• Published 16th Aug 2012
  • 23,345 Views, 1,075 Comments

Raising a Human in Equestria - Flame6666

I don't know what's going to happen :)

  • ...

Ch 7: The Ticket Manipulator

So... it's been awhile, sorry for that. Since it's been so long I STRONGLY suggest going back to reread the story, nothing has changed but having it fresh in your mind will help.

The Ticket Manipulator

Author: Antojo Pony

It was the early hours of dawn before Princess Celestia even contemplates raising the sun. Twilight Sparkle was sitting at her desk, her snout firmly planted within the pages of a book. She remained still like a statue as she eyed the contents of the book. Her only occasional movement was the twitching of her eyes as she scanned the pages. When the lavender mare reached the end of each page she groaned in frustration. Then she flipped the page with her hoof her frustration so great that she did not bother to use magic.

“Where is it?” she mumbled. “I’ve searched all night to find something on... whatever the thing Johnny is!” She lifted her jaw from the book and shook her head. A dull aching pain began throbbing in her head. “Ooh!” she protested. “I haven’t found anything!”

She began to lash out as the pain of her headache increase in intensity. She knocked down the book on her desk down with a swipe of her hooves. It landed on the floor revealing two pages with a very peculiar image.

Twilight moaned in aggravation as she walked to the book. She stared blankly at the picture for a few moments trying to process the contents of the picture. The purple unicorn blinked a few times and then looked again, on the picture was a slightly blurred image of a bipedal creature walking across a field. Twilight’s eyes widened as she took in a deep breath. She tried holding it in but soon the excitement became too much.

“YES! Yesyesyesyes!” Twilight began prancing about the room. “I found something!” she hollered.

“Twilight, what’s with all this excitement first thing in the morning?” The little assistant mumbled from atop the stairs.

The excited mare looked up at her assistant with a Pinkie size smile and levitated him down. “I found it Spike! After searching for it all night I finally found something that looks like Johnny!” She smashed his face into the book, “Look at this! Doesn’t it look like Johnny?”

Spike, still in his morning daze, pushed away from the book to take a look. “Umm, Twilight, that kinda just looks like a small minotaur.”

“B-but.” Twilight protested as she began to visible deflate.

The little dragon sighed, “Listen Twilight, I know you’re really excited about learning about Johnny but you can’t let this one take control of you for who knows how long! You promised your friends you wouldn’t treat him like an experiment.”

“But Spike!” the messy unicorn whined, “He’s a brand new species!”

“Then why are you looking through all these books?” He gestured to all the books that littered the floor. After a moment of silence in which the unicorn didn’t’ answer, Spike continued, “You don’t even know, do you?”

“T-there might have been something...” she said as her ears deflated on her head and hung her head.

Spike facepalmed, “There are no books on him Twilight! I bet that your new friends are the closest things to experts on whatever Johnny is.”

Twilight sat back up and rubbed her chin, “They are, aren't they...” She levitated the baby dragon onto her back, “Come on Spike, we’re going to Sweet Apple Acres, I have to talk to Applejack!”

“What! But I didn’t— can we at least have breakfast first?”

“Oh I’m sure that Applejack wouldn’t mind letting you eat a few apples.”

* * *

The Sun was peeking over the horizon as the Apple family finished up their breakfast. Granny Smith was humming a simple tune has she washed the dishes with young Apple Bloom on a stool helping her old grandma as the other three Apples sat at the table planning out their chores for the day.

“Alrighty then,” Applejack began “Big Mac, you’ll be plowing the southern fields ta’ make room for the new saplings’.” He responded with a nod. “And Ah’ll be applebuckin’ in the east fields. Our bet is still on?”

“Eeyup,” replied the red stallion.

“Now as for Johnny,” said Applejack in stern voice “You’ll be helping out Big Mac with the hard work as punishment for yesterday.”

Johnny's eyes grew in surprise, “What?! B-but Applejack, that just ain’t fair!”

“Oh it ain’t is it? What is the number one rule that ya have Johnny?”

Looking down at the floor he replied, “Don’t go wandering out into Ponyville...”

“And what did you do yesterday?” AJ asked.

“I went in ta Ponyville, but it’s not like anything bad happened.” he tried to counter.

The farm mare sighed, “That ain’t the point Johnny. The point is something might have happened. We don’t know how the ponyfolk will react if they see you.”

“But,” Johnny looked around distraught, “I miss looking around Ponyville. I haven’t seen it since back when ya’ took me on trips to visit Rarity in that saddlebag back when I was a baby! I’ve never got to see any of the really cool things there before yesterday! There was—”

“I don’t wanna hear it Jonathan Apple!” she interrupted, “The point is ya’ll broke the most important rule yesterday! What if somepony saw you!? What if they formed a mob and chased after ya!? What if... w-what if they took ya away?” Tears were threatening to start as they formed at the corners of her eyes.

Johnny was shocked to see Applejack was never one to cry. He quickly got up and went to hug his big sister, which she happily accepted. “Would... would they really take me away?” he asked still hugging her.

“Ah’m not gonna lie Johnny. I don’t know what they’ll do, they might.” she said holding him in tight embrace. It was then that the pair felt a third join them. Apple Bloom had tears rolling down her face. Applejack quickly threw her hoof around her and started to nuzzle the top of Apple Blooms head. “I know I’m strict with ya’ Johnny, I don’t to do it to be mean. I just don’t want to lose my little brother.”

The three sat there in silence when Granny Smith suddenly spoke out, “If der was one thing Ah learned in my time, it’s ta not worry too much about what might and might not happen.” The four other Apples looked at the old mare in surprise. It wasn’t often that their granny would say her words of wisdom so... straightforward. “Sides,” she started again “if they touch one hair on his head, Ah’ll buck them so hard they’d go straight to the mooooon!” she finished with a sweet old laugh.

They laughed with their granny. “Ya know, she’s right,” Applejack said wiping her eyes, “Let’s stop worrying about it fer now.”

“Okay AJ. Can I work with Apple Bloom instead?” Johnny asked still giggling.

AJ says still giggling herself, “He, he he... no. You’re still being punished Johnny.”

“Heh, worth a shot.” he shrugged.

“You’ve been hanging around Rainbow haven’t ya?” she asked. Johnny only smiled in return. She sighed, “Alright everyone, enough of this family time, it’s time ta get working!”

* * *

Twilight was trotting through the front gate of Sweet Apple Acres with Spike atop her back when he started up again, “Do you really really think it’s a good idea to ask her about Johnny?”

She sighed then looked back at her assistant. “For the twelfth time Spike, yes!” she yelled. All his constant questioning was starting to get to her. Twi looked back to her front and continued, “Johnny is a new species and needs to be documented. It’s almost a crime not to do this!”

Spike shook his head, “But Johnny isn’t just some random test animal, he’s Applejacks brother!” he yelled.

“And as his older sister, Applejack should want this!” she returned, “If what I’ve gathered is true then they’ve never taken him to the doctors. What if something really bad happens and they have no clue how to help him? While it’s true I want to know more about Johnny, what I learn now might even save his life one day.”

“Well I guess you have a point, but just promise me you won't ask anything to personal.”

Twilight looked back with a smile, “Don’t worry Spike, I’ll only ask what I think is right.” looking back ahead, “Now then where will Applejack be?”

“I don’t know. Maybe try the house—“


They both jumped from the sudden noise. “O-or maybe try the orchard,” Spike finished.

“I think we’ll try the orchard.” she said as she turned. They walked under the shade of the apple trees, following the sound of the banging until they found the farm pony they were looking for. “Hello Applejack!”

“Oh hello Twilight and Spike, what brings you two here this early?” AJ asked as she took off her hat to wipe off the sweat that was starting to form.

“Oh you know…” she said casually, “Just looking around— OW!” Twilight yelped as Spike pinched her ear, “What was that for!?”

“Just tell her why we’re here Twilight. No need to lie about it.” Spike told her.

“Lie about what?” AJ asked, narrowing her eyes.

Twilight sighed, “Alright… I’ll just come out and say it. Applejack, can you answer some questions I have about Johnny?”

“And why should I? Didn’t I tell you not to treat him like a lab rat?” AJ said with a little anger.

“Yes you did, but that’s not what I’m asking. Yes I want to document Johnny, he’s an undiscovered species and it should be a crime to let this opportunity go to waste. But more than that, it’s the fact he’s a new species that puts him most at risk. Have you ever taken him to the doctors AJ?”

“Well no, but Shy has looked into his health. ‘Cording to her he’s fit as a fiddle.” she told them.

Twilight shook her head, “That’s all well and good Applejack, but I doubt that Fluttershy had the proper equipment to do a thorough check up.” Applejack responded with a glare. Twilight took a deep breath to calm her nerves. “Listen Applejack, I just want to do a few tests on Johnny, if only to make sure that you can know what to do in case of an emergency. If Johnny gets sick or really hurt you might make it worse by not knowing what our medicine will do to him.” she finished.

Applejack looked as if she was burst out yelling, but quickly looked away with a sigh, “Ya know… Fluttershy said bout’ the same thing when we first found him.” she looked back at them, “Tell you what Twilight, Ah’ll think about it. Till then, wanna give me a hoof with the apples? Ya can ask a few of questions if you want to.” she said with a forced smile.

* * *

Twilight spent the rest of that morning helping out Applejack. It was almost lunch time when they finished and trotted towards the barn to store their last batch of apples. Spike was sitting content on Twilight’s back munching on a large juicy apple. “Why thank you kindly, Twilight. I made a bet with Big Mac that if I could manage to get all these apples in the barn by lunchtime, he’ll walk down the main street wearing one of Granny’s griddles.” She chuckled at the thought. “So, what was it that ya’ wanted to ask about Johnny? But remember this, I don’t have ta’ answer if I don’t want to.”

“Well I guess I should start at the beginning,” said Twilight, “Where did you find him?”

“I reckon’ I can answer that,” Applejack responded putting her hoof at her chin in thought, “Now that I think it of it wasn’t us that found him. It was Ra—”


Spike belched out a scroll that he unrolled and read to himself, “Her Grand Royal Highness…yadda yadda… Invitation… blah blah blah... Grand Galloping Gala… Twilight Sparkle plus one guest.” Once he finished reading the letter he tossed away the scroll without any interest.

“Did ya’ just say the Grand Galloping Gala?” asked the astonished Applejack.

“Yeah,” said Spike as he searched a basket for another large apple. Before he could bite in, he belched another burst of green flame and two golden tickets to the Gala appeared in his claws.

“It’s just some formal event Applejack,” said Twilight, “I’ve never actually bothered to attend one, never seen the point of it.”

“But Twilight, sure ya’ joking?” Applejack asked with shock, “Why the Gala is the biggest events of the year. Every year ponies from all round Equestria show up there. I don’t care much ‘bout the dance, but I can get a stand to sell appletastic treats… just think about the opportunities! With that money, I would be able to get Granny that hip replacement and buy a new plow. Why I would give my hind leg just to go.”

The inside of Twilight’s brain began to turn. “Well AJ you don’t have to be that barbaric,” she said in a sly voice, “I’ll be glad to give my ticket to you… if you would just let me perform a few tiny little tests on Johnny.”

Before Applejack could respond, a voice coming from above shouted, “Look out below!”

Rainbow Dash came crashing down, narrowly missing Spike. “Hey, sorry about that,” she chuckled, “Decided to try this new move after taking a long nap. So what you guys up to?”

“Well Twilight here was about to ask me some questions on Johnny—“Applejack began.

“She’s still on that!?” Rainbow Dash interrupted. She glared at Twilight, “But why, can’t you just let Johnny be?”

“It’s not like that Rainbow Dash,” Twilight defended herself, “Applejack agreed to it and she can refuse to answer any questions if she didn’t want to.” That seemed to calm Rainbow down. “Well then before I was interrupted by the tickets I was going to ask—“

“Tickets?” asked Rainbow Dash, “Tickets to what?”

“The Grand Galloping Gala,” replied Twilight not happy that she was interrupted. “I received an extra ticket for one guest.”

"The Grand Galloping Gala!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash. “The Wonderbolts are going to be there, if they see some of my sweet moves I know they’ll let me in. Twilight, you have to let me have that ticket!”

“Hey!” shouted Applejack, “She was going to give me that ticket!”

“Hoof-wrestle you for it,” challenged Rainbow Dash.

“GIRLS!” shouted Twilight, “These are my tickets, and I’ll decide who I take. But right now I was asking some questions about Johnny.”

“Well go right ahead,” said Applejack asked.

“Now like I was asking before, where did you find Johnny?”

“I can answer this one!” Rainbow Dash leapt and shoved Applejack out way to face Twilight face to face. “I’m the one that found him five years ago. So I was taking a nap over the orchard—“

“And ya’ still as lazy now as back then,” Applejack butted in.

“So like I was saying, I was taking nap,” Rainbow continued while ignoring Applejack’s jab. “I was woken up by this loud crying and boy was it loud. So I flew down to investigate it when I found this strange creature crawling towards me. But I wasn’t afraid of him—“

“Oh really?” Applejack scoffed. “Ya’ came flying to mah house screamin’ like a frightened filly about some monster.”

“Okay so it wasn’t my best moment, yeah I may have overreacted,” Rainbow Dash admitted. “So I flew to get Fluttershy since she was an expert on all sorts of creatures. So Fluttershy and Rarity came over to the farm to help sort the whole thing out. When we got there we found that Johnny was missing.”

“Then Pinkie Pie showed up outta nowhere,” Applejack added. “We went back to the barn and found him playin’ with little Apple Bloom, that’s when we realized that we was being silly. Johnny wasn’t a monster but a little baby, so the Apple family decided to adopt him.”

“Just like that?” asked Twilight. She was levitating a notebook and was scribbling notes throughout the entire story.

“Just like that,” Applejack replied with a serene smile, “I thought about ya’ offer Twi, and I won’t sell out mah little brother. Even if we was in dire need of ta’ money I wouldn’t do it.” With that thought she turned and headed toward the barn.

“So does that mean I get the ticket?” Rainbow inquired her excitedly with a large grin. Her smile fell apart as realized what Applejack had said. “Wait…Twilight what the offer that Applejack was talking about?”

Twilight gulped for a moment before answering, “Oh that, It was nothing Rainbow... OUCH!“ Spike had pinched her again.

“Don’t lie Twi, just tell the truth,” he said.

Twilight took a deep breath, “Okay, so I might have told Applejack that I would give her the ticket if she let me performed some experiments on Johnny—don’t you give me that look!” She turned her face from the glare that Rainbow Dash was giving her.

“That’s totally not cool Twilight,” Rainbow said as she turned and spread her wings.

“WAIT!” shouted Twilight after her but Rainbow had taken off and flown away at the distance. “I only want to perform some little tiny tests.” she told the air.

“Twilight, don’t you think that you are letting this whole Johnny thing get to you?” said Spike. “Well yeah, I think it’s cool that he might be a new creature that has never been seen before. But Twilight, don’t you think you’re getting too obsessed with Johnny?”

Twilight and Spike went to Sugarcube Corner. After helping out Applejack she was bit peckish, and she had missed breakfast that morning. It was worth it and a small price to pay to unravel the mystery that is Johnny. When she entered the establishment, she was met with a collision from a pink blur.

“Sorry about that,” Pinkie Pie said after she recovered from the tumbling. “GAH!” she screamed as the tickets landed on the top of her mane, “Spiders, get them off!” She ran in a circle and the golden tickets fell off her head. “Wait, these aren’t spiders,”-she picked up a ticket and examined- “These are tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!”

Pinkie Pie hopped around singing about the Gala and how it would be the most wonderful party ever. When her song concluded she was met with a tremendous applause from Spike as Twilight groaned.

“That’s nice Pinkie,” she said, “That ticket is yours if you tell me about Johnny.”

“What about Johnny? I know a lot about Johnny,” Pinkie Pie said with a wide grin, “Why I am the most knowingest pony there is on Johnny. Well aside the Apple family. But then again they are his family… but now that I think about it—” Pinkie Pie’s train of thought was derailed as she began to talk about things that made little sense to Twilight.

“Pinkie,” said Twilight as she tried to get her attention. Pinkie did not respond but instead starting talking about how cabbages are bad investments. “Pinkie!” Twilight shouted this time but the party pony did not respond. “PINKIE!” she screamed in frustration.

“…and that’s how you turn a potato into a battery. Oh, what was that Twilight?” Pinkie asked when she realized that Twilight wanted her attention.

“I just wanted to know more about Johnny,” Twilight responded. “What’s he like, how does he behave? You know, that sort of stuff.”

“Ooh,” said Pinkie, “Why didn’t you ask me in the first place?”

Twilight groaned in response, “Never mind that, just tell me what you know please.”

“Well then,” Pinkie Pie said as she but her hooves under her chin. “Let’s see, Johnny is a very fun pony to play with. Well he’s not actually a pony; we don’t really know what he is. He’s very athletic, he always racing around with Rainbow Dash. He doesn’t win them of course, but it’s all in good fun. You should hear his singing, it’s all like BLEAH.”-Pinkie stuck her tongue out-“His singing is terrible, never thought I’ll meet a pony, creature thingy-whatever he is that couldn’t sing. Can you believe that? Well maybe there was my uncle; he was a bad singer too. Though I think maybe that was because he was deaf…”

“Uh Twilight?” said Spike, “I think we lost her.”

“Yeah,” the lavender unicorn agreed as she put away her notebook, “Maybe we should try someplace else.” Her stomach gave a roar as it grumbled. “We should probably get something to eat, I’m starving”

“…and then I told my uncle who is allergic to oats, ‘Oatmeal? Are you crazy?’” Pinkie turned around and saw the librarian and dragon had vanished. “Hmm, I wonder where they went,” she said. “Maybe they’re planning a surprise me with the ticket. Or even better, she’s planning to throw a surprise party!”

“So where to now?” asked Spike as they traveled through the town square.

“I don’t know Spike,” replied Twilight, “But what’s more important right now is that I learn all I can about Johnny.” She put her hoof under her chin in thought, “So far all I’ve learned is that everypony was afraid of him when they first saw him and that he’s a terrible singer. Perhaps one of my other new friends might tell me more,” –her stomach grumbled- “Right after lunch of course.” she said with a blush.

They decided to eat a small outdoor café close to the center of town. Spike ordered a large order of hay fries and Twilight ordered a daisy sandwich. When their meals arrived, Spike began to dig in into his pile of fries with much gusto but when Twilight tried to take the first bite out of her sandwich, she was interrupted by a familiar voice.

“Why Twilight, I can’t believe you would do such a thing.”

Twilight sighted as she put down her sandwich and turned around to face Rarity how was putting up as overly emotional gasp. “Oh hello Rarity, what seems to be the problem?” she asked with feigned smile. She was irritated about the lack of food.

“Pinkie Pie told me that you had two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala and that you invited her!” she exclaimed while putting on a pose that read ‘woe is me’. “How can you give her the ticket so can partying and deny me my chance to find true love?”

“Excuse me?” asked Twilight.

Rarity went on telling her vision for the gala. How she would find her handsome prince and they would fall in love and get married. It was a fantasy straight out of foal’s storybook.

“Well if you put it that way…”said Twilight after Rarity had stopped talking about her prince charming. “I’ll give the ticket if you can do me a favor.”

“What kind of favor?” Rarity asked.

“Well,” said Twilight as thought about what to say. “Well, tell me everything you know about Johnny. I know that he was wearing some of your designs.”

“Ah yes,” said Rarity brightly, “Johnny is delightful young lad. He can be a perfect gentlecolt at times. But if only he’ll pay more attention to me during my proper etiquette lessons.”

“Lessons?” asked Twilight as she scribbled fiercely on her notebook.

“Oh yes, I along with the other girls frequently visit Johnny at Sweet Apple Acres,” Rarity said. “I must be honest that sometimes I feel bad for the poor colt, forced to remain at the confinements of farm with the occasional visit to Fluttershy’s cottage. But it’s for his safety; we don’t know how the other ponies will react to his presence. Personally I think he’ll charm the townsfolk right up, that way he won’t have to ruin anymore outfits whenever he wants to go into Ponyville. ”

“That’s right,” said the purple unicorn, “You made all of Johnny’s outfits. They are quite lovely”

“Yes,” said Rarity with a beaming smile, “It was quite a challenge at first, I was only used to making outfits for ponies. But with much work and research I discovered all about minotaur fashion or rather their lack of it. Johnny’s garments are inspired by minotaur clothing but with my own twist. I think the results are magnificent blend of functionality and style. Oh you should see Johnny in his scout outfit, he looks so adorable.”

Rarity went on to list every single outfit that had made for Johnny. At first Twilight paid deep attention but her focus was lost as her stomach began to ache from the lack of food. She couldn’t take it any longer, “This is so very interesting and informative Rarity, but I must really get back to my lunch. We’ll discuss more about this topic later okay?”

“Why of course Twilight, I’ll set up a spa appointment,” replied the fashionista. “I must get going as well; the weather team is scheduling a quick rainfall for this afternoon.” Rarity gave a farewell nod towards Twilight and Spike and turned around to leave. As she turned the corner, she pulled out an umbrella from her saddlebag.

Twilight’s stomach grumbled again, she lifted the sandwich with her magic. She was about to take a bite out of it when a gush of water drenched her and the sandwich. She looked around and saw the other ponies in the square running around searching for shelter from the rain.

“Eh, sorry about that Twilight-“

The unicorn looked up and saw Rainbow Dash through a hole among the black clouds. “I thought you knew about today’s scheduled quick shower,” said Rainbow Dash with a chuckle. “I told Spike about it yesterday.”

Indeed, Spike was holding small personal umbrella with one of his claws and shoving down the remainder of his hay fries with the other. “What?” he muttered with mouth full of hay fires, “I forgot to tell her about it, okay?”

“I saw you showing off those tickets earlier to Pinkie Pie,” Rainbow Dash said nonchalantly. “Then I see you having a conversation with Rarity, what can Rarity say that’s interesting enough for you to take notes on? No offense, but you don’t look like one to be interested in fashion.”

“Well maybe I’m taking an interest in fashion,” Twilight said defensively. “I’m seeking to expand my horizons.”

“Oh please,” scoffed Spike, “You were practically drooling from boredom when Rarity was listing every outfit she had designed for John-eh!” Spike did not finish those words as Twilight casted a spell and a zipper had appeared over his mouth.

Unfortunately Rainbow had heard enough. She glared at Twilight, “Twilight, I think that you’re alright for a egghead but you’re stepping on thin ice right now. I care about that squirt and I’m warning you to not do anything too reckless, okay?” With that said she sealed the hole in the clouds and disappeared behind the black clouds.

* * *

Johnny was on his way to the house. He had finished his chores with Big Mac and the rain was scheduled to arrive over Sweet Apple Acres within half an hour. On his way he saw Applejack bucking a tree but she seemed distracted, “What’s wrong?” the boy asked.

“Huh... Oh nothin’ wrong Johnny,” said Applejack sheepishly, “What makes you think somethin’s wrong?

“Well ya’ keep bucking the same tree even though it gots no apples,” replied Johnny.

Applejack saw the tree she was bucking indeed had no apples on its branches. She gave a sight turned to face Johnny, “Yer a bright one, all right. I guess there no point in lying to ya’.” She took a deep breath and told him about what happened. “Twilight came by earlier today and offered me a ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala.”

“Wow!” gasped Johnny, “Ain’t that supposed to be some big fancy event?”

“Yep,” replied Applejack, “It would be a great opportunity for the Apple family if we could have a stand there. We could make a fortune and fix things round the farm. But in return for the ticket, Twilight wanted something.”

“What did she want?”

Applejack took a deep breath and looked at Johnny straight in eyes, “She wanted you.”

“Me?” asked Johnny taken aback by what he just heard.

“Twilight wanted the chance to perform some test and what not in exchange for that ticket,” Applejack murmured.

“What did ya’ say?” asked Johnny with a face half interested and half afraid of what he was going to hear.

“Of course I said no,” Applejack said firmly. “You are mah little brother, I’ll never do that to you.”

“What about the farm?” Johnny asked, “What about all that money you can make at the Gala?”

Applejack took Johnny in a tight embrace and began to nuzzle the top of his head. “Johnny you’re my kin, my family. You’re much important to me that some silly ol’ dance. The Apple family will find a way without sellin’ out on their own.”

Johnny buried his face into Applejack’s chest, enjoying her warmth and security. “I’m sorry for sneekin’ out ta’ Ponyville yesterday,” he blurted out. Sure Applejack could be tough at times, but she did it to look after him.

“And I’m sorry for shoutin’ at ya,” she said as she gave him another nuzzle. They remained in a tight embrace for moment longer until Applejack broke the silence. “Well let’s go back inside ta’ house before the rain comes down,” she said. “We have to find Granny’s silliest girdles, Big Mac still has to do his part of ta’ bet.”

Johnny cheered up instantly and chuckled at the thought of his big brother walking down the street wearing a frilly bridle with laces. “Wish I could see that,” he said as he entered the house.

“I do as well,” Applejack whispered to herself once Johnny was out of sight. “I wish that you could see it as well and much more.”


The shout came from above. She glanced up and saw Rainbow Dash heading toward her. She swooped above her and landed with a crash near some bushes. “Eh, sorry about that,” Rainbow said sheepish, “I’m still working on my landings.”

“Now what seems ta’ be the issue that’s getting you all fussed up?” Applejack asked.

Rainbow sprang up and glanced at Ponyville. “It’s Twilight. She won’t stop being obsessed over Johnny. I’ve talked to Pinkie and Rarity, though Rarity mostly doted over the Gala ticket, they told me that Twilight would promise them the ticket if they told them what she wanted to know about Johnny.

Applejack lowered her cowboy hat, “Come on Rainbow.” she said mildly. “I think that’s it’s time to pay somepony a visit. What does it take to get into that girl’s mind that family is not a force to be trifled with?”

Twilight was not in good mood by the time they arrived at the library. Her stomach was aching, begging her for food. She had no breakfast that morning and her lunch been ruined by the rain shower that Spike forgot to remind her of. Spike however was happily sitting on her back with a full stomach. “Spike,” she said before she opened the door. “I want you to dust the shelves, clean the windows, then mop and polish the floors. When you’re done with that, I have another list of chores for you to do.”

“Hey,” the dragon complained, “What did I do?”

Twilight did not answer, she wasn’t exactly mad at Spike but rather irritated. “Never mind,” she said before taking a deep breath, “Just dust the shelves, I’m going to be at the kitchen to make something to eat.” Her stomach growled in agreement.

She opened the door to be greeted by the sight of Fluttershy happily humming as she dusted the bookshelves, her small critter friends were helping with the chores. Angel was wielding a large duster in his small paws like a spear. He was busy charging and attacking the evil dust monsters and spider webs that threatened to take over the library.

“Well, that settles my chores.” Spike said with relief that his chores were done.

Twilight merely groaned and buried her face into her hooves. “Fluttershy,” she said with a forced smile, “What brings you to come for a visit?”

“Oh… I um- might have heard from Pinkie Pie that you had tickets for Grand Galloping Gala,” the pegasus responded with a nervous grin. Sweat began to form on her head, “And I was thinking that maybe you invite me…well that’s if it’s okay with you of course.”

“Fluttershy,” Twilight began, “I thought that you weren’t into social gatherings.”

“Oh no, it’s not the actual Gala that I’m interested but rather the wonderful private garden. It’s said that it has the most beautiful and fragrant flowers that only bloom during the Gala. And that’s just the flora… don’t get me started on the fauna.” Fluttershy squealed excitedly. Angel Bunny stuck his tongue out and made a gesture to Twilight not to get her started.

“Uh, no thanks, I’m pretty sure it’s very fascinating.” Twilight told the Fluttershy. “I don’t mean to sound rude, but what are you doing here?”

“Oh my,” Fluttershy began to mutter, “Well I was at the marketplace when Pinkie Pie told me that you had an extra ticket to Grand Galloping Gala, and I was going to come here to ask you might consider for even the slightest of the chance of inviting me… well that’s if it’s okay with you. When I arrived here I saw that the library was still a mess from your welcome party so I decided to call my animal friends to help clean up the mess. I hope it was okay with you. You’re not mad at me, are you?”

“Of course not!” explained Spike, “That was awesome of you, less chores for me to do!”

Twilight gave the dragon an exasperated look and was about to rebuke him but was interrupted by grumbling of her stomach. This time it was loud enough for the entire room to hear.

“Oh my,” gasped Fluttershy. “You must be starving! Don’t worry; I’ll have Angel fix something right away!”

Angel Bunny gave a salute and replaced his spear/duster with a chef’s hat and sped off to prepare a meal for Purple Pony.

“Well thank you Fluttershy, you didn’t have to do this.” thanked Twilight. “I still haven‘t decided who I’m going to invite to the Gala, but if you don’t mind, I have some questions to ask you.”

“Okay, go ahead.”

“Well I was taking to Applejack earlier—she told me that Johnny hasn’t had a proper check up. I know that you have examined him in the past but you really think that’s enough? What if he gets sick or worse? Maybe you can convince Applejack to have me give Johnny a full check up?”

“I think that’s for the Apple family to decide. From all my examinations, Johnny is perfectly healthy boy and stronger that he appears.”

“But what if he gets sick?!” Twilight shouted “That’s why I thinks it’s important that I’ve examine him properly.”

“Twilight, everyone eventually gets sick once in awhile. It’s natural. Johnny is no exception; I remember that two years ago he caught a very bad cold. He had us all worried, but I managed to keep everyone calm. I made sure that he got enough rest and he was sufficiently hydrated and in a few days he was all better.”

“Well then, uh what else can you tell me about Johnny?” Twilight inquired, “Does have any strange habits or rituals? Oh you should really convince Applejack to let me have a chance to test on Johnny. Just think about the scientific discoveries Fluttershy.”

“I don’t think I can go through with that. Johnny is like a little brother to me, if the Apple Family didn’t take him in, I would have. I just can’t think of poor Johnny being locked up in test chamber to have all sorts of needles and tests to go through just because he’s different,” Fluttershy gasped. “Oh it’s just not fair-” she began to hyperventilate with each word- “Oh I won’t let that happened. I won’t! I WON’T!”

Twilight and Spike stared in shock at Fluttershy’s outburst. The mare’s rapid breathing began to slow down and eventually she caught her breath. “Was I shouting?” she asked meekly, “I’m sorry.”

“I didn’t mean it like t-that!” stuttered Twilight, “What I meant to say was that uh- well what I meant to say…what I meant-.” Just at that moment Angel Bunny entered the room proudly carrying a fresh salad he had prepared. Hey, that chef’s hat wasn’t just for show. When Twilight saw the salad she decided to quickly change the subject. “So, uh- Fluttershy, does Johnny have any peculiar eating habits?”

“Well when Johnny started growing his teeth, we discovered that he is an omnivore.” said Fluttershy.

“So he eats meat then?” asked Twilight as be once again began to scribble down notes. Fluttershy responded with a nod and Twilight continued asking questions, “And you are okay with that?”

“For the most part yes,” Fluttershy responded, “He’s growing boy and he needs meat in his diet to grow big and strong. Well I’m not a big fan of meat, but I know that Rainbow Dash and some pegasi eat fish. So I arranged a deal with Harry-”

“Harry?” asked Twilight as the scribbled down the new name.

“Harry the bear, he really likes Johnny. He’s even taken Johnny on a few fishing trips.” said Fluttershy with a smile.

“Are you sure it’s okay to have Johnny hang out with a bear?” Twilight asked in shock.

“Oh yes, Harry won’t let anything bad happened to Johnny, he sees him like a little brother.” Fluttershy gave serene smile at the memory of finding Johnny snuggly sleeping cuddled up with the bear.

“Hmm... subject seems to get along with bears,” muttered Twilight as she began to look over her notes. “Perhaps the bear sees Johnny as a fellow predator. I must find out more about his behavior—perhaps if he has any aggressive behavior-”


Angel Bunny had flung the bowl of salad at the purple unicorn. He watched with a smirk as it landed on top of her head spilling all over her. He would not have the purple pony insult his fellow monster slayer like that.

“Oh my,” gasped Fluttershy. She quickly flew towards Twilight and began to clean the mess. “Oh, I’m so sorry Twilight, Angel is usually well behaved. I don’t what got into him.”

“It’s okay,” Twilight lied. In truth she was rather irked and her mood was getting worse. She opened the front door of the library and was about to kindly ask Fluttershy to leave when two pink hooves grabbed her and pulled her outside.

Twilight is my bestest friend
Whoopie, whoopie!
She's the cutest, smartest, all around best pony, pony!
I bet if I throw a super-duper fun party, party!
She'll give her extra ticket to the Gala to me!

A group of ponies began to gather around to see what the commotion was about. Pinkie Pie was happily singing while holding a rather irritated Twilight. “Pinkie!” screamed Twilight, “Put me down!”

“Okay,” replied Pinkie as she dropped Twilight and she landed with a soft thud.

“What’s with all the commotion?” asked Spike as he stepped outside.

“I was just singing about how Twilight is cutest, smartest, all around best pony,” replied Pinkie Pie with a wide grin. “Hopefully she’ll give me her extra ticket.”

“Ticket?” asked a pony from the crowd that had gathered. “Ticket to what?”

“Why a ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala of course,” exclaimed Pinkie, “Twilight has an extra ticket to the Gala and she’s inviting me!”

“THE GRAND GALLOPING GALA!?” gasped the group in union.

“I really like your mane Twilight,” said a pony in the crowd.

“ I’ll wash your dishes,” said another.

“Do you need any help with your garden?”

“I have cartloads of carrots.”

“I’ll do your taxes!”

“I’ll trade you 49 keys for that ticket!”

“What are we going do?” asked Spike. The crowd of ponies kept shouting offers and compliments and was getting closer to him and Twilight.

“We’re going to run!” shouted Twilight as she levitated Spike and placed him safely on her back. Twilight ran as fast of as she could but the crowd of ponies began to chase after her. She ran down the streets of Ponyville and made twists and turns whenever she got the chance. The crowd kept persisting, they would not let go of the chase. “Why are they obsessing over these tickets? Why is every pony so obsessed over the silliest of things? It’s making them act all crazy!”

“You mean how you’re obsessing over Johnny?” chided Spike.

“Oh don’t be silly,” retorted Twilight. They ran into an alleyway, the crowd was not far behind. It had grown in size as ponies joined the commotion or simply thought that is was a some sort of game. Twilight and Spike reached a dead end, Twilight could hear the approaching steps of the mob. She focused and began casting a teleportation spell. With a flash of light, they had vanished and left the crowd behind and appeared back at the library.

“Warn me next time you’re going to do that.” Spike muttered out feeling unwell from the sudden teleportation.

“I didn't even know I could do that.” Twilight descended down the stairs of to the first floor of the library. She was surprised to see her friends down there with different expressions on their face. Rarity was indifferent, Fluttershy was nervous, Pinkie Pie had a grin, Rainbow Dash and Applejack both and a glare the send shivers down Twilight’s spine.

“Twilight,” began Applejack in a strict tone, “We have to talk.”

“W-what about?” Twilight said with a forced smile.

“Oh I don’t know, maybe how you’ve been BRIBING all your friends to tell you about Johnny!” Rainbow shouted.

Twilight looked around nervously, “I wasn’t b-bribing anyone.”

“You kinda were Twilight,” said Spike atop her back “you’ve been doing it all day.”

“B-but-” Twilight stuttered.

“Now listen here Twilight.” AJ said as she walked over to Twilight, “I don’t mind going around and asken questions, well some questions, but bribing everyone is just wrong, wrong and dishonest!”

“But Applejack, he’s a new species and—”replied Twilight weakly.

“And he’s my little brother, a little brother who ‘am VERY protective of and if this is how you’re gonna behave around him then our friendship is OVER!”

A loud gasp was emitted from the group present, Pinkie Pie collapsed from shock.

“But Applejack, what about the Elements?” asked Rarity, “Without all of us together, they are nothing more than lovely jewelry.”

“Rarity’s right Applejack, w-what if something like N-Nightmare Moon shows up?” Fluttershy stuttered.

“Forget the Elements! The world has gone along just fine without ‘em and even if something like that monster comes round again ‘am sure we could come up with something.” Applejack reasoned, “Besides, it’s all on Twilight.” She stared intensely into Twilight's eyes, “ Can you behave yourself around Johnny Twi? Can stop obsessing over ma’ little brother? Can you stop treating him the some kind experiment or test? ”

“I...I…” she said looking around to all her friends and sighed, “I’ll be honest with you Applejack, it goes against everything I know as a researcher, and it’ll be hard, but I’ll try. I’ll try my absolute hardest to preserve our friendship.”

“Thanks Twilight, that’s all I can ask for. But just so ya know, it’ll take a lot of work for you to work up my trust in you. You’ve definitely lost a lot of it with your actions today.” Applejack turned around and headed to the exit. “I’ll be glad to lend a hoof without hesitation when a need for the Elements arrives. But for now I think it’s best if you keep distance from Johnny and Sweet Apple Acres for the moment.”

Applejack slammed the door and left, soon Rainbow Dash left as well. Fluttershy was near tears and was being comforted by an unsure Rarity. Twilight remained staring at the spot where Applejack had rebuked her earlier. Applejack’s words had stung her more than she could ever imagined. Princess Celestia had ordered her to study the magic of friendship in Ponyville with her new friends and now here she was with at least two damaged friendships. Tears began to form around her eyes soon the began pouring out like a waterfall as she collapsed to the floor. “I-I’m s-sorry, I’m sorry so-sorry-”she began to cry out.

Twilight felt a pair of warm hooves holding her tight in comforting hug. She looked up and saw Pinkie Pie holding her with tears in her eyes as well. “Cheer up Twilight,” Pinkie said sad smile , “I’m sure Applejack will forgive you soon.” Pinkie began to wipe the tears from Twilight's eyes, “Everyone makes mistakes, Twi, I’m sure you and Applejack will the best of buds. Now stop being so frowny downy, we have a friendship to fix.”

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned a very important lesson in friendship and a lot about myself. I learned that you can’t let something seemingly important take over your life. If you do then it can make you do things that you wouldn’t normally and make you blind about how you're treating others. Today I let something like that take over me and I almost lost one of my new friends because of it. In the end I lost a lot of her trust and now I have to work to get it back, but I’m fine with that because the alternative is something I wouldn’t be able to live with. I’m sorry to disappoint you that I messed up so much after you sent me to Ponyville to learn about friendship and I already have almost lost a friend, but from now on I’ll have a level head and won't let something take over my better judgment again.

From your student,
Twilight Sparkle

P.S: I’m sending you back the Gala Tickets. Let’s just say they caused a bit of the problem and if we can’t all go then none of us go.

Dear Twilight

While it saddens me to hear back from you like this, I’m happy that you’re willing to admit your mistakes and move on stronger from them. Also I apologize about the tickets, I didn’t mean for them to cause any trouble for you and your friends, as such I’ll be sending you six tickets for the Gala as an apology.

Your Teacher,
Princess Celestia

P.S: I shall enclose an extra ticket for Spike as well.

Author's Note:

So as I said up top it's been awhile, almost 2 years. To be honest no real excuse aside from me just not having a creative drive for all that time, still don't really. There has been a number of times when I've wanted to continue this story and write new ones, but the moment I start typing all my drive is gone. But this isn't a pity party so enough of that and let us get down to business!

I've given the story over to a guy by the name of Antojo Pony. Now then just so we are all clear he has his own stories that he's working on so this won't be his main thing, it'll take time between updates. And before anyone ask, yes, I asked him if we wanted the story transferred to his account, but he wanted it to stay here to make it easier on everyone. Any words Antojo?

I know that my writing style is different from the previous chapters but I hope that that won't deteriorate your reading experience. Thanks to Flame for letting me write the continuation of his story. Shout out to Alticron for editing this chapter. Hopefully I’ll keep continuing on this story and I won’t take two more years for another update.

Next time on D̶r̶a̶g̶o̶n̶ ̶B̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶Z̶ Raising a Human in Equestria: Applebuck Season.

And with that it's time for a vote! Now then I know I've said a few time in the comments that Johnny would never be able to do magic, well after thinking about it there is a moment in the story were he can gain the ability to do so. Now the reason I'm doing this vote now is so you guys won't see it coming later, I want it to be a very slow gain of power, so slow you guys won't notice it when it starts. So here it is, Does Johnny get magic powers later in his life? Vote in the poll, discuss in the comments and the voting will end when the event happens.

‘Til next time readers.