• Published 23rd May 2019
  • 10,515 Views, 570 Comments

Timeless - RadBunny

When Princess Luna returned, the thousand years of banishment was a blur. It was merciful, in a way. Everycreature she once knew was there one minute, and gone the next. One stallion wasn't so lucky.

  • ...

Chapter Thirteen: Cold Winds/To Be Continued...

“I blame you, of course,” Luna grumbled, levitating a parchment over to Shifting who was relaxing at her side. The pair were sitting in a small side-area, offset from the throne room. It was a nice place to take a break between nightly petitioners and read the usual updates and reports, and close enough to the kitchens to snag a bite to eat every now and again.


“Ever since your ‘infinity minus fifty’ thing, Twilight has been delving into how much power a Satyr’s paw, or other possible ageless artifacts, actually have. Apparently, she is bombarding my sister with notes; for which I am grateful though. Celie needs more ponies to talk to, Twilight included.”

“…I wash my hooves of any of that business. Not my fault she’s an egghead supreme.”

“Says the purveyor of fruit and vegetable poems, and all historical knowledge associated with them,” Luna shot back with a grin.

“Hey. She’s egghead Supreme. I’m Emperor egghead, in that respect. To be fair, I stumbled upon those facts mostly by accident, mainly because I knew the ponies!”

“I still blame you for ruining some of my favorite lyrics.”

Shifting chuckled, levitating a parchment over to Luna with a grin. “I maintain my innocence. Oh, could you sign this please? I mentioned it the other day, and finally got the paperwork in order. As the first squad of the Lunar Knights is formally established, I thought you should have the final say. Silty Stone has more than proven herself as a leader, I think.”

Luna let out a hum, signing the document before retrieving another report. “Of course, I look forward to seeing how she handles things. I trust your judgement, naturally, and from the brief interactions I’ve had, she seems perfect,” a frown then slid onto the Princess’s face.


“The outbreak is spreading; and the strange cure we’ve been receiving actually worked on eliminating the illness from tests subjects,” she read off of another report, hoof tapping her chin in thought.

The Commander now also frowned, leaning over to examine the report. “Then this illness is what the First Wisher warned us about, then. We only are getting the cure in a hundred doses at a time, correct?”

“Aye. Not nearly enough to prevent the spread; but they’re being used on healthcare workers first as of a few days ago. The illness isn’t deadly though, so I cannot see how this is from the Windigos, yet it makes most sense at the same time. So far it’s just a few thousand infected with a common cold.”

Reading another report, Shifting nodded in agreement. “It doesn’t fit the Windigo’s profile. So far, as you said, it has just been a bad case of the flu and the cold. They want death, hatred, all of that. This thing- perhaps the Wisher was correct in saying it was some sort of different group. He did say Windigo’s weren’t the only threat…”

“Well, at least we have the cure; it seems to both destroy the ailment and prevent infection, at least as we’ve discovered these past two weeks.”

“Speaking of, how is Twilight doing? Two weeks is hardly time to recover,” Shifting tentatively asked, and Luna let out a gentle smile in return.

“She is coping. It is a horrible shock to her, but being able to pin all of this on an enemy helps her, I think. It answers the ‘why’ ponies would do such horrible things. She is still innocent in many ways of the world; and I hope she carries that with her for many, many years.”

Letting out sad sigh, the Lunar Knight nodded, Twilight’s horrified gaze still burned into his memory. “And I hope she does just that.”

“I think she will, Shifting. Better she learns now than later during our retirement. Along that vein, have the prisoners given us any new information?”

“Actually….” Shifting mused, retrieving a rather lengthy report. “They have, rather eagerly I might add when we threatened to drop them in the middle of a Northern blizzard. That misty-eyed spell we’ve been seeing? It’s unfortunately not mind control; they were completely in control of their actions. It’s some sort of spell-booster. Apparently, it lets this ‘Emissary’ communicate with the ones afflicted if needs be, and also directly with her masters. It also generally heightens one’s senses and abilities, but not to an extraordinary level,” Shifting read off, then frowning at a sub-note.

“Unfortunately, the visible mist in one’s eyes was the result of a hasty casting. It’s suspected such cues are no longer visible on the enemy’s agents. Speaking of, the info we have on the ‘Emissary’ is fairly light. She’s some sort of ethereal being who reports directly to, we guessed it, the Windigos. Only one or two sightings thus far; but nothing concrete. Where they are and why they are here…we still don’t know. The only information on that front is they are willing to pay handsomely to any creature willing to spread hate, or undermine national unity. Also, we’ve managed to avoid mentioning Windigos to the public, thankfully. Thus far, it’s just a radicalized cult. That, coupled with the Changeling’s help to quell rumors and excessive panic, has been holding the public emotion steady.”

Luna nodded slowly, the gears in her mind churning through the report. “I’d say that’s a good start, Shifting. That is disturbing that so many ponies were willing to act with deadly intent however. A full-blown mind control spell would have been more palatable, in a way.”

“I agree. But considering how many creatures in the world there are, there is always a group willing to put profit or powerful alliances ahead of morals. Equestria has been the exception rather than the rule, I think.”

“Not without attempts of course. It got lost in the shuffle, but I found this interesting,” Luna remarked, levitating a report over to her Commander.

“This was a year ago. Apparently, our enemy tried the same thing in the Royal Guard and the Legionnaires as in the Night Guard.”

“And why didn’t we learn about this sooner?” Shifting muttered, reading the report. His eyes then widened as the stallion blinked.


“’Oh’ indeed. The individuals were easily rooted out, and in the case of the legionnaires…aggressively eliminated. That organization has ponies of whose families have served my sister for generations. To try and infiltrate that, rather than the Night Guard, was bound to fail.” Luna mused.

“We never put the attempts together, because it seemed to be a simple mutiny based on a loose group of fanatics, rather than a cohesive effort. Now however….”

“That was their trial run; to see if it could work, and how to modify their plans in the already-in-motion infiltration of the Night Guard,” Shifting finished.

“Exactly. My Night Guard was easy to infiltrate; being largely of Thestrals we trusted with little question, and being a newly reinstated organization. The Legionnaires especially is a generational and fiercely loyal bunch.”

Shifting let out a sigh, leaning against Luna’s shoulder. “This is outside my area of expertise, Luna. I’m good with singular threats, but this? This is almost like being a general to an army. The Lunar Knights is different; shock troops, but this is slowly moving towards all-out war.”

“It would seem that way, but I doubt the Windigos have enough bodies for that. A few thousand perhaps, hired help and such, but no. Their methods must be different; yet this pathogen that is spreading doesn’t seem to be their doing,” Luna mused.

After a few moments of thought, Shifting nodded in agreement, but continued to frown.

“I think it is from them; but that goes against all logic. There have been very few deaths; only minor inconveniences thus far. It doesn’t match up against their methods and motives. But that’s my hunch.”

“Well, I’ll certainly take your hunch into account, Shifting. Until we have concrete evidence however, we just have to move forward.”

Blowing out a noisy breath, Shifting stood, stretching with a slight wince. “I agree, of course. This is just out of my element, and more in your area. Widespread planning and so forth. At least that nasty bug hasn’t reached Canterlot yet.”

A loud yawn caught both of their attention, a familiar alabaster alicorn wandering into the room sleepily. “…This is not the kitchen,” Celestia grumbled, prompting two heads to tilt in confusion.

“Sister? I thought you were in bed,” Luna asked, prompting another loud yawn.

“Couldn’t sleep, more common. Hmm. Just wanted some different herbal teas…” The still-drowsy ruler mused, and Shifting was struck by how normal Celestia looked. Mane still tousled in disarray and lacking her usual regalia; she looked like any other pony having trouble getting a good night’s sleep.

A bit of knowledge I suppose few understand. They are just like everypony, everycreature else, just lacking in age. But then again, I have a unique perspective on that…

“Do you want my help, Celie? I know you haven’t been sleeping well,” Luna asked, but a shake of a head was Celestia’s response.

“I’ll manage, but thank you Lulu,” Celestia replied. Her entire frame then contorted in a massive sneeze, the Alicorn wincing slightly in pain.

“Something must be in bloom.”

“Sister, you told me that you haven’t had allergies in a few hundred years.”

As the slowly-waking Alicorn looked over to her Sister and Shifting, the latter casually opened a storage portal, the unicorn donning a gas mask as he took a step back from Celestia. A magical touch urged Luna to keep her distance, the Commander of the Lunar Knights letting out a sad sigh.

“Princess Celestia, I think you should report to the infirmary.”

“Why? It’s just a…cold…” Celestia huffed, words then fading as the realization hit her. “Oh dear, you don’t think…?”

Luna’s horn lit up as protective spells surrounded her, the alicorn looking to her older sister sadly. “Let’s get you checked out, Sister.”

Shifting sent a private message to his Knights to get their protective gear ready; the stallion taking a deep breath of filtered air as he accompanied the two alicorns down the hallway. He had a feeling that things were about to get very, very interesting.

To Be Continued in Sunspots

Author's Note:

(A thank you to Geminii for reminding me of some details to include in this chapter!)

And thus concludes this specific chapter of Luna and Shifting's journey! But with every end comes another beginning, and this new tale follows a different Princess. Rest assured, Luna and Shifting aren't going anywhere however! There's plenty more poetry to spoil!

Thank you all for reading, as well as the feedback! I hope to see you all in the continuing story! (Out Now!)

Continue the story in the Sequel: Sunspots

Comments ( 72 )

Looking forward to the next story. While it will no longer be following my favorite princess I still want to see how it goes.

I hope you enjoyed both this fic and the next! :pinkiehappy:

Starting in on the next fic now.

Because in a monarchy, there would be a system in place for the rulers to hear the populous' opinions, and oversee issues brought to their attention. With two ruling bodies, two courts.

Agh I loved this so much, moving on to the sequel now!

Oh, she's given a bit more backstory later on =)
But not fair to half of the ruling body; which prompted the whole nightmare moon in the first place.

One generation for the nobles to do a power grab.

Except all Twilight would have to do is bring that up to Celestia, and you get a very, VERY angry Alicorn brought out of retirement for a day. :rainbowlaugh:

Yeah, but youve seen how stupid some of them are, theyd try it anyway for laughs

Oh they most certainly would, that's a given!

A concern: would Celestia and Luna seriously consider retirement while these plots are in motion? You’d think they would adjust or delay their plans...

Oh, if it came to that, for certain. But as it stands, they're still a good 6 months - year out from even beginning the process. It's not a set in stone thing, and the plans they have can continue if not evolve, with the threats.


how does a heart and mind cope when one escape's the trap of time?


If the main OCs in this story were voiced, what would they sound like?

Oh I'd have to give that some thought. I've tried to describe their voices somewhat; but not too sure on the absolute specifics (in terms of an actor or the like I could point to.)

That, coupled with the Changeling’s help to quell rumors and excessive panic, has been holding the public emotion steady.

Huh, good to know. Interesting to see that the Changelings are involved like that: while I might worry a bit about secretive government manipulation, they're only quelling rumours and excessive panic – extremely benevolent and beneficial to the public if anything.

“’Oh’ indeed. The individuals were easily rooted out, and in the case of the legionnaires… aggressively eliminated. That organization has ponies of whose families have served my sister for generations. To try and infiltrate that, rather than the Night Guard, was bound to fail.” Luna mused.

Good to know.

Also, Rad, I'm a bit unclear on this point, so what are the differences between the Royal Guard, Legionnaires, Night Guard, and Lunar Guard again? Would love to know if it isn't a bother.

Exactly. They're not doing anything malevolent- just softening the fears and offering a more stable ear/conversation other than 'we're all going to die'. :rainbowlaugh:

Oh of course! So you have the normal/royal guards for each sister, (Royal Guards/Night Guards.) Then you have the elite forces of each. (Celestial Legionaries, and the Lunar Knights.) And those elite forces are the last resort when all other methods fail (i.e. lethal force, special forces-tactics, etc.) Hope that clears it up! I certainly can see how it'd be confusing.

Thanks for the explanation! Glad to see the Legionnaires aren't corrupted at all.

Of course! They're basically the shock troops of Celestia- and we got to see one of their primary purposes in Prison of Ice and Silver Keys, (I won't spoil it though.) You get families where that is what they do, and they take treason extremely seriously.

Yup. It's like the nobles of old! Generations of knights sworn to The Crown.

Also, where does Shining Armor belong?


Shining armor was Captain of the Royal Guard- now Semi-Prince of Crystal empire I believe.

A piece of trivia: while it depends on the country, and oftentimes it can just be a simple title, the technical term in our world for a person married to royalty without any royal lineage themselves is [title]-consort, so it would formally be Prince Consort Shining Armor.

Aaah that is very true. I think I looked it up once, but just never really used it. :twilightsheepish:

Eh mostly over thr story plot of OC X main character. I’m sure the writing is just fine

To each their own! I certainly can understand if an aspect of a story doesn't appeal to a reader.

A deeper voice but not TOO deep. Perhaps similar to the announcer in Detective Pikachu (I think the main villain?) or perhaps Hugh Jackman....It's honestly tricky to give a real world voice to the mental 'voice'
(Tbh I thought your question was a fleeting one! Hope this answer suffices! In the Sequel, Nacreous would deeeefinitely be closer to Hugh Jackman's, but crossed with a deeper/more somber one.)

RadBunny you defiantly have a vary good story line going here.

Oh you did? So you added the bit about their day off after that episode then. And yeah, I remember that about Gallus, I thought of your stories the moment I saw that. Also, not sure what I was thinking earlier; realized only got a couple chapters left. Will definitely be finished before the new year and decade (2020 foresight) :rainbowwild:

I believe so!
:rainbowlaugh: I had someone else comment that as well. I'm just happy saying that I TOTALLY. CALLED. IT. :trollestia:
...or maybe they stole MY idea...yeah, we'll go with that. :trixieshiftright:

No worries! I hope you enjoy the sequel staring a different princess...So far it's definitely longer than Timeless!

Hmmm, that is an intriguing question for sure, cause we may all imagine something a bit different when reading a character. I think I've sorta imagined Shifting's voice to be similar to that of Maximus Decimus Meridius from Gladiator (2000).

Now regarding this chapter, it makes sense that there was some sort of "test run" so to speak attempted elsewhere before. I wouldn't be surprised if the Emissary anticipated failure but went through with it anyway to learn how best to infiltrate and attack Princess Luna. Now I'm trying to figure out exactly when Princess Celestia may have been infected by this cold that is spreading rapidly throughout Equestria and how it happened. My mind first went to those mercenaries who put something in her food, but after revisiting that chapter, those were supposedly tranquilizers and they had worn off when Celestia unleased her fury on the would-be assassins. Or is it maybe that all these mercenaries were told was that it was a tranquilizer but it was actually something more, and the first effect was being put in a state of sleep (if it worked that is, which would explain why Luna hasn't shown cold symptoms given hers was a 'dud' as they saw it)? I'll be starting the sequel in the near future (which could be later today, we'll see).

Ooooh. That voice could indeed work as well! I've had that question before and it utterly stumped me, since I've got a 'mental' voice for h, but never a real, audible one.

Or it may just be airborne. That's the scary thing about airborne illnesses- you can be contagious and not showing any (or very few) symptoms. So by the time you call home sick, you've already exposed a bunch of people.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the sequel! :pinkiehappy:

Story just didn’t catch my interest like I thought I would. Only got to chapter five

Thank you for the honest feedback :twilightsmile: It is definitely not for everyone, especially those who dislike slow-burn stories; I totally get that!

"A full-blown mind control spell would have been more 'palpable' , in a way."...….palatable.

:facehoof: Dangit. Thank you for that catch.

Very nice little chapter and ending, poor sunbutt got the virus..thing, also sand with a gas mask with his armor is just a scary thing to imagine

Yeah....Shifting would be pretty intimidating. Poor Celestia....

If I knew, I'd be spending a LOT less time here! :rainbowlaugh:

What a lovely read

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it! =)

Okay, I finally got around reading the last few chapters. So, how was it?

Mediocre. The awkward phrasing I mentioned before is still there, but that would be a minor problem compared with the rest.

First of all, you tag this story as 'Sad', 'Romance', and 'Slice of Life'. You have chosen to focus on the relationship between Luna and Shifting, but this is nowhere as interesting and catching as the whole assasination attempt. We get more information by the end, but only small tibdibs. I feel like this could be more interesting as an adventure with a side of romance.

Second, Shifting Sands is a blank slate of a character. One would think a 1000-year old pony would be quirky and interesting, but this is not the case. He is boring. His whole personality is being subservient to Luna. Furthermore, his repressed memories are not brought up ever again after he gets his mind fixed by the Princesses. Even I sometimes have to stop and gaze into nothingness when I think about the last episode of Background Pony. And this is fiction. Just imagine what hundreds of years worth of real memories could do to you.

Third, I find the whole situation with the convicts to be very unlikely. Most people in jail are there for non-violent crimes. And even within those who are, even fewer would be willing to take up arms against someone. And even less would work for such a dubious cause.

Fourth, the windigos seem to be very incompetent...and yet they are making progress, which means Equestria as a whole is even more incompetent. First you have the pathetic excuse for a coup againts Luna (Less than ten mortals against an alicorn? Come on now, even without her magic, Luna can deal with more than that by her own. Which she was not). Then, the incredibly innefective attack against Twilight (So many dead, for so little accomplished). And finally, we learn they tried to do do the same with the solar guard as they did with the night guard!

Oh yeah, and Celestia killing some of the surviving criminals felt veyr out of character.

Thank you very much for the feedback; we're all learning and growing, so thank you for giving me some points to improve on!

To that end, I did want to remark that Shifting's personality isn't being subservient, but military-minded. He's a guard, plain and simple. Perhaps that was an error of mine in portrayal.

I have to say...Equestria being incompetent is partially by design. They have relied on a nigh-goddess for centuries. Their military is likewise....lacking.

10705194 Shifting's plainess would not be much of a problem if he were not so ancient.

I prefer an Equestria with a powerful army that rarely sees combat. I think Celestia would prefer this just in case she were to dissapear, her Land would not be instantly conquered.

But that aside, the issue with what you say is that, with both contenders being incompetent, the threat is not the enemy, but Equestria's own uselessness. The enemy is not frightening or concerning, they are just slightly less useless that the protagonists. It becomes frustrating, as clearly the widingos are simple to deal with, if the protagonists could just get their shit together. It is like watching two clowns fight with pool noodles.

And that's fair enough. The story certainly evolved as I wrote it, and so there are going to be cracks in consistency.

While you aren't wrong, isn't that the downfall of most villains in a story? They get over confident, underestimate their opponent, etc.

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