• Published 21st May 2019
  • 543 Views, 7 Comments

Full Circle - Paradise Oasis

When the greatest threat to all of Equestria and Ponyland returns, all generations will have to stand against it

  • ...


Tambleon, five days after the battle with the demon goat. Grogar

(author's note: This prologue is the long awaited follow up to the cliffhanger from my oldest story; Twilgiht then, Twilight now,)

All around them... was darkness.

The city of Tambleon was surrounded by a wall of magical shadow, which covered the area like a giant bubble. Those who still lived in the city quickly learned the confines of their new prison, and adjusted to the new lives their situation had brought about. The city had been trust into the dark dimension, a void between worlds, and all of those who had been in the city when it was taken were now trapped in the void with Tambelon.

All around the city, Grogar's troggle army patrolled the streets relentlessly. They were still rounding up ponies who had been left behind in the city after it was transported to this void from the pony world. Those who were caught were taken back to Grogar, gutted, and devoured by the giant goat and his goblin army. It was the reason a group of five such ponies remained hidden in an abandoned building... seeing as how they were the ones responsible for the goat lord's defeat.

"Sureshot, you see anything out there?" Hopper asked, as the Pegasus flew back down through the skylight from his scouting mission. "You think the Troggles are gonna find us anytime soon?"

"Nah, they're not entering the buildings." The Pegasus replied. "They just seem to be waiting for ponies to come out of hiding to look for food, then they get them."

"Well, that will certainly keep us safe." Slick Styles sighed. "At least, until we get hungry, and go looking for food."

"Don't worry, we'll all be out of here before then." Avian assured the others. "Hey Booker, how's that portal spell coming?"

The unicorn he had been talking to looked up from his spell book, and his chanting.

"Well, I've been working on this spell for the past several days, but I'm almost done." Booker replied, going over the last details of the spell. "I can open up a portal for us to get back to Equestria, but I don't know how long has passed there since we were trapped."

"Who cares? As long as we get back home." Hopper grumbled, as Booker began to chant the final part of the spell. "I just want to see Pinkie Pie again."

"And I want to see Rarity." Slick Styles sighed, thinking of the unicorn mare. "I wonder if she even remembers me?"

"I am sure the girls haven't forgotten us." Avian reassured them both. "But if a lot of time has passed since we left, they may have moved on with their lives."

"No, they are still waiting for us." Sureshot replied, without a moment of hesitation. "i can feel it through the lifebond... Rainbow Dash is calling to me."

As he finished talking, Booker finally finished the spell. A small, pony sized portal opened in front of the five stallions, and the all looked into the light.

"Well, this is it, guys." Booker replied, trotting through the gateway. "Time to go home!"

"Yaaay! I'm tired of this horrible place!" Hopper agreed, somersaulting through the portal after his friend. "Back to parties, back to dancing, back to fun! Look out Equestria, here we come!"

"It will be good to see Fluttershy again." Avian smiled, quietly stepping through the portal. "I hope I can meet with all of the wonderful birds she has been raising."

"Awww yeah, I'm gonna be chillin' with Rainbow Dash again!" Sureshot exclaimed, zipping into the circle of light. "We're gonna be the most awesomest couple evar!"

After all of his friends had gone through the portal, Slick Styles looked back when he hears the sounds of fists and spears pounding on the doors of the abandoned building they were hiding.

"Open up!" A guttural voice from outside cried out. "Open up in the name of Lord Grogar!"

"Oh dear, the troggles have found us!" Slick cried out, as he galloped through the portal. "I hope this portal closes after I leave!"

As the unicorn vanished through the doorway, the portal collapsed behind him. The troggles stormed into the empty room, looking around for the pony refugees that informants had told them were hiding here.

"Were are stupid ponies!?" One of the troggles growled, as his comrades tore the rooms in the buildings apart. "They must have gotten away before we got here!"

At that moment, a dark and towering shadow filled the building's doorway. All of the troggle guards cowered in fear as the large, four-legged goat-demon with blue fur trotted past them. The towering figure with the bell around his neck, walked over to the spot where the portal had been, and sensed the magical energy with his horns.

"Those ponies escaped back to Equestria through a portal the unicorn wizard made." Grogar smiled, looking around at his troggle warriors. "They have breached the barrier between dimensions, giving a pathway to follow them back."

"You mean... ponies have given us a way back?" One of the troggles grinned, pleased that some good had come out of the pony's escape. "We can use their magic door to go back to world?"

"The ponies have given us a path to follow, once I can use my enchanted bell to create a spell." Grogar explained. "It could take five hundred years to teleport this city back to the physical world, but they have opened the door for us to escape from this accursed prison." The demon-goat snarled and snorted. "And mark my words, once we get back to Equestria, we shall make the streets run red with the blood of the ponies, we shall turn their world into ash, and destroy their precious concept of friendship forever!"

Grogar's cruel laughter echoed all throughout the walls and buildings of Tambelon, sending a shiver down the the spines of all the poor wretched souls who were unfortunate enough to live there.