• Published 23rd Aug 2019
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Clash of the Bolts: Battle for the Skies - Whooves235

Rainbow Dash was always a loyal Wonderbolt, but she was also a loyal marefriend to Applejack. When an old enemy returns from Rainbow and Equestria's past, will she be able to keep her marefriend out of danger, or will danger find them?

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Chapter 4

"Long ago," Princess Celestia said, "there were four Princesses of Equestria:, Myself, Luna, Cinch, and Rosedust. One day, Princess Cinch went to the Tree of Harmony, She thought if she could use the Tree of Harmony to her own advantage, she could become the most powerful princess in Equestria.

“Are you saying that there are actually four origanal Princesses?” Twilight said

“Yes, Cinch however is the reason that there are now only two”

“What happened?” Fluttershy said

It wasn't until Luna, Rosedust, and I stopped her did we notice that there was in fact element missing from the tree: a seventh, hidden element," Princess Celestia explained.

"What was this Seventh Element?" Twilight asked.

"The Element Of Empathy," Celestia said.

"It is presumed after she took the Element of Empathy that she went beyond Equestria's borders," Princess Luna explained. "But it seems our old sister has returned, and she is not happy.”

"Wait just an apple-picking minute," Applejack said. "You just said that Cinch disappeared, so what about the other Princess, Rosedust"

"Rosedust I am afraid, died shortly after Cinch disappeared" Luna said "Cinch put some kind of curse on her, and she died a couple of days later"

"Celestia, If she has the Seventh Element of Harmony, she can only use it if she is an Element’s Bearer, so to her its it's useless… right?"

"You are correct about that" Twilight, however that is why I asked you to bring the mirror here with you," Celestia said.

"Why the mirror?" Twilight asked.

"Because we need you to bring the Seventh Element of Harmony Bearer here," Luna said.

"But who is the Seventh Bearer?" Rainbow asked.

"Sunset Shimmer," Celestia said.

"Sunset Shimmer was an Element Bearer?" Twilight said.

"I had no idea she belonged to the Seventh Element when I first taught her," Celestia said. "After you got back from your last adventure and told me what happened with her, I knew she was the next Element Bearer."

"So we need you to go through the mirror and ask her to come back to Equestria for a while," Luna said.

"I can try," Twilight said, "but there the other version of me is there with her, so It might be wired" Twilight explained

"We understand," Celestia said.

"We just want you to do it and fast, so we will send you there now," Luna said.

So doing as she was asked, Twilight went through the mirror and was whisked away to another dimension.


"While we wait for Twilight to get back, let's relax," Applejack said.

"That's easy for you to say," Rainbow said with a frustrating voice. "You did not just lose your wing and get it replaced with a metal one!"

"I understand your frustration, Dashie," Applejack said, trying to calm her down, "but we can’t focus on that right now."

"Why shouldn't we?!" Rainbow asked "Lightning and Cinch are out there somewhere and they could attack at any given time"

"I understand Rainbow but If you want to defeat Lightning Dust, then you need to be at your best!" Applejack said with a confident tone. As Applejack and Rainbow Dash walked towards the Apple family barn. Rainbow was thinking about her and the many things she wanted to do now that she was going to marry Applejack. She was also wondering what she was going to do now that she had a metal wing, and most importantly, would she be able to fly with it?

Apple Family Barn

As Rainbow was lying in her bed, she thought to herself how she might not ever be able to fly now that she had a metal wing, she knew that her life would be really different with all that had happened.

"Hay, you okay?" Applejack said.

"Yeah, I’m okay," Rainbow said. "Just thinking."

"About what?"

"It’s just..." Rainbow explained, "so much has happened in just a couple days. First, I get engaged, then I lose my wing" Rainbow said, trying not to cry. "What am I going to do?"

Just then, Applejack climbed on top of her Rainbow, held her against the bed, and would not let go. "You listen to me," Applejack said. "No matter what happens, I will always be here with you. I don't care if you lose your hoof or wing; you will be now and forever my wife." Applejack kisses Rainbow on the head.

"But what about Lightning Dust, she is out there. And I don't want you to get hurt" Rainbow said "I...I don't want to lose you"

Applejack looked at Rainbow, she almost never shows her soft side, for as much as she brags about herself, for as much as she looks out for others, she was still a normal pony, with fears, and emotions "Rainbow, I promise as long as I live I will always be with you"

"Thanks Applejack" Rainbow said. Then Rainbow realized the position they where in and a smirk grew on her face. "You know...this is really kinky," Rainbow said.

"Oh shut up you" Applejack laughed, she then got off the bed and walked to the door, I'm going to make some dinner, I expect you to be there"

The sun was shining from the window into Rainbow and Applejack’s room. They were both in bed and in need of a shower. As Rainbow got up, she saw Applejack was still sleeping. She walked over to the bathroom quietly then took a nice cold shower. As she walked towards the mirror, she looked at the stump that used to be her left wing

"Ugh...Why does life have to be cruel sometimes?" Dash groaned she walked into the shower and turned the water on. As the water hit her fur, she stood there thinking about all that had happened. With Spitfire in the hospital from the attack, she could not rely on her for backup, Twilight was not back from the Mirror Dimension yet, and Luna and Celestia were busy finding Princess Cinch and the Shadowbolts’ hidden base.

Once she got out of the shower, Applejack was waiting for her in the bathroom. "Hay, are you ok?" Applejack asked.

"I'm just going through alot" Rainbow said

"Rainbow, please I cant help you out if you dont tell me whats wrong"

"Applejack...I just..I dont like this" Rainbow said

"What?" Applejack said confused

"I am Rainbow Dash, the best Wonderbolt and Marefriend in the world, and here I am Depressed and Crying"

"Rainbow its ok to have emotions.." Applejack said

"But it hurts so much" Rainbow said "I haven't felt like this sense..."

"Oh Rainbow, what happened to you all those years ago was Horrible, but you can't let that ruin your life" Applejack said

"I know, but it still hurts" Rainbow said "And I realized long ago that what happened was not my fault"

"See what I mean?" Applejack said "You are such a brave pony Rainbow, I know that, Scootaloo knows that too"

"Thanks Applejack" Rainbow said As Applejack got into the shower, Rainbow Dash then went to put her metal wing on. While it would take some getting use to, she could live with it for the time being. Who knew with a few adjustments and an awesome paint job, it could look as good as new. Rainbow used all her strength to lift the wing onto her back, then attached it to her waist and strapped it on.

She walked towards the mirror and looked at herself. "It's not that bad, is it?"

"No… Not at all, Dashie," Applejack said walking out of the shower. "Now listen I have a lot of work today, Scootaloo and Applebloom are at Rarity's today, and you have a personal trainer to see,"

"Ugh, do I have to?!" Rainbow complained.

"If you want to fly and beat Lightning Dust, then yes, you do," Applejack said


"I Love you" Applejack said.

"Love you too," Rainbow said blushing


Dr. Whooves was a strange pony. While he looked like a regular pony on the outside, he was definitely not one on the inside. He was an alien from a planet called Gallifrey in another dimension like the mirror, except "less cute and more extreme," as Dr. Whooves would say. People knew he was not from around Ponyville, but they did not care: he was nice, funny, and had many fascinating stories to tell from his travels.

As Rainbow entered the police box, she mused, "I know this is not magic, but this is impressive stuff, even for an earth pony."

"Ah...Mrs. Dash, welcome!" The Doctor said. "I presume you’re here for training."

"Yes, Mr. Whooves," Rainbow said.

"Please," The Doctor said, "just call me Doctor."

"Ok… Doctor, where exactly are you taking me to train?" Rainbow asked.

"Well," The Doctor explained, "I was thinking, how about going back in time to the Golden Age of the Wonderbolts, when Spitfire herself was still in camp, So that's where I’m taking you."

"So I’m going to time travel!" Rainbow said, excited.

"Yes indeed," The Doctor said.

Just then, the TARDIS began to make noise, and Dr. Whooves said something that sounded Old Ponish.

"Allons-y!" The Doctor shouted.

Wonderbolt flight camp 2001 BMN (Before Nightmare Moon)

As Rainbow exited the TARDIS, she saw the flight camp and was astonished to see what was in front of her: all the buildings looked new, the grass freshly cut, and the runway paved to a perfect coat of black.

"Thank you, Doctor!" Rainbow said, hugging him.

"No problem, Miss. Dash," The Doctor said. "Now remember, there are three things you cannot say to anypony: One, your name; Two, what happens to them in the future; Four....no wait....Three, most importantly, don't change the future by telling people about future events!

"Yes, sir!" Rainbow said. As Rainbow exited the TARDIS she then ran towards the flight camp.


As The Doctor entered the TARDIS with Rainbow, he could see that she was all sweaty and exhausted. "And I thought Spitfire was a tough teacher," Rainbow said.

"Well, hopefully, you now know how to fly using that metal wing of yours," The Doctor said.

"Yes, I do," Rainbow said, "and I’m now faster than ever before."

"Good," The Doctor said. "Now let's get you back to your time zone.”

As the TARDIS made that noise again, Rainbow was burning with a question for The Doctor and couldn’t wait any longer to ask it.

"Doctor?" Rainbow asked. "Will me and Applejack make it through what is happening with Lightning Dust?"

The Doctor froze.

"I’m sorry, Rainbow. I’m not allowed to tell you your future," The Doctor said. "I can only tell you this… You will both have great happiness and sorrow, that is yet to come."

"Will… Will Me or Applejack die?"

"I am afraid that is all I can tell you." The Doctor said

The TARDIS grew silent. When the door opened, Rainbow could see Sweet Apple Acres.

"Now usually I would come with" The Doctor said, "but I can't stay here."

"Why, is something bad about to happen?"

"No, not at all… Well, you will see, or rather you will hear."

"Okay then… Well, I hope to see you soon, Doctor," Rainbow said.

"Oh, trust me, you will see me very soon," The Doctor said.

As Rainbow Dash exited the TARDIS, the box slowly began to disappear, until just like that, it was like it was never even there.

"Wonder what he meant by that?" Rainbow Dash thought to herself as she headed to her loving wife waiting for her at the barn.

Twilight’s Castle

As the Main 5 stood in front of the Mirror, they were expecting Twilight and Sunset to come through it any minute now. It had been two days since she had gone into the mirror, and they all were getting worried.

"Do you think she was held up?" Rarity asked.

"This is Twilight we are talking about! I think she can take care of herself," Applejack said.

Just then the Mirror started to light up and Twilight and Sunset walked through

"Hey, girls!" Sunset said.

"Umm, hay," Applejack said.

"is everything ok darling? you where gone for some time" Rarity said

"Sorry it took so long, I was helping Sunset with something personal, I do however have something to tell you all" Twilight said said. "According to Sunset, Princess Cinch lived in the mirror dimension for quite some time under the name Principal Cinch."

"She was?" Luna said

"Yes… she even took the Twilight of my dimension and turned her evil for a couple of minutes, but I beat her," Sunset said. "After that, we never saw her again. I assume she came here afterward."

"If this is true, then we can use this to our advantage," Princess Celestia said.

"And do what?" Applejack asked.

"Make a plan," Luna said.

"As far as we know, she is unaware that Sunset is the Seventh Element Bearer, and furthermore that she is even back in Equestria," Luna said.

"So when do we get to kick some flank?" Rainbow said.

"For now," Celestia said, "we have to wait for them to make their move. Only then we can make our own."

"Oh, I hope it involves a party!" Pinkie Pie said as she walked in the room with Starlight Glimmer following behind her.

"We're back," Starlight said.

"Starlight, Pinkie, how was your trip to yakyakistan?" Twilight asked.

"It was okay," Starlight said smiling. "So what did we miss?"

"I think it's best if you tell them what happened, Rainbow," Twilight said.

As Rainbow Dash explained what had happened so far--the attack at the gala, the proposal, they were quiet the entire time. "I'm so sorry, Rainbow. It must be so hard for you to..." Starlight said before getting interrupted by Pinkie who had frozen with a giant smile on her face ever seance Rainbow had told them about proposing to Applejack.

"Oh my gosh! You and Applejack are getting married! I’m so excited!" Pinkie Pie blurted out before realizing she was interrupting a serious conversation. "Oh, sorry."

"So do we have any plans of attack?" Starlight said

"At the moment im afraid not" Twilight said "However we are open to ideas"

"So Rainbow you have that metel wing forever now?" Starlight said

"Yah, It sucks" Rainbow said looking down

I dont know why but seeing that metal wing is familiar" Starlight said.

"What do you mean familiar, Starlight?" Applejack said.

"Well remember when I tried to rewrite the timeline by making sure Rainbow Dash wouldn't win that big race?"

"Yeah, I remember," Twilight said in a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah, well, when I traveled in time the first time and came back, I came across an Equestria at war with King Sombra. During that war, you had lost a wing, and it had been replaced with metal. You were also fighting alongside the Wonderbolts," Starlight said.

"I was?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes... you were even fighting a stranger who kind of looked like you," Starlight said.

"Did this mare happen to have a lightning-colored mane and a light blue coat?" Princess Celestia asked.

"Yes, actually; why?"

"Then our worst fears have come true," Luna said.

"Why, what’s wrong?" Twilight asked.

"I'm afraid that wasn't an alternate dimension you saw," Celestia said. "Instead you accidentally traveled into the future, and what you saw was the future."

"But I went to this future as well," Twilight said, "and when I approached the Applejack from that future, she said she had no idea who any of our friends were."

"Most likely a side effect from time traveling," Luna said. "There was most likely a time quantum loop from when you traveled there, and so pieces of her memories were probably gone. Did she remember any familiar names by any chance?”

"She said the only name she remembered was Rarity," Twilight said.

"If she even remembered at least one of The Element Bearers, that means it was definitely a quantum loop," Celestia said.

"So if what I saw was true, that means..." Starlight said.

"King Sombra is going to return, and there will be a war."

Author's Note:

Whatever did happen to Rainbow Dash and The Doctor when they went to the Wonderbolts Academy? all will be revealed in the thrilling side story Doctor Whooves And The Wonderbolt Assassin