• Published 16th May 2019
  • 514 Views, 2 Comments

Souls of the Forgotten Remnants(Rewrite) - The User

Beings called Fragmented Ones try to mend a corrupted pony universe that's out to get them. The other universes are no better.

  • ...

2. Luna

<=====The Grey Room=====>

Both occupants of the room stood in silence. Peering at the pool in the center of the floor, which showed the events that were currently playing out.

“Well, that was a bit sudden.” The Sorceress admitted. Her gaze shifted back towards GasterFrisk. A small pout on her face. “You still didn’t answer that one question of mine.”

GasterFrisk tilted their head away from the Sorceress while also slightly turning their head towards her, signifying they were listening.

“My question of why I look like one of those ‘monster girl’ versions of the Sorceress. I have blue arms and legs for crying out loud! And a tail.” Though she didn’t sound like she was annoyed at her physical form, GasterFrisk knew her outburst was towards the lack of an answer.

They thought about the reasons why each Fragmented One took on a more ‘monster girl-like’ appearance. While each one were born from the fragment of the Allfathers’ soul, they each were given a different reason. Sadly, it seemed only GasterFrisk could accurately guess the reason as to why the Sorceress in particular was a ‘monster girl’ version, let alone a child-like version.

[EACH FRAGMENTED ONE THAT BECAME A MONSTER GIRL HAS THEIR OWN REASONS TO BECOMING ONE. THE REASON BEHIND WHY YOU’RE A MONSTER GIRL IS ONE I MAY BE ABLE TO ACCURATELY GUESS.] Already they were scanning and thinking about the most possible reason for the Sorceress’ monster girl form.

“Well, at least I’ll GET an answer. Don’t know about the others though. How long will this scan take?” tapping her foot as time passed by, the floating hands with holes through their palms projecting green light had only slightly miffed her.

As the green light died down from the floating hands, they returned to their catalyst. Rotating and hovering around them as a holographic screen appeared infront of them. Symbols and words in an unknown language formed in rows upon rows. Each quickly viewed and read in seconds by the human-monster hybrid.


Sorceress’ jaw nearly hit the floor. “What!?” Her eyes wide open, she began fidgeting with her claws. “B-Bu-But I h-haven’t t-t-taken any d-d-dragon wings or created a potion of immortality! How am I immortal!?” Her confidence came back quickly as she stomped her foot.


“Oh. Her.” lowering her voice from the boisterous volume it had been. “I remember her. She was a Fragmented One in the form of Spyro. Exceeeept she was a ‘monster girl’ version that called herself Spyra.”

[OH?] GasterFrisk looked more directly at the Sorceress. [YOU REMEMBER BEING AN EXTENSION OF THE FRAGMENTED ONE THAT MADE YOUR FORM?]

“A bit.” She sighed. “I only remember how I acted, reacted, then adapted. As if I was solely based on my instincts. Do all Fragmented One’s have such an extension of themselves?”


“That still doesn’t explain why we opposed her.” She shrugged, shaking her head. She was confused about the nature of her existence. Even curious about why her nature was against who was essentially her creator/mother.


Sorceress smirked. “I sometimes forget you can be omniscient at times.”


Sorceress thought aloud. “Then how did I become independent? How did any of us become independent?”


“Wah! Don’t read my mind! Since when could you do that!?” Sorceress shrieked.

[I DIDN’T. YOU SPOKE YOUR THOUGHTS OUT LOUD.] Sorceress grumbled as GasterFrisk turned towards a figure in the back corner. [ANYWAYS, IT’S ABOUT TIME TO FACE PRINCESS LUNA. ARE YOU READY?]

The person that had been sitting there the entire time stood up. The black robes he wore looked to be of Japanese origin. A red strap was wrapped around him over his right shoulder and below his left arm. A massive sword, wrapped in a white cloth was placed on his back. Despite his brown eye color, his hair was naturally orange.

“Yeah. I’m ready.” He had a determined expression on his face as his voice was full of confidence. His stride to the door spoke for itself as he made his way to the door. Before he even reached for the handle, he turned to look back. “Hey. Is the location set?”

A couple seconds passed as GasterFrisk was typing on the holographic screen. [AFFIRMATIVE. GO ON OUT, ICHIGO KUROSAKI.]

After closing the door behind him, Sorceress looked to GasterFrisk. “Is he the best choice against Princess Luna? Won’t he need another to back him up?”


“In other words? Oh!” Sorceress giggled. “I see. Ichigo is truly the best choice to have against Princess Luna then, right?”


<=====Canterlot Castle=====>

In one of the halls of Canterlot Castle, just outside Lunas’ bedroom. A grey door appeared out of nowhere. Soon it opened and an orange-haired individual stepped out.

He looked around to see if any guards were around. Luckily for him, they were all panicking, running around, yelling questions at each other. None of which knew the answers the others sought but that didn’t stop them from yelling their questions to the air anyway.

He ignored them and began searching for Princess Lunas’ spiritual energy. While all ponies have lots of magical energy in them, it barely prevents someone like him from sensing spiritual energy. As soon as he found hers, he noticed it shifted a bit, as if flinching.

Ichigo sighed. “Alright. Guess she knows I sensed her. Better introduce myself.” He spoke softly to himself, pulling his sword off his back while the cloth unwrapped itself from the blade. He held his sword over his shoulder, waiting to see if any of them reacted to his presence yet.

Sadly, they were still running around like a chicken with its’ head cut off. Yelling questions, even those already asked, and ignoring everything around them.

Should I even ask?’ Ichigo deadpanned. ‘Guess I should just get going then.

Maintaining his expression, he began walkingtowards the bedroom door. With every step he got a little closer. Even stopping just let some of them run by. By the time he got to the door, every guard had stopped to turn and face him.

“Halt! You aren’t allowed in there!” One guard yelled. Gritting his teeth, he raised his spear, pointing it at Ichigo. “For the princess’ safety, you are to lay down your weapon and surrender yourself to the solar guard! NOW!”

Ichigo ignored them, opening the door while flaring his reiatsu. The bright blue spiritual energy surrounded him as he broke the handle off the door. At first the guards laughed at him. They threw taunts and vocal jabs at him. Slowly, they closed in, spears and crossbows at the ready.

That was until he used another method of opening the door.

With a swing of his zanpakuto, he fired a wave of his reiastu, blowing the door open. The wave of reiatsu continued through the door, hitting the far wall. When the dust settled, the door was hanging on by its’ lower hinges and a massive hole where the bright blue wave hit was evident.

Ichigo waltzed right on in. The dark of the room allowed little to no sight. He could barely see the illustration of the moon and stars on the ceiling and the bed in the center of the room. It was thanks to the suns’ light from the hole he made that he could see. There, next to the hole to the left, was Princess Luna.

She had been spared from the attack. Her midnight blue coat was easy to see thanks to the light. Her dark blue ethereal mane and tail that looked to have held stars in them. He noticed she was wearing a black gown and black bike shorts. Her arms were crossed with an unreadable expression on her face.

Ichigo calmed himself before addressing her. The smile on his face not once left him.

“Sorry. But I’d like for you to come quietly. That’s your only warning. I’d like to avoid any unnecessary bloodshed..”

Princess Luna stood there a moment, eyeing him carefully. Just as the conversation had taken up its’ silence, the guards just outside began to step forward again. One of them even speaking up as he stepped forward.

“You can’t win against Princess Luna, so give yourself up to us right now and make it easier on yourself. Drop your weapon, and to your knees, or you will not be spared.”

Instead of listening, Ichigo lifted his sword off his shoulder. Holding his zanpakuto infront of him, he was prepared to strike the princess of the night if need be.

“Ah-Aren’t you listening!?” “Don’t bother! This beast is obviously going to try to slay our princess!” “Attack!”

All at once the guards charged forth, each one with a spear, or sword, or the one with arm blades launched themselves at Ichigo. Yet, he did not move. He did not flinch. He stood with his back turned towards the guards as they launched their weapons forward.

The spears thrusted forward, the swords were swung, and the one pony with arm blades spun vertically in the air like a saw. All of their attacks landing right on Ichigos’ back.

“Heh. Nice illusion! Too bad it doesn’t work on me.” Ichigo breathed calmly, making his way in.

To Princess Luna, his clothing resembled that of a citizens from the Kirin empire. Even the weird sensation she felt from him before he entered was like the Empress’ own ability.

What was more strange to her was what she felt from him. His power felt like hers, but not hers. It felt like a fellow lunar magic user except odd. It didn’t feel like magic, instead it felt more deeper. It even felt like it was meant to ctrike down other lunar users. She couldn’t quite place it. It still upset her that a creature other than herself was using lunar magic. She made it a general personal rule to not allow any other, be they pony or otherwise, to be able to use the same lunar power as her. His lunar power has sentenced him to treason and possibly death by default for possessing that.

Lunas’ eyes widened a little at his statement. “Impossible. Even if thou can see through it, thy body should be experiencing a great sensation of phantom pain right now. Even the most trained of individuals would feel something!”

Without warning Ichigo charged as the illusions fell apart, fading away. His blade was poised to strike her down at the shoulder. Within those few seconds, Princess Lunas’ horn flashed, nearly blinding Ichigo. His sword met another as Luna summoned two of her own. A curved sword whose blade resembled a crescent moon in her left hand, and a straight sword with a crescent moon on its’ hilt in her right hand.

Diverting Ichigos’ sword aside, she swung her straight sword at him. Ichigo spun around to kick her sword and return with a swing of his own. Luna jumped over him, spinning to slash him while in the air as she landed.

“Heh, not bad. You almost got me with that.” Ichigo swung his sword upward, firing another Getsuga at her.

Laughing at his attack, she mocked. “Hmph! Thy attacks are too direct with large telegraphed openings. Thou shalt never defeat us with such hasty swings.”

Just as she dodged, she failed to see Ichigo follow up with another Getsuga from the other side as he appeared to her right. Spiritual energy flowed around him as he raised his sword above his head.

“Getsuga! Tenshoooouuuu!”

The giant wave of blue spiritual energy engulfed the entire room, forcing Luna to cast a barrier, holding the wave while firing a beam through a wall. She barely escaped when she did. About to cast another spell, she covered her face when the dust blew out neAr her. She coughed to get fresh air into her lungs. She noticed the orange-haired individual she was fighting leapt out of the room into the hall with her.

“Good idea. Fighting in the hallway is much better. More room for us.” Ichigo kept his eyes on Luna. Not once did he lose sight of her.

“What happened to thy sword?” Puzzled, she noticed the blade had become completely different.

Ichigos’ sword had now became a solid white. The handle guard was a more dull yellowish brown as the handle itself was of a red wrapping. The dull colored pommel had a two-stringed tassel on it.

“Ah, my swords very first form. Don’t mind it too much. Let’s finish this.” He charged again.

Luna snorted and fired a bolt of magic he deflected with ease, but not without causing the blade to snap off. She grinned as her pride swelled at the prospect of defeating a talented, but crude opponent such as him. Feeling her victory was set, she felt the need to inform him.

“Ha! What fool charges at a foe with a broken weapon? Thy brain must be as small as ye ole Diamond Dogs are!”

The two clashed again. The snapped off blade of Ichigos’ swords versus the lunar swords of Princess Luna. Surprisingly, his blade was able to hold off Lunas’. She tried to push harder only for him to push her back back more, shrinking her smile into a frown. It was like taking one step forward then two steps back. It was starting to infuriate her that she was clearly losing to such a simple weapon. Even more was the unnatural strength her foe possessed.

She smiled “Doth thou believe thee to be able to defeat us now!? Thy sword snapped so cleanly with but a simple bolt of magic!”

Teleporting away, she held her blades up, casting another spell. This spell held Ichigo in a barrier in the air. Looking around, he began striking at the sphere he was stuck in to no avail. Each hit only drained more of his stamina by the second.

Princess Luna observed him continue his attacks, watching as the stump of a blade remaining hadn’t chipped or broken off yet. Her eyes narrowed at it. Once again, pride swelled up in her. She had known herself as a militaristic pony. Taking action when she felt was needed. Unlike her sister who had been staying behind, letting Twilight and her friends do all the fighting. She pondered why she wasn’t allowed to still exert her fighting prowess like she used to anymore. It was like her own sister was trying to soften her. While she refused to say anything of the matter, she was more thankful she had gotten to fight some creature that could give her that feeling of a worthy opponent again. Or at least as worthy as today’s times can produce.

“Now stay there while I contact mine sister! I am certain she will find a use for thee! If not, I hear our garden can use a new statue since Discord hasn’t been occupying it.” Though to be honest, she was hoping to make use of this creature other than being a lawn ornament. She hoped to convince her sister later to ‘reform’ him into being a soldier for them. Unfortunately, she’d have to word it for a way for her sister to believe him of becoming a guard instead. She detested how lacking the guards are nowadays.

Ichigo huffed as he struck the barrier again and again. His annoyance grew into anger. Try as he might, he could not break the barrier. Focusing his reiatsu into his blade, he started to finally chip away at it.

“Come ooonn! Break darn you!”

Luna laughed at his failed attempts. “Now be a good creature and remain there! We will be calling mine sister to judge thee now!”

Her horn lit up while she turned her back. Taking a few steps away from the captive Ichigo, she didn’t notice the cracks starting to form.

Hello! Sister!...Hello? Art thou there? Sister?” She huffed. “Well, this is unusual. Hold on creature! Thou shalt be dealt with soon enough!”

The barrier he was trapped in had shattered upon impact as shards of magic flew through the air. Ichigo landed gently with ease before standing his ground, preparing for another round. As the barrier faded, Princess Luna turned around before charging at him. She leapt through the air and began to spin. Once she landed, her spinning launched her forward as she balanced on her swords. For Ichigo, she resembled a buzz-saws’ blade rolling at high speed.

Ichigo jumped to the side in response to the attack. Just as he recovered, he turned around and saw that Luna was already heading right at him again. With no time to dodge, he thrusted the blunt blade of his swords’ remains forward to buy himself a little more time.

The spinning attack she used was too much for the stump of a sword blade as it was shredded away like paper to a shredder. Passing by her foe, his sword was now only the handle and pommel. The guard of said handle fell apart too easily.

“Whatever thou had been planning with that blade, it won’t work now. I can detain easily with only the handle left for thee.” It was then she noticed him smiling.

Stopping her attack, she turned to the fallen man, smiling on the ground. Readying herself as he stood back up, he pointed the handle at her. Seeing him place his left hand over his right, she heard him say only one thing.


Just as suddenly as he stated it, a massive power, darker than any shadow Luna has ever seen practically exploded around him. Expanding into a great size, she began firing beams of blue lightning at it. Finally, the darkness receded as if shrinking, revealing Ichigo. His clothes were now covered in that very dark power. She noticed a blade of darkness had formed from the remains of his sword.

“Impressive, but doth thee believe to be able to defeat mineself with the power of shadows?” As Ichigo was about to respond, she continued. “Truly, you realize thou faces the princess of the night! Ha! Annnnd in broad daylight as well! Doth thee believe thou wouldst stand a chance with thy own darkness being diverted by the very light too?”

Geez, she talks a lot.

Ichigo stood there, listening to everything the princess was saying. Even if he didn’t want to. It was better he let his spiritual energy build back up anyways.

The more time she spends talking, the more time I have to get into the next form of my power.

As Ichigo walked forward, the princess stopped speaking. At first he took one step at a time.

“So, thou wishes to do battle with thee at last!”

Using Bringer Light, Ichigo zoomed straight to Luna, catching her off guard. She barely dodged the swing to her face using her wings to propel herself away. With Bringer Light, he closed the gap and swung again at her face. It was only now she realized he was aiming at her horn.

Charging magic into it, she expelled his blade away from her and countered. The sword cut through his shadow clothing, but left no cut on his actual body.

“Coward! If thou is going to fight, then take a hit when it strikes you!” She yelled, almost using the Royal Canterlot voice.

Instead of retorting, he smile before using Bringer Light multiple times. Each time he got close, he swung at her only for her to sidestep and swing back.

This continued for a time. Ichigo would charge forth using Bringer Light while Princess Luna sidestepped and swung at the same time. Sometimes hitting Ichigo only for his reiatsu clothing to protect him.

Feeling frustrated from the lack of results, Princess Luna flew into the air and began using her spinning attack again. Ichigo stood his ground as the princess charged at him. Using Bringer Light, he dodged the attack, but sparks of blue lightning shot out, electrocuting him. The power behind the bolts of lightning pushed him through the air into the wall.

As she stopped, Princess Luna looked back at cloud of dust that formed. A large smile formed on her face. She had felt triumphant in herself. Striking her opponent with the effect of such an amazing attack such as hers.

“Thou best stay there if thee don’t wish to be shocked again! We are quite adept at lightning-based magic!” Not that she believed he could get up after getting hit with an attack like that.

Emerging from the wall, Ichigo pushed himself to his feet. Breathing a few deep breaths, he turned towards her. Raising his blade as he closed his eyes, he began to try feeling for any of her spiritual energy. It was hard since she has such a large amount of magic in her, but he was confident in himself to find her souls signature. Not once will he allow himself to lose his resolve.

By only a half an inch did Princess Luna take when she backed up. She would never admit to being scared nor frightened by anything, but the look in her opponents eyes. Not once had she seen that sort of look throughout all her life. Even the most hardiest of mercenaries and pirates would melt under such a gaze. It only made sense that he would strike next, and she would be prepared.

Truth be told, Princess Luna herslef felt a slight tingle in her arms and legs. Something she would not admit to was being scared of anything. Instead, she’d chalk this up to being excited for what he had planned next. She refused to admit to being afraid of a no nothing creature that had not an ounce of sense to just surrender to her at all. For her, it was completely ludicrous to feel any fear towards a being such as him.

“Complete Fullbring.”

Before she knew it, long white strands shot out from the center of his chest, spreading and reforming. Within seconds, his entire outfit had been renewed. Pale, almost bone-like armor covered different parts of his body. Some of which covered parts of his face. When the shadowy blade dissolved, a new sword materialized. This one was like the first one she saw him wield, though much smaller. It was black with a white blade and a curved tip. A strange five sided plaque with a ‘X’ served as its’ handle guard.

She smirked. “We see! So thou hath been stalling us as one would say to release thy full strength! Yet, how can thee use such power after taking such a massive blow to thyself?” Mockingly, she asked.

Instantly, he disappeared. Vanished without a trace. She calmed herself, casting a spell to find where he’d teleport to. What surprised her was that she couldn’t sense any magic used nor any form of teleportation used either. She was about to vocalize her disbelief when her left ear twitched. Turning around, she swung her curved sword around.

“Aha! Got...you?”

Her sword had struck and went through. Sticking into the abdomen of her opponent until he faded away. As her ears continued to twitch, she spun around and swung again and again. Each time hitting not her opponent, but her opponents afterimage.

“Coward! Using an illusion to fight me!? How dare thee use such disgraceful HRK!”

She stumbled. Blood dripped off her left shoulder. Clenching her jaw tight, she spun around to see him again.

“Hypocrite.” He said as he faced her.

Her face scrunched up, narrowing her eyes. Looking at him in disgust, she asked. “And what is that suppose to mean?”

“It’s what you are. Calling me a coward for what you claim to be an illusion when-”


She never got to finish her sentence as Ichigo interrupted her by vanishing and reappearing infront of her. His fist shot forward, intending on punching her in the face. Right when she was about to counter, his other hand shot upward instead. Predicting her counter, Ichigo uppercutted her in the chin, sending her flying. The impact of the hit was enough to push her back a few feet. She was about to use her Royal Canterlot voice again, but stopped when she saw the look in his eyes again.

The look was more serious than before. He looked frustrated, almost upset at her. Like she had been caught taking a cookie from a jar she had no right to take from. A look telling her to be ready for the inevitable spanking she was about to receive. The thought made her even angrier.

“The next time I hit you. It won’t be anything less than my blade again.” tightening his grip, he held his ground, standing only a few feet from the princess.

Smirking, she snorted. “Thou truly believes thee special? Many hath come before us and mine sister.” Winds brought up by magic began swirling around her, slowly lifting her. “You shall be no different than any other foe we hath laid waste to in the past! Arrogant creature! Fall and be remembered as a fool, and no better!”

In the air, Princess Luna released a massive wave of magic in the form of her mane and tail. Creating a twister, she formed multiple swords, floating around her. Each one was a copy of her own straight sword.

Ichigo placed his Fullbring sword into the sheath on his back. Light blue reiatsu began building up around him. Higher and higher it flowed, raising above where the princess herself hovered.


With one single word, an explosion of reiatsu formed a light blue cloud of dust blinding the princess. She used her magic to clear the cloud and once she did, she witnessed a power from Ichigo she didn’t want to feel from anything ever again. Large cleaver looking sword on his back, his original clothing restored, and a large black ‘X’ on his chest.

Despite the appearance of him, she could feel something wrong about him. Originally, she felt a lunar based power radiating off of him the moment she saw him, then disappear when his blade began changing into different forms, but now. Now she felt the same power, but something told her that it was a lunar power that can truly cut down other users of lunar powers, rendering said powers useless.

He sighed. “Sorry about that. It usually takes me a while to get to this point. Especially after I use Mugetsu. It takes me only a month to recover every time now.”

Princess Luna snapped out of her trance, shaking her head rapidly. “Wha-What? What’s a Mugetsu?”

“It’s the final Getsuga. It wastes all of my power, leaving me unconscious for a month. It also reduces me to my basic sword form. The first form whose blade broke off.”

Her face perked up in satisfaction. “Ah, yes! We remember how we broke thy blade so easily. Seems this blade will be no different than that one. Thou should’ve stayed with thy previous form. At least then, thy armor wouldst protect thee.”

“Nah.” He shook his head. “Believe it or not, this form far stronger than my previous.” Pointing at the ‘X’ on his chest, he continued. “See? This form combines my Fullbring and Shikai.”

While Luna knew what he was talking about in regards to his ‘Fullbring’, she could only guess at what his ‘Shikai’ was.

“Thou means thy large sword, right?”

Happily nodding, he continued. “Yeah, the cleaver looking form. The one you saw first.” After seeing her nod, he continued. “Also, you-”

“Are we fighting or talking!? I’d rather learn all this after I’ve captured to interrogate thee!”

Sensing her impatience, he took a quick moment to check his surroundings. Opening his eyes, he saw Luna right infront of him, ready to cut him down. Reflexes kicked in and he flipped over her, landing behind her. Without wasting time, he moved forward in an attempt to cut one of her wings.

Sensing the danger, she ducked his swing then swung at him while he was still in the air. Using his momentum, he spun around to swing again, clashing his sword against one of hers. The sparks of spirit and magic swirled in the air between them.

Ichigo spun around, attacking her again. Princess Luna held up her swords in a ‘X’ formation to block it. The force of his swing sent her sliding back. She recovered, flapping her wings to stop the force of the push that sent her back.

Using shunpo, Ichigo appeared infront of her again, continuing his assault. Luna blocked his attacks, but was pushed back every time because of how powerful each swing was. Even using her sidestep maneuvers made it difficult to have any chance to counterattack.

He’s fast.’ She thought. ‘Too fast for me to keep up physically.

Without any options, she flew into the air to catch her breath. Breathing heavily from the constant exertion, she smiled at her genetic advantage. Or so she thought. What she didn’t expect was for the same individual to be able to leap high enough to reach her.

Simple! I’ll just dodge and let him fall!

As she flew to the side, his sword missed. Now all she had to do was let him fall to the ground and receive injuries from the fall. Only, he didn’t fall. He was standing in the air at her level. Now swinging his sword again. Breaking out of the shock, she tried to dodge away from him. Instead she received a cut across her mid-abdomen.

Quickly breathing to get her nerves under control, she found herself having trouble focusing. Her mind was filled questions that she wanted answers to. Questions that were distracting her and couldn’t afford to be. Realizing now wasn’t the time, she raised her head, forcing herself to look at him.

He had disappeared again. “Hey, You alright?”

Spinning to her left, he was there. Just standing there nonchalantly. The same look of determination on his face said his intention. She barely had time to react when he swung again. The force of the attack was unexpected. The column she landed into stopped her from flying any farther back.

Firing at random, her magic created bolts of lightning in a spread. He charged through the attack, striking each bolt away until he was close enough to strike her again. This time instead of only one column, she crashed through four.

In the middle of the air, time seemed to slow for her. Every second felt like hours as she thought on what she just experienced. The thought of a creature without wings being able to not only jump so high in the air, but also stand in the air as well confused her to no end.

By some reason or another, she turned her sight to the left where felt a presence. It was him again. He was standing the air with his sword over his left shoulder. Her already widened eyes felt like they were going to pop out of her skull as her pupils were pinpricks.

He swung his giant cleaver, purposely missing her. That didn’t stop the light blue blast of pure force from pushing her down the other hall, out the window. Strangely, she was stopped by a green transparent wall of some kind. It was akin to a magical barrier. She didn’t have time to think as she was grabbed by the shoulder.

“Oi. Don’t lose your focus.” Staring at her without anger anymore. Just a calm neutral look.

“Are you!? You!” She snarled. “ARE YOU PITYING-!” She yelled just before she was launched to the ground.

Covering his left ear, he hissed. “Geez. Did you have to do that point blank. It hurt like hell.” He jumped back, avoiding a beam of magic.

Rising from the ground, Princess Luna focused her magic around her body, creating an aura. Ichigo stood there for a few seconds before Luna launched herself at him in a spinning motion. He leaned his body to the right to avoid the attack quickly noticing the blue threads on his left shoulder. Cutting the threads, Princess Luna crashed into the wall.

“I had a feeling you’d do something like that. Your fighting style reminds me of Roxas, and I know how Roxas fights. Slash while sidestepping an opponent. The spinning attack is like Levi’s from an anime I saw. Putting two and two together, I figured you’d-” His face scrunched up before he rushed forward, grabbing Princess Luna by the face. The invisibility spell she casted on herself fizzled out. “-try that trick too.”

Princess Luna was at a loss. No matter what she tried, he could see right through it. Her eyes, while wide, showed extremely angry frustration. Her face kept that same scowl as she was thrown down the third hallway she had been flung across today. Her teeth grinded each other openly as she only stared at him while she flew uncontrollably backwards. She couldn’t take the insult she felt inside anymore. Before she hit the wall, from pure frustration, she wailed.


“That’s enough!” Ichigo yelled back after using shunpo to effectively get in her face. He grabbing her by the throat tightly, cutting off most of her air. “This is my spiritual power! I can’t help but have lunar based energy! Even if that means nothing to you! What if you come across a pony who was born with only lunar magic!? Would you deny him from using it, or judge him just because he has lunar magic! What right do you have!? You don’t own the moon! No ONE does! You’re just a possessive brat!”

Kicking her in the slash wound he made earlier, she flew even harder than she would’ve into the wall behind her. She tried to move, but something was forcing her back. It was as if the very air itself was heavier now. And it all came from him.

Fear. She truly now recognized the trembling she felt before. It wasn’t excitement. It was fear. She was afraid of this man. No, she was afraid of his power. Lunar like hers, but it had the effect of cutting other lunar powers effects. She now realized her mistake. This wasn’t just a fight she could not win. This was a fight that was tipped in favor of him. His power cuts through lunar powers. Almost as if he could cut through the moon itself. Slaying it.

“Getsuga!” Light blue spiritual energy suged around around his blade as he lowered it to his hips left side. “Tenshooooooouuu!”

Princess Luna saw only a bright blue wave of incredible power encompass her before she felt her mind go blank.

Author's Note:

Finally! i got the second chapter finished! Took me a while as I had a lot of things to do. Much sooner than a year at least.

Hope you all enjoy this rewrite of the second chapter. I'll be working on the third after a break. A very nice break, I hope.