• Published 5th May 2019
  • 1,392 Views, 56 Comments

Head Over Heels - FoolAmongTheStars

Starlight has admired Sunburst ever since they were kids, but she's having trouble finding the courage to tell him so.

  • ...

iii. Practically Family

The evening was just deepening when an explosion took most of everyone in Sire’s Hollow by surprise. From her seat on the edge of her front porch, Starlight grinned up at the twilit sky as blue flames burst overhead, like fireworks that lingered and danced instead of fading.

Two unicorns slightly older than her dashed out of the house and Sunburst gasped, "Oh, wow! What's happening?"

"The dragons are here," she replied.

Sunset giggled and said, "They like to make an entrance."

"Will I get to meet one?" the wizard-in-training inquired hopefully.

"Oh, they're all very friendly," Sunset assured. "One is even family... sort of. He's sure to be with them."

Firelight stepped out onto the porch and leaned against one of the supports. "They're early this year," he noted. "Sunset, you and Sunburst should run over to your mother and see if she's willing to do some extra cooking; we'll very likely have company for dinner. Starlight, why don't you join me in greeting our esteemed guests."

"Yes, sir," the younger ponies chorused.

Starlight watched out of the corner of her eye as Sunset led Sunburst towards her mother’s house, then hurried after her father towards the gathering meadow at the village's edge. That's where the dragons would be waiting, and she couldn't wait to see if their friend was among them.

Not long after old Firelight returned to the spacious headpony's home, two young cousins shuffled through the door, sharing the weight of a cast-iron pot. Firelight hurried forward to help them lift their savory-smelling burden onto the hook suspended over the fire pit that was the house’s chimney.

"Mmm... I smell Sun Glare’s cooking!" cheerfully exclaimed their guest.

Starlight watched carefully for the young colt’s reaction and was rewarded by his expression of startled wonderment. There you go, Sunburst...a real live dragon, just like I said! The young filly beamed quietly from her seat in the corner, feeling rather proud. This is what Dad is always saying what our village is about, bringing ponies and magical creatures together.

Mr. Firelight handled the introductions. "Spike, young Sunburst is Stygian’s newest student; he's from Canterlot, so all of this is very new to him."

"Gotcha," he acknowledged. The full-grown dragon was sprawled on his side on the wooden floor, his head propped on one fist. He wore no clothes and his purple and green scales seemed to glitter with a light of their own, he had no hair to speak of, but there were larger greenish scales on his head that almost looked like a hairstyle. Elfin ears, slitted pupils, and sharp claws were enough to mark him as a dragon, but the long lizard tail and leathery wings made the difference of species apparent. Sunburst stared unabashedly at the dragon in their midst, clearly awestruck. Bright green eyes sparkled, and when he noticed his interest in his wings, he lazily extended one bat-like wing.

"Spike is sort like a familiar," Sunset bragged. "He's known them for ages!"

"Five generations," confirmed the dragon.

"It's because he was my great-great grandmother's first love," Starlight announced.

"She was only nine, but she stubbornly refused to let me go," Spike explained.

"He's their... great, great grandfather?" Sunburst asked, thoroughly confused.

Sunset rolled her eyes. "Don't be silly! They’re not part dragon!"

"Don't forget about the differences in our lifespans," Firelight reminded. "She loved him, but over time that love changed."

"In the course of time, she outgrew me," Spike offered. "It was just as well. Romantic relationships between ponies and dragons rarely work out."

"There are exceptions," countered Starlight's father.

"Yup, but I'm not one of 'em... so far," the dragon replied with a cheeky wink at Starlight. Rolling easily to his feet, he dropped to one knee before the young colt. "Hey there, lad. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"H-hi... how do you do?" he replied breathlessly. "I'm Sunburst."

Starlight squirmed uncomfortably at the unabashed attention Sunburst was giving to the dragon, and the creature glanced her way, brows arching inquiringly. A slow smile spread over Spike's face until it danced in his eyes, and in the next instant, he was at the filly’s side. "Well now, this is your ninth summer, isn't it? Funny how some things run in the family," he whispered conspiratorially. Azure eyes widened in dismay, but Spike simply ruffled her hair and raised his voice to say, "Starlight here is my special favorite!"

"You always say that," Starlight countered, smiling gratefully. "To all of us."

"It's always true!" retorted the dragon. "Now then... is this Sunburst’s first dragon encounter?"

"Yes," Starlight replied gravely.

"Will you help me make his first impression a memorable one?" Spike inquired, a mischievous light in his eyes. The young mare nodded, and the dragon turned and bowed to the room at large. "I believe a demonstration is in order!" he announced grandly. Patting at his sides, he murmured, "Now let me see... what do I have close to hand? Ah, this will do nicely!" He burped and a light green flame came forth, the smoke cleared and left behind a small something that he easily caught with one claw hand, and with a great show of secrecy, gestured Sunburst closer. "If I asked you to hold these while Starlight and I get ready, do you think you could manage it?"

"I guess so... depending on what it is," he replied cautiously.

Spike opened his hand. On his broad palm lay a small pile of brightly-hued balls, no larger than marbles. "Just these," he said innocently.

"Erm... okay."

The purple dragon let the tiny balls spill over his fingertips into his outstretched hooves, and as they fell, they doubled, then tripled in size like popcorn. Sunburst gasped as the expanding toys overflowed his hooves. He scrambled to keep hold of all the softballs, which plopped onto the floor around him. "You let them fall!" Spike blithely scolded, crouching to scoop up a few runaways.

"It's like magic!" Sunburst exclaimed, gazing in amazement at the dragon.

"Dragon magic," the creature confirmed with all seriousness.

Sunset giggled, and Firelight chuckled over what must have been an old trick. "There's a reason dragons in general, are known as tricksters," he remarked. "If nothing else, Spike will teach you to be wary."

"Is that the only useful thing you learned from me, Firecracker?"

"No, but it was certainly the first," retorted Starlight's father, looking embarrassed at having a childhood nickname dredged up.

The dragon smiled knowingly, then addressed Sunburst. "If you'll hand those off to my able assistant, we can proceed."

Starlight stepped forward to take the rest of the slightly squashy balls, and he eagerly confided, "This is much better than anything I ever read on a comic book!"

The filly offered a bashful little smile and earnestly replied, "You'll meet lots more magical creatures, but Spike is the best."

"I heard that!" the dragon called out from where he waited. "Let's see if I can live up to a reputation so flattering. Kids, if you please?" he directed.

Sunset, who clearly knew what was coming, giggled and tugged Sunburst towards the center of the room. "Isn't he fun?" she whispered, familial pride shining in her eyes.

"Are all dragons like this?" Sunburst asked softly.

The older mare rolled her eyes. "Definitely not!" Before she could explain further, a bright blue ball whizzed past, quickly followed by an orange one. Sunset turned and made them stand on their hind legs, so they were back-to-back, looping her hooves through her younger cousin’s. Soon, the balls were flying thick and fast all around them.

Starlight needed all her concentration to keep up with the dragon, who was a firm believer in learning by pushing one's limits. With well-trained reflexes, the filly did her level best to match Spike's pace, and she did quite well... until Sunburst exclaimed, "He's the one who taught you to juggle!"

And then, he smiled at her.

And Starlight forgot which way was up. And her next toss flew wide. And the whole dizzying whirl of color would have come crashing down around him if it weren't for the dragon's inhuman speed. Spike whooshed past the pair of cousins and skidded to a halt behind Starlight, just in time to catch the rest of the incoming balls. Lifting his arms triumphantly, he called, "Safe!"

The ponies laughed and applauded, and Sunset asked, "So... could you actually juggle back and forth across the room all by yourself?"

Spike frowned thoughtfully as he eyed the distance involved. "If I was willing to get that dizzy... sure!"

"You guys... that was amazing!" Sunburst enthused.

"While it lasted," Sunset added, giving her younger friend an odd look. "I don't think I've ever seen you drop the ball like that before."

"I guess I need more practice," she said abashedly.

"Oh! Can I watch?" Sunburst inquired.

She blinked in mute surprise, but then Spike poked her in the back, prompting her to answer. "Uh...yeah. Okay," Starlight mumbled, shyly rubbing her lavender muzzle.

After the cousins were sent home, Firelight and Spike lingered over their tea and chatted about the upcoming training sessions. Starlight had returned to her seat in the corner of the room, quiet as a mouse as she practiced her juggling. Eventually, the conversation cycled back around to their newest wizard-in-training. "He's the best prospect we've had in more than a decade," the headpony remarked.

The dragon's tail ceased its lazy pattern of swaying. "Oh, he's got potential," he assured. "Once he's been trained, he'll be a match for any creature. More than a match, actually."

Starlight's father stroked his muzzle, then said, "Stygian has his eye on the colt, but I didn't realize... hmm. He would be a real asset to the community."

"Very true," Spike acknowledged. "He seems to like it here; maybe he'll want to stay."

"Not many do," the headpony sighed.

"The kids who come every summer get the most attached to this place. Do you know if his clan plan to let him return?"

"I'll be writing to his family," Firelight shared. "But I’m not very optimistic, there’s a reason why Stellar Flare left in the first place."

Spike nodded. "Invite him back. Offer a scholarship if need be. He can't fall in love with Sire’s Hollow if he isn't here, so that's the first step."

"Very sensible."

"I can be... from time to time," the dragon replied with a smirk. Glancing casually towards the often-forgotten pony in the corner, he added, "If you're fortunate, he'll discover a reason to stay."

Author's Note:

It's funny how changing something as simple as their ages can drastically change the dynamic. I'm so happy everyone is enjoying the story so far! Any thoughts or questions you have please let me know!