• Published 8th May 2019
  • 814 Views, 14 Comments

Do Sweetie Bots Dream of Electric Sheep? - GenericArchangel

When an accident reveals a dark secret, Sweetie Belle finds herself in the midst of a nefarious plot to takeover Equestria!

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Act 1

Act One

If you asked her where it all began, she’d have trouble answering because there were so many right answers. Was it the day she became what she is? Or the day when she realized it? Or when she first came to terms with it? A hard question, indeed, for a young robot. Not that she likes being called that, mind you, and in Equestria you tend to indulge things like that if it’s not harming anyone, and this certainly isn’t, but that’s not the point. So what?, you ask, unsure of why any of this matters. I’ll tell you why: because this story is about what it means to be a person, whether human or equine. Because people have souls. And, if you asked Sweetie Belle if she has a soul, -well, she’d get flustered because that’s not a polite question to ask, but she’d say yes. And she might even tell you that it all started one rainy day…

Scene 1

A soft rain fell on the fresh spring grass, gently massaging the earth as it dripped ever down. It also fell on ponies’ manes- well, not Rarity’s. She never let her exquisitely styled hair get wet if she could avoid it, hence the collection of umbrellas in more shades of every hue imaginable than even royalty had. It was one of these umbrellas that was unceremoniously plonked on Sweetie Belle’s back when she left for school that day, and despite her grumblings her older sister couldn’t be convinced otherwise.

“But it’s just rain! It’s not like it can hurt me or anything.”

“Nonsense, darling, it could hurt your look! And who would ever risk that?” Rarity cooed as she fussed over her sister’s hair.

“Everypony except you, Rarity.”

“Well, it might not hurt you, per se, but it certainly isn’t pleasant to be rained on, is it? Now hurry along darling, or you’ll be late for school!”

I wouldn’t be late if you hadn’t spent thirty minutes fussing over the curls in my tail Sweetie Belle thought to herself. She rushed out the door, alarming several ponies who had been waiting outside for the boutique to open. Sweetie Belle weaved through the crowd expertly before breaking into a canter down the dirt road. It wasn’t long before she arrived at the Ponyville schoolhouse, an aging structure whose flaking red paint belied the quality of education foals received from Cheerilee, who had been the teacher for as long as anyone- Granny Smith included- could remember. Not that she looked old, not by any stretch.

“Hey Sweetie Belle!” was all the warning to be heard before Apple Bloom landed square on her back, knocking over the umbrella Sweetie Belle had been wearing. Her legs buckled, and the two fillies fell onto the muddy ground. “Guess what?”

“What is it, Apple Bloom?”


She sighed. “Applejack got called to a map mission?”

“No! Guess again!”

“Did you have a really good apple pie?”

“No. Well, yes, but that’s not what you’re ‘sposed to be guessin!”

“You should probably get off her back, Apple Bloom. You’ve kinda pinned her down.”

In the periphery of her vision Sweetie Belle could see Scootaloo, standing no less than three yards away- the minimum safe distance when dealing with an excited Apple Bloom.

“But she’s ‘sposed to guess what’s so exciting first!”

“How is she supposed to know?”

“That’s why I told her ta guess. If she knew, I wouldn’t’ve asked!”

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes, and decided to indulge the hyped-up earth pony. “Did you discover one of your friends has a really cool hobby you didn’t know about?”

“No!” Apple Bloom took a dramatic pause for a deep breath. “We’re going to be the new vice headmares at the School of Friendship!”

“What?! Who made that decision?! We haven’t even finished high school!”

Apple Bloom jumped off of Sweetie Belle, eliciting an “oof!” from the poor filly. “Starlight said she needed a vice headmare when she became headmare, and she doesn’t know anypony more qualified than us!”

“Says a lot about Trixie,” Scootaloo whispered into her ear. Sweetie Belle giggled and stood up.

Searching memory banks for- Sweetie Belle stopped cold, trying to figure out what had just popped into her head.

“Sweetie Belle?” Apple Bloom asked. “Are you okay?”

She shook her head. “It’s nothing, just a strange feeling. So, what are we supposed to do? Rarity would kill me if she found out I’m not finishing school!”

“Starlight said we’d finish learning from her,” Scootaloo said. “And it’s not like we were learning anything important anyway.”

And, as if on cue, a pleasant “good morning!” from Cheerilee made Scootaloo’s eyes go wide. “What’s this I’m hearing about school?”

“Scootaloo was just talking about how surprised she was that what we’re learnin is so useful and important outside of school!” Apple Bloom lied smoothly. She was really good at it.

“Well, I hope you fillies enjoy being the vice headmares over at the School of Friendship. We’ll miss you in our classes!” The maroon mare gave a warm smile before continuing. “You three have been some of the best students I have ever had.”

Processing- compliment detected. Running gratitude routines. And there it was again, that strange line of thought that seemed to be like a second voice, giving her commands from the deep recesses of her mind. Sweetie Belle smiled, hoping her uneasiness wasn’t showing- she didn’t want to come off as insincere, after all. But her face made the right emotions, and her voice was as sincere as ever when she said “aw, thanks Ms Cheerilee!” But it felt false, like she wasn’t in control, as if something deep in her heart was taking over. It made her frightened.

“Well, since you three won’t be taking classes here anymore, you should probably go see Starlight so she can help you settle in to your roles before their semester starts.”

“Thanks Ms Cheerilee!” was the chorus’ response as the three fillies sped off. “Isn’t it amazin? We’re going to be vice headmares!”

“We’ll get to run the school and make the rules and help everyone learn!”

“And we’ll get to help the students’ find their purpose in life!”

“Weren’t we already doing that? It’s kinda our job.”

Scootaloo’s thoughts paused before she responded to Apple Bloom. “Yeah, but… we’re going to be paid for it now! Right, Sweetie Belle?”

“Huh?” Her mind was still working over the voice in her head from earlier.

“We’re going to be paid, for doing what our cutie marks tell us to do!”

“Oh yeah! That.” Sweetie Belle nodded. “I think we’ll be paid.”

The other two suddenly stopped, and Sweetie Belle had to dig in with her hooves to slow down before she ran into her friends. They turned, with wide smiles on their faces. The chant. We’re doing the chant. And then: Activating exuberance- STOP! she told herself. What is going on? She snapped back to the moment, only barely getting her hoof up in time for the brohoof.

“CUTIEMARKCRUSADERSWORKINGATTHEFRIENDSHIPSCHOOLYAY!” they all yelled at once. As always, it was a little too loud, and some heads turned. It didn’t bother them anymore, but it was a little silly for three ponies who were just shy of being full-grown adults to be doing something so childish. The moment passed, and they continued at a trot to the School, adjoined by Twilight’s castle.

“Am I the only one who always thought that castle looks ugly?”

“Sweetie Belle, everyone thinks that castle looks ugly. I’m pretty sure the Tree of Harmony itself thinks it’s the ugliest thing it’s ever seen.” The country accent rolled off Apple Bloom’s tongue like molasses, and was just as slow, too. By the time she had finished her sentence, they were at the bridge to the School.

“Not that the Tree thinks much anymore, since, ya know, it kinda got destroyed.”

Scootaloo punched her friend on the shoulder. “There’s no need to bring it up!”

The two started squabbling, so Sweetie Belle took the lead and opened the doors with her magic. But her aura felt different, almost more artificial and machine-like. What is happening to me?

Starlight Glimmer was waiting for them in the atrium. Her blue “friend” was next to her, not wearing her cape and hat in a rare turn of events. The two mares waved at them.

“Hello, guys! I’m so glad you could make it today.”

“Starlight said I had to help, so I guess I’m glad too.” This earned Trixie a nasty glance, but a touch of mischievousness was enough to satisfy Starlight.

“Hey, Starlight. What do you need us for?” By unspoken agreement, Sweetie Belle had become the speaker for the trio.

“Well, I think we all need some time to prepare ourselves for our new jobs. I wanted to help you guys get started with orientation and everything. Now, with Twilight’s help I’ve made a basic how-to guide on running the School,” she said as she floated over three small books, “but really what’ll help you three is a short briefing on what’s actually changed about your roles her at the school. You’re already teachers, but being vice headmares is a different job-”

“The bored and impatient-”

“I’m getting there, Trix.” A small “hmph!” and accompanying pout nearly made Sweetie Belle laugh, but she stopped herself before being so rude. “Anyway, I’ll spend most of the day getting Trixie ready to be guidance counselor, so all you three need to know is that you’ll be responsible for the day-to-day running of School activities, such as procuring materials for classes and running the logistics behind student residences and the dining halls. Since there’s three of you, it shouldn’t be too hard.”

And it was then that it happened. To this day, Sweetie Belle couldn’t tell you what exactly it was Trixie said when she started showboating, but some fireworks were lit. Up and up they spiraled to the ceiling, where one got caught in a crystal chandelier. In the most brilliant lightshow she’d ever see, it detonated, scattering light and fragments across the room. For a brief second, the shattered remnants acted like hundreds of tiny prisms, scattering rainbows across the open space and painting the walls in a dazzling display of light and color.

And then one of those prisms came close. Too close. Before she could react, one whizzed right at her. The last thing she remembered was the sight of it, right in front of her left eye.

Scene 2

Warning- optic lens damaged. Running diagnostics…
Running diagnostics…
Running diagnostics…

“Sweetie Belle!”
Diagnostics complete. Damage report as follows:
Shattering of port-side optic sensor covering.
“Sweetie Belle, are you okay?!”
10% loss of use in port-side optic sensors. Engaging repair nanobots.
Warning: potential threat to social camouflage.

“Sweetie Belle! There’s something wrong with your eye!”

Reengaging optical sensors- opening shutters.

Sweetie Belle opened her eyes- both of them. Something was wrong. She could see it in the faces crowded over her, all staring at her. She moaned in… pain? But she didn’t feel hurt, did she? She opened her mouth to speak, but Scootaloo covered it to stop her.

“Sweetie Belle! We’ve got to get you to the hospital, you’ve been hurt! Your eye looks bad.”

Apple Bloom kneeled down to put her hoof behind her head. “Don’t worry, okay? You’ll be fine. We’ll get you to the hospital, and they’ll fix you right up.”

“Why is your eye glowing?”

Sweetie Belle’s breathing stopped. What was it Trixie said? Replaying memory: “Why is your eye glowing?” Tears began rolling down her face. She heard sounds, but they seemed to all run together. She felt a sensation throughout her body, every nerve suddenly reporting in to confirm that they were not right. She felt paralysed- she needed to get up, to find a mirror, because that couldn’t be right, could it?

She looked around. Starlight seemed to be mad at somepony- Trixie, of course. Who else? Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were right above her, the concern on their faces so sweet and touching. Behind them was the purple ceiling, painted by Twilight Sparkle herself. The room had six corners, and six beams arched up towards the center, which was out of view and behind Apple Bloom’s head. In each section there was a small fresco depicting some aspect of friendship- giving to others for generosity, a group standing together for loyalty, a party for laughter. Sweetie Belle hadn’t noticed the meticulous detail before- funny how the world changed when you were flat on your back.

But then she felt hooves beneath her as her friends picked her up. No, no, I have to know! She twisted herself away, landing on one side. She rolled over, and got up- and broke into a full gallop, but it felt so slow, each second agonizing as she felt every joint gradually play its part. She skidded around a corner, her manicured hooves searching for friction on the polished floor, before running through the door to her sister’s office- because if anypony would always have a mirror handy, it was Rarity. Sweetie Belle leapt into the chair, spinning to face the desk while she frantically opened drawers. One two three- there! She lifted the mirror with her aura, holding it in front of her face.

And there it was.

Her eye.

Glowing green.

And not just that- it was almost segmented, an apparatus almost like a camera’s shutter. Her eye, green all through, except for the black pupils. A shimmering ran through it, like a screen of sorts. Her jaw dropped, and she could’ve sworn she heard the servomotors whir as it did. What am I? The mirror fell and shattered, just as she slipped from the chair and fainted.

A beeping. Repetitive, cyclical. An EKG monitor. Why was she hearing that? Right, the hospital her friends had probably taken her to. Would a hospital be able to help? Why am I thinking like that, of course! I’m a pony, hospitals are for ponies!

But wait.

That’s right. Or was it? She couldn’t remember clearly. She heard a familiar voice, complete with the posh affectation even in this moment of crisis.

“Sis? Are you there?” she asked weakly.

“Sweetie Belle, darling!” A tight hug threatened to restrict her breathing. “I was so worried about you!”

“What happened to me?”

“You’re okay darling, you’re okay. It’ll all be fine. The doctor said-”

“What’s wrong with me?!”

Rarity was startled by the volume of the question, briefly loosening her grip. “Darling, it’s- it’s nothing.” A nervous laugh. “Nothing at all. You’ll be out of here in no time.”

Sweetie Belle pulled out of the hug- or tried to, only succeeding at drawing back a little. “I’m almost an adult, Rarity, don’t lie to me! What’s wrong with me?” she demanded.

A tinge of guilt followed as Rarity started to cry. “Sweetie Belle… it’s… it’d be best if somepony else explained this to you. I’ll… I’ll go fetch the doctor, just stay here, okay?”

Sweetie Belle nodded, panic growing at the back of her mind. No… it can’t be… She fell back onto the pillow as Rarity left. What am I? She tried to reach into the depths of her mind, finding… Access denied. These memories are not yet available at this stage in your mission.

Screaming? No, not that, if she had screamed in the hospital it would’ve drawn too much attention. But maybe she should’ve, maybe there should’ve been orderlies and medic and nurses all over her, trying to figure out what just happened. But she didn’t. Instead, she tried denying it. There was no way, that wouldn’t make any sense, would it?

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo came in first, followed by Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Rarity. Once they were in, Nurse Redheart followed, with Trixie sneaking in at the last second before the door closed. All but the last came to the bed, surrounding it. Rarity took one of her hooves in her own, while Scootaloo took the other forehoof. Redheart was at the foot of the bed, a grave look on her face.

“Sweetie Belle,” she began, “I want you first to know that all your friends and family here will always love you, no matter what, okay? Do you understand?”

Sweetie Belle was too scared to speak, so she nodded instead. She noticed four other ponies come into the room- the Element bearers. No… please, no…

“Okay. I’m not going to beat around the bush on this one, Sweetie Belle- you’re not a pony.” Redheart stopped to make sure Sweetie Belle was staying calm before continuing. “You’re a robot. Do you know what robots are?” A nod. “Good. Now, we’re not entirely sure what this means, and we’re working closely with experts across Equestria, but you need to understand this.” She nodded towards Twilight, who levitated a mirror in front of Sweetie Belle. She saw her eye again, so undoubtedly artificial. “You are not flesh and blood. You’re a machine.” Nurse Redheart quickly switched to a reassuring voice while Twilight put the mirror away. “This doesn’t change anything about you- you’re still the same pony you were when you woke up this morning, with the same friends and talents and favorite foods.” Rarity’s grip on her hoof tightened. “You’re still you on the inside.”

Nurse Redheart’s mistake was relying on the EKG readout to tell if Sweetie Belle was panicking. A robot obviously does not have a heart rate, so she missed the panic attack until it was too late. Not that sedatives would’ve done any good, because robots don’t have bloodstreams or veins, but still. Sweetie Belle screamed, hyperventilating, tears pouring from her eyes with little warning. Hooves landed on her chest, and desperate cries to calm down were heard, but Sweetie Belle passed out before they could make a difference.

When she woke up, only Twilight Sparkle was in the room. She glanced over before getting up from the couch she had been lying on, setting aside a book. She gently trotted over, unbothered by Sweetie Belle’s pathetic gaze.

“How are you feeling, Sweetie Belle?”

“Where’s my sister?”

“Rarity had to go to the boutique to close it down for the day, she’ll be coming back. You were out for about an hour, in case you were wondering.”

“Why are you still here?”

“I wanted to talk to you about something, but it can wait.” She opened a bag and pulled out some small purple shards of something. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m scared. I don’t know what else to think.”

“It’s a pretty big thing to find out so suddenly.” The Princess of Friendship softly smiled, years of practice helping put Sweetie Belle at ease. “But I’m sure you’ll get used to it in no time.” She moved the shards over her body, her head slightly cocked to one side after they started glowing. “After all, it’s not like anything’s changed, right? You’re still Sweetie Belle, founding member of the CMC who loves to sing!”

Sweetie Belle smiled and nodded. She felt more comfortable when somepony said it like that- she was the same pony who she had always been.

Twilight put the shards away. “Wait right here for one second- I’ll got get you something to eat. Roses or tulips?”

“Tulips, please!”

“Sure thing! I’ll be right back.” One final smile that seemed to fade, and she was out the door. Voices came from the other side. Sweetie Belle strained to make them out.

Increasing aural sensitivity. Before she could react to that, she heard things much more clearly, distracted by her earlier desire to hear the conversation.

“I think we shouldn’t do anything different from what we’d normally do- she’s still the same Sweetie Belle we know and love!” said Fluttershy’s voice.

“I don’t know ‘bout y’all, but I think we should at least be ready.” Applejack remarked. “If what Twilight’s sayin’s true, then it might not be the same Sweetie Belle.”

“We don’t know how long this has been going on,” came Twilight’s voice, “for all we know, Sweetie Belle’s been like this for most of her life!”

“I think if we throw a party, it’ll all get better! Parties make everything better!”

“Well you know what I think?!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “I think we shouldn’t take our chances, and get rid of it before it hurts Rarity!”

Her reaction was instinctual. She leaped from the bed and hit the ground running, tears streaming down her face as she raced for the window. Five voices all at once protested in varying degrees of panic as Rainbow Dash broke down the door, Harmony magic surrounding her. Sweetie Belle looked over her shoulder as her eyes met Dash’s, and she was horrified by the fire that she saw there. She leapt through the window as a beam of magic caught her. A burning sensation enveloped her as she realized she had been on the fifth floor of the building, and she spent a few eternities in freefall before landing badly on her front left hoof. It hurt, but there was no time for that, she had to run, to flee, get out of there before the Elements of Harmony vapourized her like they did to King Sombra. Sweetie Belle ignored the limping and pain and fled into the nearby Everfree Forest, the cold evening air on her skin.

Scene 3

The rain became a storm that night. Cold. Alone. Frightened.

Whirring, grinding, pain- her left leg was damaged, but what could be done?

Betrayed. Abandoned.


And, in that moment, Sweetie Belle felt something calling to her, a dark force stirring deep within her heart. It told her to fight- no! She wouldn’t do that. But she had to follow something that led her deeper into the Forest, beckoning her onwards. Her hooves, one at a time, over the sodden ground. Past the Castle of the Two Sisters and the stupid clubhouse inside. Past Zecora’s hut. Past the Mirror Pool. Deeper and deeper, into the heart of darkness.

A voice.

Evil, but there was nopony else.

Scary, but less than everything else.

“Are you lost, child?”