• Published 24th May 2019
  • 323 Views, 11 Comments

Heartfelt Union - TheWingman

Years after graduation, Diamond Gleam wants to take his relationship further

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Heartfelt Union

A quiet afternoon had fallen on the city of Canterlot as the sun shone its light upon the landscape. People were coming home from work or school, eager to spend the weekend alone or with others. It was a welcome thought to some that can rest easy and vent a couple of days after being busy. Calm and quiet, it was one of those rare moments where a city would relax and rest.

Argus sat with his wife Eventide Dream in their living room, soaking in the ambient silence as read from their respective books. It’d been a little over four years since their son, Diamond Gleam, had moved out on his own, two years after his graduation. It felt like the house got bigger for them and quieter now that he left the nest. It was hard for them to do so but every parent had to go through it at some point.

Even then, they never expected that their only son to be gay. Ever since that one meeting with Principal Celestia, they were surprised but nonetheless welcomed their son’s lifestyle with open arms. Gay or not, they would’ve loved him all the same. All that mattered to them was that he was their flesh and blood, a product of the union of their love. If he loved another man, who were they to judge.

A set of knocks was heard, coming from their front door. Eventide got up and answered it, only to be greeted by her son, Diamond Gleam. He sported the same beanie cap from all those years ago but with a sports jersey of the Canterlot Crimson Feathers, his favorite hockey team. He wrapped his mother in a tight hug before breaking it with a warm smile.

“It’s so good to see you, son.” She warmly greeted.

“Same here, mother.” Diamond replied, walking in and shaking his father’s hand, “Another week, another check to look forward to.”

“Well son, that’s one of the joys in life.” Argus mused, “Coming home from an eight to four with a check in hand should always worthwhile.”

“Agreed, dad.” Diamond took a seat in front of his parents, both sitting on the couch, “So, how are things going for you two?”

“Oh, I just got a position over at the local flower shop.” Eventide answered, “I have to thank my dear friend Roseluck for that. We both have green thumbs.”

“Me? I got bumped up to Senior IT Director as of last week.” Argus added, “What about you? How are things going over at the zoo?”

“Today, I helped a lion cub with a broken leg. The little thing was actually quite well behaved. After that, I had to deal with an unruly eagle with a bad attitude.”

“Zookeeping is quite a bit of work, huh?”

“Yeah, but it pays the bills though.” Then, Diamond’s mind snapped to one thought. Hearing it from his mother earlier in the week, both they and Obsidian’s family were planning on a nice dinner at some place downtown later on. They were both excited but for Diamond, there was a different reason why he was excited about the dinner. “So about the dinner tonight, I’m excited to meet Tangerine and Capricorn again.”

“We know you are, as both your father and I.” Eventide answered.

“When we met them after your graduation, I have to say they were incredibly amicable people.” Noticing a shift in his son’s expression, Argus got the hint that something was up, “Is there something wrong, son?” Hearing his father’s words didn’t spook him in the slightest. Ever since he came out, Diamond had been more open with his parents. There was one thing on his mind and that night was the night to enact a plan that’d been months in the making.

“No, or at least nothing wrong.” Diamond said without a shred of worry, “In fact,” Reaching into his pockets, he pulls out a small black box. Opening it, the contents were a small ring with few diamonds point up. Both Eventide and Argus were left without words at such a sight. “I’ve been counting on this day for months now.”

“S-Son” Argus stuttered with excitement, “You’re going to p-propose to him?”

“Yes, dad. I’ve been waiting on this for a long time.” Diamond replied with a bit of a tear in his eye, “I love him very much and I want to spend the rest of my life with him.”

“Oh my goodness!” Eventide gasped, breaking her silence, “My son is going to get married!” She walked over and pulled diamond into a tight hug, “My little boy is growing up so fast!”

“Mom, I know it’s just as emotional for you as it is for me. But, you’re kind of crushing my lungs.” Diamond croaked as his mother broke the hug. “I’m ever so appreciative of both your support over the years. Now, I’m ready to take that next big step.”

Emotions riding high, Diamond embraced both of his parents as they rode out the last of the surprise. They were inclined to feel an overabundance of joy yet they all knew it would happen one day. Still, they felt proud of their son like they did seven years ago. As with all parents, they eagerly await the ceremonies and the bell tolls.

“Mom, Dad, throughout all the years I’ve been your son, you were always there for me when I needed it. Never did either you fail in your mission as my parents. Never will I ever forget the times you’ve raised me. Now, I ask for you to be with me for this lastest Journey I shall take. Do I have your blessings?” Both Argus and Eventide put their hands on Diamond’s shoulders, all with warm smiles on their faces.

“Son, no matter what, we’ll always be there with a hand ready for you.” Argus muttered, “You are, and shall always be... our son.”

“You’ll never be too old for your dear mother.” Eventide said, stroking her son’s hair, “Just seeing you take this step is a bi-” She then heard a buzzing and ring sound coming from her phone. Walking over to pick it up, the caller was none other than Tangerine, Obsidian’s mother.

“Hello?” She answered.

“Oh, we're doing good. Diamond just came by to visit.”

“Oh, you two are getting ready?”

“Okay, we’ll be getting in a few. See you then.” Eventide hung up the phone, “Tangerine just called. She and Capricorn are getting ready to head over to Salvatore’s Kitchen.”

“Oh, then I’d better go get Obsidian then.” Diamond got up and fished his keys out of his pocket, “I’ll meet you two there! Don’t get caught in traffic, ya hear?”

As Diamond drove away from the house, his heart raced everso higher. Today was the day that he would finally take that one big step. He was never nervous about the outcome. He knew that everything will be okay and that all was right in the world.

Hand in hand, both Diamond and Obsidian walked into the restaurant, busy with many tables used by hungry customers. Scanning the area as the walked around, Obsidian took notice of his parents, sitting in a private room with Diamond’s. Tangerine, curly hair with varying shades of orange, carried a bubbly and extroverted demeanor where ever she went. As for Capricorn, light yellow hair in a short ponytail, much like his son, is laid back and down to earth. Once they noticed their sons their eyes lit up as they sat with them.

“Obsidian, me boy!” Capricorn said with his gentle Scottish drawl. “How are ye?”

“Doing fine, dad.” Obsidian answered as he looked through the menu, “Just hungry is all.”

“Don’t starve yourself now, dearie.” Tangerine said with an ounce of warmth, “You look a bit thin.”

“I know, ma. With my high metabolism, I can’t help but look a bit like a twig.”

“There’s that bit of wit I’ve known you for.” Diamond replied as he flipped through the menu, “Since I’m driving, have yourself a glass of wine.

“Really? I mean, if you want to have yourself some I-”

“It’s alright.” Diamond placed his hands gently on Obsidian’s, “Enjoy yourself tonight.”

“Thank you, Diamond.” Obsidian replied with a warm grin before returning to his menu, “Hmmm, the roasted garlic and herb shrimp alfredo sounds rather delicious. Pardon me but I have to go use the restroom. Use my ID to get me the wine.”

“Go on ahead. I’ll order your stuff for you.” With his boyfriend away, Diamond has the opportunity to enact his plan. Just as he pulled out the ring, a waitress arrived with a notepad in hand.

“Hi, welcome to Salvatore’s Kitchen.” The waitress greeted, “Can I take your orders?”

“Yes, I would like some braised beef and tortelloni with a peach-raspberry tea, please.”

“Fine choice.” She scribbled in her notebook.

“There’s one other with us but he’ll have the roasted garlic and herb shrimp alfredo with a glass of red wine.”

With a finger gesture, the waitress walked over to Diamond as he flashed his boyfriend’s ID. Nodding yes after inspecting it, she felt a light tap on her arm before Diamond showed her the ring. At first, she was confused by what it meant before the realization had set in. With another gesture, he whispered to her.

“Make sure this gets in his drink.”

Taking the ring into her pocket with a smile, she nodded as she proceeded to take everyone else’s orders. Now, Diamond played the waiting game as the waitress left and Obsidian returned. As they waited, they made conversations ranging from the mundane to what happened in their lives. All around, many laughs were had yet excitement and anticipation gripped Diamond’s mind. He couldn’t wait for the end result.

“You know, I never thought our sons would find love in each other.” Argus remarked, “It was quite a surprise but it’s his life and I support him wholeheartedly.”

“Aye, Argus.” Capricorn replied, “When I noticed the signs that my Obsidian liked men, I knew that whomever he loved wasn’t my business. He’s still me son and I’m proud that he is.”

Soon, the waitress brought over a tray of drinks. Setting the glass of wine in front of Obsidian, he licked his lips as he took a generous first sip. The taste and feel were like an exhilarating rush, welcoming after a long day at the local paper. Taking another sip, he felt something metallic prod his lips. Curious, he fished through the glass until he found what it was.

It was a ring with three diamonds on top it. Confusion set in as he wondered what a ring was doing in his drink and how it got there and why. The latter was answered when his mind snapped to focus and saw Diamond Gleam right next to him on one knee. His heart gave pause as he put two and two together.

"Obsidian, since we've known each other in high school and as I came to terms with who I was, I knew my heart was in the right place. My heart always yearned for your love as the years went by. You became another part of me as I did for you. Living under one roof simply won't cut it anymore. So now, I ask you this: will you take my hand and be my husband?"

Obsidian Glint, normally calm and level headed, felt overwhelmed with a flurry of emotions. The man he knew since high school just proposed to him and he couldn't believe it. His eyes watered up with tears of joy as his heart raced with a joyous tune. Happiness overwhelmed him as he tackled Diamond to the floor with a tight hug, followed by the biggest possible smooch he could give. At that moment, his happiness and love knew no bounds.

"Diamond, you've made me the happiest man alive today!" He said with a sniff, eyes watery with tears, "Of course I'll marry you!"

Heart reeling from the moment, Diamond picked Obsidian off the floor as a silence still filled the room. Overjoyed, he once again pulled his now fiance into a tender embrace, filled with every bit of love they had. Yet, such a display couldn't suppress a round of applause from both their parents. Joy and jubilation filled the room as they could very nearly hear the sounds of wedding bells in their heads.

"Obsidian, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." Diamond whispered, breaking the hug.

"Neither can I." Obsidian added, holding his lover's hands in his while looking him in the eyes, "Never will I forget this moment, my love."

Sitting back down with their families, Diamond and Obsidian enjoyed the rest of the night together. Eating and conversing, the two were completely inseparable throughout the entire dinner. With much planning to do, neither of them could wait for the day they'll make their love official to all they knew. All was right in the world for them.

Author's Note:

Well, I thought that the previous story wasn't going to have a sequel. Yet, recent circumstances and a spark of inspiration gave me the push to pull it off. I couldn't believe I managed to write this within the span of a day. Yet, the reception from the previous story gave me the drive. Thank you, my readers, and read on.

Comments ( 11 )
Comment posted by Baezyl Zuuhaas deleted May 24th, 2019
Comment posted by Baezyl Zuuhaas deleted May 24th, 2019

{#^ u ^#} Yuy! I hope they have kids together!

I just noticed that the names of the main character and his fiancé are also two of the hardest rocks on earth, diamond and obsidian. Hopefully, we'll get to see the wedding too.

It will happen and the reference to the hardest rocks in their names was unintentional, just names I came up with at the top of my head.

Absolutely bloody adorable.

Thank you. I poured my heart into this in regards to my own personal revelation. I've made a blog about this that goes into more depth and is more thoughtful than a mere comment.

Also, The "Canterlot Crimson Feathers" is meant to be a reference to the Detroit Red Wings, my favorite hockey team.

I've read the review. I appreciate your feedback and I recognize that I've rushed the romantics. I'm making a prequel that'll flesh out the lovebirds relationship more. Again, thank you.

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