• Published 17th May 2019
  • 759 Views, 11 Comments

The Savior Princess - Creativa-Artly01

She was sent away from her kingdom when she was young, so she wouldn't be taken prisoner again by King Sombra. She grew up away from the empire. Now, she's the one who has to save it. First from Sombra, then from Chrysalis.

  • ...

Chapter 10

Over the following days, Shining locks himself away in his quarters and refuses to come out. Even his wife and sister can't get him to budge.

"Shiny, please come out," begs Cadence.

"Shining! Darn it big brother! Please come out. The guards have recovered, they're fine, despite a few concussions." adds Twilight.

"Not helping, Twily!" he hollers through the door. "Now can you and Cady please just leave me alone!"

The two then just leave his room door and walk outside the palace, tails hanging between their legs, Cadence with tears streaming down her cheeks. "I don't think he'll ever come out at this point, Twilight. He blames himself for everything."

"He was just trying to protect everypony, but it backfired. It's hard on him," responds Twilight as she takes Cady in her hooves trying to comfort her. "Cadence, you're the strongest pony I know. That's why I look up to you. We'll get through to him. I promise."

"I...I hope you're right," responds Cadence still sniffling and in tears.

Meanwhile elsewhere in the castle, Flurry reads up on some more things about Sombra in the Crystal Castle library. She is specifically reading over a section on the Daughters of Sombra and the crystal zombies. She doesn't even realize her mother and auntie aren't on the castle grounds but are out and about the empire, Twilight still trying to calm Cadence down.

"I know I'm right," responds Twilight not meaning to be snarky about it. Unfortunately, that's how it comes out.

"Love, you don't have to respond like that every time you're right about something, it makes you sound self centered and ego centered," responds Cadence annoyed.

"Sorry," apologizes Twilight, "I didn't mean for it to come out like that."

"Well, it did and it hurt," responds Cadence. She then runs back towards the castle and locks herself away in the garden. Twilight runs off in a huff towards the Crystal Library where she soon bumps into Flurry.

"What are you reading there, Flur, my favorite niece?" asks Twilight.

"Stuff on Sombra. I heard mom yelling as she ran towards the garden. Is she okay?" responds Flurry.

"No, I made her mad, I didn't mean to make her mad or upset her, but I did," responds Twilight. "Now tell me about your findings."

"Okay," responds Flurry with a nod. She then goes on to tell Twilight all of her findings as Twilight listens on fascinated.

"Whoa, that's all really cool and interesting," responds Twilight. "These must be the lost volumes of the reign of King Sombra."

"They are, I kind of went in the restricted section."

"Ah, I used to do that at your age, it drove Celestia up a wall," responds Twilight with a sigh.

"Well, I'm glad some pony in this family approves of what I'm doing. Right now, I can't even talk to mom and dad. Now, more so because he's locked in his room and she won't leave the garden. I miss the unified family we used to have when I was a filly. Now, I don't know if we'll ever get that back."

"They'll be fine," responds Twilight, "don't worry. They just need some time. The war with Sombra is really taking a toll on everypony. And because of that, things that seem silly and meaningless are now the most weightiest things in the world and that's not our faults. It's just how it's going to be for a little bit."

"Well, I hope it goes back to normal soon. I miss mom and dad. I really and truly do." Tears begin to pour out of Flurry's eyes as she leans on Twilight's shoulder. Twilight then does what she can to comfort her niece. She wants things to go back to normal too, but unlike Flurry, she knows that is likely not going to happen anytime soon.