• Published 18th May 2019
  • 995 Views, 10 Comments

Adeleine and Ribbon: Unlikely Survivors - Kir B

Adeleine and Ribbon are transported to Equestria! Too bad everyone wants them wiped from existence. . .

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The history of humans in Equestria.

Humans. . .

A simple name, for such an abhorrent creature.

Throughout the history of Equestria, humans have proved to be the most vile and despicable creatures that have ever walked around the planet Equis. Wherever they tread, a wave of unrivaled destruction follows, earning them the nickname "Harbingers of the End." They find joy in causing devastation and despair to all living creatures around them, often times decimating entire villages without a second's thought. There are many recorded moments in history where, ponies, donkeys, and various other creatures had created settlements, only to have a horde of humans decimate the land, leaving nothing behind but ash and corpses. Very few ever survived, and none were ever the same after escaping the human's wrath.

Those who did survive, however, told of their experiences and recorded journal entries to cope with their feelings of torment. They told how they had settled in before waves upon waves of the hairless figures swarmed the land, mercilessly slaughtering innocent lives and raiding the houses of everything they could carry. They told of how whenever they looked into the eyes of a human, they didn't see some sort of crazed animal or untamed beast, but rather the cold, sadistic, gaze of a killer. They knew what they were doing and what it caused, and the humans found pleasure in their actions. As a warning they told anyone who would listen that should they ever see a hairless figure that walked on two legs, to leave the area and never look back.

It wouldn't be until the rise of the Two Royal Sisters that human attacks began to decline. The ruler of the sun loved her subjects and would fight to keep them safe. But she was a peaceful ruler, preferring words over war. Multiple times she attempted to reform the creatures to no success. Her younger sister, who ruled over the night, held no desire to rehabilitate the humans and would detain, and kill, any that were found. The two methods of dealing with the bipeds cause strife between the sisters for many years, until one day everything changed.

According to a journal entry by a guard during the time, the Castle had been raided. Massive waves of the humans surged into the castle, attacking everything in their path. It was the highest causality rate ever recorded in history. . .

But it was also the beginning of the end for the humans.

For one lone human managed to worm its way to the younger of the two sisters, and stabbed her with a spear, severely injuring her. The older sister, bearing witness to this, was enraged. Using a spell of unknown origin or power, the elder sister purged the entirety of the human horde from existence, effectively ending their reign of devastation. From then on, the Elder Sister traveled the continent, actively seeking humans to out for complete eradication. None of the beasts were spared. Should the the pony of the sun find a human village, it would be reduced to ash in a matter of seconds, only to have the ash be vaporized under the rays of the sun. This came to be known as the "The Cleansing." To bring the head of a human would fetch high respect, and often time a wealth of riches. Emboldened by their Princess, more and more ponies began to fight back against the humans, forcing their number to grow smaller and smaller. In turn human attacks happened less and less in the following years. With fewer numbers, their victims had better odds of survival, repelling their attacks and putting an end to them.

After many years, the human attacks ceased altogether, but that wasn't enough for the Sisters. Spells were crafted specifically to track humans for miles. They wanted the human race eradicated. They sent guards around the country, and the elder sister still ventured out to make sure that the vile race would never rise to see another day. Any human they found, they killed without hesitation. From the elders to the young, none were spared from the wrath of the ponies.

Eventually, their spells stopped working, and the ponies couldn't find any further traces of the humans, the eldest sister leaving for one final excursion of their nation. Her search brought nothing. They had done it.

The human race, was extinct.

After this fact was made known, ponykind rejoiced. No longer would they have to suffer by the hands of humans. Celebrations were held, and praise was brought to the elder sister for her actions. The younger sister received no accolades or praise, despite the fact she was the one who had originally wanted to wipe the humans from the face of the planet, and became bitter over the years, but that's a different story.

With no more humans, the beasts became forgotten over time, shifting from a thing to be feared, to a myth and then from a myth, to a legend. The only remains of the humans were in history books and tomes of mythological creatures, and even then their tales had become corrupted over the course of time. Only a few passed down knowledge and the tales of what the beasts had done and still held the tools used to strike them down, these instruments also being lost to time. However, there were two minds that never forgot what the humans had done, they could never forget the atrocities that were committed by man, and they would have the rest of eternity to think remember what they had done.

Celestia, ruler of the day. The pony who destroyed the human race.

and Luna, ruler of the night. The pony who had been severely injured by man.