• Published 10th Jun 2019
  • 909 Views, 6 Comments

The Best Protection - fore shadow

Luna and Celestia debrief after the “Sibling-supreme” security debacle. Their discussion of the internal threat to security reveals a lot more than anticipated. (Twilight, Cadence, Shining Mentioned)

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Chapter 1

Author's Note:

This is a one shot follow on to Season 9, Episode 4, "Twilight's Seven".

After watching the episode, I was curious about Luna's hurt and huffy reaction to Celestia choosing Shining Armor to reinforce the castle's protections. Luna, with her background, could arguably have been a better choice; which made me question Celestia's motivation in deciding not to rely on her little sister.

Plus, I would love to have seen the conversation between the two of them after everyone went home. Hence this story.

“Thou desired mine presence, sister.” The princess of the night entered her elder sister’s chambers with her head held high enough that she could gaze down her muzzle at the seated alicorn.

“Really Luna?” Celestia shot her younger sister a look that conveyed the ridiculousness of Luna’s demeanor.

“Didst thou or didn’st…” Before the deep blue alicorn could continue, her alabaster sister held up a foreleg.

“Please forego the old Equestrian, Luna. You’ve made your point well enough already.”

Ignoring her older sister’s request, the younger countered. “Then why did thou summon…”

“You were not summoned Luna. I asked you to come speak with me.” Shaking her head, Celestia turned back toward the paperwork on her desk to hide the additional eye roll. “I even brought you a cake.” She grumbled under her breath.

“Thy puffed-up pastries shall not win over our favor dear sister.” Luna trotted over to the desk and deposited an empty plate in front of Celestia.

The white alicorn’s eye twitched.

“No matter how decadent.” Luna couldn’t help but rub it in just a touch.

With a labored breath, the older alicorn managed to respond calmly. “I see you ate all of it.”

“Well it was meant as a peace offering, was it not?” The cerulean mare waved a hoof dismissively.

“Actually, I had thought we would enjoy it together,” Celestia shot her sister a half pained half annoyed look, “while discussing the … internal breach.”

“You should have said as much.” Luna voiced indifferently. The cake had been good, quite tasty in fact, but truth be told, denying her sister her favorite confectionery was even better. The sibling of the night was still a bit put out by Celestia’s lack of confidence in her.

Sighing, both at her sister’s attitude and the lack of cake, Celestia flared her magic sending the empty plate to the kitchen, unknowingly surprising a daydreaming dish washer. The poor colt in his shock flared his horn, unintentionally sending a shockwave of magic into a ceiling fixture suspended above his head. The energetic surge caused the electricity in the entire castle to sputter out momentarily.

The flickering lights above caught the attention of the two quarreling siblings. They stopped in anticipation, muscles tensed, ready to run should the need arise. When the lights once again renewed their steady strobe, and no sounds of an altercation met their sensitive ears, they relaxed visibly.

Running a hoof down her muzzle, Celestia began again. “Luna.”


“I understand that you were…,” Taking in the stern look still upon the younger’s face, the elder sister rephrased, “are upset with me.” She offered, attempting to be gentle.

“What ever gave you that idea?” Sarcasm dripped off Luna’s statement.

Frustrated beyond her patience, Celestia quipped back. “Oh, I don’t know, perhaps the fact that you plotted with Spike to undermine the security measures of Twilight’s brother, Shining Armor?”

“Did you or did you not wish to gauge the effectiveness of his methods of protection?” The blue alicorn retorted in kind.

“Well, yes, but that wasn’t…” Celestia began only to be interrupted.

“Then my intervention was warranted.”

“But Luna, the point was…”

Ignoring her sister, Luna continued unabated. “Setting aside the ridiculous security measures this impudent youth implemented…” Mumbling under her breath, “Giant fans, I ask you.”

“They were unconventional yes…” Celestia tried to counter.

Luna plowed on undeterred, “But his complete oversight of the potential for an internal informant is reprehensible at best.”

“Reprehensible, really?” Celestia scoffed. “You were the informant.”

“A detail he should never have overlooked.” Luna slammed her hoof on the table. “It was not that long ago, after all, that I… succumbed to forces far too powerful…” The princess of the night struggled to find the right words.

Celestia’s tone softened. “Luna, you are not the Nightmare anymore.”

“No,” Luna shook her head, “I am not the Nightmare, not anymore, but to deny the possibility that one within the castle could not go… rogue, is to open up the potential for one to harm you sister. That is something that I cannot, I will not accept.”

“Oh, Luna,” Celestia drew her younger sister into a hug. “I was never in danger…”

“But under the incompetence of this juvenile, you could have been.” The blue mare hugged her white sister fiercely. Just the thought of something happening to Celestia, shook the younger to the core.

Hugging her dark sibling back just as fiercely, the elder cooed into her ear that everything was alright.

The sisters remained in their embrace for several minutes before Celestia broke away. Leaning back, she searched Luna’s face for some hint as to her sister’s strange behavior. Not finding an answer, she voiced her concern. “Why does it bother you so much that I asked Shining Armor to do this sister? It’s apparent you have naught but ill feelings toward him. Has he done something to earn this opinion?”

“Other than leaving you exposed and installing irate featherless chickens in our throne room?” Puffing herself up with indignation, Luna’s face betrayed her displeasure at the entire experience. “Celestia there is still guano decorating our royal seats.”

Celestia shot her a look of vexation, not deigning to respond with an answer.

Sighing, Luna softened. “I… It’s just… There is nothing specifically, prior to these shenanigans, that this guard of yours has done to warrant my ire. I simply feel that my sister should be protected by the very best; by a pony with real life experience and battle knowledge. One who knows your needs and your habits better than anyone else. Not one that would install giant fans and recruit imbeciles.”

“You mean you.” Celestia softly pressed.

“Obviously,” Luna shook her head in frustration, “Who better to protect you than I? For the better part of our lives, I have done so. Ensuring your safety was always my priority, save when I was exiled on the moon or the time shortly beforehand.” The navy mare closed her eyes briefly against the memory.

Celestia rested a hoof gently on her sister’s shoulder. Opening her eyes, the younger took a deep steadying breath before continuing.

“Not only is my experience eons longer than this whelp’s, but I am your sister. There is no one better prepared or more qualified to protect you than I.” She expected her sister to counter the argument with the same level of feeling, so was surprised when Celestia simply muttered.


“Ah? Is that really all thou shall say on the matter?” Her brows furrowed in frustration at the simplistic response to her impassioned explanation.

“No, Luna, it’s simply an expression. It means that I’ve understood something that before was not as clear.” The alabaster face turned gently in contemplation as the realization clarified in her mind.

The younger alicorn waited a bit impatiently for her sister to explain. Luckily, she didn’t have to wait long.

“When you pushed me to allow you to handle the security measures before,” Celestia spoke slowly as she thought through her wording, “I did not realize that you wanted to do so because you thought it was my safety at risk.”

Luna’s eyebrows raised at this. “Of course, it’s your safety at risk. Whose else would it be?”

“Twilight’s.” the princess of the sun replied softly.

“Twilight’s?” Now Luna was utterly perplexed.

“Yes, it is Twilight’s safety that I am concerned about.” Raising a hoof to counter Luna’s protests before they could begin, she continued explaining.

“After we announced our retirement, albeit prematurely, Twilight took over.” Shuddering at her own failing in this matter, Celestia continued. “And King Sombra was able to simply walk into our castle and take over the thrones. There were no defenses here, no protections.”

Luna watched her sister’s face closely. She could see fear and regret painted on the elder’s features as Celestia continued to explain herself.

“It… bothered me immensely. If the castle’s protections were so easily breached, what is stopping it from happening again?” Celestia paused in obvious distress.

“Sombra has been vanquished sister.” Luna replied softly, expecting fully the response she received.

“There are far worse things than King Sombra, Luna,” Their eyes caught in a gaze of shared fear. “You and I both know that.”

Luna nodded solemnly. “By Celestia’s light may they never show their faces upon Equestria.”

Celestia couldn’t help a small smile upon Luna’s choice of words. They were never chosen lightly. Nodding in agreement, she nuzzled her younger sister.

“You are worried for your student’s safety?” Luna prodded, noticing the slight wince on her sister’s face when she referred to Twilight as ‘student.’ Interesting. She would save that information for later when Celestia was not so upset.

“It made me worry, yes. What could happen to Twilight if… if the protections were not improved. What if she were asleep, or protecting her friends, or somehow caught unawares?” Shaking her head at the horrible images in her mind, Celestia looked at her sister, imploring her to understand. “I couldn’t bear the thought…” Celestia’s voice catching at the end, she wiped at her eyes. Taking a few steadying breaths, she continued. “I thought about it and realized that I wanted, I needed, to ensure that the best security measures were in place for Twilight’s protection.”

“So, you asked Shining Armor.” Luna began to understand.


“Twilight’s brother.” The younger further clarified suddenly seeing her sister’s reasoning clearly.

“Yes.” Celestia caught Luna’s look. “Because who better to protect her than her own…”


Nodding, the princess of the sun smiled at her younger sister. “Just as I have always depended on my sister for protection, I wanted Twilight to rely on her brother.”

“So, we are not far off in our thinking.” Luna smirked.

“Luna, I have always thought of you first for my own protection. I am sorry if I ever made that unclear. In this case, however, I thought it best to rely on the protective powers of the siblings in question. I should have explained myself better.”

“I should have listened more intently.” Luna nuzzled her sister briefly.

“Even as old as we are, we are still learning.” Celestia laughed.

“Old? Thou are old.” Luna teased, “You have at least one thousand years on me.”

Laughing briefly, Celestia turned serious. “Do you forgive me?”

“All is forgiven.”

“I forgive you too.”

“I hadn’t asked actually.” Luna smirked.

“You would have,” Celestia smirked back, “eventually.”

Turning to leave, Luna paused at the door. “I’m curious about something, sister.”

“Yes?” Celestia tilted her head in anticipation.

Luna blinked and thought of how to phrase the inquiry. Settling on her words, she queried. “If the goal was the future protection of Twilight Sparkle, why was she not informed of your intent? Nor her brother? Why instead did you allow their … sibling rivalry to run amok?”

“Hmmmm…” Celestia hummed as she pondered her response. “There are a few questions in that inquiry.”

“I have time.” Luna replied, partially reentering the room.

Looking at her hooves, with perhaps a small amount of guilt, Celestia tackled the first issue as to why she did not tell Twilight of her intentions. “I did not share my intentions with Twilight, for a few reasons. She was so … overwhelmed when we left, and I did not want to add to her anxiety with thoughts that she had done something wrong during her temporary reign. She is already so hard on herself.”

Luna nodded at the sageness of this reticence. The young princess did tend to be a bit high strung about these sorts of things. Potential tarnishing of Celestia’s opinion of her, would bring out the worst in Twilight’s anxiety. “That makes sense.”

“I also did not want her to be more afraid of taking on the position. Though she has defeated many adversaries, reminding her of the potential for more seems unfair.”

“Well, she does need to be aware…”

“Yes, when she takes the role on again, that will be something we will teach her, in time.” Celestia interrupted already gauging where her battle planned sister’s mind was heading. “Which will require her to establish her own security force. Made of ponies she trusts. She will need to learn how to choose the right leaders to head such a force.”

“Ah, this is where her brother comes in.” Luna deduced.

Celestia nodded. “Exactly. I figured by connecting them in this… game as it were, they would get to evaluate each other’s tactics.”

“And the game aspect kept it about their rivalry and not about the scary potential of real danger to one’s sibling.” Luna continued to elucidate her sister’s motives.

“Yes,” Celestia nodded again, “At some point in the future, they will likely have to seek each other’s aid during an altercation where one or both could be hurt.”

“Or worse.”

“Or worse,” Celestia shivered at the thought, “That is a possibility. Not one I care to dwell on. I didn’t tell Shining Armor it was about his sister’s protection for that reason. By making it about me, he could continue to approach his duties to the best of his ability without the added concern of harm coming to his baby sister.” Celestia nuzzled her own baby sister. “That fear is an additional hurdle that can cloud one’s thinking. I should know.”

“The love of a sister can impact one’s judgment.” Luna agreed nuzzling the white alicorn gently.

Smiling, Celestia continued. “By having him develop safety measures in this way, where Twilight’s safety was not an extenuating factor, I hoped that he could rely on this experience in the future. It could be a reference for him at a time when his sister’s safety might truly be in peril.”

“Your level of insight into their behaviors is quite …” Luna paused trying to find the right word.

“Impressive?” Celestia offered with a small smile.

“I was going to say unnerving.” Luna smirked.

“Well, I do have a thousand-year lead on dealing with the motivations of ponies.”

“Mmmm” Luna responded non-comittally.

Celestia’s eyes narrowed at the look on her sister’s face. “What?” she asked

“Well…,” Luna stalled, wondering how far she should push her sister, “you created a… ‘game’ based on sibling rivalry. Your intent was to show Twilight and her brother, by both example and experience, what each can bring to the table in terms of partnering over security. Now Twilight knows that she can work with her brother for her own protection and Shining Armor knows to rely on his sister’s, and her friends’, insights in establishing the most thorough defenses. All this to set them up for future success.”

Celestia heard the ‘but’ in her sister’s voice and saw the strain in her expression. She wanted to deny something, knowing that Luna was setting her up, laying the groundwork for a declaration that Celestia probably wouldn’t like, but she couldn’t find a single thing to disagree with, so grudgingly she nodded.

“And you did this all without telling either of your true intentions.” Luna finished, watching her sister intently.

“I’ve already explained my motivation.” They both knew it wasn’t exactly an answer.

Studying each other’s face, Luna’s head tilted slightly to the side and her eyebrows rose with dawning realization.


“Ah? Is that really your answer?” Celestia frowned in response, on edge with anticipation as to what Luna would challenge her with.

“No, Celestia, it’s simply an expression. It means that I’ve understood something that before was not as clear.” The cerulean face smirked at her now huffy sister.

“Very clever.”

“I certainly thought so.” Turning, as if to leave, Luna stopped at the sound of her name spoken with authority, question, and more than a hint of frustration.


“Sister?” She responded innocently.

Sighing, Celestia shot her sister a look that left the other in no doubt that she expected a real response.

Tilting her head to the side, Luna gazed softly at the white alicorn. “You just stated that you explained your motivation in not revealing your true intentions to those directly impacted by your … intervention. But I wonder sister, if you are even aware of your own motivation and intention.”

“Are you suggesting that I don’t know my own mind Luna? Of what could I possibly be intending or motivated by that I have not disclosed?” Celestia turned the question on her sister, as she was oft to do in situations where she felt like she was purposely being backed into a corner.

“Turning the question on me sister? You do know I mean you no harm in this,” Luna paused to let the effect of her words permeate her sibling’s barriers, “or in anything else for that matter.”

Properly chastised, Celestia hung her head. “I-I am sorry Luna. It … has been so long since, I mean I have not had an opportunity to, er, rather, I just …,” Celestia sighed, “I know that you mean me no ill will sister. I guess old habits are hard to break.”

Smiling, Luna nodded her agreement. “I have only your best interest at heart my sister.”

“So, your intent in asking me about my own motivation…?” The elder alicorn trailed off in question.

“Based on all you have stated, and of course my knowledge of you, I believe it would behoove you to examine your own personal interests in this matter.” Luna pulled the pin.

Turning her head and raising it in surprise, “Personal?”

“Mmmm,” Luna murmured, “I think it might surprise you what you discover.” With that cryptic comment, she turned and strode for the door. Casting a last look over her shoulder, she tossed the metaphorical grenade, before turning down the hall and teleporting out of sight. “Particularly why the safety of your most beloved student should weigh so heavily upon your mind and send you to such elaborate lengths of subterfuge to ensure she will continue to remain so thoroughly protected.”

“What in Equestria are you driving at? Luna? LUNA?!” Stepping through the door she glanced both ways down the now empty corridor. Groaning at her fleeing sibling, she bit her lip and turned back into her chambers to stew.

Stomping her feet, she harrumphed a few times, emphasizing each with a glance over her shoulder toward the doorway her sister had recently vacated. Leave it to Luna to just drop an obscure implication like that and then vanish to prevent further discussion.

Collapsing into a chair, she tapped her hoof agitatedly on the side of her muzzle. “What was she implying about the concern I have for my faithful student?” She muttered to herself. “Of course, Twilight’s safety would bother me,” she argued out loud as if her sister was still in the room. “I’ve known her since she was a little filly, watched her grow into an amazing mare, then ascend into an alicorn.” Celestia gnawed on her lower lip. “It makes sense that I would have a heightened concern for her.”

‘Yet, has she not already proven herself? Saving Equestria countless times? Releasing me from the Night-mare?’ The Luna in Celestia’s mind countered.

“Well, yes, she has repeatedly proven herself more than capable,” Celestia responded brow furrowed, “But even you and I have required additional… assistance. And are we not protected by our guards?”

‘I always thought that our guards were more for the benefit of the populace. To assuage their worry for their leaders. We have always been more than capable of protecting ourselves, have we not sister?’

“Yes, but did we not just discuss how you protect me?” Celestia swelled with the pride of countering the argument, momentarily forgetting that it was all in her head and there was no Luna to actually gloat over.

‘We protect each other, that is true.’ The Luna in her mind acknowledged. ‘But it has always been so, save for the years I was on the moon, and you managed to survive that time, did you not?”

“Well yes, but…”

‘But what sister? Did your over-protectiveness stem from my banishment? Is this some new level of involvement with your students that I have missed in my absence?’

The Luna in her mind raised questions she had not considered before, or perhaps had avoided asking herself.

“My other students….?” Celestia trailed off in thought. “None before Twilight have warranted such protectiveness on my part.” Her stomach tightened as she acknowledged the fact. There was something just outside of her perception that frightened her in this line of questioning. Seeking a reprieve, she deferred the line of thought. ‘But, then again, none have ascended before. Well, save Cadence…”

‘Our niece?’

“Yes, our niece.”

‘The one you sent off on her own to rule over the Crystal Kingdom?’

“No, not alone. Shining Armor went with her.”

‘And did you create some subterfuge to ensure he would protect our niece, his paramour, in the same way you set up this charade between Twilight and her brother?’

Celestia hesitated, for far longer than she should in an internal argument, before replying softly, “No.”

‘Does that not strike you as odd?’

Again, a long pause, “Well, it hadn’t before you began this line of questioning.”

‘You do realize that you are continuing the questioning yourself?’

Groaning, the alabaster alicorn stretched her neck to release some of the tension that she became aware she was holding. It was just like her younger sister to drop this bomb on her and leave her stewing in her own thoughts. “Well, I wouldn’t be asking myself these things if you hadn’t inserted some seed of doubt as to my intentions with my faithful student…”

Trailing off, Celestia sat up, “Wait.” Her eyes focused intently on nothing at all except the thought she was now pursuing. “Luna didn’t call Twilight that… I call her my faithful student. No, Luna called her something else…”


That was the word. Luna called Twilight my ‘beloved’ student.

Why had she used that particular word? Luna always took such care with her speech. That was why she kept slipping into old ponish; she understood the nuances much better in that ancient language.

Choosing to use ‘beloved’ was deliberate. But there were many meanings to that descriptor.

Had she meant beloved as with a sister? Thinking of Luna, then Twilight, she shook her head in the negative. No. The feelings she felt for both mares were strong, but vastly different.

Perhaps beloved as with family? Her thoughts went to Cadence. Again, the feelings were different. Plus, Celestia couldn’t help but chastise herself, she hadn’t acted as concerned with her niece’s protection when she sent her off to rule her own kingdom.

Not as a daughter, surely? Twilight was not a filly anymore, and she had her own parents. There was a time when the youngster looked up to her in a similar fashion to the love for a parent, but that time had long passed. If anything, they were more equals now. Perhaps even more so than Twilight realized.

“And one day she will surpass me, I have no doubt.” The pride was evident in her tone as she thought out loud. Her heart swelled at the idea. “Twilight will have a far deeper understanding of magic.”

From the time she had met her, Celestia knew Twilight was destined to ascend. There was something in that little filly’s passion for all things magic that meant she would never stop continuing to grow. Celestia’s only fear was that she would isolate herself, similar to Star swirl, and miss out on the joys of connection. Sending her to Ponyville had been one of the hardest decisions she ever made, but it had been for the right reasons. Twilight needed to learn…

Student! Her mind grasped onto the term desperately. That must be it. Luna had said that as well, had she not? Beloved student.

Yet, as she examined her feelings with the word, the giant knot in her stomach tightened, informing her that she was trying to fool herself. Twilight was no longer her student. She had not been for a very long time. Nor did Celestia think of her that way. Her reference to her in that manner had stemmed more out of habit and…

Swallowing hard at the realization, Celestia whispered, “denial.”

A rush of emotions, thoughts, and memories rushed through her head making her momentarily dizzy.

She’d been using the term ‘beloved student’ to protect herself from thoughts of her true feelings for the purple alicorn. Feelings that frightened her in both their strength and their meaning.

Feelings she would now need to take time to evaluate, dissect, and digest.

The prospect was overwhelming. Shaking her head, she stood up. Her bed was calling. These thoughts would have to wait for tomorrow.

Unless, her sister decided to invade her dreams. Celestia shuddered at the thought. Exhaustion left her unprepared for another verbal assault, especially with the real Luna. The imaginary one had been more than enough, thank you.

‘I meant you no harm.’ Luna’s earlier remark sounded out in her mind.

No, Luna hadn’t meant any harm, Celestia reminded herself. She pushed me because she cares.

‘She wants me to understand my true feelings for Twilight.’ Celestia realized. Which meant that her sister had already figured out how Celestia felt about her faithful student… no, not faithful…

“My beloved Twilight.”

Comments ( 6 )

Honestly, I'd kinda be interested if Twilight ascends to the throne, but then Celestia tries to court her.

Me too. She certainly would be one of few ponies who would understand the job requirements.

Paramour? Aren't Armor & Cadence married... like legally married?

Good catch. You are correct that was an inaccurate word choice.

I'm a little surprised there aren't any firearms in this story.

That would be a whole new spin

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