• Published 10th May 2019
  • 679 Views, 1 Comments

Piecefully Delivered - NFSW

I've been working at this pizza joint for the past few months, but never in all my time in working here, would I imagine I get into shit like this.

  • ...

The Aftermath

The pain radiating throughout my body was so spectacular that not even taking 2 pills of Motrin was nearly enough to quell the agony. I begged and begged for more just so I wouldn’t have to spend every waking moment for the next 6 months in constant unbearable pain, but Light Heart warned me that taking too much pain medication can have a negative effect on my psyche, and the trauma that had just happened, adding more negative effects can have disastrous results.

“I’m so sorry Honey, I know it hurts, but giving you more will only make things worse.” Light apologized. And yes, my name is Honey.

Ii sighed. “Damn’t.” I cursed under my breath. “It was a normal Sunday, and then bam, my knee’s unusable, my wrist is nearly demolished, I might as well say goodbye to my shoulder. And I have a hole in my stomach. It’s like all my bad luck just culminated in this one spectacular event.” I lamented my current state. “It’s like some higher power wanted me to live through the pain just for the shits and giggles.”

The look in Light’s eyes only remained the same solemn regret that they held for the past hour. “I know, I can’t even begin to imagine the pain you’re experiencing. Just wish we could have done something faster.” She looked away. “The fact that they’ve been doing this for at least 6 months is deplorable at best and at a blight on our abilities at worst.” She said. “It was by pure chance that we came across you when we did.”

Closing my eyes, I laid my head back a bit. “But it’s by choice you chose to stop.” My words seem to surprise he, but she doesn’t reply. “Anyone else would have left me at their mercy, they wouldn’t even bat an eye. But you stopped, you could have let me die by their hands. But you didn’t, you saved me.” I tightened the grip I had on her hand. “And for that, I thank you.”

“But you’re the real champ, it’s only because you stay strong we were able to get you treatment.”

Looking towards the new voice, I couldn’t help but smile weakly at the sight of the Royal Guard I have come to know who’s name was Crimson Hand.

She smiles lightly before joining us. “You’re real tough to have lived through that.” She praised. “Even though you’ll never be the same again, these scars only serve as a reminder that you came back from the impossible.” She assured me.

Even with her praise, I couldn’t help but frown when she said ‘never the same again’. “How bad are my injuries again?” I questioned.

A deep sigh escapes Light’s throat. “Your kneecap is done, there were only small fragments of what once was.” She started. “You’re wrist won’t return to normal, but it will heal after a couple of months of little use, your shoulder suffered little more than your wrist. We sowed your stomach back together.” She said. “The only thing that will return to normal is your neck. You’re very lucky that the knife didn’t touch your throat or was rusty, that would have just complicated things further.” She didn’t sound so positive when she said that last sentence.

I could only nod, moving my own good hand to feel the bandages around my throat. “Those criminals really did a number on me, huh?” The question was more directed to myself. “I really am lucky.” I couldn’t help but tear up. “This fucking sucks.” I could only imagine Crimson and Light flinch when I cursed. “If I had been more careful, I wouldn’t be here. Now I have to rewrite everything in my life.” The rivers started to come down as I made a fist. “Now my entire future is up in flames, just like that. Burned and blown away. It fucking sucks all hell that I have to rewrite everything from scratch.”

My saviors didn’t say a word, both silenced by the tragedy that had struck me.

I’m sure everything isn’t gone. I’m still alive, I can still breath, my life is still here. But fucking goddamn’t. I’m back from square zero. Maybe things will get better. But only time will tell.

Comments ( 1 )

Well that was...something. It was a bit awkward with introducing the rather dangerous setting and it was kind of hard to picture what was going on with what the guards did to save the guy (like how they shot the criminals and the specifics of the eating). The epilog also seems to do nothing except confirm the guy survived.

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