• Published 10th Aug 2012
  • 3,546 Views, 30 Comments

Hush, Now, Quiet Now - Littlecolt

Sweetie Belle wanders through her memories of a dear, lost friend.

  • ...

Epilogue - A Little Closure

A Little Closure

An epilogue to Hush, Now, Quiet Now

Foreword, please read before deciding to continue reading this.

As someone who has written many short stories in the past, and read many short stories and fanfictions, I know that sometimes there can be a desire for there to be more to something. While I know that sometimes many shorter works are meant to stand alone, I sometimes am left with a feeling that there needs to be more to it. Until writing Hush, Now, Quiet Now, though, none of m y own work has really made me feel this way. However, given the events of that story, my mind has expanded outward from it in many directions. I've even had questions for myself involving the events in the story.

Some people will have similar questions, some people will have similar desires to see more of this world expanded upon, but many out there, I hope, will be satisfied with the story as it stands. Creating situations in stories that make us ask questions and wonder about how or why things happened is part of the fun of reading, or any other storytelling or hearing, if that makes sense. For example, I was a fan of an anime called Tenchi Muyo. In this anime, there was an abrupt end without closure on many things. Some prequel novels were written, and eventually were translated into English so fans here in the west could read them as well. However, they just opened up even more questions and speculation. Tenchi Muyo went on for over a decade without being continued, spawning one of the most prolific and creative fan groups I have ever been a part of, probably only to be topped by the Bronies nowadays.

I am in no way comparing my writing to that of the writing in Tenchi Muyo or its prequel novels, but it is a good example of leaving things open being good for the imagination.

That said...

What follows are the questions I have come up with, as well as explanations for some things, and even continuations of character stories from Hush, Now, Quiet Now. These will not be written as fiction, but will be written as blurbs or simple descriptions of the events or motivations.

If you want to remain uninformed, to allow your own thoughts to continue to conjure the answers or continuations for yourselves, then I advise not reading on.


Section 1 – What Happened to Rainbow Dash?

Since this is probably the most complicated part of this, I though I would put it first.

Rainbow Dash is responsible for Scootaloo's death, although it was an accident. After she was carried to the hospital and was treated for her broken ribs, she ran away and hid. Although I did not include this in the story, I had intended to have Rainbow Dash hiding in the Crusader's Clubhouse. She stayed there for the 3 days prior to Sweetie Belle's nighttime walk, worrying about her future and contemplating what she had done. Leaving Ponyville had crossed her mind, going on the run, but she knew eventually she would be wanted, and the capitol would have no choice but to send out the guard to capture her. She also knew that she would never be the same inside. She had basically killed a child, and not just any child, but one that looked up to her, who loved her, and who wanted nothing more than to just be with her. Yet, she rarely ever showed that filly any love or affection. She felt like a monster.

When Sweetie Belle arrived, Rainbow happened to see her, and hid on the roof of the clubhouse. She heard Sweetie Belle's entire outburst, calling Rainbow Dash a killer, and then even blaming herself. This was the last straw that finally broke Rainbow Dash. It took all her strength to keep herself from wailing out with the pain she felt inside.

After Sweetie Belle left, Rainbow saw her heading to Ghastly Gorge, and decided it was the least she could do to follow her and make sure she was safe. From this point on in the story, Rainbow Dash is near Sweetie Belle for her entire journey, watching over her.

As Sweetie comes to grips with Scootaloo's death, Rainbow Dash does as well.

In the final scene in the graveyard, Rainbow Dash hears Sweetie Belle's song, and her heart is filled with both sadness and joy. It is my idea that Sweetie Belle's special gift is not only to sing beautifully, but also to move the emotions of those hearing her sing. Her song of goodbye to Scootaloo, full of sadness, but also full of hope for the future, and letting go of the pain and negativity of the events, brings everyone's hearts together, and lights them aflame.

After Sweetie and the others leave, Rainbow Dash decides to face her future head-on, no matter what may happen to her.

The next day... you'll just have to wait and see!

Rainbow Dash centered sequel fic is in the works, and thus, I have removed all of the info that was here about Rainbow Dash's future. If you read it already, don't spoil it for people. Also, the sequel fic is available already as a work in progress, but not in fimfiction. A little searching and I bet you could find it if you were so inclined. I recommend waiting, though, unless you wan to give critique or be an editor.

Section 2 – Scootaloo

This section will be a Q&A format.

Q. Where are Scootaloo's parents in all of this?
A. In the world of this fanfic, Scootaloo is an orphan who lives at an orphanage in Ponyville. This is, honestly, just to keep me from having to write her parents. It also seems like tradition to have Scootaloo orphaned in many fanfics, and since her parents never appear in the show, I thought I would go with that version of the character.

Q. Just before Scootaloo falls from the cliff, she slips from Apple Bloom's grip. Was this intentional on her part?
A. Yes. Scootaloo, in a way, commits suicide in this scene, but she also saves Apple Bloom, who was barely hanging on to the cliff herself. Scootaloo knew she couldn't fly, and didn't want to drag Apple Bloom down with her. So, this is not a suicide in order to end her sad life, it's a suicide to save her friend. In this universe, Scootaloo is aware of, but in denial of, her inability to fly due to a deformity in her wings. It was recently revealed that Scootaloo was originally intended to be a handicapped character who could not fly, and never would be able to, thus having to find other ways to use her wings, such as propelling her scooter. So, in this instance, she was aware that if she pulled Apple Bloom off the cliff, they would both fall to their deaths. Instead of allowing that to happen, she admitted to her friend that she couldn't fly, and let go.

Section 3 – Sweetie Belle & Apple Bloom

Sweetie Belle's story needs little fleshing out as she is the main character. However, I will go into my vision for her future here, along with Apple Bloom, who is with her for the long haul.

After getting her cutie mark and realizing that her special gift is singing, Sweetie Belle is filled with passion for singing. She goes to Scootaloo's grave frequently to practice, singing to her fallen friend. Apple Bloom watches and listens, and eventually many more people in Ponyville do as well. She becomes somewhat of a hometown celebrity. She eventually starts being asked to preform in Ponyville rather than just in the cemetary.

Apple Bloom decides to help her friend in any way she can, even though she hasn't even gotten her cutie mark yet. She is sad that she doesn't have it yet, but occupies her mind with helping Sweetie Belle. Apple Bloom begins designing the sets for Sweetie Belle's preformances, each one becoming more and more elaborate, with light effects, backdrops, and moving parts. Through these acts of creativity, innovation, and a seemingly endless supply of energy, her cutie mark eventually appears. The mark is an apple made from wood with a hammer behind it. Her gift, of course, is the creation of things. The limits of this creative ability seem endless. She goes on to make sculptures, design houses, renovate landmarks, even rebuild the dusty Apple Family barn.

These two girls grow up together. Apple Bloom frequently travels with Sweetie Belle, working as her main stage designer. If a venue doesn't get her mark of approval, then Sweetie Belle isn't preforming there, and that's final! Rarity, of course, also travels with Sweetie Belle, her sister's rising super-stardom across Equestria bolstering her own fashion design career.

The three couldn't be happier or more content, although Apple Bloom sometimes insists on taking extended leaves to go back home and help out on the family farm. Even though farm work isn't her special skill, it's in her blood, and she maintains the farm house and equipment there from time to time, and even goes out and bucks apples with her siblings during Applebuck Season.

The distant future for these two is open, and limitless, but they will never forget their friend who died on that fateful day, and in a way, through her death, led these two directly to their cutie marks, and to their bright and shining futures.


I hope you enjoyed this. It was written off the cuff from thoughts I had been having since finishing the main story. It will probably not be expanded upon any further than this, but if anyone out there wants to write about this alternate Equestria, please, do so with my blessings.

Additionally, if you have any further questions, please send me a private message, and I will definitely answer.


Comments ( 20 )

It is done.

I cried. A lot. :fluttercry:

I hope you will, too. In a good way, mind you. Remember, from tragedy can come blessings, as well. :ajsleepy:

That last line brought it all home.

Thank you.

H-Here's a challenge f-for you....
I want you to read this chapter,
while listening to this song:

IT will destroy your feels T^T :fluttercry::fluttercry:

Great story.
I love sad stories... for some r-reason.



Glad you enjoyed it. :pinkiehappy:

Holy... wow. Amazing ending, great story. I'm so glad you shared this with me!


Thank you so much! You were such an inspiration for this, it means a lot to me that you like it.

Rainbow Dash centered sequel fic is in the works, and thus, I have removed all of the info that was here about Rainbow Dash's future. If you read it already, don't spoil it for people. Also, the sequel fic is available already as a work in progress, but not in fimfiction. A little searching and I bet you could find it if you were so inclined. I recommend waiting, though, unless you wan to give critique or be an editor.

Where could I find this fic?

I can see a sequel to this tale with Rainbow Dash dealing with her guilt.:rainbowderp:
Nice tale overall...do keep up he good work when it comes to future stories.:scootangel:


That is what I am currently writing, precisely what i t's about.

I just released an unrelated Rainbow Dash fic as well that is quite a bit longer just less than an hour ago.

The sequel to this one, "Soar, Now, Higher Now" will not be ready for a while. It's going to cover an awful lot of RD's life. The basic plot for it used to be in the epilogue chapter, here, but I have removed it since I am writing it fully.

Thanks for reading. :heart:

1067400 MY Feels! They are saddened and broken by your chalange!:raritycry::raritydespair::fluttercry::applecry::fluttercry::raritydespair::raritycry:

Ah! Gomen! :fluttercry:



A single tear.

I'll take it.

it makes me cry sometimes:applecry::raritycry::fluttercry:

To make this more emotional, try adding a strong final motivational statement to Scoot's gravestone.

Here lies Scootaloo
The greatest faller in all of Equestria


Curse you for hooking me into this depressing tale! :raritycry: now I need to search for said sequel

It's not currently up anywhere, pending revisions. It WAS on my DeviantArt, but I took all my fanfic down from there.


:pinkiegasp: you are going to make a sequel to this though right?

Eventually. There's a lot pulling for my attention, including The Conquering of Love, Broken Hearts and Busy Hooves, and my real life stuff. The sequel to this is only 2,000 words currently, and by my estimate would end up at least 20,000. A long way to go, and I'd feel silly finishing it before I even work on Broken Hearts and Busy Hooves more. Let alone that I've been taking a month per chapter on The Conquering of Love.

My biggest obstacle is finding the time to write and then not getting distracted by other things like TF2 or Berrytube.


:derpyderp1: sounds hectic as but at least you're still writing stuffs :pinkiehappy:

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