• Published 29th Jun 2019
  • 825 Views, 31 Comments

Rise of the Shadow Knight - Light Heart101

When Book Knight finds a comic book about a hero named Batman, Equestria will have a new superhero.

  • ...

A job well done.

I was a little late getting out of bed that morning, and I was admittedly sore. As I started trying to get washed and groomed, I saw that I had a few nasty bruises from the other night. The armor was supposed to keep this from happening, but it was where the ends of the armor plates met my coat. I knew that I'd have to use a different fabric to separate the armor plating from my body to keep these curved black lines on my body from showing up again. I cleaned up and put on a dark blue shirt along with a black jacket to hide my wounds. As I left my room to report to the princesses I realized that is was almost noon.

I was a bit slow heading to the guest dining room, but as I walked past the throne room I heard Luna call out to me. "Book, may you come here?"

I sighed a bit as I walked into the throne room. Celestia and Luna were on their thrones and had a few guards in there. "May you leave us to talk in private?"

The guards nodded as they left the room. I did the customary bow while Luna levitated a cup of coffee to me. "Late night?" She asked with a grin

I silently nodded as Celestia handed me a newspaper with the storefront on the cover. "We did search the suspect's houses after they were found and we found most of the stolen merchandise. In other news, you made headlines. The criminals talked about a dark demon with green fire in his eyes, probably referring to your eye condition."

Fire eye. It's a medical condition I have. It contributed to my nearsightedness, requiring contact lenses that I tend to wear. However, there is an added effect of my pupils looking like they were glowing whenever my heart rate is up. I guess that's something I'd have to deal with.

I shrugged as I took a sip of coffee. "Sorry bout that. Nothing I can do about them."

Celestia gave a soft sigh as she looked at the paper. "You roughed them up quite a bit."

"Did any of them need emergency surgery?" Book asked, curious if he went too far.

"No. A few stitches and a lot of bruising." Luna explained.

"Oh, that sounds like a good night for me," I said, hiding my grin with the coffee cup.

Celestia took out the report from the guards and read through it. "It does seem like your weapon of choice was designed to not kill anypony."

That was what got me concerned. I did not like the idea of having my secret identity revealed. "Um... I didn't leave a shuriken behind... did I?"

"No, but the doctor's report and testimony from the criminals gave us a good idea of what it was. As much as I don't like going to such lengths to capture a gang of criminals..." Celestia stood up and gave me a nod of approval. "You handled the situation well. As much as this is something that I don't like doing, it's something my nation needs. I know that there are darker parts of Equestria that nopony likes to acknowledge, but at least there is a pony who can confront that darkness."

I felt a bit of pride as the princess was complimenting me... well... my work at least. I noticed Luna winking at me, probably glad that her bet paid off.

Celestia kept her professional tone as she looked at me. "I will be sure to keep you on call for any other high-level crimes. I hope you will be able to develop some easier ways of taking them down."

I knew it would be tough to try doing it on my own pay, so I decided to try to make a request while I was still in her good graces. "I don't know if I can afford that. I am making this gear out of my own pocket."

Celestia looked a little embarrassed, but she tried to keep her regality. "I see. I'll be sure that you are reimbursed for the gear you have made and will give you an allowance for gear advancement. As long as you keep to the cade Luna gave to, we should have no problems. Also, I am under the impression that you and Luna should find another means of communication. Try looking at chapter three spell four in that book she gave you. That is all. You are dismissed."

Luna's and my jaws dropped when we both learned that she knew about the spellbook she gave me. All I could do was walk out politely and respectfully.

As I was making my way out of the castle I heard Luna call out to me. "Hold on Book. I wish to talk to you."

I stopped in my tracks, seeing if anypony was listening before turning around to see the princess running towards me. I bowed and took a tip from Celestia and kept my professionalism. "Yes, your highness?"

"I just wanted to let you know that you did an amazing job last night, and I am proud of you," Luna said, looking at me like I won a first-place prize.

I was a little skeptical of her approach, so I called her bluff. "Okay, what did you really want to talk to me about?"

Luna's smile slowly faded away as her face shifted from cheer to concern. "Okay, I'll lay out my concerns. I confronted Twilight about this comic and she explained that this person you are inspired by was... inspired by tragedy... I... I wanted to make sure that..."

I let out a deep sigh, understanding her fears. "No, I'm not cut from the same cloth as he was. I don't want any pony to become like him. I am willing to step into this darkness so nopony else has to do it the hard way."

Luna didn't lose her concern for me as she laid a hoof on my shoulder. "I see, but do me a favor."

"Of course. What do you wish?" I asked, wanting to assure her that she had my complete loyalty.

"Promise me that you won't succumb to the darkness. If you go in too deep you may not find your way out."

This was the most shocking warning I had received. I was helping ponies, protecting them from violent criminals, and wanted me to hold back. It'd be like asking a Wonderbolt to not overuse their wings. I was doing something that was right in my eyes. I wanted to argue with her, but then I remembered where she was coming from. She was once Nightmare Moon, a pony who had to be banished and uncorrupted by Twilight and her friends. I always figured that there was an untold story with what had happened, but I also knew that asking about it would be unwise.

"I... understand your highness. I shall be careful." I said, bowing to her to make sure she trusted me.

"Thank you, Book. I'm glad we have a guardian of Equestria who we can trust." She said, giving me a bright smile as she started walking away.

I don't understand her warning, but I still carry the lessons of my first mission and would remember them for every time I put on my mask. I knew that I was now the line between criminals and innocent ponies. From that night forward I was a legend, a symbol to be feared by the lawless. I would forever be the Shadow Knight.


Oh yeah, Luna called out to me as she walked out. "By the way, I think Light Heart is ready to tell you about his changes." She said with a cryptic wink.

Yeah... all of you who read my little brother's story knows what it meant sooner than I did. I thought I couldn't be surprised by anything. Boy was I wrong.

Author's Note:

And that's Book's story. I do have plans for a sequel down the line, talking about how tragedy started taking a part in Book's career. From before he had the mask to losing friends. There will even be a character who may seem similar, but her origin hilights Book's biggest flaw.

Comments ( 14 )

Since you use “Shadow Knight” as a superhero name rather than anything else. I let this slide.

My OC is also codenamed the Shadow Knight, but it’s used as a military/assassin/god-like being name.

So I’m glad I stopped and think before calling you out for copyright. And I bet this story is good. Sorry for bothering.

Yeah, sorry. I didn't know someone else had that for their name. I'll be sure to be more careful in the future. Thank you for not reporting me.

. I cleaned up and put on a dark blue shirt along with a black jacket to hide my wound

When I read this, I thought it said Wings

I got trick is to google the name before you use it

4# 8:25

Shadow Knight is a pretty common name lol

I've learned that the hard way. At least it's a hero name and not his real name.

10245721 I was curious, that’s all.

To the author - i was going to read 'How to punch a prince and be a hero' but decided to read this one first so i get a better understanding on said universe/arc.

Greetings from the My Little Reviews and Feedback group, have a review!

This explains so much why Book is such an asshole to Twilight (at least that's how I saw it) in the group story we're both doing. And why he's going as Batman.

He tends to be a jerk in general. He learned to be one.

Thought so. So does this story count as canon to the group story (the group story is partly why I found this one)? It's hard to tell.

The other characters have other cannons, but you may consider this cannon and the first sequel, but now How to Punch a Prince and be Hailed a Hero.

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