• Published 28th Jun 2019
  • 998 Views, 14 Comments

Someone You Can Trust - Jhoira

Autumn Blaze gets some help dealing with her nirik self from her possible future mate, Marble Pie.

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Marble Pie looked through the boulders of her farm, following the strange light that seemed to be wandering the farm. Marble knew that this was a bad idea, a horribly, horribly bad idea, but she couldn't help it. She was tired, she was upset, and she was curious to a fault, so she couldn't resist the urge to explore something new like this! She came around the boulder and gasped loudly, seeing some strange flaming creature that looked a little like a Kirin, though with fire instead of a mane. The gasp let the creature know that Marble was there, and it turned around to look at her, the fire seeming to flare as she did so, and it yelled. "you! What are you doing out here Marble Pie!?" It started to advance, leaving a small trail of flame behind her.

Marble's eyes widened as both the creature seemed to know who she was and that it was advancing. "No! Stay back!" She backed up only to hit a boulder and turn quickly to try and run, only to see the creature run in front of her, and Marble whirled only to see it run back around the other side of the boulder, surrounding the entire boulder and Marble with a ring of fire, the creature stepped through it, eyeing Marble up and down. It had large fangs that it could easily use to eat ponies! Why did she come out here!? She should have woken up Limestone!

Autumn Blaze took a few further steps forward, as Marble pushed herself back against the boulder. Autumn Blaze's nirik voice was deep, malformed and unrecognizable by Marble. "You are such a problem! This is all your fault! I could so easily solve so many problems..." Autumn Blaze would normally never dream of harming Marble, but nirik thought processes acted differently than when in their kirin forms. Admittedly even as a nirik Autumn Blaze would never actually hurt Marble, but she would fantasize about solving all her problems so easily. With a simple lit antler, Autumn Blaze hoisted Marble into the air, growling a little. "I could tear you apart... Or throw you into my fire..."

Marble yelped loudly as she squirmed, calling out as she was hoisted, at the last moments of her life, to her mind. "Mother! Father! Pinkie! Maud! Limestone! Autumn Blaze! Help! Someone! Please help!" Autumn Blaze flinched visibly when her name was said. Shaking her head Autumn Blaze backed up a few steps, dropping Marble back to the ground. Marble blinked as she looked at the creature shaking it's head and her eyes widened. "You're afraid of Autumn Blaze!" To marble that made sense, the creature looked like an evil Autumn Blaze, so it had to be here looking for her, but it was also afraid of her.

Autumn Blaze shook her head and growled as it regained its control over its surprise. "No, I'm not afraid of Autumn Blaze!" She lunged forwards and pushed Marble over, opening her mouth to show off her long fangs, and sharp teeth that no pony should have. "I am Autumn Blaze you annoying creature! And I think I'm going to solve my problems right now." Niriks loved to spread anger and fear to kirins to try and make more niriks. Even if ponies couldn't turn into niriks it was still in her nature to try and scare and anger Marble as much as possible.

Marble shook her head, whimpering. "N-No you're lying! Autumn Blaze is a kind, thoughtful, caring pony that wouldn't hurt someone else!" Again the nirik growled, but closing her eyes and shaking her head again.

"No! I'm Autumn Blaze and I do whatever I want! Think of when we met, you were so quiet, and shy, so annoying, you couldn't even say a full sentence!" Marbles eyes widened as the creature on top of her continued. "Then you can't approach me like a normal mare, you yell at me! When we get out to the porch you listen quietly, then try to cuddle me, start putting the moves on me then you run away! You barely tell me your name, and then you lure me in for the night! Just so you can trap me here while your family comes home to try and make me take care of their useless little daughter for the rest of my life!" The fire on the nirik had grown to the brightest they'd been since Marble had seen her, but most annoyingly to the nirik Marble looked completely calm now. She had been looking more and more horrified until she simply looked completely calm. "What are you grinning at your foolish mare!? I could rip your throat out!"

Marble shook her head, smiling a bit more now. "No you won't. You are Autumn Blaze. And you won't hurt me." The nirik twitched, growling again as Marble continued. "I trust Autumn Blaze, whatever part of her you are, you don't scare me." Autumn Blaze shook her head, taking a few steps back, growling as she stepped back off the other mare, allowing Marble to stand up, and then sit down calmly watching the Nirik.

The nirik for her part pointed at the earth pony with one of her flaming hooves. "You... You don't know Autumn Blaze! You didn't know about me! You can't know that Autumn Blaze won't hurt you!"

Marble smiled peacefully at Autumn Blaze. "I don't know." The nirik smiled widely, but that only lasted a few moments before Marble continued. "But I have faith that you won't. I trust that my father raised me correctly in trusting the pairing stone. Trust that the pairing stone is right like it always has been. Trust that the kind, thoughtful, and beautiful Autumn Blaze would never hurt me." She sat with such confidence, simply smiling at the nirik.

Autumn Blaze closed her eyes, shaking her head hard. "NO! No no no! No one can just... Trust the world like that! It is a place... That... ARG!" Autumn Blaze let out a low yell, her face twisted into a rictus of anger. "You cannot! The world is cruel!"

Marble shook her head, noticing that the fire around her and on the nirik were dying down. Marble smiled gently as she stood up, walking a little closer to Autumn Blaze before she noticed something else, the fire didn't actually give off any heat. She reached up and hesitantly pushed a hoof against the fire mane of the nirik, it didn't burn her at all. Even as Autumn Blaze growled at Marble, Marble pulled the flaming pony into a close hug. "You can trust me."