• Published 11th Aug 2012
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Mega Man: Operation Ponyville - Captain L

Rock is a lab assistant robot pony built by Doctor Light, who takes on the mantle of Mega Stallion.

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Chapter 5: Flashy Suit, Flashy Stage/Timey Wimey Tower

Chapter 5: Flashy Suit, Flashy Stage/Timey Wimey Tower

Mega Stallion looked over the plain that stretched in front of him. Aside from a few trees, everything was dirt. Holes littered the whole ground, each leading deep into an underground cave. Looking down into any hole yielded only darkness. And that’s straight where he was going.

“Doctor Light, I’m ready to head underground. Any specific hole I should be going into?”

“All of them should lead to the same place, so just jump wherever you’d like. The drop will be far, but your titanium body structure means you’ll land without a problem. But reports say that these caves are home to the Diamond Dogs, a gang of vicious jewel-hunting thieves. You’re going to need to neutralize them without killing them.”

“Considering my abilities, Doctor Light, I don’t think that’ll be a problem.” He jumped down the shaft, and after a solid 30 seconds of falling, landed, creating a shockwave that threatened to bring the walls down. Thankfully, they didn’t, and he noticed that the caves were unusually bright. Looking closer, he saw that it was due to the gems embedded in the walls. They illuminated the room, revealing that there were multiple tunnels that he could proceed down.

Mega Stallion sat down to decide which tunnel he should go through. There doesn’t seem to be anything marking one tunnel as better, and they could all go to different places. Hoping for some kind of help or map, he attempted to call Doctor Light, getting no response. I guess my distance underground is blocking the transmitter. I’m on my own, just when I need assistance.

He was indecisive on where to go. All of the tunnels looked the same, and any path could be wrong. Wait…Doctor Light said there were Diamond Dogs in these tunnels. They’d probably know where the one pony down here would be. And since they’re jewel thieves, they’re probably…He spun around, pointing at the tunnel with the most gems, …through here!

Walking through the caves, the constant branching paths never seemed to let up. He was always paying attention to where gems were concentrated, endlessly walking through the maze. Caves went in all directions, with tunnels on all sides, the ground, and even the ceiling. I’m going to go insane if something doesn’t happen soon.

As if on cue, he heard scratching sounds in the distance. It quickly escalated into running and loud barking. That must be the Diamond Dogs. Time to get some directions. He readied himself for a fight, but was interrupted by a Diamond Dog pouncing on him from a tunnel in the ceiling. Momentarily pinned, Mega Stallion watched more guards swarming into the room. By the time he had thrown off the one on him, he was surrounded. Knowing there was no way he could fight them all off without killing, he surrendered himself.

Without tying him up or doing anything to restrain him, the Diamond Dog guards took Mega Stallion as their prisoner. They’re not the smartest. This is going to be too easy. He was taken to three Diamond Dogs that looked completely different than the multitude of guards, which were all tall and muscular. One of the leaders was short, one was tall, and the last was muscular. Must be the leaders. He stood up to question them. “I’ve been told there’s a threat to Equestria being harbored in these tunnels. I request that you hand them over to me, or there’s going to be trouble.”

The leaders laughed. The tall one asked, “Why should we care? We have no relation with those filthy ponies. Let Equestria fall!”

The short one elbowed him in the leg, clearly worried. “Quiet! What if Miss Rarity heard you? Do you want her to start complaining again?” All three of them shuddered.

The muscular one contemplated for a second. “Wait. Blue one, you came here to defeat the pony, right?”

Mega Stallion nodded. “Yes, there’s a group of ponies planning to bring down Equestria, and it’s my duty to stop them.”

All three of the leaders got down on their knees, begging. The tall one spoke. “Then please, stop Miss Rarity! Get her out of our tunnels!”

This is easier than I thought. I’m probably never going to get the cooperative ones again. “Thank you very much. Can you bring me to her?”

They pointed down one of the caves. “Go down there, and keep going straight. Just hurry,” the short one exclaimed.

Mega Stallion nodded and began walking. They really want me to help. I wonder what’s so bad about this ‘Rarity’. It sounds like she’s a dangerous complainer. I’ve got this one cut out for me. As he turned a corner, he was suddenly hit with a bright shine. After his eyes adjusted, he saw that it came from a pony in diamond armor examining other jewels. “You must be Rarity. You’ve really got those Diamond Dogs on your little leash.”

Rarity turned to face the stallion talking to her. “What can I say? They’re very useful at finding these fabulous gems for me.”

“So, you’re the type that cares about looks and fashion? Well, your armor is the least stupid I’ve seen so far, so I’ll give you that.”

Rarity’s eyes half-closed. “Well, you’re not so bad looking yourself. Tell me, why did you come down here in the first place?”

“Believe it or not, I came down here, facing the Diamond Dogs looking for you.” He could tell she was flirting with him, and just felt like stringing her along for a little for fun.

“Really? What, in the middle of an Equestrian crisis like this, made you come to me?”

Mega Stallion began to talk in the most seductive tone he could. “Well, to be honest, I came down here…to defeat you in combat.” While Rarity jumped back in shock, he was already rolling on the ground, laughing so hard he was unable to say anything. Fuming with anger, Rarity took one of her jewels and threw it at his head.

It collided, and he stopped laughing instantly. “Ow!” I deserved that. It was funny, though. Worth it. “Well, formalities are out of the way, so we should get to the actual fight.”

Rarity huffed. “If you’re going to be so rude, then I’ll gladly defeat you! Get ready!” She surrounded herself with a diamond shield, which Mega Stallion found out he couldn’t get through. She ran towards him, and he attempted to jump over her. She jumped as well, and they collided in mid-air. He fell, battered by the diamonds, and jumped back into the air. As he did so, he noticed that if he jumped any distance, she would jump 10 feet in the air. She’s panicking. I can use that to my advantage.

A pattern had started. She would run after him, he would do a little hop, and she would jump well over him. This continued until Mega Stallion got bored. “What’s the matter? You’re never going to win if you don’t attack!”

Rarity got angry, and began throwing her shield at him. Since she only threw the diamonds one at a time, he could easily dodge them. When the gems stopped flying, Rarity was wide open for attack. Before she could pull up another shield, a charged shot hit her.

This constant pattern repeated until Mega Stallion stood victorious. A battered Rarity lay at his hooves, now armorless. He received the Jewel Satellite, and began to walk out of the caverns. He heard Rarity working to stand behind him, and he turned back towards her. “You provided the most civil fight I’ve had so far. Perhaps I’ll take you up on your little offer once my mission is complete.” With that said, he ran out.

He met up with the Diamond Dogs again. “Your little problem has been dealt with. I hope I’ve been of service to you.”

The three leaders went to hug Mega Stallion, until he backed away. “Well, I didn’t know it was such a big deal to you. What was so wrong with her?”

All three of them answered. “She doesn’t stop whining and complaining! Her voice is so grating, and she’s unpleasable!”

Mega Stallion shrugged. “She didn’t seem so bad to me. Quite the proper lady, if I do say so myself. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get going.”

The tall leader called out. “Wait! As thanks for dealing with Miss Rarity, please take this to show our gratitude.” He grabbed a very nice emerald and handed it to Mega Stallion.

“Thank you very much.” He took it and walked away. Pretty nice guys, for thieves. Except I don’t know what to do with this emerald. Well, maybe Roll will like it.

Mega Stallion stood in front of Ponyville Tower, noting that it was about 100 feet from Fluttershy’s cottage. Why didn’t I come here earlier? The tower rang as the giant clock it housed hit 3 pm. “Rock, the next Robot Master is at the top of the clock tower. It’s exactly 3, so you’ve got an hour before the bell rings again. If you’re up there when it does, it’ll blow out your auditory sensors. The only way to the top is to climb through the gears and rotors, so be careful.”

“I will, Doctor Light. At least this one should be short.”

He walked up to the bottom of the tower when he heard something behind him. He turned around ready to fight, only to see that it was Fluttershy. “Hello, Fluttershy. I take it you’ve been doing fine after what happened this morning?”

“I’ve been doing okay. I just have something I need to ask you.”

Is she always this quiet? “Okay, but try to make it short, I’m still in the middle of my mission.”

Fluttershy scraped the ground with her hoof. “That’s what I needed to ask about. You said that you were fighting for Equestria…so why are you fighting my friends?”

So all of them know each other. Just my luck. “I’m sorry that I have to fight them, but they aren’t getting hurt. I promise, I could never hurt a living creature. But I’m fighting them to save Equestria.”

She was taken aback. “But…but…we’re working for Celestia. She told us that…”

Mega Stallion cut her off. “That’s the problem. Celestia’s the evil one. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure I win and we’re all saved.” With that said, he ran into the tower, leaving Fluttershy very confused about the line between wrong and right.

After a particularly perilous climb up through the clock tower, Mega Stallion emerged through a door at the top, right next to the bell. His journey consisted mainly of failing jumps between moving gears and falling back to the bottom. Since when were clock towers such deadly obstacles? I’m never becoming a clock maker.

Standing right next to him was a brown stallion looking at him. Finally, a stallion. I was wondering when this would happen. His armor mainly consisted of clock parts, like arms and bells. “Just for the record, Rarity still had the best armor.”

“I think this is cool. So, you’re the robot that’s come to save Equestria?” He spoke in a Trottingham accent, sounding like he was from much farther up north.

“That’s me. Congratulations, you’re the first one who knows who I am. Can I assume you’ll cooperate, or am I going to have to ‘convince’ you?”

“No, that won’t be necessary. I’m not a fighter, so I’m willing to give you my powers without a battle.”

Mega Stallion was absolutely shocked. “Are…are you serious? No catch?”

“No catch. You just need to know more about what’s happening here. Both sides are fighting for good, united against a common enemy, even if they don’t know it yet. Celestia is wrong, and you’re the one that can save us all. Well, I could too, but it’s best to leave it to you. Just know that you need all the powers and help you can get if you want to win.”

“So, you consider yourself a hero? They come from the strangest places, don’t they?”

“I’ve seen heroism come in many different forms over the years, always from the places you never expect.”

“Tell me about it. So, should I just tell the other four I need to fight that I’m the destined one?”

The clock stallion’s eyes widened. “No! No, don’t do that! It’s best not to tell normal ponies about destiny and fate, it would be too much for them to comprehend. If they’re willing to work with you, then it’s great. If not, then you’ll just have to keep doing what you’re best at.”

“Please don’t say that fighting is what I’m best at. It’s really depressing.” Mega Stallion looked over at his cutie mark, suggesting that his special talent was nothing more than causing destruction.

“I’ve been part of enough wars to know the true tragedies of fighting. But even as a robot, you’ve got more heart and soul than some of the living creatures I’ve seen. Well, I don’t want to keep you, let me just give you my ability and you can be on your way.” He pulled out a small wand-device and pointed it at himself. It activated, and made a humming sound.

What is that thing? And what’s it doing? As Mega Stallion thought it, he felt a new weapon being added to his arsenal.

“The weapon you’ve just received is the Time Slow. It does exactly what you think. Just be careful with it, it’s running on pure Time Vortex energy.”

“Thank you very much for the advice and weapon. You’ve been very helpful. I should probably get going.” Not wanting to go back through the tower, he went to jump off the side. “I should probably start to know the names of who I’m fighting. So who was that purple unicorn, and who are you?”

“The unicorn was Twilight Sparkle. Very smart, but she’s very obsessive. Enough to be annoying sometimes. Like that time she claimed to have met her future self, she tried to fix all of Equestria to avoid a disaster. Didn’t even realize the fundamental properties of time travel…”

Mega Stallion held up a hoof. “I don’t exactly have the time for full life stories. Just tell me your name and I’ll be on my way.”

“I’m the Doctor.”

“The Doctor, right.” Confused, he jumped out of the tower and walked off. The Doctor? Doctor Who?