of it." as well.

I found it interesting that Sunset referred to Cheerilee as a Mrs. rather than a Miss. Then again, supposedly the former was used for both married and single women until the 1800s, and Equestria is quite schizophrenic about which era it's supposed to emulate. Canterlot City is probably closer to that date than (for example) Manehattan, so it's not a stretch Sunset would call Cheerilee Mrs. rather than Miss since she spent a lot of time there as Celestia's student.

Yes, it's also possible it was simply a mistake or a conscious choice (she may be married in your version of Equestria Girls, for instance), but I wanted to explore another possibility about using this word rather than another.

Also, if Sunset's italicized sentences in the middle of the story were meant to be her thoughts, the quotation marks should be removed.

Finally, I liked these lines:

"Either that, or Celestia's been up to some shady business I'd rather not look deeper into."

Cheerilee pointed at the corridor nearby, sporting a nervous smile. "The nurse's office is over there, please head there immediately."

I don't know what prompted you to read this and Fluttering Wall, but I'm very glad you did. You're the first commenter I've gotten who goes very in-depth on what they liked, disliked, and could've worked better, which is a very important thing for me, who's still just starting to write MLP fanfiction.

Or Equestria Girls fanfiction, if you want to be more specific. XD

Now, I do have to ask regardless, what prompted you to read the stories?

Also, name's Draxonos135, nice to meet you.

me WAT
also me mmhhh okay i get it sunset somehow survived looking at the sun by not going blind

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