• Published 31st May 2019
  • 841 Views, 18 Comments

Big Trouble in The Big Easy - Zap Apple Smash

Trixie and her friends explore Neigh Orleans while hunting down a foal napped pony

  • ...

They Can't Take That Away From Me

The sun was starting to set. The gang had gone shopping to dress up for Crystal’s party and were now heading towards a large estate. Every pony had taken the time to dress up for the event.

Raindrops was dressed as a Barbarian Queen, complete with horned helmet. Trixie had kept her hat but had traded her cape for a Las Pegasus style magician outfit that was bright purple and covered in bright red stars. Bon Bon was in an old fashioned tuxedo, Lyra was in a yellow ball gown but for fun Lyra was wearing a top hat and Bon Bon was wearing a bonnet. Carrot top meanwhile had gone the extra mile with her outfit. She was wearing a green sequined dress with a silver sash the wove around her waist and then crossed over each shoulder. Her mane was done in a wavy cascade to match the dress.

Bon Bon let out a whistle as she looked at the outfit the carrot farmer was wearing. “Looking good Carrot Top.”

“You think so?” Carrot Top asked as she gave a twirl. “At first I thought it was too much but then is there anything wrong with wanting to look good for one’s fan?”

Trixie looked at Carrot Top with a raised eyebrow. “As wonderful as it is seeing you enjoying having a fan, you’re not going to go full Diva on us are you?”

Carrot Top raised an eyebrow of her own.

“You do realise how weird that sounds coming from you?”

Trixie shrugged. “I just don’t want you clashing with my thing. But no, nothing wrong with looking good for fans.”

They arrived at the gate. A couple of security guards were there checking guests off a list before letting them in.

“Name?” The guard with the list asked.

“Dame Trixie Lulamoon and Guests,” Trixie answered.

The guard checked the list

“Nope, not on the list.”

“Not on the list?” Trixie asked in dismay. “We were personally invited to this event by Crystal.”

The Guard wore an expression that showed it clearly wasn’t the first time he had heard that line.

“If that were true, you'd be on the list.”

“Let me try,” Carrot Top stepped up. “Dame Carrot Top and Guests.”

The Guard double checked the list and then stepped aside. “Right on through Ma’am.”

Carrot Top led the way with her head held high.

“Still feeling magnanimous?” Raindrops asked Trixie.

“Marginally less so,” Trixie admitted with pursed lips.

Once past the guard and through the gates they saw Simbi waiting for them on the front porch.

“Glad you all made it,” she said. “Did you have any trouble finding the place?”

Trixie paused as she looked up at the house. Mansion was probably more accurate considering if it was any bigger she could have probably seen it all the way from her family home.

“It was fairly easy to find,” Trixie said diplomatically. “Your father wouldn’t happen to be Big Daddy McCandles?”

“Step Father,” Simbi corrected. “But yes.”

“Who’s Big Daddy?” Lyra asked.

“One of the biggest stallions in all of Neigh Orleans,” Trixie answered.

“Do you mean wealth, influence or size?” Bon Bon inquired.

“Yes,” Trixie replied. “He is a lighting magnate. His family started in the candle trade but Big Daddy turned the business into an empire. His company built all the gas lamps you see in town.” Trixie sidled up next to Carrot Top. “I would never advocate marrying for money but if Crystal offers you her hoof in marriage, seriously consider it.”

Carrot Top rolled her eyes. “Forget it. Not only does that go against my principles, by you suggesting it, the size of the Trixie Whining Fund to offset it would be astronomical.”

Trixie raised her nose in mock indignation. “Nothing wrong with asking for a healthy finder's fee.”

“I know I should be concerned about the talk of marrying my sister for her money but honestly I’m more curious about this ‘Trixie Whining Fund’,” Simbi commented.

“It’s a long story,” Lyra said. “And don’t worry about Trixie, she makes jokes but she would never try to marry somepony for their money.”

“Mainly cause you couldn’t pay her a million bits to consummate the marriage,” Bon Bon muttered before she got a light shove from Lyra. “What? You know it’s true.”

Once they entered they were greeted by a large, heavy set earth stallion in a fancy suit. Beside him was a Zebrony mare in a seafoam green dress and a multicolored shawl covered in exotic patterns.

“Welcome to our little get-together,” The cream-coloured stallion said. “I am Big Daddy McCandles and this gorgeous mare is my wife, Makaya McCandles.”

“Do you have to introduce me like that to every guest?” Makaya asked.

“I’ll stop doing it when it stops being true, which means yes, I will introduce you to every guest,” Big Daddy replied, giving his wife a quick peck on her pale green cheek. “We’re so glad you could make it to our celebration.”

“Thank you for having us,” Carrot Top replied.

“The pleasure is all ours,” Makaya replied. “When Crystal said she had invited Carrot Top and other elements of harmony we could hardly believe it.”

“We would so love to chat but we’d better make sure the other guests feel properly welcome,” Big Daddy said. “Simibi, could you please take them to go see Crystal, no doubt she’d want to welcome them personally.”

“Yes sir,” Simibi replied with a neutral smile.

A brief grimace appeared on Big Daddy’s face but it quickly disappeared behind a smile.

“Hope you all have a wonderful time.”

The group stepped out into the courtyard where the party was being held. Everything was in full swing.

Carrot Top suddenly found herself glomped by Crystal.

“You made it!” The pegasus said excitedly. “Come on, you must meet everyone.”

Everyone watched as Crystal dragged away Carrot Top.

“Alright, so what did you all want to do?”

Trixie turned to see that everyone except Simbi was gone.

“Right so I think everyone took Crystal dragging off your friend as a sign to go off and do their own thing,” Simbi explained. “And unless you want me to show your round some more, the dance floor beacons.

“That’s fine, go enjoy yourself,” Trixie replied.

“Thanks, I plan to.”

Carrot Top let herself be led around and introduced to many of the guests at the event. At first, it was younger ponies, closer to Crystal’s age, but eventually they started talking to the older guests as well

“Hello there Captain Mustard.”

“That’s Colonel Mustard,” The stuffy stallion replied in an icy tone. He wore a well preserved old campaigner’s uniform, complete with a well stuffed rucksack with a knotted length of rope hanging out of it.

“Oh lighten up Dijon,” Said an elderly but regal looking mare in an elaborate blue ball gown.

“It’s easy for you to say Mrs Peacock,” Colonel Mustard said. “You’re not the one who’s having their military service trivialised.”

“It’s not possible to make it any more trivial than it actually was!”

As the two older ponies started arguing, Crystal and Carrot started to subtly back away when the increasingly irate mare banged a hoof on a table perilously close to a tray of carving knives.

“I see those two wasted no time in going at it.”

Carrot Top and Crystal turned to see a well dressed but slightly older stallion standing there.

“Mr Wicks!” Crystal exclaimed. “So glad you could make it.”

“Well your father always makes a point of personally inviting me to these things, it would be rude not to at least make an appearance,” The stallion replied. “Though I believe a Miss Scarlett was looking for you.”

Crystal rolled her eyes.

“She probably wants to complain about the candlesticks I used,” she turned to Carrot Top. “I better go see what it’s about. You go enjoy yourself and we’ll catch up later.”


Crystal flew off.

“That mare is a host without equal,” Mr Wicks commented.

“So how do you know Big Daddy?” Carrot Top asked.

“Mr McCandles and I work in similar fields.,” Mr Wicks replied. “I think I’m going to try out some of that punch. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“You too,” Carrot Top replied.

Raindrops saw a Zebrony stallion being flanked by security. She then saw that Mayaka was there as well.

“You can not stop me from seeing her,” the stallion snarled.

“When are you going to get it through your thick skull that she doesn’t want to see you,” Mayaka replied. “Stay away from my family or we’ll start pressing charges!” She turned to security. “Take him away.”

“So who was that?” Raindrops asked as she watched security drag off the Zebrony.

“Just a party crasher who couldn’t take a hint,” Mayaka replied dismissively. “Tell me, have you tried a Neigh Orleans Beignet yet?”

Raindrops could see the obvious attempt to change the subject but she decided to not press the matter.

“I don’t believe that I have.”

“Now that is a travesty I can not allow to remain uncorrected.”

She proceeded to lead Raindrops to the buffet table.

Lyra and Bon Bon had naturally been drawn to the live band. While at first they had been more interested in the music but soon their attention shifted to the dance floor. In the center was Simbi.

To say she was dancing felt like an understatement. It felt more appropriate to say she was owning the dance floor. She moved with a grace and freedom of movement that was unparalleled. All the other dancers on the floor made sure to allow Simbi space to move.

Finally Simbi seemed to get tired and left the dance floor. She turned to Lyra and Bon Bon. With a cheeky wink she said, “Like what you see?”

“You’ve got some good moves,” Bon Bon commented.

“So nice of you to say. Though if you like, I could show you a few of my more private moves sometimes,” Simbi said with a suggestive eyebrow wiggle.

“That...is nice of you to offer,” Bon Bon said diplomatically. “But I’m already in a relationship.”

“Yes she is,” Lyra said as she possessively put a foreleg over her partner.

Taking this completely in her stride, Simbi sidled up next to Lyra put a foreleg over her.

“Well you know what they say,” Simbi replied. “Two’s company, three’s a party.”

Both Ponyville mares stared blankly at the Zebrony.

“Are...are you serious?”

Simbi let out a lighthearted chuckle as she removed her foreleg.

“You two are adorable. Enjoy your night.”

Lyra and Bon Bon watched Simbi walk off. Once she was gone they turned to each other.

“You know she technically didn’t answer the question,” Bon Bon commented.

“Yeah but what answer are we hoping for?” Lyra asked.

The two mares stood there in awkward silence. Lyra finally spoke up.

“Shall we go get some punch?”

“Yes let’s,” Bon Bon quickly replied.

Trixie stopped at the bar and ordered a bourbon. She was taking out some bits to pay for it as Big Daddy approached.

“No no, your money’s no good here,” Big Daddy said as he pulled out some bits of his own. “Buying a round is the least I can do for someone who helped save all of Equestria.”

Trixie put away her bits and levitated the glass.

“Thank you kindly Big Daddy,” The mare raised her glass in a toast. “You truly are a stallion without equal.”

“Now easy with that sweet talk little lady,” Big Daddy replied with a laugh. “I’m a married stallion.”

Trixie gave a good nature eye roll.

“So what’s this party celebrating?” Trixie asked.

“Well the start of Maredi Gras of course! Also, keep this a secret, but I have been selected to be the King of Maredi Gras. Took me completely by surprise. For the third year in a row. HA!”

“Congrats but isn’t the identity of the Maredi Gras Monarch one of the worse kept secrets in Neigh Orleans?”

“True but it still it’s not official until I receive the crown.”

“Well in this case, all hail the not yet official King of Maredi Gras.”

Big Daddy laughed.

“You’re too kind. Though as much as I would love to stay and chat I should probably continue making the rounds.”

Trixie watched as the large stallion walked. She took a few more sips of her drink before turning to the bartender.

“So do you think he just paid for the one drink or am I allowed a refill?”

Several hours had passed and everyone was still having a great time. Trixie had explored the event, watching everything unfold. She finally caught up with Raindrops, who had made her third or fourth return visit to the buffet table.

“You know, those Beignets taste better if you stop to chew them.”

“Says the mare that can inhale bourbon,” Raindrops replied. “So this whole King of Maredi Gras thing I hear ponies talking about. Is it a big deal?”

“One of the biggest honours in Neigh Orleans,” Trixie replied. “You ride on the key float in the Maredi Gras parade.”

“Surprised you weren’t offered it then,” Raindrops commented. “A Neigh Orlean’s born personal pupil to the princess who also managed to save all of Equestria seems like a perfect pick.”

“Doesn’t quite work like that,” Trixie replied. “They go for pillars of the community, not heroes, and they tend to avoid giving to people who work in government. They don’t want to make it political.”

“That’s fair.”

Trixie saw Big Daddy leaving the house. Gone was the jovial nature and instead he looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. He proceeded to plaster a big smile on his face as he stepped onto the stage.

“Ladies and Gentle-colts, I would like to thank you all for coming tonight. Now I know that we all have a busy week of partying ahead of us so we best all get our rest.”

There was a brief moment of applause followed by the guests exiting the premise. Trixie looked on suspiciously. That caught Raindrops’ attention.

“I know that look,” She said. “Something up?”

“Possibly,” Trixie answered.

Carrot Top walked up to them.

“Hey, did either of you see Crystal? I wanted to personally thank her for inviting us tonight.”

Pieces started to fall into place in Trixie’s mind.

“I haven’t seen her all night,” Trixie said thoughtfully. “Let's go find out why.”

At their insistence, Trixie and the Gang were led to a study. Big Daddy came in to greet them.

“I thank you all for coming but I must be getting to bed, so if we could keep this brief.”

“I’ll get straight to the point,” Trixie answered. “Where’s Crystal? Carrot Top wanted to thank her for inviting us.”

Big Daddy’s smile faltered briefly.

“Unfortunately, Crystal isn’t feeling too well so she went to bed early. Still, she is so grateful you all could come.”

Raindrops eyed Big Daddy for a moment before turning to Trixie.

“I think you were right,” she said to the blue unicorn.

“Excuse me?” Big Daddy asked, clearly confused about what was going on.

“Raindrops here is pretty good at telling when somepony is lying,” Trixie explained. “And before you got on stage to kick everypony out, you had a look on your face that I’ve seen before.”

“Oh? Where was that?” Big Daddy asked, attempting to act nonchalant.

“On the face of my dear friend when her daughter was foalnapped.” Trixie watched as the colour drained from Big Daddy’s face. “So I’ll ask again, where is Crystal?”

Big Daddy dropped all composure and pleaded with them. “Please, they said if we went to the guard they’d hurt her.”

“We’re not the guard but we are here to help,” Carrot Top said in a reassuring tone. “Tell us what’s happened and we’ll see what we can do.”

Big Daddy looked uncertain but eventually relented. He led them to what appeared to be Crystal’s room. At first there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary until their attention was drawn to glowing green lettering on the wall.


At that moment, Makaya walked in. She was at first surprised to see the Elements of Harmony.

“Anything?” Big Daddy asked

Makaya shook her head after composing herself. “Simbi and I checked the whole property. No clue as to who they are, how they got in or where they took her.”

“Where’s Simbi?”

“She’s in the kitchen trying to do a tracking spell. Come on.”

Everyone followed Makaya to the kitchen. As they entered their nostrils were assaulted with an odd and not all too pleasant smell. Simbi was standing over a pot of strange bubbling goop. To the side was a mane brush and a few feathers that looked like they had come from Crystal.

She took a feather and a hair from the brush. She dropped both into the goop. There was a brief fizzle, a pop and then nothing.

Simbi exhaled in the way a pony does when they are trying to maintain their composure but really want to put their hoof through a wall.

“Those bastards are masking her presence,” Simbi finally said. “That means that they either wield decent Voodoo or they have someone who does on the payroll.”

“Does that help narrow the field?” Carrot Top asked.

“Not enough to be useful, there are as many places in this city warded against voodoo scrying as there are in Canterlot warded against unicorn spy spells” Simbi answered. She then seemed to realise the extra ponies were present. “Sorry, but what are you all doing here?”

“We’re here to help get your sister back,” Trixie explained.

“Okay, not sound ungrateful but what makes you qualified to help get Crystal back?”

Trixie answered bluntly. “Most of us have saved all of Equestria more than once, Zelime will vouch for me personally and right now we’re the only help you’ve got.”

Simbi paused to process this. “Yeah, that checks out.”

“Could we take a step back and just clarify something about the ransom demand?” Lyra asked. “To somepony who has very little understanding of the local culture, just how bad would turning down the crown at the last minute be?”

Trixie paused for a moment to think of the right analogy. “Imagine if you were the guest of honor at an Apple family reunion. Granny Smith personally offers you a freshly baked apple pie that she made with her own hooves. You then throw the pie to the ground, stomp on it, spit in Granny Smith’s face and yell ‘Apples Suck’. This would be worse than that.”

The look of abject horror on the face of every pony from Ponyville told Trixie she had gotten the point across.

“But what if once Crystal was returned you told the community that your daughter was held ransom?” Raindrops asked

“My name would still be mud. Honesty and propriety are very important virtues around here, zebronies in particular aren’t exactly the most forgiving when it comes to those who don’t keep their word.” Big Daddy explained “Even those that will believe me may still blame me for getting myself into such a situation and not thinking of a way to get out of it.”

Raindrops looked on in dismay. “They can’t honestly hold Kings of Maredi Gras to such high standards.”

Simbi and Makaya both shrug.

“Most in Neigh Orleans still talk of the year a stallion named Sunbeam Meadow was named King.” Simibi explained. “He died the night before he was meant to accept the crown. In order to maintain his honour, his widow allowed his corpse to be dressed up, crowned and paraded like a giant puppet.”

Raindrops eyes narrowed in suspicion.

“Is that a true story?”

“How is that relevant to this conversation?” Simbi asked in reply. “The point is if Big Daddy does this it will have serious consequences on his standing with the whole city, in particular with his wealthy peers and the zebrony community.”

“But if it will get Crystal back I would do it a thousand times over,” Big Daddy declared stoically.

“Don’t be so quick to pariah yourself,” Trixie cautioned. “Especially since we don’t know if they will hold up their end of the deal."

Raindrops gave Trixie a nudge and a meaningful look.

"I mean I'm sure they will but let's leave that as a last resort," Trixie quickly amended.

“Alright then, lets go,” Simbi commanded.

“Not yet, before we do anything I think what's really important is that you three take ten.”

“Take ten?” Big Daddy asked.

“Yes, there’s no delicate way to say this so I’m just going to be blunt. You’re all hiding it well but it's clear that you all are in various stages of panic mode.”

“We’re fine,” Simbi said with grit teeth.

“Somepony you love has been foalnapped. None of you are fine and there would be something odd about you if you were. In an ideal world I would leave you to process those emotions in a healthy and productive manner but we haven’t got the time. With that said we also don’t have time for rash action or snap decisions. Right now your instincts are either telling you to panic or burn down every building in town until you find Crystal. Neither of those is going to help Crystal so I suggest you take ten and then we can try to think of something with a clear head.”

Simbi and Trixie had a stare off as the two had a silent battle of wills. It was broken when Makaya and Big Daddy started to leave. Seeing she was clearly outvoted, the young zebrony left as well.

Carrot Top approached Trixie.

“You’re handling all this really well.”

“Honestly I’m just saying and doing all the things I wish I had when Dinky was foalnapped.” She then gestured for everyone to come in close. "Alright, here's the plan," Trixie directed. "Raindrops, take to the skies and check the parameter. It's dark but the different angle could show how they got in. Lyra and Bon Bon, talk to everypony still here so you can get a list of suspects. Carrot Top and I will search the premise for clues, there's probably nothing but we're a fresh set of eyes.” She then noticed Bon Bon had her hoof raised like a foal in a classroom. “Yes Bon Bon?”

“So we’re just going to go along with this?” Bon Bon asked. “Shouldn’t we at least discuss whether we’re all on board for this?”

Trixie raised an eyebrow but gave a shrug. “That’s a fair point,” she conceded before addressing everyone. “Alright ladies, all in favour of doing nothing and letting a decent stallion ruin his reputation on the dubious promise that his daughter will be returned unharmed if he does, raise their hoof.”

Predictably, no hooves were raised.

“In that case we meet back here in one hour to compare notes.”

Though when Bon Bon was sure she was out of earshot she muttered, “Well sure when you say it like that.”

The gang split up to carry out their duties, leaving just Trixie and Carrot Top.

“I don’t know how much use I would be in finding clues,” The carrot farmer said.

“Are you really going to let your biggest fan down?”

“Oh that’s low.”


The two mares turned to see Simbi standing there.

“Might I have a word, Trixie?” She asked.

Taking the hint, Carrot Top left to start searching for clues.

Once Trixie and Simbi were alone, the Voodoo apprentice spoke her mind.

“Look, you may have a point about me taking five to clear my head but I’m not going to let you sideline me while you go off to find my sister.”

“I told you to take 10,” Trixie corrected. “And I have no intention of sidelining you. If we’re going to find Crystal we’ll need far more local insight than what I can provide. I haven’t lived here since I was a foal. So here's the deal, we work together, we’ll trust your judgement so long as you trust ours.”

“Huh,” Simbi said thoughtfully. “From some of the stories I heard I was afraid you’d be too egotistical to accept outside help.”

“As I keep telling everypony, a healthy ego is good to have,” Trixie replied. “It’s stupid ego that will get you killed.”

“And how exactly do you know when it’s healthy ego or stupid ego?”

Trixie shrugged. “Trial and error mostly. Lots and lots of trial and error.”

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, it's good to be back. I'm so sorry for dropping off the radar. There are a bunch of reasons but I think the last year has universally been trying for everyone (or at least everyone that I have talked to). Still, I'm back and ready to get the ball rolling. Hope you enjoy this and I promise the next chapter will be out much sooner

Comments ( 7 )

Glad your back and I see already your humour in writing is still top notch. :rainbowlaugh:

FINALLY! I've been missing this story and you for so long!

Whoooo update! Will get to reading now.

“Marginally less so,” Trixie admitted with pursed lips.

"I swear to the Stars it's like there's some force out there that just loves watching me squirm."

Raindrops whistled nonchalantly.

“You know she technically didn’t answer the question,”

Friggin' tease. :derpytongue2:

Big Daddy

I predict...there is a plan to somehow use the title of King of Neigh Orleans as part of some ritual to take over the city. Something-soemthing Friends on the Other Side.

All right! Great to see this again. Ah, a kidnapping! Crossed somewhat with CLue it appears. Good. I love that movie. Tim Curry was fucking awesome in that movie.

Late, but when I saw Colonel Mustard I was sure that this was going to become a Cluedo style murder mystery.

Colonel Mustard, Mrs Peacock, Miss Scarlet... This is Clue! Colonel Mustard, in the Bedroom, with the Candlestick. But seriously though, I'm guessing that that pony from earlier who was denied entry has something to do with this.

When I saw the part about the glowing green letters, my first thought was that changelings were somehow involved. Then I remembered that changelings are considered a myth in the Lunaverse (Ocellus being the exception, since she's from a different universe).

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