• Published 4th Jun 2019
  • 1,800 Views, 15 Comments

First Date - A Flutterdash Story - lillytheomegawolf

After Fluttershy has a bad dream, Rainbow Dash promises to take her out on their first date. ...An awesome, cool date.

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In The Dark

One quiet night in Ponyville...

In the peaceful cottage of Fluttershy...

An excited Rainbow Dash pulled the covers over herself as she wriggled around in bed, doing her best to get comfortable. Although not as comfy as a cloud, Fluttershy’s bed provided an acceptable level of comfort to the athlete. Cerese eyes locked with the pretty face in front of her and a dopey smile rapidly spread. Dash carefully hooked a forehoof around her mare’s neck and pulled her closer. Yellow forehooves brushed up Dash’s chest, preventing their tummies from coming into contact. The speedster’s mind continued to spin with all the wonderful events of the day. It was crazy to think that yesterday she had been at home alone.


Rainbow Dash lay next to the sweetest filly in all of Equestria.

The sleeping yellow pegasus had long since gone to bed, while she herself stayed up to do some night time flying. In the darkness, a grin broke out across the blue muzzle. Maybe she should drag a cloud down here for them to share. Remind Fluttershy how nice a cloud was to cuddle on for the night.

Heh, cuddles. There's something she never imagined herself desiring. Who would have thought, that within a day of becoming Fluttershy’s fillyfriend, they would not only have cuddled together but also slept in the same bed? Dash thought carefully for a few moments, she wasn’t going to fast for her, was she? Although, they had been best friends for like... ever. What's more, it did feel natural, lying here close to her marefriend.

In The dark, pink eyes refocused on the pretty pegasus in front. What was going through that mare’s mind right now? Cutsie dreams of bunnies and other animals? Maybe a dream of yours truly?

A sudden whimper broke the calm of the night. Then another. In alarm, Dash shot upright. The poor yellow pegasus tossed and turned as if under assault. Suddenly, creamy hooves kicked at the air and the speedster was lucky to not get bucked in the face. Rainbow Dash didn’t want her mare to suffer at the hooves of whatever nightmare had taken hold of her!

She grabbed the squirming mare, a hoof impacted her muzzle as she squeezed up close. Dash grimaced at the pain, fighting past it to lock the waving limbs down. She settled behind Fluttershy, spooning her, as she whispered into her ear in an attempt to relax her.

“Shh, shh...settle down, Fluttershy, it’s all right. You’re just having a really bad dream. But I’m right here to make you have awesome dreams!” Rainbow whispered as she stroked her friend’s side with a hoof to comfort her. The coolest pegasus ever kept whispering to her lover, sweet nothings, promises of safety and other mushy stuff she would never be caught dead muttering in the presence of anypony else. It appeared to work as Fluttershy gradually stopped whimpering and thrashing in her sleep.

Aquamarine eyes glistened in the night as the recovering pony woke from her sleep. She felt unexpected warmth and almost jumped out of bed in fright. The only thing preventing her fleeing was the cyan hooves wrapped around her, caressing her, trying to calm her racing mind.

“Fluttershy, Fluttershy! Calm down, it’s okay, it’s me!” Rainbow whispered loudly.

Fluttershy wriggled around till she was met with the worried cerise eyes of her best friend, her form bathed in moonlight from the nearby window. She breathed heavily, gradually calming herself. She realized she had just woken from a bad dream and that Rainbow was comforting her. Heat flooded her system. A warm giddy heat that caused her to blush at how close she found herself to the pony of her dreams. She quivered slightly, from both fear of her nightmare and the close physical contact she was locked in. It suddenly felt very nice to have a fillyfriend.

“I... Oh... Sorry...I...had a bad dream...”

“...yea...” The cyan speedster nuzzled her marefriend, “Don’t worry, ‘Shy I’ll protect you, no matter what. Besides, it was just a dream.”

Trembling a bit, Fluttershy nodded as she snuggled into Rainbow’s warmth. She could remember doing this sort of thing many times when they were fillies. It wasn’t the first time they shared a bed together because she was scared or really upset about something. She exhaled, laying her head against Dash’s warm chest, feeling her gentle heartbeat. The strong well-measured beats put her system at ease.

“Rainbow... I’m so glad you’re here with me,” Fluttershy smiled. “I don’t know what I’d do without you... I’m so sorry you have to do this... I wish I was brave like you.”

“Nonsense... Nopony else I know could stare down a fully grown bear.” The big cheesy grin banished all remaining fears and caused them both to smile at the memory.

Fluttershy’s cheeks burned softly. “That was different! I couldn't-”

“Or the dragon, changings, Discord... I could go on, but yea, you get the idea right?” Chuckling, Dash stroked her friend’s mane gently, “You’ve grown so much these last few years.”

Blinking her eyes, Fluttershy blushed again, “Um... well... yes...”

Dash grinned at her friend as she ruffled her mane affectionately. “Well then, my brave filly. I guess that makes you braver than me. And I’m awesome!”

Dash shifted her attention to Fluttershy's belly and begun ticking her friend. The normally quiet pony broke out in a series of adorable giggles under the friendly assault.

“Dash! Stop it!” Fluttershy cried as she squirmed.

The bold mare grinned at her companion, “who’s awesome?”

Fluttershy’s squeals grew louder with each tickle, but she managed to gasp out; “Y-You! You’re...you’re awesome!”

“That’s right! But who's even more awesome?"

"I-I don't- k- know!" Fluttershy managed between laughter.

"You are, go on, say it!" Blue hooves redoubled the tickle war against the light yellow barrel and fresh laughter rent the night air.

"I-I am?" Fluttershy continued to wriggle as laughter escaped her.

Laughing herself, Dash stopped the tickles and instead rolled on top of Fluttershy, nuzzling her nose, “You got it, Flutters. Sweet dreams.” The proud speedster relaxed back down into the bed and tentatively cuddled up close. “So, uh... this feels nice?”

In response, Fluttershy nuzzled her defender. Warm fuzzies exploded in the night as the yellow mare buried herself in her companions warm cyan coat. Dash allowed her companion to get cuddly with her. As long as no pony else saw, she was okay with it despite how odd yet wonderful it felt. They lay there for a moment with only the gentle beating of their hearts in the still of the night. Fluttershy reached up and gave her rainbow maned friend a thank you lick.

“I thought we were supposed to be going to sleep,” Dash coyly smiled.

Fluttershy didn’t feel like sleeping anymore. She felt like- felt like...she wasn’t sure, but she wanted to just stay awake, in the company of her loving fillyfriend. Snuggling. Yes, she loved their newly discovered snuggles. That sounded good to her.

“I don’t want to sleep now,” Fluttershy giggled, nuzzling Dash’s nose, “I want to stay up enjoying cuddles with my new marefriend.”

New marefriend?” Smirked the cyan pegasus, towering over her playfully. “You mean you’ve had another filly in the past in bed with you?”

Fluttershy flushed and stuttered, “um... j-just uh, you. When we were younger.”

“Pft, that doesn’t count. Were you little and only friends. This feels different now.”

“That’s true,” yellow hooves pulled the blue pegasus in closer. “But I think I like this different. If it’s okay.”

“Of course it is. I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t okay with it. Silly.”

Giggling, the shy mare nodded, “Hee...yes...”

“Well, I’m sure that can be arranged.” A pile of cyan plush fell upon the yellow pegasus below and giggles exploded from both parties as they rolled around in bed together.

The invigorating laughter removed all fear from Fluttershy’s mind and she began an uncoordinated assault upon the mare she was locked in a bubble of joy with. When they came to a stop, the two young mares found themselves wrapped up in the bed sheets together, coats ruffled, manes a mess and with wild grins plastered across their faces as they stared into each others shining eyes.

“Flutters...” Dash whispered, leaning in slowly.

A tiny gasp escaped Fluttershy, but she leaned up toward her as well, meeting her halfway.

Their lips met, gently engaging in a soft kiss.

The kiss slowly gained passion and Dash ran a hoof experimentally along Fluttershy's back and down her side. The creamy yellow pegasus arched her back in surprise, feeling the tingles rush through her. She travelled her hooves down to Dash’s flank, holding her tighter, before darting back up, as if afraid of touching her there.

It was, however, sending excitable tingles throughout her body, which coiled along within her stomach. Fluttershy elicited a little moan, bringing her forelegs around Dash’s shoulders.

Fluttershy allowed her hooves to travel down her friends back, delicately teasing the powerful pinions, enjoying the feeling of the awaking wings which showcased the cyan mare’s excitement. Fluttershy felt her own wings flutter as the bold pony reciprocated.

After a few more moments, their movements slowed as they then settled against each other, just kissing gently. Their lips met and parted a few times in kiss after kiss, with their hooves since stilling in their ministrations.

The two ponies broke away, their breathing laboured. Fluttershy felt her radiant smile mirrored in the pretty cyan face above her. Rainbow chuckled as she stroked the soft pink mane of her companion, earning giggles in response.

For some time, they simply gazed at each other, eyes locked. With the luminous glow of the moonlight streaming in through the window, both ponies lay there, content in its soft glow. Giggles came from them both as they nuzzled each other's noses. The warmth of each other's bodies permeated between them and the cooling breeze from the open window added to the moderate temperature.

Peaceful. So peaceful, so comfortable.

Fluttershy felt herself falling in love all over again.



The creamy yellow pegasus didn't respond, but she did boldly lean up to touch their lips in another kiss. Happy to oblige, Dash kissed her back and held closer to the mare beneath her. Fluttershy was so gentle and sweet with her kisses, it was impossible for Rainbow not to melt and feel all tingly from the sweetness of it. And she loved every second of it. Fluttershy's kisses were, by far, the greatest thing ever to touch her lips.

Parting, the two giggled once more as their glowing smiles grew.

“Wow. You are amazing, Fluttershy.” Dash continued to beam from ear to ear at the pony in her hooves.

Fluttershy unleashed excited giggles as she nuzzled into the messy rainbow mane belonging to her best friend. “You’re amazing too... Dashie...”

“Awwww,” Rainbow chuckled. She kissed the forehead of the sweet pegasus below and then rolled off of her. She came up behind the creamy yellow pegasus, spooning her once more, “Let’s go to sleep. I wanna take you on a proper date tomorrow. Since you know... I figure us sleeping together before we even go on a date is a bit uh... fast.”

“Well... you are Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy giggled softly, her eyelids drooped at the comforting position they shared. “My Rainbow... I don’t think I would have it any other way, I’m glad you’re here.” With the heat of the moment fading, the pretty yellow pegasus felt like she could finally drift off into a good nights sleep.

“Night, Flutters.” Dash allowed the call of sleep to summon her too as she retained her grip on her best friend.

Author's Note:

I wanted to put something up that is cute and Flutterdash. Both this start and the date that follows will hopefully live up to that.
This is part one of 3 in this short story. I'm currently writing the second to last scene which features the TwiLuna :twilightsmile: Till then, I hope you enjoy these two being adorable.

This is also helping my mind work up to the Flutterdash wedding fic I have set out to try and write.